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The Mount Airy News www.mtairynews.com Printed on recycled newspaper Sunday, August 15, 2010 Bright Leaf Drive-In could live again TOM JOYCE Cochran describing him as STAFF REPORTER “an out-of-town person with ties to this area.” He is When the Bright Leaf working through city gov- Drive-In closed in early ernment in order to make March, movie fans around the project a reality, said the region thought it was Cochran, whose role as the sad end of an era. mayor involves meeting However, a “sequel” with prospective business with a happier plot could be or industrial clients who are in store for the fabled facil- eyeing Mount Airy. ity through an effort an- Cochran has another nounced Friday by Mayor reason for being excited Deborah Cochran, which about the possible resurrec- could allow the Bright Leaf tion of the Bright Leaf Dri- to live again. ve-In, where the lights An “angel investor” has went dark during the week- expressed an interest in end of March 12 after 55 buying the former theater years of operation. property along U.S. 52 and “I have an emotional at- facilitating its continued tachment,” Cochran said of MONDEE TILLEY/THE NEWS use as the Bright Leaf Dri- the drive-in named after Adam McMillian, right, and Josh Chandler work on forming lengths of metal roofing at Central States Man- ve-In, Cochran said during this area’s traditional cash ufacturing Inc. on Friday afternoon. an interview. An angel in- crop, tobacco, where she vestor, also known as an frequently viewed movies “informal investor,” is typi- with her family as a child. cally an affluent individual “When the screen faded Central States off to a good start who provides money for a to black ... I was inundated business start-up in ex- with telephone calls” from MONDEE TILLEY dential customers. The firm said it Casey Walker, general manager people around the area who plans to eventually hire 50 workers of sales, relocated his family to change for other considera- STAFF REPORTER tions. were equally saddened by here. Operations at the new metal- Mount Airy from the company’s In this case, the investor its demise, the mayor said. working plant will include forming, Texas facility. He is proud that the is seeking a qualified oper- She is intrigued by the in- With 21 employees hired so far cutting and assembling metal roofs company is faith-based and employ- ator willing to lease the terest in the potential in- and two more positions still open, and panels. ee-owned — its employees own 39 property and maximize its vestor which could lead to Central States Manufacturing Inc. is Charlie Cox, operations manager percent of the company. use through the reopening the return of a facility that open for business, with the hope of with Central States, said the compa- ‘The company was founded on of the drive-in theater and was one of the last of its bringing even more jobs to Mount ny is only running one shift, but that Christian ideals,” said Walker. How- development of additional kind anywhere. Airy. could change. ever, Cox said, the company does facilities or events on the The individual involved The new facility, located in the “As our volume increases we will respect other religions. site. is now negotiating with a Piedmont Triad West Corporate be looking to add more employees,” Park, officially opened last week. said Cox. “We plan to add a second With plants in Arkansas, Texas, The angel investor has local real estate firm, Alabama and Indiana, company of- not been identified, with See LEAF, page 10A The plant is located on a 10-acre site shift.” along Mountain View Lane in a The company services a 300-mile ficials said Mount Airy was a good 40,000 square foot building. radius from Mount Airy. It primarily fit for an East Coast facility. Based in Arkansas, Central States deals with distributors and lumber “We are really excited to be makes and delivers metal building yards and does not sell directly to here,” said Cox. Death row inmate components to commercial and resi- the public. See CENTRAL, page 11A claiming reverse FAMILY FUN DAY discrimination TOM JOYCE STAFF REPORTER A Surry County death- row inmate is claiming re- verse discrimination under a new state law that a local attorney and N.C. General Assembly member believes is giving more weight to statistics than the facts sur- rounding a crime. While racial bias in the Carl Stephen Moseley justice system usually in- volves accusations of which was