— ‘AoutntfrTPrntf. LOCAL AFFAIRS. limited to seventy-five, and are on sale al lotJutistmrntB. Parcher’s drug-store. A most delightful NATIONAL time is BAN IX NKVP ADVFK risr: M FNTS this wkkk anticipated. The proceeds are, ol - WORTH, ME. course, for the benefit of the society. -|\ Ad mi* notice-Est Robert J Alexander. Burrill lost. The first train for the season on Shopping bag .Sunday I* rank I* —Notice of Gray foreclosure. the Mt. Desert branch will run next Exec notice Est < A aroline D White. UNION TRUST COMPANY 1 small piece of paper in check form —Est Charles H Curtis. Sunday, leaving Bangor at 6.10 a. rh.. the bank ** — ( Eft will settle Parker B Billings, arriving at at Bar Harboi up any account. Isn’t that Admr notice-Est Francis A Ellsworth 7.20, Torrey. at 8.40. FOR much better and a —Est Martin O < unningham. Returning, leave Bar Harbor at the great deal ** OF quicker -Est ELLSWORTH than Ernest A Thompson. 4.30 p. in., Ellsworth at 5.60, arriving in counting it out in bills? Not Probate notice—Est Catherine M Gilley. — Est Clifford Hririgham. Bangor at 7. The summer schedule i PEOPLE ! \ but will ** only that, you sleep much —Est Thomas J Holme*etals THIS IS A GOOD BANK > will go into effect this year on June 26. TO DO BUSINESS WITH j easier nights when know .Tames H Scott—Notice of foreclosure. W{ ■■■■MBBEUaKdSMBiLiJtite- you your Wanted -Woman for ^. housekeeping. Willie P. Stewart, age sixteen years, died money is safe. Hetter open up an ac- Mrs Fred Lindsey—Work wanted. S S Estey—Milk. at the home of his mother, Mrs. William count in our bank. For further in- £ \\ e have all the facilities tin t1 Eastern Steamship Co. Chapman, on Third street, last Wednesday, requited by up-to-date formation call any time. Remember Ellsworth Foundry A Machine Work*—Au- after a long illness of in tomobiles. consumption. a banking institution, and, addition, we at the your Is at place |[ money always your disposal Harry C Austin A Co—Furniture and undtt- Funeral services were held at the home # of our taker. disposal customers the benefit of the collective i the same. Rev. G. just J A Saturday forenoon. O. Barnard Haynes—Groceries. i character, and of a most 1 Ellsworth Greenhouse. officiating. The body was taken to Sorry, ability experience efficient We allow liberal [ Interest on Providencb. R I: the former home of the family, for inter- S staff of officer-and employees. check accounts. Focal representative wanted. ment. # If arc ill need of an Banoor. Mb: you investment, or desire the i> George H. Gould, jr., entertained a Eastern Trust A Hanking Co. ? benefit of our banking in t1 Eastern Trust A Hanking Co—Notice ol dancing party Tuesday evening at the opportunities, any way,, foreclosure. call u- write home of his parents on Main street. Miss # up, m*. come in and see us, or we will furnished music. Those send our Ruby Phillips \ reprc-imtat ive to see you and get in touch SCHEDULE OP MAILS were Helen 11 present Shute, Fenetta Foss, with <i AT RLLSWORTH you. Add to Your POSTOmCR. Hazel Giles, Martha Milliken, Margaret J Savings fa effect Dec. 6, ti*lO. Hall, Auua Cushman, of Bangor; Robert X ?■■■ ■ I-’I 'IPW'IU UHUI —raw—^ at a liberal rate of interest, if you an ac- VJ^ open MAILS RSCRIVRD. Haines, Morton Whitcomb, Charles count in our savings At'he same department. From West—7.13 a m; 4.28 and 8.88 p m. Haines, Fred and Harry Parker. Ice- M l time your money will be From , ft- completely safeguarded, East-11 08. 11.45 a m; 5.58 and 10.52 p m. cream, cake and chocolate were served. UNION TRUST COMPANY OF ELLSWORTH. available for your use, and MAIL CLOSES AT POSTOPPICE. | '( t yet principal interest, | nf The several committees of the I I Got NO Thursday ;| West— WfL at any moment. Thousands of patrons are bank- 10.30, n.ig a m; 5.50 and 9 pm. r club of the Going East—6.45 a 4 and 8 Congregational society are busy ■SDanK ing with us by mail; YOU can do business with j m; pm. 1 making preparations for the sale of fancy ■ us the same way, with perfect safety. Ask for Registered mail should be at half flitH postofflce articles, towels, aprons, dolls and dolls’ particulars. an hour before mail closes. RETIRE* k>-| to be held afternoon and FROM BCS1XK9S. No Hunday mail. clothing April 29, NORTH ELLSWORTH. Postofflce evening, at the C. P. Dorr store on Main open on Sunday from 9 to 10 a m. Arthur W. EASTERN TRUST A street. One of the Greely Closes Lung BANKING CG., most