E PL UR UM IB N U U S Congressional Record United States th of America PROCEEDINGS AND DEBATES OF THE 115 CONGRESS, SECOND SESSION Vol. 164 WASHINGTON, THURSDAY, JULY 12, 2018 No. 117 House of Representatives The House met at 10 a.m. and was In April 2010, members of the Penn- fices in McKean County and Harris- called to order by the Speaker pro tem- sylvania Oil and Gas Association and burg. The association employs an pore (Mr. DESJARLAIS). the Independent Oil and Gas Associa- eight-person staff, and each year, f tion of Pennsylvania, IOGA, unani- PIOGA hosts several conferences, semi- mously voted to merge the two organi- nars, public educational meetings, DESIGNATION OF SPEAKER PRO zations into a single, comprehensive presentations, and community events TEMPORE trade association representing oil and at a variety of locations across the The SPEAKER pro tempore laid be- natural gas interests throughout Penn- Commonwealth of Pennsylvania. fore the House the following commu- sylvania. Mr. Speaker, I wish PIOGA the best nication from the Speaker: The merger reunited two organiza- as it gathers in Titusville to celebrate WASHINGTON, DC, tions that had split apart nearly some 100 years of growth and sustainability July 12, 2018. 30 years earlier to form the Pennsyl- in the Pennsylvania oil and gas indus- I hereby appoint the Honorable SCOTT vania Independent Oil and Gas Associa- try. The industry has a rich history in DESJARLAIS to act as Speaker pro tempore tion, or PIOGA. the Commonwealth, and I know that, on this day. A century later, industry leaders, as PIOGA looks forward to the future, PAUL D. RYAN, supporters, and friends will gather to it will continue to uphold the high Speaker of the House of Representatives. celebrate PIOGA. The centennial cele- standards and expertise for which it is f bration will take place next week at known in order to provide access to af- MORNING-HOUR DEBATE the birthplace of the American oil in- fordable energy for all and help to con- dustry, Drake well in Titusville, Penn- tinue to fuel our economy. The SPEAKER pro tempore. Pursu- sylvania, in the Fifth Congressional f ant to the order of the House of Janu- District, to mark 100 years of the in- ary 8, 2018, the Chair will now recog- dustry’s growth and sustainability in UPHOLDING CIVIL RIGHTS nize Members from lists submitted by Pennsylvania. The SPEAKER pro tempore. The the majority and minority leaders for PIOGA represents nearly 550 mem- Chair recognizes the gentleman from morning-hour debate. bers, including oil and natural gas pro- Illinois (Mr. GUTIE´ RREZ) for 5 minutes. The Chair will alternate recognition ducers, drilling contractors, service Mr. GUTIE´ RREZ. Mr. Speaker, ear- between the parties. All time shall be companies, manufacturers, distribu- lier this week, I sent a bouquet of flow- equally allocated between the parties, tors, professional firms, consultants, ers and a big Puerto Rican flag to Mia and in no event shall debate continue pipelines, end-users, royalty owners, Irizarry, a young Puerto Rican woman beyond 11:50 a.m. Each Member, other and others with interests in the success who lives in Chicago who celebrated than the majority and minority leaders of Pennsylvania’s oil and gas industry. her 24th birthday last month. and the minority whip, shall be limited The Commonwealth is blessed with My wife and I wanted to let her know to 5 minutes. abundant energy resources, particu- that we support her and we admire her. f larly clean-burning natural gas. PIOGA You see, her birthday party at a park works closely with pipelines, utilities, in Cook County, Illinois, didn’t turn CONGRATULATING PIOGA ON ITS and end-users as well as those devel- out the way she expected. By now, CENTENNIAL ANNIVERSARY oping cutting-edge products and serv- most of us have seen the video of that The SPEAKER pro tempore. The ices that revolve around natural gas incident. A 62-year-old man, whom po- Chair recognizes the gentleman from use. lice have identified as Timothy Trybus, Pennsylvania (Mr. THOMPSON) for 5 PIOGA staff also works with edu- verbally abused and harassed Ms. minutes. cators to increase students’ knowledge Irizarry because she was wearing a Mr. THOMPSON of Pennsylvania. of energy issues that impact current shirt that depicts the flag of our U.S. Mr. Speaker, in 1918, a group of Penn- and future generations of Pennsylva- colony, Puerto Rico. sylvania crude oil and natural gas pro- nians. Led by President and Executive What unfolds over the 30 minutes is a ducers got together to form a trade or- Director Dan Weaver, PIOGA is a mem- man physically and verbally intimi- ganization. The Pennsylvania Oil, Gas ber-driven organization that works to dating a very polite and poised 24-year- and