Howard University Digital Howard @ Howard University The iH lltop: 1980-90 The iH lltop Digital Archive 1-27-1989 The iH lltop 1-27-1989 Hilltop Staff Follow this and additional works at: http://dh.howard.edu/hilltop_198090 Recommended Citation Staff, Hilltop, "The iH lltop 1-27-1989" (1989). The Hilltop: 1980-90. 214. http://dh.howard.edu/hilltop_198090/214 This Book is brought to you for free and open access by the The iH lltop Digital Archive at Digital Howard @ Howard University. It has been accepted for inclusion in The iH lltop: 1980-90 by an authorized administrator of Digital Howard @ Howard University. For more information, please contact [email protected]. The H1t!o111'1 I 111~1t C1Ra111 .. """""' e D.C.nllt • ' Howard loses Jeffries to S.C. State r' Athletic Director Moultrie fends off critics as search for new head coqch gets underway Three Howard assistant coaches: said that he and his wife wanted to Alonza L. Robertson Ben Blabknall, the defensive coor­ return to · South Carolina, which is Hilltop Staff Reporter dinator; Jim Ward, the running their home. The university plans to announce backs coach; and Alonzo Lee, the Jeffries, 49, began his head its choice to lead the football pro­ linebackers coach, have interviewed coaching career at the school in 1973 - gram Feb. I, less than month after for the position. , and over the next six years became Head Coach Willie Jeffries resigned ''The team and staff are eager to the Mid-Eastern Athletic Con­ to accept the same position at South find out who the leader is going to be ference's winningest coach claiming ·.' ~ ,.;· {\·; Carolina State. so that we can get back to our daily five MEAC-championships. Jeffries leaves a nationally­ routine,'' Blacknall said Wednesday. ''I don't know if Howard could ' I "'rt(" recognized program in limbo and · Jeffries has offered all his have done anything to keep me,'' Jef­ _... many players, fans and alumni upset · assistants positions on his staff at the fries told Washington Post reporter ..... ... Donald ljluff. ~ about his abrupt departure. Orangeburg, S.C. school of 4,500 The interview process for a new students. Former S.C. State head ''I didn't try to bargain with Dr. coach is being led by Athletic Direc­ coach Dennis Thomas resigned this Anderson and I just felt the oppor­ tor William Moultrie who has said year after three unfruitful seasons tunity to return to my home and there are eight to 10 serious can­ with the team. Ironically, Thomas finish my coaching career was a didates for the job. has applied for the Howard head perfect ohe. '' photo by Keith 0. Lffdbetter ''Our first consideration is a per­ coach postion. Jeffries signed a five-year contract Howard classrooms illustrate the growing shortage· of males. son who is academically- oriented It is unclear as to exactly what pro­ with the school tHat included a rent- mpted Jeffries to leave Howard on Willie Jeffries and sound-someone who puts see Jeffries, pagt! 5 • academics first,'' Moultrie said. Jan. 9. In published interviews he has Shortage of male • • students plague HU By Rachel L. Swarns Education. In its comprehensive Hilltop Staff Reporter study of minority enrollment in American universities and col­ '• leges, the ACE calls African­ The number of African­ American male college participa·. American males enrolled at tion ''dismal," noting that it Howard University has declined shows the largest decline of all significantly over the past decade racial and gender groups. despite a growing pool of African­ Despite an increase in the American high school graduates, number of African-American high university officials said. school graduates, between 1976 The Office of the Registrar and 1986 the number of African­ reports that between 1976 and American men in college fell 7 .~ 1986 African-American male percent to 436,000 from 470,000. enrollment fell 3.9 percent, while White male enrollment fell 0.9 the number of African-American percent, while Asian and Hispanic females jumped 27 .5 percent. men gained 13.8 and 15 perent •'It's•a serious situation," said respectively, the study said. Tawana Offer, assistant director, African-American women held , Office of Student Recruitment. relatively steady at 5.1 percent of ''We're talking about a society enrollments in 1976 and 5.2 per­ that's going to be saturated with cent in 1986, while African­ college graduates (so that) the re­ American men dropped from 4.3 quirements for entry-level posi­ percent to 3.5 percent during the • • tions are going'to be higher: And same time frame, the study said. it will be harder to get a job." ''A lot of students experience The trend here at Howard mir­ financial restraints that are keep­ rors a national phenomenon ing them from starting right after documented last week in a report by the American Council on see Males, page 3 Law students' , boycott photos b)' Keilh O. Leadbetter classes, protest exams • A young spectator gets o lift above the crowcf..