Diversions Pigface, etc., to rock win pair over local venues, Thanksgiving page 7 break, page 9 Mesa State College www.mesastate.edu/crite Volume 68 Wednesday, November 28, 2001 Issue 14 Local radio study buddy station to hold third annual on-air auction By Sharon Sullivan Staff Writer Grand Junction's only locally-run and sup· ported community radio station. KAFM 88.1 fm, will be holding it's third annual Great Radio On-Air auction Dec. 4-6. from 4 to IO p.m. The proceeds will go toward general operating funds. KAFM 88.1 is one of only a handful Criterion I Heather Callaway of community supported Mesa State College students start preparing for finals by working in the Tomlinson Library and operated radio sta­ computer lab. Students have less than two weeks to cram for the end of the semester. tions in the country. The non-commercial station pa) s its billi. through College officials hire new business dean ipdivtdual and family By Randy Hampton In his latest position at Fulbright Scholar program at as Christian University memberships. business Special to Criterion Cal Poly, Rogers served as Kossuth University in (1977-1980). underwriting and vari­ Head of the Marketing Area Debrecen, Hungary. Rogers has been pub­ ous fundraisers through­ Dr. Samuel Gingerich, in the College of Business, as Rogers has also taught busi­ lished in numerous business out the year. vice president of Academic Coordinator of the Hungarian ness course!. at Montana State and marketing journals, co­ More than 70 items Affairs has hired John C. Exchange Program, and as a University (l 983-1986), Utah authored several books and will be auctioned over the Rogers as the new Dean often Professor of Marketing. State University (1981-1983), presented papers at many radio each day. Goods and School of Business and His teaching background University of Arkansas at Little services to be auctioned Professional Studies. Rogers also includes a one-year Rock (1980-1981), and Tex- See DEAN, page 4 include a bicycle from will start work at Mesa State Brown's Cycles. a year Dec. 17. weather forecast round hot pool pass from Rogers comes to Mesa Ouray, a leather briefcase, State from California certificates for things Polytechnic State University, such as restaurants, where he has served in vari­ See RADIO, page 3 ous capacities since 1986. 41 °/24° 43°/22° 46°/23° 36°/28° 45°/25° 44°/26° 47°/25° I, '\\"'-ctillTe.YJ}n~ November2.K.21l1ll :=;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;.;.;.;.;.;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;-~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~..I:.:...~~~~~;..._~~2 NEWS Honor society to chronicle Mesa State College joins trend attack reactions Criterion Staff Report teeli:ngs and thoughts of t'llllV11t in research-oriented programs Phi Alpha Theta. tlh.? history resicknL., on the tm.gic event,. Thi,; honor sticiety at Mei.a Stat.e. is effort is bdng conducted ·with ] . d I I In similar scenarios. other a!Jy affect<; other people and can :lliking stutlene;, "l>taft~ roid faculty hopes that flnuic generatioru. will nst1tut1011s. eve op schools. including liberal arts create positive change." ~mbcr.; to reflect on the Sept. J l nnt forget the events or the rea:­ cuttmg~edge colleges and four-year insti­ Julio Ramierz, the R. Stuart l.l1t.ll:b, Written responses, thoughts. tiom they might have inspired. researcb curriculum ] tutions are developing curricu- Dil:k.son Professor of psychol­ and comments \\ill be an:hiwd in Drop ooxes are locar.ctl in lum that encourage student, to ogy at Davidson, has mentored the 1bntlin~n Libmry an<l at the the Tomlinson Libr..uy and in the By Dann Hayes nnt only develop cutting edge more than 85 student,, ,,ince Museum of Wlt'l1l:m Cokm.i!.L.) for Humanitit!..\ ;md SJx:iul Sdences Special to the Criterion research, hut also present their 1986, many assi,~ting in neuro­ future refurcntt:. Department in Lowell Heiny Hall. findings injournats or at national science projects, including the Phi Alpha Theta will l·.nUect Submil.-siom, for the archives will GRINNELL. Iowa or international symposiums. recovery of memory function the dncuntcntb through Dec. 1 und he a.wptetl from student~. !,tuff. Undergraduate institutions 'This concept is, to my after cortical damage. Ramierz will take the 11Ct·e.ssary steps to faculty memhef\ and ooy inh!r­ across the country are giving knowledge, unique in its ambi­ was recently named one of the p:rcscrve the do:umenl', for futuoc ested community members. students more hands-on expe­ tion and offers undergraduate two first-ever recipients of the historians, re&>an:hcrs and stU<k.'l1t,; For more infonnarion, call rience. preparing them for the students an unparalleled opportu­ Council on Undergraduate ·•itc I rnrght.,t-'i..'k inltm11ari1 m1 in tlit 0 '.ll'~-L"'- ~>24 Dr S,irJli,1wedhtm real world, perhaps better than a nity Lo engage in rigorous schol­ Re:sean:h Fellows Award. larger university would. arly debate at the hightest level." "I think it's the best vehicle Mes-a State joins thn,~e .