Minerals Association was formed. realize the benefits of Pennsylvania’s old American woman while a uni- It is believed to be the oldest continu- crude oil and natural gas. formed police officer stands by and ously operating oil and gas trade asso- PIOGA is based in Wexford, just does nothing to intervene or help. The ciation in the United States. north of Pittsburgh, with satellite of- officer has been identified as Patrick b This symbol represents the time of day during the House proceedings, e.g., b 1407 is 2:07 p.m. Matter set in this typeface indicates words inserted or appended, rather than spoken, by a Member of the House on the floor. H6115 . VerDate Sep 11 2014 02:13 Jul 13, 2018 Jkt 079060 PO 00000 Frm 00001 Fmt 4634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A12JY7.000 H12JYPT1 H6116 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE July 12, 2018 Connor of the Forest Preserve District Maybe the President is just reflect- a Congressman with identification, because of the Cook County Police Department. ing back the fear, anger, and misunder- my daughter was carrying a Puerto Rican So an older racist yells at a young standing of the voters he wants to mo- flag and the officer doubted that I could pos- Latina because he doesn’t like what bilize. But all the lying, hostility, and sibly be a Member of Congress. So this kind she and other Puerto Ricans living in of incident is unfortunately not unusual and racism are clearly taking a toll on our though we did not have viral videos 25 years ‘‘his’’ community represent. country. ago, I wish I had done more then to stop the Is that news? No. Sadly, no. I just hope that we are all as poised kind of behavior on display in Ms. Irizarry’s While most police officers would have as Ms. Irizarry was, if and when some- video, so that we can prevent the cycles of done the right thing in that incident, one gets in your face, whether you are hatred and bigotry that often repeat them- this guy was caught on tape doing the wearing a pussy hat, or a hijab, or a selves today. wrong thing or, more accurately, doing rainbow flag, or a Black lives matter Thank you and I look forward to your re- nothing at all. T-shirt. sponse. If you have any questions please con- For me, this was very personal, be- I hope we are all more willing than tact me or Rafael Hurtado of my staff. cause something similar happened to Sincerely, Officer Connor to take action when LUIS V. GUTIE´ RREZ, me, and something similar has hap- someone is trying to bully someone pened to most Puerto Ricans, most Member of Congress. else. I know most Americans are not f Latinos, most people of color, and most like Mr. Trybus, who is afflicted with people who are somehow different in fear, ignorance, and probably a sub- HONORING CARL WALLNAU this country, at one point or another in stance abuse problem. The SPEAKER pro tempore. The their lives. But the video makes it clear that we Chair recognizes the gentleman from Twenty-two years ago, when I was a all have to step up to defend the United Pennsylvania (Mr. FITZPATRICK) for 5 sophomore in Congress, I was entering States from this tide of misogyny, minutes. one of the Capitol office buildings with homophobia, and xenophobia, and Mr. FITZPATRICK. Mr. Speaker, I my daughter, Omaira, and my niece, stand up for what America is really all rise today to honor the life and the Maritza. I was new, and I was dressed about. memory of an extraordinary individual somewhat casually, because we were Please, let’s just do it all together. If from Bucks County, Pennsylvania. Carl just returning from a Puerto Rican you see hate, stand up and speak. Wallnau of Newtown passed away on celebration, and my daughter was car- Mr. Speaker, I include in the RECORD June 29 at the age of 99. rying a Puerto Rican flag. The flag my letter to the Civil Rights Division A man of many talents, Carl paid for came unfurled as it went through the at Main Justice for an investigation his education by playing trumpet in a X-ray machine, and one of the officers into this matter. jazz ensemble. He later served in World wanted to stop us from coming in. I showed my official ID as a Member HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES, War II under General Patton, retiring Washington, DC, July 10, 2018. from the Air Force with the rank of of Congress, to which the officer said: Hon. JOHN M. GORE, ‘‘I don’t think so,’’ indicating that she major in 1979. Acting Assistant Attorney General, Department After his service, Carl began a suc- thought my ID was a fake and that I of Justice, Civil Rights Division, Wash- cessful career as a lawyer and as an en- couldn’t possibly be a Member of Con- ington, DC.
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