--as he watches the Eastern High School Band and a majestic ' By Shelia Maxwell address the three major demands of eagle float during the inaugural parade. · Hilltop Staff Rcponer the students. The demands are: ''to implement Howard law students have spent ' and develop a post-examination Bush takes presidential oath, starts new era the last two days boycotting classes review; provide an adequate amount and protesting what they call an un­ of time for examination preparation; By Tina Travers · - ed his hand on the same Bible that is. the first vice-president since are not the sum of 't:lur posses­ fair administration of comprehensive and to develp a plan to use the ex­ amination to diagnose the acadeqiic Hilltop Staff Reporter Washirtgton used to take his oath Martin Van Buren in 1837 to suc- sions." exams. of office. ceed hfs predecessor. ''A new breeze is blowing,'' he According to Student Bar Associa­ progress of the .students.'' Former Indiana Senator Dan The first official act of the presi- - said. ''A nation refreshed by tion President Omo Dare Jupiter, Berilstine added.that students-have Geofge Herbert Walker Bush ·Quayle. iook his oath of the vice- dent was to say a prayer for the freedom stands ready to push students on the campus, located in already"liad ample time to complain was sworn in as tfie 41st president presidency upon his family Bible country in which he stated, ''the on '' upper N. W. Washington, say that the about the tests since the rules anQ of the United States last Friday, which was held by his wife just use of power is to serve peo- ;,The day of the dictator is over. exams, designed to help law students guidelines for giving them are writ­ during the bicentennial inaugura- Marilyn ., It is suspected that pie." Great nations move toward do well on the Bar examination, are ten in the course booklet every tion. The ceremony marked the · Associate Supreme court Justice A phrase heard often in the in- democracy through the door to not being used effectively. semester. Bernstine added that, as 200th year since the inauguration Sandra Day · O'Connor presided augural address was ''a new breeze freedom,'' he continued. Howard's Law School administers far as the administration is concern­ of the first president of the United over Quayle's oath because she is is blowing." According to Bush Some minorities felt that Bush the exam to secpnd year students. ed, ''the rule in existence is the rule States George Washington. Bush the role model of Mrs. Quayle. the country can expect him to The test is readministered to third that applies.'' year students who failed the first standing in the west portico en- Bush . who was sworn in by stand by his beliefs and lead the see Bush, page 3_ Jupiter claims that students went • -· trance of the capitol building plac- Chief Justice William Rhenquist country into a new era where ''we time. Aside from giving the students to the faculty members about their / .._~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~- a grade to be averaged into their concerns after he, along with a com­ cumulative grade point, said Dean mittee, did a survey to find out if the Daniel Bemstine, faculty members exams were supplying the students tell students how they can improve on with adequate information to prepare Sterling Brown, renowned English professor dies the diagnostic test ;;i.nd then allow lhem for the Bar. He said that the them to review the results. recommendation ''was tabled.'' • But according to Jupiter, the first Bernstine was unavailable for com­ By Kellye Lynne and Wendy Sharpe in 1984, died of leukemia Jan. 13 at early slavery. part of the process is unjust, and the ment on the matter. l Hill1op Staff Reporters Heritage Health Care Center in , Various Howard University alum­ second and third parts are not. feasi­ However, according to Bernstine, Bursting from out the thick leaved fakoma Park,' Md. ni gathered to pay their respects to ble, since students rarely get .the op­ he has no problems with students oaken sha'de, In a special tribute to Brown, Dr. Brown whose J:>e"ginnings can be trac­ portunity to see their graded exam. protesting ,near the campus' main There I have lain while hours Michael R. Wiriston, vice-president ed to a house on the comer of 6th and ''That is a flat out lie. Students building, Houston Hall, ''as long as santered past for Academic :Affairs, spoke ad.::.. Fairmont Street N. W., where havC requested.since last semester to they do it in an orderly manner.'' mirably of the poet re·calling a close Howard's business school stands.
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