Hoover's Hatchery 2020 Quick Reference Chicken Breeds Mothering Approx Cold Heat Purebred Laying/ Avg. live wgt Conservation Coop/Free- Heritag Winter Chicken Breed Temperament Use Bird color / . Egg size Egg Color Hard Hard APA Class /Breeds Maturit female/male Status Range e layer Broodiness eggs/yr y y True yAge Amberlink Docile, Mellow 5.5 Layer White/Red Seldom 270 Medium Brown Yes Yes N/A N/A Confine well No 4-5 mo Americana/Easter Egger Docile, Friendly 5.5 Colored Eggs Varies Poor 240 Medium Colored Yes Yes N/A N/A Confine well No 5-7 mo Ancona Friendly, Very Active, Vocal 4/5 Layer Black/White Poor 220 Large White Yes Yes Mediterranean Watch Free Range Yes Yes 5 mo * Asian Black Docile, Energetic 4/5 Dual Purpose Black Seldom 250 Medium Brown Yes Yes N/A N/A Confine well Yes 5-6 mo Asstd English Docile, Calm, Gentle, Friendly 7.5/9 Dual Purpose Varies Good 150 Large Brown Yes Yes English N/A Confine well Yes Yes 6-8mo * Barnevelder Docile, Curious, Active, Gentle 5.5 Dual Purpose Brown/Black Good 160 Large Dk Brown Yes Yes Continental N/A Confine well Yes 6-8 mo * Barred Plymouth Rock Docile, Easy to Care For 5.5 Dual Purpose Black Barred Seldom 250 Large Brown Yes Yes American Recovering Confine well Yes Yes 4-5 mo * Black Australorp Docile, Calm, Good with Kids 6.5/8 Dual Purpose Black Excellent 250 Large Brown Yes Yes English Recovering Confine well Yes Yes 4-5 mo * Black Sex Link Docile, Easy to Care For 5 Layer Black Seldom 265 Large Brown Yes Yes N/A N/A Confine well No 4-5 mo * Blue Andalusian Friendly, Very Active, Vocal 5.5/7 Layer Blue-Grey Seldom 280 Medium White Yes Yes Mediterranean Watch Free Range Yes Yes 5-6 mo Blue Laced Red Red/Blue/Brw Docile, Calm 7 Dual Purpose Good 240 Medium Brown Yes Yes American N/A Confine well Yes 5-6 mo * Wyandotte n Brown Leghorn Noisy, Alert, Athletic 4 Layer Brown Rarely 280 Large White Yes Yes Mediterranean Recovering Confine well Yes 4-5 mo * Buckeye Active, Gentle 6.5/9 Dual Purpose Red Average 200 Large Brown Yes Yes American Watch Free Range Yes Yes 6-7 mo * Buff Brahma Docile, Calm, Friendly 14/18 Dual Purpose Golden/Black Excellent 200 Medium Brown Yes Yes Asiatic Recovering Confine well Yes Yes 8-10 mo Buff Laced Polish Docile, Even Tempered 4.5 Layer Golden/White Rarely 100 Small White No Yes Continental Watch Confine well Yes Yes 8-10 mo poor Buff Orpington Docile, Calm, Good with Kids 8 Dual Purpose Orange Buff Excellent 220 Medium Brown Yes Yes English N/A Confine well Yes Yes 6-8 mo * Calico Princess Docile, Calm, Robust 4/5 Layer White/BlkVaries Seldom 290 Large Cream Yes Yes N/A N/A Confine well No 4-5 mo * California White Docile, Quiet, Alert 4 Layer Dots Seldom 290 Large White Yes Yes N/A N/A Confine well No 4-5 mo * Cinnamon Queen Docile, Easy going 6 Layer Red/Blk Good 260 Large Brown Yes Yes N/A N/A Confine well No 5-6 mo * Columbian Wyandotte Docile, Calm 5/7 Dual Purpose White/Black Good 245 Medium Brown Yes Yes American N/A Confine well Yes Yes 5-6 mo * Cornish Cross Broiler Docile, Sedentary 6/8 Meat White No 0 N/A Brown N/A N/A N/A N/A Confine well No n/a n/a Cuckoo Marans Docile, Friendly 6 Dual Purpose Black Barred Great 175 Medium Brown Yes Yes N/A N/A Confine