American Mineralogist, Volume 94, pages 1075–1083, 2009 New Mineral Names* T. SCO TT ERCI T ,1 PAULA C. PIILON E N ,1,† GL E NN POIRIER,1 AND KIMB E RLY T. TAI T 2 1Mineral Sciences Division, Canadian Museum of Nature, P.O. Box 3443, Station D, Ottawa, Ontario K1P 6P4, Canada 2Department of Natural History, Royal Ontario Museum, 100 Queen’s Park, Toronto, Ontario M5S 2C6, Canada NEW MINERALS total 99.60 wt%, giving the formula Pb1.92Sn1.09In1.06Bi0.89(S6.90 Se0.13)Σ7.03 on a basis of 12 atoms, or ideally Pb2SnInBiS7, Z un- ABRAMOVI TE * defined. It has no known synthetic analogs. The mineral is named M.A. Yudovskaya, N.V. Trubkin, E.V. Koporulina, D.I. Belak- to honor Russian mineralogist Dmitry Vadimovich Abramov ovsky, A.V. Mokhov, M.V. Kuznetsova, and T.I. Golovanova (1963–) of the Fersman Museum. Type material is deposited with the A.E. Fersman Mineralogical Museum, Russian Academy of (2007) Abramovite, Pb2SnInBiS7, a new mineral species from fumaroles of the Kudryavy Volcano, Kurile Islands, Russia. Sciences, Moscow (catalog no. 3436/1). T.S.E. Zap. Ross. Mineral. Obshch., 136(5), 37–43 (in Russian, AQUALI TE * English abstract); (2008) Geol. Ore Dep., 50, 551–555 (in English). A.P. Khomyakov, G.N. Nechelyustov, and R.K. Rastsvetaeva (2007) Aqualite, (H3O)8(Na,K,Sr)5Ca6 Zr3Si26O66(ОН)9Cl, а The new species abramovite was found in open cavities and new eudialyte-group mineral from the Inagli alkaline mas- fractures in fumarolic crusts of the Kupol fumarole field, atop sif, Sakha-Yakutsk, Russia, and the problem of oxonium in the andesite dome of the Kudryavy stratovolcano, on the north- hydrated eudialyte. Zap. Ross. Mineral. Obshch., 136(2), ernmost part of Iturup Isle in the southern Kurile Islands. The 39–55 (in Russian, English abstract). mineral, a product of high-temperature (600–620 °C) volcanic gases, forms crystals to 0.2 × 1 mm as encrustations on anhydrite Aqualite is a new member of the eudialyte group; it occurs and chaotic intergrowths with halite, sylvite, and wurtzite, and is in an alkaline pegmatite in the Inagli massif, about 30 km ESE commonly coated with a fine encrustation of galena framboids. of Aldan in the Sakha Republic (former Yakutsk), Russia. The It is silvery black, metallic luster, black streak, perfect {100} pegmatite lies in dunites of the peripheral part of the central cleavage; fracture, hardness, and density were not measured. In stock of the massif. The mineral occurs as idiomorphic crys- reflected light, it is white with yellowish gray tones, weak bire- tals to 3 cm in diameter in nests of natrolite, associated with microcline, aegirine, batisite, innelite, lorenzenite, thorite, and flectance; reflectance data are (λ nm, Rmin–Rmax percents): (400, 14.0–32.9), (470, 13.9–29.0), (550, 15.7–29.9), (590, 16.4–30.2), galena. It is pink with a glassy luster, no cleavage, conchoidal (650, 17.9–30.8), (700, 18.9–31.2). fracture, white streak, H = 4–5, brittle. Dmeas = 2.58(2), Dcalc = 3 SAED patterns indicate that the mineral has a composite 2.66 g/cm . In thin section, it is uniaxial (+) and pleochroic: ω = crystal structure consisting of incommensurate, but regular 1.569(1) (colorless to pink), ε = 1.571(1) (pink). Nonfluorescent in short-wave UV, but fluoresces pale yellow in long-wave UV. alternations of pseudotetragonal (cT* = 5.72, bT* = 5.64, a* Unlike eudialyte, it decomposes readily in 50% HCl and HNO3 = 22.42 Å) and pseudohexagonal (cH* = 6.16, bH* = 3.54, a* = 22.42 Å) layers. The mineral would seem to be related to at room temperature. the cylindrite–lévyclaudite–franckeite group, and by analogy X-ray powder diffractometry (Ni-filtered Cu radiation) with cylindrite-type structures should have triclinic symmetry. gives a = 14.128(2), c = 