! Written for the children The Laser/Easter by the children Edition 2011 The Laser/Easter Edition 2011 The Real Meaning of Easter by: Poppy Trevithick, Yr2/ Gabri- family and friends to share a Sunday and that is why a lot el Cadogan,Yr3/ Sydney Lai, Yr4 meal and eat chocolate. of people believe that East- er‟s name should be changed to distance it from its pagan There is a real meaning to Easter is always on a Sunday naming. Easter that many Christians regardless of the fact that believe to be the most im- it has a moveable date which portant event on the Chris- varies from year to year be- Pagan traditions give us the tian calendar. Customs, such cause it is based on the lunar English word "Easter" which as the Easter bunny and calendar. It is celebrated on comes from the word Easter egg hunts, have be- the first Sunday after the "Eostre". The Anglo-Saxon come part of the holiday's full moon (also the first day word for April was "Eostre- modern celebrations and are of Spring), on or after March monath" (the month of open- often observed by Christians 21st. ings). However, it should be and non-Christians alike; so remembered that Christians even if you‟re not Christian celebrated the resurrection you may still want to know a The name Easter originally of Christ long before the bit more about this festival came from Esostre who was word "Easter" was used, and and how people celebrate it the Anglo-Saxon goddess the word they used for the and what it‟s all about. Read worshipped in Spring. It is celebration was "Pascha", on to find out more. thought that this goddess which is derived from and saved a bird whose wings linked to the Jewish festival were frozen by turning it in- of Passover. At Easter time Christians to a magic hare that could remember the last week of lay eggs cementing her sta- Jesus' life also known as the tus as the goddess of new According to Bede, the Eng- 'Holy Week'. It signals the life and fertility. lish monastic historian, the end of Lent, the traditional English word Easter comes time of fasting in the Chris- from the Anglo-Saxon name tian calendar, and starts with Eostre is not connected in for the month of April, which Palm Sunday, going through any way to the religious story was known as "Eostremonath" Maundy Thursday, Good Fri- of the resurrection celebrat- in the Anglo-Saxon tongue day and ending in Easter ed by Christians on Easter and since Pascha was most Sunday when we gather with Continued on page 2 The real meaning of Easter cont’d Cont’d from page 1 often celebrated in Eostre- Good Friday on Good Friday. Many go to Church monath, the English Chris- on that day to give thanks to God Good Friday commemorates the tians began calling it day that Jesus Christ was killed for saving Jesus. Church bells are "Easter". on the cross. Good Friday is a sad rung and flowers are hung in cele- day when churches do not deco- bration. Families get together to Palm Sunday rate with flowers and there is a celebrate and children enjoy East- Palm Sunday commemorates sombre meditative mood. Some er hunts, coloured Easter eggs and Christ‟s arrival Christians believe that on Good chocolate bunnies. in Jerusalem. In Friday after Jesus Christ was the bible it is executed his body was taken The origins of Easter said that when down from the cross, and buried traditions Jesus entered in a cave. The tomb was guarded Jerusalem on and an enormous stone was put The Easter Bunny his donkey, over the entrance, so that no-one the crowds could steal the body. laid palm branches at his On the following Sunday, some feet. So these days in many churches, during Palm Sunday women visited the grave and services, large palm branches found that the stone had been are carried in processions in moved and the tomb was empty. remembrance of that day. Jesus himself was seen that day, and for days afterwards by many Maundy Thursday people. His followers realised This is the Thursday before that God had raised Jesus from Good Friday. It commemo- the dead. rates the last supper that This bunny is sometimes Jesus had with his disciples. known as the Spring Bunny in Derived from the Latin word Easter Sunday the US. It is believed to bring “mandatum”, meaning baskets filled with coloured "commandment," Maundy re- This is a happy day for Christians eggs, candy and toys to chil- fers to the commands Jesus because they be- dren the night before Easter. gave his disciples at the Last The eggs are usually hidden lieve that it is the Supper: to love with humility around the garden for the day that Jesus rose by serving one another and to children to find the next day remember his sacrifice. from the dead af- when they wake up. Rabbits ter being crucified are also a reminder of Spring Continued on page 3 Page 2 The Laser/Easter Edition 2011 The real meaning of Easter cont’d Cont’d from page 2 and new life. Buns marked with a cross ciples (Judas is therefore were eaten by the Saxons left out). during their spring celebra- Easter Eggs tions - it's believed that the Why not try our Simnel cake bun represented the moon and recipe this Easter? The recipe the cross the moon's quar- can be found in our RECIPES ters. Christians continued the section. tradition but to them the cross symbolises Jesus' cruci- fixion. Good to Know !!! Simnel Cake In Greece, lamb is the traditional food at Easter. In Poland, they eat sau- sages and poppy seed cake; the poppy seeds are Eggs have always been a sign a symbol of new life. of fertility in history. The first eggs to be given as The celebration of the gifts in the UK were hen, duck Jewish festival of Passo- or goose eggs. Later they ver, which commemorates were replaced by artificial This cake is eaten at Easter the exodus of the Jews eggs. Chocolate eggs only ap- and particularly on Mothering from captivity in Egypt, peared in the late 1800s. Sunday which falls on the has been intertwined with fourth Sunday of Lent. It is Easter from the begin- The tradition of colouring believed that in the past girls ning and the Hebrew Easter eggs dates back to the working as domestic help were word „Pesach‟, originally Middle ages when people given the day off to visit meaning Passover, came would paint the eggs differ- their mothers. They would to mean Easter as well. ent bright colours to symbol- usually take a simnel cake ize the start of the Spring In Poland, Easter Monday back with them as a present. season. is known as “Wet Mon- This cake is particularly asso- day”. This is because of Hot Cross Buns ciated with Mothering Sunday the practice of going to and is traditionally a fruit people‟s homes and the cake with two layers of al- boys would throw water mond paste, its top is deco- on the girls that they rated with 11 marzipan balls fancied. to symbolise the faithful dis- Page 3 The Laser/Easter Edition 2011 The real meaning of Easter cont’d Cont’d from page 3 What is the Royal Maundy Service? O n Maundy Thursday in England the custom of serving senior citizens (one man and one woman washing feet by the Monarch was carried out until for each year of the sovereign's age), usually cho- 1689 in commemoration of the time Jesus washed sen for having done service to their community. the feet of his disciples during the last supper. Up They receive ceremonial red and white purses until then the King or Queen would give food and which contain coins made especially for the occa- clothing and even wash the feet of the poor on sion. The white purse contains one coin for each Maundy Thursday in Westminster Abbey. The year of the monarch's reign. The red purse con- last monarch to do so was James II. tains money in place of other gifts that used to be In Britain today, the sovereign takes part in the given to the poor. Ceremony of the Royal Maundy. This ceremony This year The Maundy Service will take place at involves the distribution of Maundy money to de- Westminster Abbey on 21 April, 2011. How to paint your times through the smaller hole, so that most of Easter egg the contents come out. - Put the egg in a container containing a mixture of water and some vinegar - let the egg become The tradition of painting eggs and using them half full of water. as decorations or gifts is not common in the UK - Shake the egg gently and blow it again, until as it is in some other European countries or in the shell is empty. the United States, but it is becoming increas- - Clean the shell by leaving it for a while in a ingly popular in recent years. If the egg is to be mixture of water and vinegar (about 3 times as used as a decoration the contents need to be much water as vinegar). removed from the shell. - Leave the egg to dry overnight. The process is as follows: - Once it is dry, decorate the shell with paint or dye. - Place a thread through - Put the egg into an empty egg container and the smaller hole and out hold it firmly in place with one hand.
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