\aid Duncan Large, department for educating our students and to ,~chools by conducting forensic of German. University of Wales introduce them to the research­ studies on samples from the and Swansea Chairman, Fredrich world,'' Ramierz said. famed Alferd Packer murder Nietzsche Society of Great At Grinnell College, as at ,~ccne, trying to determine if Britain. the other in.stitutiuns, students Colorado's most famou1, canni­ The trend to include under­ are encouraged to complete their bal was guilty of murder. Other graduates in graduate-level reser­ research and present it in some Dn you.r homt"Work students at Mesa State assist in ach comes as concern grows form to other researchers in the @' 18,000 f,. Need a Come to (l hri. a day for 5 days). h.rl'ak? research that links deer mice that the United States is falling field. lk a subject Chrt\ll.JO ch.tll«n~e, 1'hundap to the mysterious Hantavirus. behind other nations in develop­ "The international visibil- in -an altitude @ 7pm iu lhe ~·uhb~n Lecture which has killed dozens of ment of leaders in their research ity the students would othe~~-­ Hall for fun and fcJlo"~hip. r~earch project. people in the Southwestern fields. Neal Lane, the assistant receive i$ usually very rare." hwnmre in.fo adl Gig For11rore info call: i Bryan@ 242-0139 United States in recent years. to the president for science and said Rux...,ell K. Osgood, presi- @ 248-1194 In Grinnell. Iowa, -an under­ technology for former President dent of Grinnell College. ··one graduate student at Grinnell Bill Clinton, expressed this con­ of the primary goals of our pro- College has documented an cern in an April :WOO report titled gram is to let the students have arthcological find he made of an "U.S. Scientific, Technical, and an experience in what it is like early stone age site, one of the Engineering Workforce . to be a professional scholar." earliest discovered in Namibia, Report." In many cases. that sparks f1.:l.h1w-.hip ufChri-.tianA..tblcn..-s is now on."t'ling on Western Africa, that scholars say ·•If current trends persist." an intere,st that remains with Monda,-~ ar 7;30 in the Conference..Ro'IJm of Saunders may prove to be "remarkable for he said, "our natinn may begin to the ,~tudent throughout graduate Fieldhouse. fOJ" More info call: J,™'n@ 263-79l9 understanding how early humans fall far short of the talent needed school. lived." to spur the innovation process In un essay published in Across campus, two that has given America such a "DAEDALUS: Journal of the Grinnell students helped strong economy and high qual­ American Academy of Arts and develop an online system to ity of life.'' Sciences,'' Thomas R. Cech, the allnw participants of the Special If the example found at recipient of the 1989 Nobel Interest Group on Computer Davidson, Grinnell, and Mesa Prize in chemistry and the pres­ Science Education (SIGSE) State colleges are any indication, ident of the Howard Huges international symposium to con­ however. undergraduate institu­ Medic-al Jrn;titut-e wrote that tribute paper.~. The system also tions -are bucking the trend as "'in the absence of roomful~ of allowed those papers to be student., develop an interest in graduate studenb or postdocs assigned judges and be judged research-oriented prngram~ at with expertise in every imagin­ online and enabled a ground­ a younger age. And that tn:nd able technique or procedure. the breaking statisticul study of the is reaping huge dividends in (undergraduate) ~tu dent needs reviewing process. recruitment as students choose to be $elf-reliant and innova­ And at Davidson College, smaller schools with the option tive.'' Davidson, N.C., a student stud­ to develop rei;earch much sooner Cech. a graduate of Grinnell ies white rats as they wind than they might at a larger uni­ College, ad(b that "the personal their way through a maze. while versity. attention given by the professor another is examining some ··undergraduate research is a often leads to an intense and paper-thin sections of a rat's hugh plus for students," ;,;aid Dr. highly focused research experi­ brain in a laboratory down the Michael Gallagher, Mesa State ence." Those who have had -.uch hall. The undergraduate stu­ College president. ··Research 1111 experience prize it greatly and dent~ arc seeking a clue that makes learning relevant. Our comJder it to have been highly could lead to a possible cure for :students are learning early how influential in their development Alzheimer·,., disease. their chosen field of study ac:tu- a;-; scientists.'' •Wednesday, November 28, 2001 NEWS 3.
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