C~240:i ~.- tiXiUtlBJ IUrfS N70 If-tC· ,.),~ ..d-IN..~'.w~~.,f. LVNQi .................... L; t lAYI IflO ,- (. l~ ~l. FC'; ~~., ~ ( 'I'biiM ~ • Dul'kIn"- Jr •• 1fitora.y loJ' 'lAJ.AtLff JOHN r LYNCH ac IAAfO&'d ,laoe II J. S. C. •..,dc. JIIIW Jen~ 623-514) t.- 240.3 -9.9, 't7IUl:OA COURt' or .. JUSn C2IlUtC:DY DIV18JOIr ... uarsOll comrrr DOCiCItt 110. - JU&A.Ic VA.LLIT em ., COMC.tIII pubUo oorporation. .. ftAlwrlrr. ~' , -ft- gyu, ACtION CSISPIe\ lIT CAOCJIILa 'TD1. ClDalOU-TIOIr or Aaal~, 'aLDlJIQ M:lIUQJ. 1000 Iouth Pourt.b 'u••t Hard.on, -.v ".ne)'. 110 OOqlOnUon. hav1nog .ita principal oftice In the City ot . ... n, 'Oo\IAt)' Of ".u.. and 't.ate ot .WO .leney, .ar- ~.tl ... 1. ,ulAtUt u • body oorporate and politic. OJ'Nted• • tate ot Mew ".ney. 2. .1dlltUt• La .,.._te4 with tull pow.r and authority' and .u ch&rved with the duty ~ prevent the pollution ot the ..... ic tift%' aDd ita t.ributad ••• &Ad baa full power and au- thority to a •• which aU. power. &Ad duU •• are defined, ~te4 aDd hIpoaed aDder the la~ of the State of • ..., Jeruy. 1 '. = ;--.,· ... ; ..... 0 't'~~~ TIERRA-B-015617 . r .: a••• t forth In the Aevb.d Statute. of 11.-.oJ.uoy, 1937. '1'iUe . 58, Chapter 14, .a .uppl_ented and "'nded. '\. 3. Plaintiff further ahowl! that pur.uant to the powwr. and authority "..ted 1n it, W'Ider and by v1rtue of tho .tatute aforeaa14, the plAintiff. aet..1..n9W'Ider contract with certain -anicipalitl •• withln the ..... le valley S~rai. eo..LI.ionor.' C DbU'lct ••• def1Ae4 by 1IIv. eorutrucud a .ewr.VW .y.tUl and other pollutin9 _tter. ln order to tr.o .ald dver and it. tri- buteri •• fro- pollution, and put •• id ayat •• lnto operation On , or about tho 2nd day of A\t9uat. 19:14, which .dd eyet •• of .ever- a9· and dL.~.I· work. haG ev.r.been and atll1 i. ln operation, boL"9 operated by plalntlfr. Undor e.rtaln or" tho provlalOhl or aald law. i .•., H.J.S.A ...... ,. Or otNir polhti.n9 _tter .ball 110 d~~r9.d direct- ly or WintO'tly. lnto tM "-ten or tho .... aio Riv.r at any po1A~a.b .. an u. Gnat r..lh 1ft UMJ City or "teuon and tho IIOUth ot Nid 1'1"'1' at INWrk "y, or !nto the _tera ot any of" u. tr~1 .. ot aaid rb., _lab -.pty into it betww.n .aid polAte, and tJM ao-i.. loMu _y .ntorce tho provldone of thb chapt.er cw.r aM throutbout aU .unleipaUti •• Which "y, or tho 1Ababltanta ot ~iah .. y, directly. or lndirectly dLecharge .ow- a,. 01' otbu poll. tint _tter tAto N1d taoater.. ft_ eoc. ...don- an .. y LnatitUtA in t.heLr COrporate ......aueh civil .ction •••. Ial' .. de .. d "' .. ary or appropriate to ."toro. the proV,idona of '\:hh aKtlo" •• nd th. 'uporlor COurt ... her.by ".atad with jVJ.adLoUOA to .tOl"CW aaid Pl'ovi.e1ou by auch .ctloM brought ~ the o-Udoneu. The COurt .. y procw.d in aueh actioM in a .-.zy ..nMr eN' ot1lervia.. Aa ... ndod L. 19U. o. 54, p. 163, a. 32.· and !n N.J.S~.·S8114-8, it Lo provided. -110.