well Yes Yes 8-9 mo poor Dark Brahma Docile, Calm 14/18 Dual Purpose Blk/Wht/Gray Great 200 Medium Brown Yes Yes Asiatic Recovering Confine well Yes Yes 8-10 mo Delaware Docile, Calm, Friendly 6.5/8.5 Dual Purpose White/Black Rarely 260 Large Brown Yes Yes American Watch Free Range Yes Yes 6 mo Dominique Docile, Calm, Friendly 6 Dual Purpose Black Barred Good 245 Medium Pink-Brown Yes Yes American Watch Confine well Yes Yes 5-6 mo * Easter Egger Docile, Friendly 5.5 Colored Eggs Varies Poor 240 Medium Colored Yes Yes N/A N/A Confine well No 5-7 mo (Asst'd) English Orpington Docile, Quiet, Friendly 7.5/9 Dual Purpose Varies Great 150 Large Brown Yes Yes English Watch Confine well Yes Yes 6-7 mo * French Black Copper Docile, Friendly, Easily Handled 4.5/6 Dual Purpose Black/ Brown Good 175 Medium Dk Brown Yes Yes Continental N/A Confine well Yes 8-9 mo poor Marans French Cuckoo Marans Docile, Friendly, Easily Handled 6 Dual Purpose Black Barred Good 175 Medium Brown Yes Yes Continental N/A Confine well Yes 8-9 mo poor French Wheaten Marans Docile, Friendly, Easily Handled 6 Dual Purpose Red/Brown Good 175 Medium Brown Yes Yes Continental N/A Confine well Yes 8-9 mo poor Gold Laced Polish Docile, Even Tempered 4.5 Layer Gold/Black Rarely 100 Small White No Yes Continental Watch Confine well Yes Yes 8-10 mo poor Golden Comet Docile, Calm, Friendly 5/6 Layer Red/Gold Rarely 260 Medium Brown Yes Yes N/A N/A Confine well No 4-5 mo * Golden Laced Wyandotte Docile, Calm 6.5 Dual Purpose Gold / Black Good 200 Large Brown Yes Yes American N/A Confine well Yes Yes 5-6 mo * Isa Brown (Gold Star) Docile, Easy to Care For 5 Layer Red/White Rarely 300 Large Brown Yes Yes N/A N/A Confine well No 4-5 mo * Jersey (Black) Giant Docile, Easy going 9 Dual Purpose Black Good 240 X-Large Brown Yes Yes American Watch Confine well Yes Yes 6 mo * Lavender Orpington Docile, Calm, Good with Kids 8 Dual Purpose Silver/Gray Good 210 Large Brown Yes Yes N/A N/A Confine well Yes 6-8 mo * Light Brahma Docile, Calm 11/14 Dual Purpose White/Black Good 200 Medium Brown Yes Yes Asiatic Recovering Confine well Yes 8-10 mo * Midnight Majesty Calm, Friendly 6/7 Dual Purpose Black/Brown Seldom 250 Large Dk Brown Yes Yes N/A N/A Confine well No 8-9 mo Mixed Chanteclers Docile, Calm, Gentle 7/8 Dual Purpose Buff or Brown Good 200 Large Brown Yes Yes Canada Watch Free Range Yes Yes 6-8 mo * Mixed Cochins (Lg. Docile, Calm, Good with Kids 8.5/11 Dual Purpose Assorted Excellent 175 Large Brown Yes Yes Asiatic Recovering Confine well Yes Yes 9 mo Breed) New Hampshire Red Docile, Competitive, Friendly, Quiet 6.5 Dual Purpose Red Good 240 Medium Brown Yes Yes American Watch Confine well Yes Yes 5-7 mo * Olive Egger Docile, Friendly, Mellow 4.5/5.5 Colored Eggs Varies Rarely 240 Medium Colored Yes Yes N/A N/A Confine well No 6-8 mo Partridge Plymouth Rock Docile, Easy to Care For 7.5/9.5 Dual Purpose Red/Brown Seldom 200 Large Brown Yes Yes American Recovering Confine well Yes Yes 4-5 mo * Prairie Bluebell Egger Active, Alert, Athletic, Easy Going 4/5 Blue Eggs Varies Rarely 280 Medium Blue Yes Yes N/A N/A Confine well No 5 mo * Production Red Docile, Calm 5 Layer Red Rarely 260 Large Brown Yes Yes N/A N/A Confine well Yes 4-5 mo * Rainbow Docile, Calm, Social 6.5 Dual Purpose Multiple Seldom 250 Medium Brown Yes Yes N/A N/A Confine well Yes 5-7 mo Rhode Island RedExuberant, Curious, Friendly, Roosters can be aggressive7 Dual Purpose Red/Black Seldom 265 Large Brown Yes Yes American Threatened Confine well Yes Yes 4-5 mo * © 2019 Hoover’s Hatchery Company, LLC - All Rights Reserved. 