The Wayne .Heraldzi~ + -;-;{

The Wayne .Heraldzi~ + -;-;{

"~kBRAm<1'~=~:~":' \ j J'[ 16 pages \ sections THE WAYNE .HERALDZI~ + -;-;{: . EIGHTY.EIG,HTH YEAR' (';b'l.. ·",,,1 ''''''0 r"ol r"," ,,' "'01.""•. W"m. N,."".. ." ".'.., w ,. M.".. ~"EI.",V",E_ ---~-_.. ~ ~ 1J,l 'I'll l'uIIBlt'tI Ou\t.ponttl'd .-------'---------.-:.~..::----+:t-'-.:.----.:.......:--.:------.,....-----:T.:••:::.:".~Y. hi 110 IUnrll. Wn)'DC!f 'Nebtilldla Reub~:: ~et Self.Hel~ Co~·m~~si;;~i I Medical ;'U,-,Id, Old Settlers \ ~Ionned Planning For Winside Next- ).,'it. 'to \.'\day Coursesci~ilan¥)C~,~~,,~'·~:~d!~,~lde ~:~:;VII:'~;' Be First Develo~mentSt'I P.; courses to he ..:ivcII in WllYI1e , ~(J~.l/(~~l ~~'J',::.(;i;i~ n::~~'d S(:·~\!~~i:(~~nd \~\~i I' • f ~~~tins the fir:it week in Scpt(~m· ·N-e-w'-D-;.sast-e"r" Warn-~.'ng--·-C(~I~t\1 .~~~l(~·;(~~.~,.~hn~; ~tJt A~\i~\I(lIC~~? ga!lll'" .. , W'o,<>II,' .Ioly 25 lor the List New Pro's The c1a"es. t'ulIlbinlng ",,"e ,sISI'~;110 Ibe Mllyo,' ,ol N t1olk, In (j:lrd i1nnu.1! (lId S('\llrrs [{('union. I first aid and other t'meq.(ml')' b 0 h d hellt:' hpw lhllt city YOI'kv(, wllh u I'lllU'lill~ I"~ :~~~) :~ncne~h d I fOI~f Ih:v;;~: For Mus'lc and procodul'es. is tiUed "Wbal 10 do System Esta lis e eOlllllllssiollllld~.!l f(\~'<i,"l,ll emil' 0 ulltil the doclol' arrives," PI'''hf""j,ve Illull in dll' ,c stllrtlng_.. -at '1:30 a.m, with 'the A ( S ff Anyone inter051ed in taking tho vt'lol~lIlt'nl~. Horo.'hoe Pitching. Tbon como, rt amp to ,\ ~o:;::: ~~n~~:t:~::~~a;~5~;:6 a';::~~U1~::t~e ~~~ :;~I:'~:~~le~:S::,"'l~ '11",,(,I,'II(IJ"I~~,n','):'IlI~lt~"~~~JI '~~~~~ h;l~~~~:h::; :h~.c~lltc:;e,n~; ~~;~~e p~tra'::'~: fli"h ,<ehooI musicians and aI" or E. L. Hailey, phone 315.1305, In case of dlsllslc'l's sodl llS 101'l1ll' 01 crllll;''''''''''' 01111 VllYU~ ludus, 11:00 19.m. The 1hemQ this year altending Uw Wayne State The class, conducted with docs, flood ur severe stol'ms. tl'lt's~ Ine, I, I "P d f N t'" SUIllilwr J\-[usic and Art Camp will slides and lectures hilS II mUXj. In such a situation, tho flrO' t I h II h ' llCO 0 0 II 'on" . find 'H,m"rou" velel'lln dil'ectnl's mum Intal 01 3U slodellls, whi,tle will bo blown thl'ee time. Ih~ ~~~ t~Oed 11:.,· ~I:~U ~ ge~ ,\1 1:::W ]l,II1. Ill{' WIJYIH' I1lgh on thl' faculty and some n{~w ones Time and dales of the c1as~t's, I for one minute with a minute tin an organized Ian of tuowth halld wJl! pr,'scnl a ("oll{'l'rl, fol· 100 if enough jntcrcsl is 8hoWli. will spaco between blasts. IntO, operation wa,'~ho 0 t.bU.h. IIJ\\('II ill 1 :W p,lll. by til(' J\lud\ I In addition to the eight Wayne be de.tcrmi,ned nt 11 luler 1!i1tt', ,. Thl' ellH'r!