attractive features A. W. Nason went to Bangor Br'1,; Business Career in Ellsworth. j Thursday Bangor. Maine. of this sale be ^ r O. W. will the display of may- on business. Tripp, who has been ill of grip, is of this week baskets. Ellsworth cooked food Monday marked the retire- BmnrhM mi Old Town mid Much la*. out and William of again. ment from business of one of El Is worth’s Jordan, Bar Harbor, was in H|N home-made are first-class. candy always town last week. The new moving picture theatre oldest and most highly-esteemed business Next the | Monday evening boys of the — opened Monday men Arthur W. Greely. watchmaker Miss Gertrude Maddocks has gone tn evening. Ellsworth school high will present the and Bar I)r. O. M. Drake and cf jeweler. He has sold his business to Harbor, where she has employment. wife, Boston, are “The High School at play, Freshman,” Harvard C. who took in Ellsworth for a few Jordan, possession The North Ellsworth farmers’ club held days. Hancock hall. The cast of characters was Monday. h meeting at the hall George H. Grant, of Boston, was in Ells- printed in The American last week. Saturday evening. Mr. Greely entered the jfcwelry store of worth a few last week on business. The under the direction of Fred E. Casman McGown will leave far days boys, F. Dunn when Tuesday George fifteen years of age, Bar Miss Hattie Cooke, are showing up well in the re- Harbor, where he has employment in Mosher, of Bangor, was the to learn tne jewelry trade, and afterward hearsals. The is for thebenefit Emery’8 greenhouse. guest of Mrs. A. W. Clark one day last play of tbe week. baseball team. \ dance will follow, with Frank Moore and wife went to South- music by Higgins’ orchestra, of Bar Har- west Harbor on business. Miss Margaret Downey left to-day fora Saturday They bor. will be several visit of two weeks with relatives in New gone days. Hampshire. The girls of last year’s basket ball team Edward Richardson left Monday for Au- of the Ellsworth high school into rora, where he will be a short Rev. R. B. Mathews is to deliver the ad- 4*got employed the game” again last Thursday evening, time before resuming his work in dress this evening at the dedication of the Bangar. just to show that they hadn’t forgotten new library and hall at Hteuben. Mrs. Pamelia Richardson, Mrs. Helen how. The team was of composed Ruth Nason and son Russell and H. E. Mad- Mrs. Henry E. Davis, who has been in Maddocks, Marguerite Drummey, Mar- docks and wife have all been confined te Boston for several months for the benefit garet Coughlin, Ernestine Shea and Eva the bouse with the the week. of her is j grip past health, home, greatly improved. Gerry. They met the Milbridge girls’ Miss Geneva 8. Smith will entertain the team, and won by the score of 10-2. A ELLSWORTH FALLS. 8. L. C.'s Thursday evening. There will be dance followed the game. A return game talks and a discussion on the life of Pres. will be at played Milbridge to-morrow- | Charles H. Haynes has purchased a five- Jefferson. evening. passenger Reo automobile. Three new automobiles have been re- The Ellsworth high school will put a Percy E. Flood went to Cherryfield ceived in Ellsworth the ! Buick and Cadillac past week, the baseball team in the field this season. Tuesday to work in the mills. owners being Charles H. Haynes, O. W. The following dates have already been Percy S. Moore and wife have gone to Tapley and B. 8. Jellison. filled: April 29, Bluehill academy at Blue- Bar Harbor, where they have employment These are the two makes of cars for which we are the of the hill; May 10, Bluehill at Ells- selling Photographs grand jury, taken academy for the summer with Dr. C. C. Morrison. agents. The features of these cars are such that no intending last fall have been and will be worth; May 20, Orono at Ellsworth; May mounted, Funeral services 3 purchaser should fail to become familiar with them. We are over the remains ef ready for delivery at the Joy studio be- 27, Old Town at EllBW'ortb; May 30, Calais prepared to show every detail. George E. Hatch were held at the church fore the close of the term. at Calais; June 4, Orono at Orono; June present last Rev. W. 17, Old Town at Old Town; June 24, Wednesday afternoon, Henry COMPLETE LINE OF" LIGHT DELIVERY TRUCKS The H. E. O. club met last Friday with Calais at Ellsworth. The team would Conley officiating. Sirs. A. K. Russell.
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