1/10/2020 Hoover's Hatchery 2020 Quick Reference Chicken Breeds Mothering Approx Cold Heat Purebred Laying/ Avg. live wgt Conservation Coop/Free- Heritag Winter Chicken Breed Temperament Use Bird color / . Egg size Egg Color Hard Hard APA Class /Breeds Maturit female/male Status Range e layer Broodiness eggs/yr y y True yAge Rudd Ranger (meat bird) Docile, Active 8/11 Meat Red N/A 175 Medium Brown Yes Yes N/A N/A Free/Confine No n/a n/a Salmon Favorelle Docile, Friendly, Calm, Quiet 5.5 Layer White/Brown Average 180 Medium Lt Brown Yes Yes Continental Threatened Confine well Yes Yes 5-7 mo * Sapphire Gem TM Docile, Easy to Care For 6/7 Dual Purpose Light-Dk Gray Seldom 290 Large Brown Yes Yes N/A N/A Confine well No 5-7 mo * Sapphire Splash Docile, Easy to Care For 6/7 Dual Purpose Lt-Dk Gray Good 290 Large Brown Yes Yes Czech N/A Confine well No 5-7 mo * Sapphire Olive Egger Docile, Active 6/7 Colored Eggs Blue-Gray Rarely 240 Large Olive Yes Yes N/A N/A Confine well No 5-7 mo * Silver Laced Polish Docile, Even Tempered 4.5 Layer Black/White Rarely 110 Small White No No Continental Watch Confine well Yes Yes 8-10 mo poor Silver Laced Wyandotte Docile, Calm, Easy Going 6/8.5 Dual Purpose Black/White Good 200 Medium Brown Yes Yes American N/A Confine well Yes Yes 5-6 mo * Silver Lakenvelder Active, Energetic 4/5 Layer White/BlackMahogany/ Rarely 280 Medium White No Yes Continental Threatened Confine well Yes Yes 5-6 mo no Speckled Sussex Docile, Friendly, Sweet, Gentle 5.5 Dual Purpose Blk/Wht Good 240 Large Cream Yes Yes English Recovering Confine well Yes Yes 5 mo * Spitzhauben Active, Alert 4/5.5 Layer Black/White Seldom 155 Medium White Yes Yes N/A Threatened Free Range Yes Yes 6 mo Starlight Green Egger Active, Easy Going 4/5 Colored Eggs Varies Rarely 280 Medium Green Yes Yes N/A N/A Confine Well No 5 mo * Turkens Docile, Very friendly, Easily tamed 6.5 Dual Purpose Varies Good 265 Large Brown Yes Yes AOSB Study Confine well Yes 6 mo Welsummer Docile, Calm, Friendly, Vocal 6 Dual Purpose Brown Rarely 250 Large Dk Brown Yes Yes Continental N/A Confine well Yes 5 mo poor White Crested Black Docile, Even Tempered 4.5 Layer Black/White Rarely 100 Small White No Yes Continental Watch Confine well Yes Yes 8-10 mo poor Polish White Crested Blue Docile, Even Tempered 4/5 Layer Slate Blu-Gry/ Rarely 110 Medium White No Yes Continental Watch Confine well Yes Yes 8-10 mo poor White Jersey Giant Docile, Easy Going 9/11 Dual Purpose White Good 240 X-Large Brown Yes Yes American Watch Confine well Yes Yes 6 mo * White Leghorn Active, Alert, Athletic, Nervous 3.5 Layer White Rarely 290 Large White Yes Yes Mediterranean Recovering Confine well Yes Yes 4-5 mo * © 2019 Hoover’s Hatchery Company, LLC - All Rights Reserved.
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