- NBT PRESS RUli AVERAGE DAILY CIRCULATION > > THE WEATHER. OP THE EVENING HERALD for the month of September, 1986. Probably showers late toni|^t and Satnrday. Slowly rising temp* eratore. 4,849 i .. VOL. XLV., NO. 19. CUusifled Adrertising on Page 6 MANCHESTER, CONN., FRIDAY, OCTOBER 22, 1926. PAGES) PRICE THREE CENTS _ c SAN FRANCISCO Chicago Gangs BANDITS SPRAY Ride Him, C ow girl! Sign Vfficiair ISSTARTIEDBY Peace Treaty “SUPPER CLUB” STORM HUGE P A IR ^U A K E S Chicago, Oct. 22.— Chicago’s 1TH_BULLETS gang warfare has ended. 600 An “ official” treaty of peace was TRAGEDY: DEAD signed by the four principal lead­ Worst Shake Since 1906 ers of gangland in a room at a downtown hotel shortly after mid­ Terretize 41 Coshmiers night this morning. ^ Centers in Salinas Valley; The gangsters were brought to­ With Hail of Lead, Wound GARY TALKS OF Rural Districts Suffer gether, it was reported, through the efforts of high city aind county Glass Breaks.. Folks Get officials, worried over the forth­ and Beat Several, Get STEE TREATY Worse Than Havana coming election. “ Scarface Al” Capone, leader of Up, Little Harm Done. the powerful Cicero faction, was a $20,00(Lin N. Y. Raid. proud spokesman for the amalga­ WITH EUROPE mated forces of gangland today. Feared Death Swanns of Refugees FIocI Two sharp earth quakes which “ Yes, we have signed a treaty, New York, Oct. 22.— Six bandits, brought residents of the section af­ of peace,” Capone admitted. “ To­ armed with rifles, shotguns revol­ night for the first time in two to City; Vast DestrnctioiJ fected from their homes but caused Suggests a Concordat Be­ Near as Plane years I will sleep without a gun vers and perhaps a machine gun, no damage other than the breaking under my pillow.” early this morning held up 41 men Is Wrought on Planta­ of several large plate glass win­ The negotiators are, beside Ca­ and women in the Biarrits night tween hdnstries of This Sank to Water dows were felt in the central coastal pone, Maxie Eisen, George (Bugs) club, on West Fifty-Fourth street, Moran and Vincent (Schemer) region of California early today. Country and Those of tions; Thousands Desti­ Drucci. and escaped with $20,000 in cash Folkestone, Eng., Oct. 22.— The The first shock was at 4:35 and and jewelry. Imperial Airways plane which fell the second exactly an hour later. Two men and a woman were Foreign Nations. into the waters of the English tute; Capital Starts Reliel The center of the temblors was |m W7 'S beaten by one of the bandits as the Channel yesterday with seven apparently an old fault line in the EDW.J.HOLLBUYS Americans aboard, has been aband­ San Juan mountains overlooking other gunmen terrified the patrons ■V New York, Oct. S2.—.in an ad­ oned as a total loss, it was an­ Work; Harbor FuU of Dead the fertile Salinas valley in Mon­ of the club by firing shots through dress before the American Iron nounced this afternoon. None of terey county, 75 miles south of San windows and into the'ceiling. and Steel Institute today, Judge the Americans have suffered any from 100 Craft Destroyed Francisco. PROCTOR PROPERn ill effects from their adventure. Start Machine Gun Little Edna Hagan smiles complacently from her saddle while “ Grand­ Elbert H. Gary, chairman of the , Salinas, county seat of Monterey pa,” 600-year-old tortoise at the Bronx Zoo, New York, bucks unavailing Undaunted by their experience county, felt the shakes most severe­ Two of the bandits brought what, ly to unseaf'her. When he was a colt back in 1492, “.Grandpa” is re­ United States Steel Corporation, yesterday, Mrs. O. J. S. Bonney and ly. People rushed from their homes may have been a machine gun into puted to have once trotted a mile in a month. , suggested the possibility of a con- of Columbus, O.. planned to con- Havana, Oct. 22.— Six hundred and hotels but a survey showed no Desirable Land on Center action when Walter Timponi, broth­ icordat between the steel makers of her daughter. Miss Peg,gy Bonney dead, possibly a thousand injured damage and no glass was broken in er of the manager of the club, the United States and Europe. tinue their journey to Paris today and seven thousand or more home­ “ 'We have heard considerable by plane. Salinas. showed fight. Timponi was wound­ less as a result of the hurricane Some residents of Salinas report­ ed and a watchman was knocked discussion,” said Judge Gary, "re­ P. Kanvaris, of Jeffersonville, Street to Be Developed for SIX INCHES SNOW i Y. M. C. A. EXPEUED lating to anticipated competition which swept Havana and Western ed that the 4:35 quake was the unconscious with the butt of a re­ Ind., who was a passenger on the between Iron and