-:\~nl'y warning sysLt'r'lI mO'.,t of II plannin : com 1..lon. :-'1111 Hl'l"iopl(l':-' TfH'11 at :; ,15 p rn IroJ!p,,-,:\, prof{';:;sors (s('vp-o of them R\.lglstrallolls for th(' classes a1"t~ Is connected wllh t1w, Nodo,lk IIt~ suid no t'olllwil' in ll~! wOI'l,d 1'(lIll'('rt \\llh <l slw('lal conCI'rt b} ,rflgulilrs on tlJ(' staff), Director being lleccptcd now, WeatJn~r Bureilu, who wJ\1 contad ean Il'Wl II dty liS clmplfll'ly UH'.it ,'» 'I:';',:"""" ""'nll"l ""nd ,,' ;~:;~~~:~"A,~d~:~"o:~sl;~n"g~~~~~~.';,'he . • ::~t1:~~i:.~~s :~~;:;J s:'~,~I,~~1 ':'Ill'~:l~:~"'r shullid '''' ~,11'I1Olll IIIt,id" leill. "" ;\1 J :1(1 p III Ih(' WlllSJdp Lillll' Among t!l(, visitors, Sarr Thomas D'ro f'rankl.on Named fa was :rt.ft~rl'lI1~ 10 pIa ning \IOmmHi' )lld~~C't~ \\ III ('afro]] illld tilt' ;llld John Adams of O',l:1l\a and ~IOIl, action tnlllll1lt,(~{~ Iud ij_~t(!h ~lIddlt' \~jll 'oul:'ii(k~ h~lp. (':lnol] pl'l"lurm at BI,tl 1I,ligh of Pierc{> .:fluid find I h d d W rn Res'ldents /!.rolllPsSL~I\(' as u~ :; {)II \1 :\:(I{J P III IIii' WIll i Ilil'll" W,lY 10 the Music Camp po . Eng is Awar s Ju ge a Solid with t !lnni! com. t'-J(k .\lldgl'h \\Ill play I'll I ilium,;, blin,dfoldl'd, after years of SOME THIRTY BICYCLES, belonging to children closs helped th~ cyclists apply the tape. The mls'lion und Inufe/HII nal u d in I' h J I n f ott nding the Wayne Police Department's Bi children then saw Q safety film This is the second Dr. Lauru Franklin, pl'of{>ssor of llIukllng 11 COhlPI'{lhtlll:llVOfJlun of gl' At 4:00 p,m. tho National Pork 11;',~~~:·~·~';1:eanI71~~1l1~cl~LlI('rO~t~a~ cycre Safety School, were marked with reflector~ year in Wayneifor the Bicy~le Safety School, English at Wayne Stal<', has hepn Not to V'lew Sun lll} f.!lowth, Ihe fl'xL U (omutlc Queen, Flavian Goeller and her I<llld hoth arc graduates o{ Wayne ized safety tape Saturday for night protection. originated by dfticer Hailey. named a judge for tlw 1963 lIl'hipvl' EI' D' tl stt'P Is WIlJIIA Sisters will sin'g, 'At 2:30 p.m. ISlall'. Schull'r also a previous Officer E, L. Hailey, center, who conducts the ment awards progrlJm of the Na- CIpse . Irec y Z(Jlllll~. lil1Ul Stuva aid in u -~--~------~~--- t all Minor Sports will be held. I Camp instructor. Robert Lars(m of .