Bulk Rote U.S. Postage PAID Permit No.320 Newark, DE. Voi.102No. 48 Uniyersity of Delaware, Newark, Del. Board of Trustees Cites Student Interest Conflict by a special committee on Students Prepare Student-Alumni Trustees con­ cluded that it was in ap­ To Petition Senate propriate to have a current Bv MARK ODREN university student as a The Student Lobby Com­ trustee "primarily because mittee strongly criticized the there is a conflict of interest.'' university Board of Trustees Lenher said in the letter position that two students be that the Board "should not appointed members of the become a battle-ground for Board. representatives of constituen­ Trustees said that students cies and special interests. would have a conflict of in­ The report recommended terests in Board decisions. that the Board select a recent Committee Chairman Dave graduate for a one-year term, Poffenberger said this week implemented with the ap­ that students have seen "little pointment of university or no encouragement of stu­ graduate Ralph Cope to the dent participation in Board Board last spring. actions "despite the Board's McDowell said the Board's two-year commitment to stu­ position was predictable. "He dent input in policy deci­ (Lenher) doesn't understand sions." the importance of the bill." The criticism is a response Senate Bill 106 calls for the to a recent letter from Board appointment of two students Chariman Samuel Lenher to trustees for two-year terms. Senator Harris McDowell ( D­ One of the students must be Wilmington), sponsor of an undergraduate and would by Jay Greene legislation to place two be appointed by the Delaware APRIL SHOWERS bring May flowers, and also repairs to the storm sewer system. Newark students on the Board. Undergraduate Student Con- workmen hove dug up Academy street to repair the drainage systems running beneath Lenher said that a 1977 report (Continued on Poge 2) the roo Last Week of Classes Might be Test-free On The By LYNDA KOLSKI laboratory exams, said Dr. which the Undergraduate be in telling the faculty that A "free week" before the Ulrich Toensmeyer, chair­ Studies Committee is a sub­ they can't do something," final exam period, in which man of the Coordinating Com­ committee. The proposal will said Toesnmeyer. Inside faculty would not be allowed mittee on Education. now go before the Faculty Halio said he felt objections to give exams, has been pro­ Laboratories close during Senate for final approval. will arise from filCulty posed by the Faculty Senate finals week, so lab quizzes "It is sure to stir up a lot of members because the resolu­ Undergraduate Studies Com­ and exams would be allowed debate," said Thompson. tion will "circumscribe their Friday the 13th mittee. during the last week of "The faculty have numerous autonomy in the classroom." Dr. Allan Thompson, chair­ classes, he said. divergent opinions as to the He added that many univer­ DUSC referendum and Good man of the Undergraduate . The proposal was recently need for such a proposal," he sities have the same kind of Friday Studies Committee, said, "We approved by the Coordinating. added. · policy. Also, some univer- feel that there is substantial Committee on Education, of "The biggest problem will (Contlnued on Pog• 8) abuse of the exam period. There is a fair amount of stu­ dent complaint about the The Greek Way faculty giving finals during Site for New Bookstore Changed the week before the final ex­ sparked plans for the new, larger facility, Activities begin April20 ..• 8 am period." By EILEEN STUDNICKY Mayersaid. · The purpose of the resolu- Land across from Purnell Hall on Amstel "The Bookstore is a facility supporting . tion is to prevent faculty Avenue is now favored over the empty lot op­ academic programs, not extra-curricular ac­ members from giving exams posite Kirkbride Lecture Hall for the con­ tivities. The Student Center is not in the of any kind, except for struction of the proposed new bookstore. academic complex," Mayer said. Have Faith! laboratory exams, the last The shift in priority resulted from concern, The Bookstore utilizes 9,000 square feet of Spiritual healing .•...•..•• 9 week of classes, said Dr. Jay expressed by the President's Advisory Coun­ sales space in the basement of the Student Halio, associate provost for cil on Planning and Construction (PACPAC), Center, and 7,000 square feet of warehouse instruction. It will also pre­ that pedestrian traffic and congestion on space in the Rittenhouse Garage on Delaware vent students. from being Delaware Avenue near Kirkbride would cause Ave. Wednesday overloaded the week before problems, according to Associate Vice Presi­ The proposed new bookstore will have 20,000 finals and give them more dent of Facilities and Management Dr. square feet of sales space, according to Television? time to study, said Halio. In Robert Mayer. Mayer. It will eliminate use of the Rittenhouse essence, it will keep the facul­ The Amstel Avenue site was approved Garage by incorporating sto.rage space into Go see a movie .......... 