THE TOREADOR Volume XXIV Texas Technological College, Lubbock, Saturday, April 29, 1950 Number 55 Gonzalez Slated To Visit Tech * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * By SUE HOLMES Toreador Staff Writer Chile's President Gabriel Allen, Gates Promoted; Holden Resigns; Gonzalez Videla will be hon- ored at an all-student convo- cation at 11:15 a.m. Monday in the west side of Jones sta- dium, Ed Smith, assistant to Building Plans Approved At Board Meeting the president, announced. Rep- resentative George W. Mahon Appointments by the Board * * * * * * * * * * is to be principal speaker. of Directors have made James) President Videla will be present- G. Allen, dean of men, the first r , Plans Announced ed acowboy hat and boots at the dear. of student life at Texas convocation, Victor LeMay o f Tech, and placed Dr. W. B. George P. Livermore, Inc., said. Gates. professor of English, as For Parents' Day Livermore, prominent Lubbock oilman, will conduct a caravan to dean of the graduate division. points near Lubbock to that the The board accepted Dr. W. To Be Held May 7 Chilean president may inspect ag- C. Holden's resignation as dean ricultural and industrial projects. of the graduate division prececl_ Plans for Parents' day which is The caravan, escorted by state ing Gates' appointment, which May 7 have been announced by patrolmen, will visit the new Stan- Gale Rogers, council member and olind refinery at Levenand Sunday will become effective Sept. 1 chairman of the event. for a tour of inspection LeMay ; Ed Smith, assistant to the pres- Tentative schedule is: 10:30 am. said. The tour will be preceded by ident, said. I to 1 p.m., registration in the Rec a luncheon at Reese Air base giv- Holden asked for his resignation hall; 1:30 p.m. to 2:30 pm., leader- en by Col. George W. Pardy, post so that he could devote full time A ship service for 108 students In commander. Activities for Sunday to his work as curator of the mu- the Rec hall:. 2:45-3:05, ROTC re- night include a barbecue at the seum., Allen's new position will view; 3:15-4:15, scholarship ser- V-8 ranch near Lubbock given by be a doordinating agency for all vice in the gym directed by James Livermore. Tech sttldents and will work with G. Allen, dean of men; 4:30-5:30 Irrigation projects around Lub- both the offices of the dean of p.m., president's concert at the bock will be inspected by Videla's women and dean of men, Smith nigh school auditorium. caravan Monday morning before thehen convocation. The type of water said. Margy Sullen. Ken Hancock and supply utilized in this territory Budget for 1950-51 as submitted Cecil Mardis, all council members, by Dr. D. M. Wiggins was approv- is similar to that of Chile, Le May ed by the board, the presidential are helping with arrangements. said. assistant stated. Contracts total- DEAN JAMES G. ALLEN DR. W. B. GATES Students are asked to sign with Lubbock Chamber of Commerce ling $166,149.48 were - awarded to the supervisor by next Wednesday is scheduled to climax the festiv- R. H. Elder, contractor, of Lub- if parents plan to eat in the dor- ities by giving a mayor's luncheon bock, for the construction of a mitories Sunday noon, Rogers Monday, after which the honor stock judging pavilion end living said. The day has been planned guest will enplane for New Or- Rodeo Queen To Be Newest Feature for all parents, not only those of leans. quarters and a veterinary science building. students being recognized, Rogers stated. Plans Approved Plan s and specifications were Of All-Western Days; 11 Candidates Six Tech Students approved for an agricultural en- gineering building, part of the One of the newest features of the Girls Dorm 3; Ma'YBrianWoody-. Enter HS-U Rodeo campus expansion program, and All-Western days and First Annual College Club; Marcia Rogers, Las Block And Bridle bids are to he opened May 22, National Intercollegiate rodeo this Vivarachas; Shelley Furr, Ko Sha- Smith said. Plans were prepared year is the election of a rodeo ri; Margaret Price. DFD; Marjorie Closing Tonight queen. Wilson, Sans Souci; Betty Wright, by Haynes and Kirby, architects To Sponsor Queen Six Tech students are entered of Lubbock. Organizations on the campus Las Chaparritas and Press Club; in the fourth Intercollegiate rodeo Other business included the ac- are eligible to put up a candidate Phyllis Leach, Gunzil Roping at Bardinl_immons this week-end. ceptance for the college of the for the election, which is to be culb; and Polly Cook, Tech Rodeo During Rodeo Days The rodeo opened Thursday and late Miss Bonnie K. Dysart's pro- held until May 3. A. trophy will be association. will close tonight. fessicnal library. Miss Dysart was given the organization sponsoring The contest is sponsored by Tech Student council members voted Students entered in the rodeo the winning candidate. The queen Rodeo association. Activities over to allow Block and Bridle and the are H. 