Editorials ..................................... 4A Op-Ed .......................................... 5A Calendar ...................................... 6A Scene Around ............................. 9A Synagogue Directory ................ 11A JTA News Briefs ........................ 13A WWW.HERITAGEFL.COM YEAR 42, NO. 06 OCTOBER 13, 2017 23 TISHREI, 5778 ORLANDO, FLORIDA SINGLE COPY 75¢ Kehillah: A History of Jewish life in Greater Orlando opening November 12 The Kehillah Task Force worked for more than two years to plan, research, gather the information and write the text for this exhibition. Guided by Curator Marcia Jo Zerivitz and led by Chairwoman Roz Fuchs, the Task Force included the following people: Front row L-R: Marcia Jo Zerivitz, Roz Fuchs, Rosalie Levy, Susan Bierman, Malka Webman, Barbara Weinreich, Rachel Heimovics Braun, Mardi Shader, Teresa Finer, Eva Ritt; back row L-R: Stan Roberts, Sara Stern, Neil Webman, Lisa Schwartz, Amy Kimlat, Irwin Feldman, Emely Katz, Peter Burg, Arlene van de Rijn, Michael Soll, Laurence Morrell, Ava Maxwell, Judy Kahan Davis, Es Cohen, Lynn Dictor, Chris DeSouza, Debby Gendzier, Rhonda Forest. Task Force members not in photo: Melody Apter, David Bornstein, Pat Bornstein, Lauren Brown, Marli Porth Fanciullo, Sam Friedman, Leslie Feinberg, Joan Kimball, Renee Roberts, Sandi Saft, Richard Schwartz, Edward Zissman, Phyllis Zissman. Other team members: Research Assistants—Mark Cooper, Penny Gold, Eric Geboff, Miriam Josephs, Dick Katz, Hank Katzen, Spencer Kimball, Pam Kancher, Lorri Levine, Julian Meitin, Sheryl Meitin; Oral Histories: Roz Fuchs, Sharon Ginsburg, Eve Homburger, JoAnne Kane, Jodi Krinker, Laurie Shader Smith, Maura Weiner, Barbara Hara Weiss; Student Curriculum: Alan Rusonik and Lisa Sholk; Public Relations: David Bornstein and Lisa Levin. By David Bornstein ploring the 100-year history community and founding teractive displays, important and Blossoms (Philanthro- in Central Florida? Did you of the congregation intrigued executive director of the Jew- artifacts that hearken back to pists & Notables). know the inventor of the From the tiny seed of an the group, but rather than ish Museum of Florida-FIU, past pioneers, and examples Do you know who the first Whack-A-Mole is a Jew from idea, an enormous com- limit it to one segment of volunteered to serve as guest of current generations’ con- permanent Jewish settler Central Florida? Do you munity event has grown. the community, they decided curator, and the original tributions and extraordinary was in Central Florida, and know how many local Jewish In February of 2015, Sara to expand the concept and committee began working accomplishments. did you know that he was philanthropists have made at Stern assembled a commit- make it a far-reaching project on a name and themes for Themes include Roots also one of the area’s first least a $1 million gift to a local tee for Congregation Ohev highlighting the entire his- the exhibit. (Founders and Pioneers); great philanthropists? Did Jewish or non-Jewish com- Shalom to begin planning tory of Jewish life in Greater Thus Kehillah: A History Branches (Citrus, Agricul- you know that in the 1920s munity organization? You’ll its centennial celebration. Orlando. The Orange County of Jewish Life in Greater Or- ture & Retail); Seeds (Mili- nearly 50 downtown Orlando be able to discover all this COS was the first chartered Regional History Center lando was born. Thematically tary, Israel, Civil Liberties, businesses were owned and and more while you peruse congregation in Central (OCRHC) was approached based on the citrus indus- Soviet Jewry, Social Change); operated by Jews, and within and enjoy the photographs Florida, and thus, in both about hosting the exhibit try—one of the early busi- Growth (Defense, Technol- 20 years that number grew to and artifacts that detail more concrete and symbolic ways, and their leadership greeted nesses that attracted Jews ogy, Business, Industry, more than 200? You’ll be able than a century of stories from represents the formalization the concept enthusiastically. to the area—the exhibit Real Estate, Media, Hospital- to explore this on an interac- pioneer Jewish families and of Jewish life in the area. The Marcia Jo Zerivitz, a former will include more than 500 ity, Education, Community tive map display. later arrivals whose remark- idea to create an exhibit ex- leader in the Orlando Jewish historical photographs, in- Service, Arts & Culture); Do you know who was able contributions are woven Caretakers (Congregations, largely responsible for de- An adventure in intimacy— Agencies & Organizations) segregating public schools Kehillah on page 15A A one-day experience Bassem Eid: The On Sunday, Oct. 22, Hedy and Yumi Schleifer will be in Israeli-Palestinian conflict Orlando to lead a very special one-day workshop for couples. Chabad of Greater Orlando Organized by JOIN (Orlando and Altamonte Springs and Jewish Outreach Initiative) AIPAC jointly present Pales- this