Available online at www.sciencedirect.com Available online at www.sciencedirect.com Available online at www.sciencedirect.com Available online at www.sciencedirect.com Available online at www.sciencedirect.com ProcediaScienceDirect Computer Science 00 (2018) 000–000 ProcediaProcedia Computer Computer Science Science 137 (2018) 00 (2018) 151–162 000–000 www.elsevier.com/locate/procedia Procedia Computer Science 00 (2018) 000–000 www.elsevier.com/locate/procedia www.elsevier.com/locate/procedia SEMANTiCS 2018 – 14th International Conference on Semantic Systems SEMANTiCS 2018Procedia – 14th Computer International Science 00 (2018) Conference 000–000 on Semantic Systems SemSur:SEMANTiCS A Core 2018 Ontology – 14th International for the Conference Semantic on Representation Semanticwww.elsevier.com/locate/procedia Systems of SemSur: A Core Ontology for the Semantic Representation of SemSur:SEMANTiCS A Core 2018 Ontology – 14thResearch International for the Findings Conference Semantic on Representation Semantic Systems of Research Findings a,b, a c,d e Said Fathalla ∗, SaharResearch Vahdati , Findings Sören Auer , Christoph Lange SemSur: A Corea,b, Ontology fora the Semanticc,d Representatione of Said Fathallaa ∗, Sahar Vahdati , Sören Auer , Christoph Lange a,b,Smart Data Analytics (SDA),a University of Bonn,c,d Germany e Said FathallaaSmartb∗Faculty, SaharData AnalyticsofResearch Science, Vahdati (SDA), University, UniversityFindings Sören of Alexandria, Auer of Bonn, Egypt Germany, Christoph Lange cL3Sa ResearchbFaculty Center, of Science, Leibniz University University of Alexandria, of Hannover, Egypt Germany a,b,Smart Data Analytics (SDA),a University of Bonn,c,d Germany e Said FathalladTIB LeibnizcL3S Information Researchb∗Faculty, Sahar Center, of Center Science, Vahdati Leibniz for University Science University, Sören and of Alexandria, Technology, of Auer Hannover, Egypt Hannover,,Germany Christoph Germany Lange dTIB LeibnizcL3S Information Research Center, CentereFraunhofer Leibniz for Science UniversityIAIS, and Germany Technology, of Hannover, Hannover, Germany Germany aSmart Data Analytics (SDA), University of Bonn, Germany dTIB Leibniz Information CentereFraunhofer for Science IAIS, and Germany Technology, Hannover, Germany bFaculty of Science, University of Alexandria, Egypt eFraunhofer IAIS, Germany cL3S Research Center, Leibniz University of Hannover, Germany d Abstract TIB Leibniz Information Center for Science and Technology, Hannover, Germany e Abstract Fraunhofer IAIS, Germany The way how research is communicated using text publications has not changed much over the past decades. We have Abstract Thethe vision way how that research ultimately is communicated researchers will using work text on publications a common structured has not changed knowledge much base over comprising the past decades. comprehensive We have Thethesemantic vision way how and that researchmachine-comprehensible ultimately is communicated researchers will descriptions using work text on publications ofa common their research, structured has not thus changed knowledgemaking much research base over comprising the contributions past decades. comprehensive more We trans- have thesemanticparentAbstract vision and and that comparable. machine-comprehensible ultimately We researchers present the will descriptions SemSur work ontology on ofa common their for research, semantically structured thus capturing knowledgemaking research the base information comprising contributions commonly comprehensive more trans-found Thesemanticparentin survey way and how and and comparable. researchmachine-comprehensible review articles. is We communicated present SemSur the isdescriptions SemSurusing able text to ontology represent publications of their for scientific research, semantically has not results thus changed capturing making and much to research publish the over information the contributions them past in decades. commonlya comprehensive more We trans-found have theparentinknowledge survey vision and and that graph,comparable. review ultimately which articles. 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SemSur Enrichment, is currently SWRL rules, used andScholarly maintained Communication, at OpenResearch.org Semantic Publishing,. ThisKeywords:ledge. is Wean open discussSemSur access possible Ontology, article under applications Semantic the CC Metadata BY-NC-ND and present Enrichment, license an evaluation (https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/4.0/ SWRL ofrules, our Scholarly approach Communication, with the retrospective, Semantic) Publishing,exemplary Peer-reviewKeywords:semantification underSemSur ofresponsibility a Ontology, survey. We Semanticof the demonstrate scientific Metadata committee the Enrichment, utility of ofthe the SWRLSEMANTiCS SemSur rules, ontology Scholarly2018 – to14th Communication, answer International queries Conference Semantic about the Publishing,on different Semantic Systems.research contributions covered by the survey. SemSur is currently used and maintained at OpenResearch.org. Keywords: SemSur Ontology, Semantic Metadata Enrichment, SWRL rules, Scholarly Communication, Semantic Publishing, 1. Introduction 1. Introduction 1.SemSur, Introduction the Semantic Survey Ontology, is an ontology for describing research problems, approaches, implementationsSemSur, the Semantic and evaluations Survey in Ontology, a structured is an and ontology comparable for describing way. An initial research version problems, of SemSur approaches, [8] was createdimplementations1.SemSur, Introduction for ourthe approachSemantic and evaluations towards Survey in Ontology, representing a structured is an research and ontology comparable findings for describing as way. a knowledge An initial research version graph problems, and of SemSur has approaches, now [8] been was substantiallycreatedimplementations for our improved approach and evaluations and towards expanded. in representing a structured Without research SemSur,and comparable findings the preferred as way. a knowledge An way initial of providing version graph and of researchers SemSur has now [8]been with was ansubstantiallycreatedSemSur, overview for ourthe of improved aapproach Semantic field and and towards Survey enabling expanded. Ontology, representing them Without to is compare an research SemSur, ontology research findings the for preferred describing results as a knowledge way was research ofvia providingsurvey graph problems, and articles researchers has approaches,. now However,been with preparingimplementationsansubstantially
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