passed by the blacks being treated unfair- state General Assembly and ly, Carl Stephen Moseley, later signed into law. 44, of Mount Airy, has tak- Under the law, if an in- en the unusual step of mate can prove race was a charging that he was sen- “significant factor,” in the tenced to die because he is seeking or imposition of capital punishment against TOM JOYCE/THE NEWS white. Haley Joyce, 5, left, and Moseley is one of nearly them, they can have their 150 inmates on death row death sentences trans- Sarah Sutphin, 4, top pho- in North Carolina who are formed to life without pa- to, enjoy a bouncehouse seeking relief under the role instead. set up Saturday as part of new Racial Justice Act, See INMATE, page 10A the annual Family Fun Day at Mount Airy Elks Lodge. Meanwhile, others took News’ Web site offers advantage of the facility’s pool, left photo, with a re- new interactive features freshing dip on a muggy So, you’re wondering if clude the lowest gasoline today’s a good day to play prices in the region, the lat- day. the lottery and you want to est stock prices, mortgage consult your horoscope. Or information, miles-per-gal- maybe you want to check lon comparisons between last night’s lottery num- makes and models of vehi- bers. Maybe simply want to cles, and soon will include find a recipe for dinner the latest weather forecast. Betty Lynn to make special appearances “Along with the best tonight. Or, perhaps you’re STAFF REPORT She also will appear inspiration for the show’s sional, unscheduled ap- simply looking for a few news coverage of the from 2 to 4 p.m. Sunday, fictional town of Mayberry. pearances at the museum Mount Airy area, these new easy Internet games to wile Actress Betty Lynn, Oct. 3, a special date for “You can’t believe the since it opened last No- the time away (don’t worry, features give our online who played Thelma Lou on fans of the classic sitcom. reaction people have to vember. Word spreads we won’t tell the boss). readers even more reasons “The Andy Griffith Show,” That day marks the 50th ‘The Andy Griffith Show.’ I quickly each time, drawing Where can you get all of to spend time on our Web is making a series of ap- anniversary of the show’s never thought it would con- crowds to the 2,500- this, and more? site,” said Gary Lawrence, pearances at the new Andy debut — Oct. 3, 1960. tinue forever, but it does,” square-foot museum. At the Mount Airy publisher of The News. Griffith Museum. Lynn fell in love with Lynn said. “People love the “Every time Betty’s at the News’ Web site – “And that’s good for our Lynn will meet with Mount Airy during visits to show. They grew up with museum, she generates quite www.mtairynews.com, readers – and advertisers,” fans, discuss her role on the the town’s Mayberry Days me in their living room, a buzz,” said Tanya Jones, where these are just some he said. show, and sign autographs festival and relocated from and I really enjoy meeting of the latest interactive fea- Each feature offers ad- from 12:30 to 5 p.m. on Los Angeles in 2007. them and sharing those See BETTY, page 8A tures waiting for you. vertising opportunities with Tuesday and again on Mount Airy is Griffith’s memories.” Other key features in- See SITE, page 11A Sept. 21. hometown and served as Lynn has made occa- 2A Sunday, August 15, 2010 The Mount Airy News, Mount Airy, N.C. www.mtairynews.com PAGE TWO County commissioners to address water and sewer projects MEGHANN EVANS Snowberry Lane project plete the project. Bates, county planning di- the extension. If approved, business. After the com- STAFF REPORTER and the Interstates Water Near the beginning of rector, is scheduled to pres- the Scenic Byway designa- missioners bring up any re- and Sewer District project. the meeting, an open forum ent a zoning request to the tion would extend from the maining general county DOBSON — On Mon- Part of the Interstates will be held. Around 6:15 board. The request to re- current end point in business, they will retreat day night, the Surry County Water and Sewer District p.m. Todd Tucker, presi- classify a portion of land Goshen to continue into closed session to dis- Board of Commissioners project has involved build- dent of the Surry County on Belgium Lane near U.S. through Pilot Mountain. cuss personnel and legal will meet to discuss a vari- ing a water tower on Pine Economic Development 601 from Rural Agricultur- The designation’s purpose matters.
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