steel manufac­ fated plane, said today that Mr. Cuba on ’Wednesday were indicat­ most severe felt there since 1906 volver when h-v. showed signs of re­ ed today as reports began to trick­ when San Francisco was the center Sale by Lots. sisting. turers of the United States , and and Mrs. D. B. Harrison of Cin­ foreign competitors, but it is be­ le into the capital from the strick­ of a severe earth disturbance. At . After c, round of bullets had IN NEW ENGLAND BY RUSS SOVIETS cinnati, who were also passengers, lieved that, should it become nec­ bade farewell to each other as the en provincial towns, isolated since talit time Salinas was on the out­ spattered against the walls, the essary, an international conference plane slowly settled in the channel the storm. skirts of the shock. The property of the John Proc­ crowd became quiet and lined up will be held between all these in­ waters. These figures were based upon In the East Bay region, including tor estate located between Center along one side of the room. There terests and a full open discussion reports brought from inland towns Oakland. Berekeley, Alameda and and V est Center streets, west of was no further violence and th3 Heavy Fall in Northern Re- American Head of Work in iud\ilged in after which a fair un­ and villages by six couriers who llichmoiid, the second shock ,was bandits left with their unusuaLas- derstanding could be reached. traveled 150 miles to bring their felt most severely, although no Cooper street, was sold today to sortment of weapons as quietly as Approval of Country. QUEEN’ S PLEBEIAN messages. damage was caused in that section. Edward J. Holl, local real estate they had entered. gions Cuts Communica- Schools Forced to Leave “ Of course, no agreement be­ Property damage, in the light of A third but minor shock was re­ promoter. The Home Bank & Trust Rough to Women tween the different interests relat­ these reports, was estimated at ported from some points in the af­ Company, administrator of the Miss Elsa Darling, one of ihe en­ Uon, Buries Crops. ing to prices could legally be en­ $75,000,000. fected area registering et 6:45 or Proctor estate, made the sale. tertainers, became hysteripal and the Country. tered into, without sanction of our COLD PERSISTENT Hundred Vessels Lost approximately two hours after the This lot of 13 1-2 acres is one was struck on the head with the law administrators. But, if neces­ A further check-up of shipping first shock and an hour after the of the most desirable areas of un­ butt of, a gun by one of the bandits. sity arose, it is thought the approv­ revealed that approximately 100 second. developed land in Manchester. It When Miss June Carter, hostess, Hanover, N/ H., Oct. 22.— While Berlin. Oct. 22.— I^arry D. An- al of the public authority and the vessels, large and small, founder­ This shock was felt in the East has a frontage of about 1,000 feet went to her aid she was roughly Cuba was counting her hurricane country might ’oe obtained.” Causes Worry to Retinae as ed in the storm, and many of the derson»of I.os Angeles arrived in I members of- the crews still are Bay regions but only faintly in San on Center street, and nearly the handled by another robber. dead and'Flo|rida was thanking her Is Optimistic same frontage on West Center Berlin today after a hurried de­ There is no indication that the j missing. It is believed that be­ Francisco. It was not noticed in ^ The hold-up took place about five lucky' stars ihat she had escaped some points which felt the other street. The new Center street pave­ o'clock this morning. The club is parture from Moscow, having been demand for steel products will be Royal Visitor Returns to tween fifty and one hundred of them have been drowned. shocks throughout the 300-mile ment. sidewalks and curbing, along a few doors from Broadway and op­ and while California was excited ordered expelled as the representa­ substantially ’ reduced in the near tive of the Voung Men’s Christian The reports of the messengers coastal area affected and was felt in the property will be completed this posite the Hotel Harding. The ban­ over earth tremors today, northern future, .said Judge Gary. Discus­ others. fall. Association and his property con­ sing general business conditions, he j New York Today. indicated that the towns of the in­ dits arrived and escaped in a taxi­ New England was digging out from fiscated. terior had been hit harder by the Ait San Francisco Appr.aisal said: cab, believed by the police to have under six inches of snow, left in the Anderson was given twenty-four storm than Havana itself.
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