12 ty from shortening the Wednesday by the Board of Trustees Presi­ the sales area, he said. semester by a week, he add­ dent's Advisory Council. Action on the "We hope there will be extentions in non­ ed. Bookstore staff's proposal for the construc­ textbook lines, and more complete lines in art Calendar .•.........•...• 5 The proposal categorizes tion of a new two-story facility awaits final supplies and materials for engineering hourlies, quizzes, and finals ruling by the Trustees Executive Committee, students," said Mayer. "The Bookstore is not Retrospect ............... 5 as exams, said Thompson. Mayer said. going to become a department store." Editorial ...••....•....•.•6 "The difference between a Architects engaged for the project have The $1.7 million project wm be financed by final and an hourly is one of deemed parking facilities and utility services the Bookstore's Expansion Reserve Account EtCetera .•..•.••.•..•.•.. 9 word only." He added that no available to the Amstel Avenue site superior and a bank loan. Classifieds .............. 16 distinction is made between to those proposed for the other site. · "We anticipate we'll be able to pay the loan the two in the proposal. Amy DuPont Music Building's parking lot off within seven years with Bov!:store pro­ Sports .................. 20 The only exception to the will serve Bookstore customers, Mayer said. fits," Mayer said. resolution would be Inadequate space and inappropriateness of Officials have set no date for construction to the Student Center location for a bookstore begin. Page 2 THE REVIEW, UNIVERSITY OF DELAWARE, NEWARK, DEL Apri l13,1979 .. .Board of Trustees (Continued from Poge I) under the Board's policy of CanyoudefendyourseU? gress (if that group is approv­ encouraging student input, ed in today's referendum). but was turned down. The bill has yet to be discuss­ The Lobby Committee has Personal Safety Awareness ed by the Senate Education received roughly 1,200 Committee due to the recent signatures petitioning the illness of Committee Chair­ Senate to pass the !;>ill, ac­ man Calvin McCullough (D­ cording to Lobby Committee Holloway Terrace), member Dave Osborne. SELF·DEFENSE McDowell said. Osborne started the petition McDowell said he hopes the independently • two months Committee will meet within ago and the Lobby Committee the next two weeks. gave its ·support last month. Presented by: American Karate Studios The bill, under the topic of Poffenberger said that the trustee-student interaction, petition has been circulated DICKINSON C/D COMMONS . will also be discussed by the on campus through the Resi­ MONDAY, APRIL 16-7:00 P.M. Board's Student Affairs Com­ dent Student Association, mittee at its April17 meeting, fraternities and various stu­ according to Poffenberger. dent organizations. Poffenberger added that his Poffenberger said he hopes · • Advertisement 11WHY DO THE HEATHEN RAGE?". Committee had requested a for 6,000 student signatures special meeting with the Stu­ before presenting the petition Psalms 2:1 and Acts 4:25 dent Affairs Committee to McDowell. Sex perversions, rampant all around in our day, excused perfect obedience to them in our place; secondarily, by the by many instead of being fought to the death, make a mock work of God's Holy Spirit writing them In the new heart, of God's law and Commandments lor the protection and God's gilt to the believer. And so we lind right at the close of purity of the family life. To the first man, created in His own the Bible, Revelation 22:14: "BLESSED ARE THEY THAT DO Image, God said: "THEREFORE SHALL A MAN LEAVE HIS HIS COMMANDMENTS, THAT THEY. MAY HAVE A RIGHT FATHER AND MOTHER AND CLEAVE UNTO HIS WIFE, TO THE TREE OF LIFE, AND ENTER IN THROUGH THE AND THEY SHALL BE ONE FLESH." What God hath joined GATES INTO THE CITY."If you don't have a righllothetree together, let not man put asunder. Thou shalt not commit of life, and can't enter in through the gates into the city, you adulterY. and he that looketh on a woman to lust alter her. are still in your sins, a lost soul! Repent! Repent! Repent! hath committed a_du~ry in' his heart-an~ Christ advised Do you mock and score at the revelations of God's Word plucking out the eye r'iMher than tllfcing the risk of having the concerning eternal judgment and hellfire? Well, so did lot's whole body cast inlo hellfire! •. " • , • . -4C>ns-in-law, friends, and the people of Sodom, and next • LOOK into the engineering opportunities open in rural elec­ In the 16th chapter oiL uke Christ draws back
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