---!Je, wote .. tter. arUcle or aabotance. liquid or ao11d, of "any k1ftd, Which ere_t .. odon, v.... or t..... duo to the pu- trefaction Of 0~1e _t~r or the pr ••• nce of cbemieala, or Aaalta iA the preaenc:w of oil or Vr .... On the aurf.ce of the watera of the ....... te Rivu. or ita tributarie., .hall be placed or dbc:barged. or be penaitted to be placed or ducha.rged. into the vat.e.ra of &aid ri".r het:wHn the point. deaiqnated in aec- tieD 58:14-7 of this title. or into ita uibatari ... 0 dedgnated Wboever. other than a .aidpal cozporation, after not 1e4l8·than ten days' DOr lIOn than .Lx -aDtlw· DOtice by the OOIIDiadoners, violates the providoDa of thia eee:tion shall be liable to a TIERRA-B-015618 TIERRA-B-015619" ....~J£""~.__ "' " ,,_,, _ . ~fW' "A';"i!!!!!fc~...1ty o' OM b-'04 do11&n ....... ur .... pooalty of twnty- • . t1v. dl;)llara .. day for .. cla day the off.nae h contuuae4. tG be .\Ied for an4 recovered by aM in the ftA8e ot the co..i.aaion.n." .~.. 5. 2'be I18fendant. Crucible Steel Corporation of Alllerica • . I .. intaiM an ~lWtry in the 1'GWn of IIarriaon. County of llud8on, aM State of .., Joroey. Par ac.e tJ,," paat. and c:ontiDuug up to th1I tiIM, with AU prw .. nt. Ln4icatLon ot ahee-nt thereof. into tlM ..... J.e R.\~r be~n thca Or.. t ,.lh ln "tor-en ..nd t:ba .cuth of ,aatd 1'1ver at llewal'k "y. thr0D9b .. O\Ilvert ownod by •• 14 Der.n4ant. ft•••id poUaUnq .. tod.l containa. Ulong the _nnexo ..torooatd. and "nl oanU" ....to be 00 4....oharvod un- le•• tM--.dd Defendant. Cruol.bl. It. .. l OOrporaUon of -'-erica. La enjoined and r .. t.l'alne4 by order on4 '\lCI9laont ot thh court. 6. ' All ot tho tOI'..,alh9' ba. oonat1'lute4 and now conati- tute. pollution ot a vory •• r1.o\&Ooharaotor contrary t.o and in . violation ot tho etatut. ator ... J.d. WHlalFORI, Pl.intitt do.ancS. jY4Qaont onjoLnL"9 and ra- atza1nln9 the Der.ndant, Cruc~le Ic..el Corporation ot Amadea. 8.. 141"" *dca, 1000 aouth rourth Itr •• t. .fArr loon. II4ni' Janey. ita otfLoen, "venta ••• I'V.n~ and _plop .. trOllA aUowinq a "'~-' CShcharve ,iDto u.. .... aie Aivet. ot any .. ttet or .ub.tanc:o. .. Uqu14 or 80114. prohibited N.J.&.A. 58.14-7 ..nd 58.14-8. " ...: .0- • ~-., .-~;L;1.1J: ~. ~Durkin# ~ Attorney for Plaintiff TIERRA-B-015620 .. ... '. • STA'l'E or IIEW JERSEY COmr'l'Y or USEX VERIP'ICATION '-" ::;,' III Beyaour A. Lub.tJd.n, Mln4] of full a9 •• duly rotOrn'- upon bt.. oath, depO••• and •• Y.' 1. 1 .. ~ O\1'et al\91ne&r tor the ,. .. &1c vall •.r S~rage Co..l.iloner. ancS'have been &0 ..ployed for apprQxl- II •. _tely fUt.en year •• next .e.-.diately pree-cUni. .\ 2. 1 bav. 1' .. 4 th. to'reqolngCOIlIplalnt an4 I alii Seymour A. Lubotkln. Qatar Bni1noer SWorn and .ub.crLbod before ... a aeotary Public, in and for the CoWlty of Ia.ex, State of ...... Jitney. on thla /6- 4&yor ~.u. uno. :i l ~~'-<- ~ lOUIS J. CAPONE "JAb I'VIJUC 01 II•.usn .. Ittc &1'-'1....1.1112 1 TIERRA-B-015621 ". ) ..... , . ·.COUWti 07 asu ..\:~~~,:' :. 