- .. tional Couneil of En!llish Teach- IU'ullhyhO(J~ltohWllnt'Hli <.'I,nole, 08 well 1I('glnnlng al D,Do p,ll\.H()skl~Swln...,lth"jColumbus is a newcomer oh thc '.1 ' II 0 hers. HI'illlt'I'S hllV(' hf'1'1l \\alllltl .1" II f('sldeIUnl EOwlh Wa)IW, ('alT,n!] and fin: Icamp staf,f hut un !'xpcril'nced I'F· Ch II Lke Above' 5. ver Do or Nlg ts The nationwide program ~t'niul'sglvI's agulnst din'd vipWJl\J.: uf 1111 ,\Ill ~ , d('p,lItrrwtl!s \\J11 ksl llWI1 llll'ltl( 'chorul dJl"pc!or. air anc,e a ,rc{'ognition 10 noteworthy 1{~l'1jPSf'with lhl' naked I'yt' dunng !l.u' • i • HI ,\1a \\<1(('1"til"11ghl""""'llk IJr"m,'Jl1d WI'1'!lam ""Cordlnf'1' a, [so ,"'," new 1.0 :''Drawlng0 NOW a t $350 for superiority in English. Mprit Saluroay. '1'111' {'t'lIPS{' WIllk N PdtI • l~ ("im]~) ff I Ii th awards a,rc hllSC,,,d. on a h,'sl, two he p,arlilll in 1I11s part of NelJrils n, 0, BIJgj(, nshlwill Ill'rform I),\[h sta . lavmg Y)olrJe e d examples of Cl'l'tlllv(' WI'Jtmg und No typO' of smoked glass, sun. me ro_ , c on• 1l\(' ('hallll)l() l) softhall gam!' '., \VOI.vne, Sla.te .art fa{'U,II. , la'~"lt" ...I,,",IIL, Bel t Thu,rsdu niigh,t's Silver Dollar pel well y n I ger I e omp ee nega.tive~ h Enn 11m ~()nl In 111(' C.. H> .. L 'j ~lfter an uutobmgrllphlcal stult'menl by glasses, film or any lH'h\I'I'n Hosl'lInl-- 11 IIII !ladar ilt tht, Ii." ahoul abovt' lasl Iyear's at- II drawmg will he worth $3.'>0 the entrunl!;, olher typo of deVice IS safe for StlNffU 0f Te 0' 5e, :-';I'~~;l(;' 1.:,I.llll~"nl Show f!luds WI I! I)l' l1l'n(.ldflcP anrl still growing. More. Plans for, a :lO acrc rcc.r('atiooal ---.---- {,?bl'.rt, Ha~son, Wayne, ml~sed • ;~:::g etheo d~u':a :t c.:n::~:I~: Tile "pt'ople Iwhln J lhe cene". or held al 7::\0 p,m, foJl(J\\I'd hy a registratIOns are expcc~ed before il~k(' Oll(' mill' north of PI.[ger arelO d D S t \l,JnrJItJg last week. Ill' rl-,cclved Area Shippers th t ~ r d t t:tal blindness, ratll!('r Ihe prot!uclon ~(mmil.! Ii'l."t'llall gHllH' 11('lw('('n \\',I.\'[H': till' ralllp opC'n,<, .July 28,1 iglvpn a "raIl" d~an{'(' of ~etllg com-I ut oor5 raws coo 5 $10 as a consolation prize. A' J ipf t S' Cit II' a can ea 0 f for Ule Waynp PluY~1:'8 pre cotillIOn 'HId Winsid(' al 8:0U P_In· I • Iph'tl'd" , a{'corlilng to Willard B~r· You must be registered with the weeJ~eain~;ud~~~s r:jk~{'IO~~eifl,y Ilil~~ If you Wish, 10 watch tin: ~. of .. rl'pahOl.lS{', of tho ~ugUfl.t.Moon"', • :\ tllodprn dam'l' f(',during B(!h I J G b PI F bec of Ih{' Slat(' (;anH' Com mlS- Into Varied Activities Chamber of C.o'm~erc~, This ca~ 11 h 'f t 8 $ <1 fpelti (,If tile eclIJl~e, follow I.he!it· In· huv~' 1H'f'n' 'unnou ted ))1 Ilulh Brlldbury alit! IllS orclH'~tra "Ill an ar er to ay or Isum. I be done IlY f('g"lstcnng III any parll- ~~'ne Sa~~:I~:: ;a~ne,4144 ~~e~;~r~~ structlOns- HOSji, director of tic Hluw. t'III1{"ltJdl' till' 1'\',l'l1tng ,UI !J:Ol! p:m. , "Big Name Ban~1I Dance i ~e~eral .

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