![KOLLAM DISTRICT Sim√W Dh\Yq Unhn-Jw¬ Hm^Ok-Dpss \S-]-Sn-{Iaw](https://data.docslib.org/img/3a60ab92a6e30910dab9bd827208bcff-1.webp)
Kerala Gazette No. 21 dated 26th May 2015. PART III COMMISSIONERATE OF LAND REVENUE LAND FAIR VALUE NOTIFICATION KOLLAM DISTRICT sIm√w dh\yq Unhn-j-W¬ Hm^o-k-dpsS \S-]-Sn-{Iaw (lm-P¿ : kn. kPohv) (1) \º¿ F^v-˛7714/2015. 2015 G{]n¬ 27. hnjbw:— `qan-bpsS \ymb-hn-e \n¿Æbw—-\ymb-hne cPn-Ã-dn¬ Dƒs∏-Sm-sX-t]mb `qanIqSn Dƒs∏-SpØn hne \n¿Æ-bn®v DØ-c-hm-Ip-∂p. kqN\:— (1) tIcf ap{Z-]{X \nbaw 1959 sk£≥ 28A (\ym-b-hne \n¿Æ-bw) N´w 3 (7), N´w (4). (2) {io. tPmkv^n≥ ka¿∏n® At]-£. (3) sIm√w Xl-io¬Zm-cpsS 6˛4˛2015-˛se B5-6913/2015˛mw \º¿ dnt∏m¿´v. 2010 am¿®v amkw 6˛mw XobXnbnse Akm[mcW Kk‰v hn⁄m]\{]Imcw \nehn¬h∂ \ymbhne cPnÃdn¬ Dƒs∏SmsX t]mb Xmsg∏dbp∂ k¿sΔ \ºcn¬s∏´ hkvXphn\v kqN\ dnt∏m¿´ns‚ ASnÿm\Øn¬ tIcf Ãmºv BIvSv sk£≥ 28A {]Imcw \ymbhne \n¿Æbn®v CXn\m¬ DØchmIp∂p. Fair Value Sl. Block Re-survey/ Sub Division Local Body Taluk Village Classification per Are No. No. Sy. No. ` 1 248 66 .. Kollam Kollam Kollam West Residential plot 1,20,000 Corporation without road access (2) \º¿ F^v-˛8113/2015. 2015 G{]n¬ 27. hnjbw:—-\ymb-hne cPn-Ã-dn¬ Dƒs∏-Sm-sX-t]mb `qanIqSn Dƒs∏-SpØp-∂Xv DØ-c-hm-Ip-∂p. kqN\:— (1) tIcf ap{Z-]{X \nbaw 1959 sk£≥ 28A (\ym-b-hne \n¿Æ-bw) N´w 3 (7), N´w (4). (2) {ioaXn ^mØna _ohn ka¿∏n® At]-£. (3) Ip∂-Øq¿ Xl-io¬Zm-cpsS 13˛4˛2015-˛se B4-2968/2015˛mw \º¿ dnt∏m¿´v. 2010 am¿®v amkw 6˛mw XobXnbnse Akm[mcW Kk‰v hn⁄m]\{]Imcw \nehn¬h∂ \ymbhne cPnÃdn¬ Dƒs∏SmsX t]mb Xmsg∏dbp∂ k¿sΔ \ºcn¬s∏´ hkvXphn\v kqN\ dnt∏m¿´ns‚ ASnÿm\Øn¬ tIcf Ãmºv BIvSv sk£≥ 28A {]Imcw \ymbhne \n¿Æbn®v CXn\m¬ DØchmIp∂p. Fair Value Sl. Block Re-survey/ Sub Division Local Body Taluk Village Classification per Are No. No. Sy. No. ` 16 42 1 t]mcp-hgn Ip∂-Øq¿ t]mcp-hgn Residential plot 17,000 {Kma-]-©m-bØv without road access (3) \º¿ F^v-˛8374/2015. 2015 tabv 4. hnjbw:—-\ymb-hne cPn-Ã-dn¬ Dƒs∏-Sm-sX-t]mb `qanIqSn Dƒs∏-SpØp-∂Xv DØ-c-hm-Ip-∂p. kqN\:— (1) tIcf ap{Z-]{X \nbaw 1959 sk£≥ 28A (\ym-b-hne \n¿Æ-bw) N´w 3 (7), N´w (4). (2) {io. _n\p Ipam¿ ka¿∏n® At]-£. (3) sIm´m-c-°c Xl-ko¬Zm-cpsS 28˛4˛2015-˛se _n5-7610/15˛mw \º¿ dnt∏m¿´v. 251 2 2010 am¿®v amkw 6˛mw XobXnbnse Akm[mcW Kk‰v hn⁄m]\{]Imcw \nehn¬h∂ \ymbhne cPnÃdn¬ Dƒs∏SmsX t]mb Xmsg∏dbp∂ k¿sΔ \ºcn¬s∏´ hkvXphn\v kqN\ dnt∏m¿´ns‚ ASnÿm\Øn¬ tIcf Ãmºv BIvSv sk£≥ 28A {]Imcw \ymbhne \n¿Æbn®v CXn\m¬ DØchmIp∂p. Fair Value Sl. Block Re-survey/ Sub Division Local Body Taluk Village Classification per Are No. No. Sy. No. ` 1 28 124/1 3 BZn-®-\-√q¿ sIm√w BZn-®-\-√q¿ Residential plot 5,00,000 {Kma-]-©m-bØv without vehicular access (H-∏v) dh\yq Unhn-j-W¬ Hm-^o-kv, sIm√w. dh\yq Unhn-j-W¬ Hm^o-k¿. ERNAKULAM DISTRICT NOTIFICATIONS Whereas, it is expedient to publish the fair value of the land as required under Section 28A of the Kerala Stamp Act, 1950, read with Rule 4 of the Kerala Stamp (Fixation of Value of Land) Rules, 1995. Now, therefore, it is hereby made known to