1. I. h)'llOUr A. LubetJcin, _ the Chi.f &ogine.r for the ~~tX':· ..... 10hUey ~hV- ea-i..iollU. and bay. been .0 -ploye4 .. for a,pprox£.ately tifteeD )'NDt, DeJrt ~1ac:.ly preae41ng. , • 2. In II)' official capacity •• Oaiet BQviD .. r, I bavere- ca1.ftd "-.-rou. nport.e tn. t:M a:.-1adon.r.' JU~r Iupeetor. "POrtiD9 the dUaha.rva of probLhited _tter. J.nto th~ h •• de , River through •. culvert owned by the Defendant, Ct'lielble Steel COrpontioa of "'-rtcia, aDd On"'anu.ry 16, lilO, and 8gdn on r.bnauy ., 1970. Jay Oertified adl, I inetrlK'te4 the Detendant to oea•• and deabt POl1ut.lnv, .' / '\ .. 3. ~ diaabarV-of the ca.pla1ned or .ttluont h bighly . ,,~ " _ .. ,. A1_~~~~ • .,.. ..r A. LubetJcln CIb ie t a1\9 ineer ~ and .ubeQd~d before .. , .'ltOtuy hbUc, in and for tM " CoaAty of "aex, 'tat. ot Mew .tv.. y, Oil th1. 10th day of A,pdl, 1170. ) "·'f .. f .' i ' .. It":·.... INIh] .. ; a"q ". IJSI)t .,1110 ~;IW IIY!OI JNOdV:) T SinOl TIERRA-B-015622 TIERRA-B-015623 .'I~ •. .~. H.'-t' .. ."'" -. : ':-" ,-: ~ " ,~".:.£t>. ~,', ('. \\~'{35 \970 ~.~.oe I ~'., '. S'MQH,"DEHaTMAN • NooNAH , I co. IWalCI .-nteer MlWoUIC. No ~ 07'01 .,, ea ..... J).f.Ddnt_ ~~_ro" .._.__ ._- SUPERIOR CCURT OF NEW JERSIY CH.ucERY DIV!Sloet-HUDSON CClDNTr DOCKET 110. ;.:. .AI'Ale Vo\LLft .~lAGl I C <1 - :Jtjo 3 ..fP CX»Da18l0.EU •• public: i • oocporatioft. ~ r ,I ,laint-Ut. I I y. CAvil Action CJlDC:EaLl,'TU:L COJtPOUTlCH or AHalUCA. SPALDINQ WOkl<S. 1000 .outh lOurth Str••t. tl.'rrhon. NMt Jora.y • .• Dofendant. Crucible, Inc., A corporation of tho Itate ot NMt Jor ••y. (doneainated In tho complaint a. Cruciblo • r St.••l COrporation ot AMor1ca, ·SpAld1n9 Worka-), Whoao Poat Of- tic" .ddr... h 1000 So. Fourth Str••t, lIarrhon. County of lIud- ·.on and Stat. ot N~ Jara.y. anaworing tho cODplaint, aays that: 1. ,aragraph 1 1. a4A1ttod. 2.· An~.r1ng paragraph 2. defendant admit. that pl~inUff 10 charged by otatut.a, in ouch ca •• IUd. and provided. with' certa1n dutie. in r••peet to preventing pollution of the Pa••ale River and it. tributorle., but for the true Deaning and ,to - I - , . - '""- . ~ - - - '.. - TIERRA-B-015624 /. ..I ..... purport ther';r.,rand ." . .' for the extent to which the alUlledefine and . '". '0 ·i oJ .. '1' :.. to the language'Qf aaid atabate.. £Xcept a. expre ..ly hUdn ad- aitted. Paragraph 2 .18 denied. • J. An.w.ring paragraph 3, defendant atat•• that it doe. not bave knowledge or intor_tion .uffidut -to form a be- L liof concerning the «allegation. therein contained, I'oapecting plaintiff'. conatruction and oporatlon ot a .ewa,e ay.tem and tb. circuaatanc •• _ndor Which ciVil ponaltie. are recOverable. are not applic.~le to thl. civil action. Which 1. an action to •.cur. an injunction. no Paragraph nuab.r.' -...). l1.ron.I'Int .10n'.. th..t J t do•• now or \ ha. in the pe.t. di.ch.rged or .1Iow8d ihedi.chargo oC polluting .
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