'G. Bedford. Jack Buchan- Per BOARD MEETING Page 8 will be crowned at the first per- Rodeo association to sponsor a which the queen will reign will in- n, Bobby Gray, Dub Parlts, Rich- formance of the rodeo and will clude a sunrise breakfast May 4, drive for a rodeo queen at a call- ed meeting Wednesday night. The ard Springston, and Bill Ware. reign throughout Western days four performances of the rodeo, Charley Campbell and Bill Eiland and the rodeo. the rodeo _parade, and the All- rodeo queen will reign during Council Members Western days to be held May 4-6. are alternates. First announcement of the queen Western dance May 6. Other Texas schools entered in Will be at the rodeo parade at 5 The council decided not to al- the contest include Sul Ross, Tex- Attend Waco Meet p.m. Thursday, May 4. low Alpha Phi Omega, national as A&M, Texas Christian, Arling- Votes may be cast by dropping Miss Cecilia Thompson service organization, to use its ton State college, Abilene Chris- a penny in convenient boxes lo- funds in an off-campus project. Tech's delegation to the TISA tian, Midwestern and Baylor. Out sated in all major buildings on the Is Attending Austin Talks The organization had requested convention last weekend at Bay- of state schools are Colorado A&M, campus. Proceeds are to help make permission to use its annual allo- for voted to table a motion that Miss Cecilia Thompson, profes- Wyoming, New Mexico, New Mex- as a member of cation to help build a Boy Scout Negro colleges be invited to attend Tech's first show sor of speech, isin Austin attend- ico A&M and Montana State. the National Intercollegiate Rodeo clubhouse in Lubbock. future meetings. The tabling mo- ing the Texas Inter-collegiate tion passed 19-8. association a success. Theater conference sponsored by Council members not attending Marshall Gettys, student body Candidates and sponsors already the University of Texas. were: Brodie Hutchinson, Bobby Preliminary Tests president, explained that he entered include: Helen Bishop, This is the first conference since Joe Salem, James Steele. John thought that students were not isappa Alpha Mu; Jacque Donnell, the war. The subject of the con- Huckabay, Doug McSwane. Rich- qualified to pass on such a ques- Girls Dorm 4; Margaret Clark, ference is the educational theater. ard Gibson and Tommie Jean Wall. For Safety Course tion under the present segregation laws in Texas. Slated On Monday The convention was attended by Try-outs for a water safety 24 old member schools and three course will be held from 12:30 pm. new members were voted in. Pan- Future Teachers Workshop For to 3:30 pm. Monday in the Boys el discussions included student-fac- club swimming pool. ulty relations, student courts, hon- The try-outs are to precede a or systems, school prices and prin- water safety instructors' course ciples, discipline committees, stu- starting May 8, Miss Sue Rainey, dent government finance, school Nigh School Students Readied associate professor of women's spirit and cultural entertainment. physical education, said yesterday. Tech's delegation consisted of Approximately 100 students from 10:30. Bob Manias will preside at 2 p.m. Officers for district associa- The course is free and open to Geftys, Raymond Brigham, Tom- 29 schools in West Texas will be on this session. tion of FTA will be elected. Bob both men and women, she said. mie Jean Wall, Ralph Lacy and the . campus today attending a Doctor D. D. Jackson, head of Burks will be in charge of the in- Persons taking the course must be Horton Russell. Brigham was ale& workshop sponsored by Future psychology and education is to ad- stallation of officers. 19 years of age, or .must be 18 in charge of the panel discussion Teachers of America. dress the students during this ses- Garland Bridges, teaching fellow years old and graduates of a high on discipline committees. The workshop, to be held in the sion. in education, is to preside at the school, Miss Rainey said. Other features of the conven- Agriculture building. is to help Jim Spain will entertain the adoption of a constitution for the Towels are to he furnished, and tio included a tour of Waco, a students form chapters of FTA in guests. Bill Trenfield, president of district. Pat Reynolds, sophomore dressing rooms will be available. square dance for delegates, and their local high school and to form FTA, is to present an explanation from Kermit, will entertain the Mrs.
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