event will be held at tinian human rights activist The Roth Family JCC from Bassem Eid on Oct. 29, 7 p.m., at The Alfond Inn in Winter Park. The evening discussion will be centered on the Israeli- Palestinian conflict from Eid’s point of view. “We are thrilled to have Baseem Eid here to speak,” said Rabbi Mendy Bronstein. “He calls it like it is as he Bassem Eid shares his refreshing perspec- Hedy Schleifer Yumi Schleifer tive, with such honesty, on rights violations committed VIP reception prior to the this difficult issue.” by the Israeli armed forces. event and held in a private 9 a.m. to 6 p.m., and is open over the world leading work- Jerusalem-based political He broadened his research home. to couples within the Orlando shops for couples as well as analyst, human rights pioneer to include human rights The Alfond Inn is located Jewish Community. private intensive sessions for and expert commentator, violations committed by the at 300 E New England Ave., In An Adventure in Inti- couples and private intensive Eid was born in Jordanian- Palestinian Authority on their Winter Park. macy—The One-Day Expe- sessions for leaders and execu- controlled East Jerusalem and own people. Currently, he is a For more information or rience couples workshop, tives. Hedy is an internation- grew up in the United Nations political analyst for Israeli TV to RSVP, visit www.jewishal- The Schleifers will share the ally known psychotherapist, Refugee Works Agency refu- and radio, and is an outspoken tamonte.com/israel or call lessons from their 51-year trainer, relationship coach, gee camp of Shuafat. critic of the BDS movement. 407-280-0535. marriage as a Jewish couple, workshop presenter and mo- Eid has a balanced view Tickets are $20, with an their very personal relational tivational speaker. Yumi is a of human rights concerns early bird special of $18 if odyssey, and their resulting Columbia University graduate in Israel. He has had an ex- purchased before Oct. 22; free embrace of the Miracle of Con- and former aerospace engineer tensive career as a Palestin- for students with student ID; nection as a sacred journey. ian human rights activitist, Sponsors, 4180/ $360/ $540, The Schleifers travel all Adventure on page 15A initially focusing on human which includes 2 tickets and PAGE 2A HERITAGE FLORIDA JEWISH NEWS, OCTOBER 13, 2017 Jewish Academy of Orlando students cast their sins away in Tashlich services Jewish Academy students cast their sins away in Tashlich services. The third through fifth graders walked to Lake Lily to participate in a Tashlich service. Students gathered in a circle, listened to the shofar, sang and then symbolically threw away their misdeeds to begin the New Year renewed. In addition to the students and teachers, many of the Jewish Academy’s parents joined in this meaningful program. Robyn Eichenholz, JAO parent, said, “it was very significant to me to participate in Tashlich. I love celebrating holidays with the Jewish Academy and being with my daugh- ter’s class.” After Tashlich, the students cleaned up the park as part of mitzvot. They were very eager to do this good deed. The younger students were not forgotten. Kindergartners through second graders walked to a pond on campus to do their version of Tashlich. Participating in Jewish customs and ceremonies is at the core of the Jewish Academy of Orlando’s mission—to instill a love of Jewish values and traditions in their students, ensuring a strong Jewish future for their families and our community. For more information or to arrange a visit to the school, please contact Amy Polacek, Admissions coordinator, at [email protected] or 407-647-0713. Being there This Zionistas program and is a local Orlando small was scheduled for earlier in business owner. September but was postponed The event, sponsored by due to Hurricane Irma. Zionistas, will take place at the Alan Kornman was in Israel Eastmonte Civic Center, 830 to witness the ceremonies Magnolia Drive, Altamonte remembering the 1967 Six Springs. Doors open at 6:30 Day War and celebrating the p.m. reunification of Jerusalem 50 There will be an oppor- years ago. On Wednesday, Oct. tunity for a Question and 25, 2017 at 7 p.m., Alan Korn- Answer exchange after the man will share with us, in film presentation. and in words, how exciting it This program is open to the was to join with the Israelis community at no cost. Dona- at this historic time. tions are greatly appreciated. Kornman is the regional Reservations are requested. coordinator for the United Please contact Sandi Solomon West, contributing editor with at 407-575-9899 or sansolo- Family Security Matters, and Alan Kornman [email protected]. has over 40 published articles The Zionistas is a coali- on various national security Kornman also has com- tion of Christian and Jewish topics. He has addressed the pleted FDLE’s Florida Crimi- women and men united for Zionistas group twice before nal Justice Exec, Institute Israel.
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