the public that the fair value fixed for the land mentioned against each serial numbers in respect of the land situated in the Survey/Re-survey Numbers of the Village and Taluk mentioned against each shall be as shown against it in Column (1) thereof. (1) No. N-10365/14/K.Dis. 23rd February 2015. SCHEDULE District—Ernakulam. Taluk—Kanayannur. Village—Kakkanad. Name & Sub- Re- Re- Municipality/ Name and Fair Value S. Survey Re- Number of Classification Division Survey Survey Panchayath/ No. of per Are No. No. Survey Ward/ by use No. Block No. Corporation Ward ` Local Body .. .. 8 625 6 Municipality Thrikkakara .. Residential plot 7,00,000 with NH/PWD road access (2) No. N-2505/15(3399). 4th May 2015. SCHEDULE District—Ernakulam. Taluk—Kanayannur. Village—Edakkattuvayal. Name & Sub- Re- Re- Municipality/ Name and Fair Value S. Survey Re- Number of Classification Division Survey Survey Panchayath/ No. of per Are No. No. Survey Ward/ by use No. Block No. Corporation Ward ` Local Body 3682 .. .. 25 253 6 Panchayath Edakkattu- Parpacode Residential plot 1,00,000 (A) vayal 10 with Panchayath road access Revenue Divisional Office, (Sd.) Fort Kochi. Sub Collector. 252 3 NOTIFICATIONS Whereas, it is expedient to publish the fair value of the land as required under Section 28A of the Kerala Stamp Act, 1959, read with Rule 4 of the Kerala Stamp (Fixation of Value of Land) Rules, 1995; Now, therefore, it is hereby made known to the public that the fair value fixed for the land mentioned against each serial numbers in respect of the land situated in the Survey/Re-survey Numbers of the Village and Taluk mentioned against each shall be as shown against it in Column (11) thereof. (1) No. N-8783/2014(3145)/K.Dis. 19th March 2015. SCHEDULE District—Ernakulam. Taluk—Kanayannur. Village—Thrikkakara North. Re- Re-Sy. Name & Sub- Re- Municipality/ Name and Fair Value S. Survey Survey Sub- Number of Classification Division Survey Panchayath/ No. of per Are No. No. Block Division Ward/ by virtue No. No. Corporation Ward ` No. No. Local Body 7306 .. .. 6 341 3 M Kalamassery Vadacode Residential plot 3,50,000 (A) with Corp./ Mun./Pan. road access (2) No. N-7353/2014(2873). 9th January 2015. SCHEDULE District—Ernakulam. Taluk—Kochi. Village—Puthuvype. Re- Re-Sy. Name & Sub- Re- Municipality/ Name and Fair Value S. Survey Survey Sub- Number of Classification Division Survey Panchayath/ No. of per Are No. No. Block Division Ward/ by virtue No. No. Corporation Ward ` No. No. Local Body 1717 .. 10 313 20 P Elamkunna- .. Residential plot 3,00,000 puzha with Panchayath road access (3) No. N-10072/2014. 20th January 2015. SCHEDULE District—Ernakulam. Taluk—Kanayannur. Village—Vazhakkala. Re- Re-Sy. Name & Sub- Re- Municipality/ Name and Fair Value S. Survey Survey Sub- Number of Classification Division Survey Panchayath/ No. of per Are No. No. Block Division Ward/ by use No. No. Corporation Ward ` No. No. Local Body 8136 66 4 8 344 2 M Thrikkakara .. Residential plot 8,19,000 with Private road access 253 4 (4) No. N-9446/2015. 20th April 2015. SCHEDULE District—Ernakulam. Taluk—Kochi. Village—Puthuvype. Re- Re-Sy. Name & Sub- Re- Municipality/ Name and Fair Value S. Survey Survey Sub- Number of Classification Division Survey Panchayath/ No. of per Are No. No. Block Division Ward/ by virtue Remarks No. No. Corporation Ward ` No. No. Local Body 1184 .. .. 10 163 2 P Elamkunna- Kurisingal Residential 3,00,000 13.60 Ares (A) puzha Grama Church plot with only Panchayath Corp./Mun./ Pan. road access (5) No. N-3182/2015(3345). 25th April 2015. SCHEDULE District—Ernakulam. Taluk—Kanayannur. Village—Vazhakkala. Re- Re-Sy. Name & Sub- Re- Municipality/ Name and Fair Value S. Survey Survey Sub- Number of Classification Division Survey Panchayath/ No. of per Are No. No. Block Division Ward/ by virtue No. No. Corporation Ward ` No. No. Local Body 8611 .. .. 8 360 7 M Thrikkakara Karimakkadu Residential plot 8,19,000 (A) Municipality 3 with private road access (6) No. N-2957/2015(3350). 27th April 2015. SCHEDULE District—Ernakulam. Taluk—Kanayannur. Village—Manakunnam. Re- Re-Sy. Name & Sub- Re- Municipality/ Name and Fair Value S. Survey Survey Sub- Number of Classification Division Survey Panchayath/ No. of per Are No. No. Block Division Ward/ by virtue No. No. Corporation Ward ` No. No. Local Body 5935 .. .. 19 28 17 P Udayam- Udayam- Residential plot 2,50,000 (A) Peroor peroor with private 2 road access (7) No. N-9274/2014(3154). 25th April 2015. SCHEDULE District—Ernakulam. Taluk—Kanayannur. Village—Kakkanadu. Re- Re-Sy. Name & Sub- Re- Municipality/ Name and Fair Value S. Survey Survey Sub- Number of Classification Division Survey Panchayath/ No. of per Are No. No. Block Division Ward/ by virtue No. No. Corporation Ward ` No. No. Local Body 9911 .. .. 7 95 19 M Thrikkakara Navodaya- Residential plot 4,20,000 (A) 5 with private road access 254 5 (8) No. N-2472/2015(3302). 4th May 2015. SCHEDULE District—Ernakulam. Taluk—Kanayannur. Village—Poonithura. Re- Re-Sy. Name & Sub- Re- Municipality/ Name and Fair Value S. Survey Survey Sub- Number of Classification Division Survey Panchayath/ No. of per Are No. No. Block Division Ward/ by virtue No. No. Corporation Ward ` No. No. Local Body 1055 1096 1 .. .. .. C Kochi 29 Commercially 9,00,000 Corporation Important plot 1055 1096 1 .. .. .. C Kochi 29 Residential plot 9,00,000 (A) Corporation with NH/PWD road access 1055 1096 1 .. .. .. C Kochi 29 Residential plot 6,75,000 (B) Corporation with Corp./ Mun./Pan./ road access 1055 1096 1 .. .. .. C Kochi 29 Residential plot 5,40,000 (C) Corporation with private road access 1055 1096 1 .. .. .. C Kochi 29 Residential plot 4,05,000 (D) Corporation without vehicular access (9) No. N-959/2015(3317). 9th April 2015. SCHEDULE District—Ernakulam. Taluk—Kanayannur. Village—Vazhakkala.
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