31.514(8) Å, somewhat different from Powder diffractometry (CuKα) gives a = 23.4(3), b = 5.77(2), the values of a = 14.078(3), c = 31.24(1) Å from single-crystal c = 5.83(1) Å, α = 89.1(5), β = 89.9(7), γ = 91.5(7)°, space studies, which the authors attribute to grain heterogeneity. Space group P1. The strongest maxima in the powder XRD pattern group R3. The strongest maxima in the powder XRD pattern are are [d Å (I %, hkl)]: 5.90(36,100), 3.90(100,111), 3.84(71,112), [d Å (I%, hkl)]: 4.39(100,205), 2.987(100,315), 2.850(79,404), 3.166(26,114), 2.921(33,115), 2.902(16,200), 2.329(15,214), 10.50(44,003), 6.63(43,104), 7.06(42,110), 3.624(41,027), and and 2.186(18,125). 11.43(39,101). Chemical composition by electron microprobe is: S 20.66, Se Chemical composition by electron microprobe and the 0.98, Cu 0.01, Cd 0.03, In 11.40, Sn 12.11, Pb 37.11, Bi 17.30, Penfield method is: Na2O 2.91, K2O 1.93, CaO 11.14, SrO 1.75, BaO 2.41, FeO 0.56, MnO 0.30, La2O3 0.17, Ce2O3 * All minerals marked with an asterisk have been approved by 0.54, Nd2O3 0.36, Al2O3 0.34, SiO2 52.70, ZrO2 12.33, TiO2 the IMA CNMMC. 0.78, Nb2O5 0.15, Cl 1.50, H2O 9.93, –O = Cl2 0.34, total † E-mail: [email protected] 99.46 wt%, giving the formula [(H3O7.94Na2.74K1.20Sr0.49Ba0.46 0003-004X/09/0007–1075$05.00/DOI: 10.2138/am.2009.547 1075 1076 NEW MINERAL NAMES Fe0.23Mn0.12]Σ13.18(Ca5.79 REE0.19)Σ5.98 (Zr2.92 Ti0.08)Σ3(Si25.57Ti0.21Al0.19 °C, the c cell parameter shrinks to 18.77(1) Å, (OH) is retained Nb0.03)Σ26 [O66.46(OH)5.54]Σ72.0 [(OH)2.77Cl1.23]Σ4.0 on a basis of 29(Si, and only interlayer H2O is lost (weight loss of 4.3%). The empiri- 2+ 2+ Zr, Ti, Al, Nb), or ideally (H3O)8(Na,K,Sr)5Ca6Zr3Si26 O66(OH)9Cl, cal formula per 22(O, OH, H2O) is Ca2.94Cu 1.93Al1.97Mg0.04Fe 0 . 0 2 Z = 3. The IR spectrum confirms the presence of oxonium. The [(As3.74S0.16P0.12)Σ4.02O16.08](OH)3.87·2.05H2O, which implies the mineral is compositionally distinct from eudialyte in having a ideal formula Ca3Cu2Аl2(AsO4)4(OH)4·2H2O. The name of the + very low Fe content, and in having (H3O) dominant over Na. It mineral is for the place of its occurrence. Type material is de- is inferred to have formed from a “proto-eudialytic” precursor posited with the A.E. Fersman Mineralogical Museum, Russian via ion exchange at low temperatures. The name alludes to its Academy of Sciences, Moscow (catalog no. 3435/1). T.S.E. composition. The crystal structure was previously described by Rastsvetaeva and Khomyakov (2002: Kristallografiya, 47, AVDONINI TE * 267–271) as “Na,Fe-decationized eudialyte.” The paper also de- N.V. Chukanov, M.N. Murashko, A.E. Zadov, and A.F. Bush- scribes other occurrences of hydrated eudialyte-group minerals. makin (2006) Аvdoninite, K2Cu5Cl8(OH)4·Н2О, a new mineral Type material is deposited with the A.E. Fersman Mineralogical from volcanic exhalations and from the zone of technogenesis Museum, Russian Academy of Sciences, Moscow (catalog no. of massive sulfide ore deposits. Zap. Ross. Mineral. Obshch., 2668/1). 135(3), 38–42 (in Russian, English abstract). Discussion: The paper frequently uses the term “H-eud- ialyte”. This is not an IMA-accepted name, and contrary to The new mineral avdoninite occurs among oxidation prod- common sense does not mean “protonated eudialyte,” but rather ucts of exhalative sediments of the Yadovitaya (“Poisonous”) “highly hydrated eudialyte-group mineral.” T.S.E. fumarole of the Second Cinder Cone at the Northern Breach of the Tolbachik Large Fissure Eruption, Tolbachik Volcano, ATT I K AI TE * Kamchatka Region, Russia. The mineral comprises part of N.V. Chukanov, I.V. Pekov, and A.E. Zadov (2007) Attikaite, cavity-lining crusts to several millimeters in thickness that have Ca3Cu2Al2(AsO4)4(ОН)4·2Н2О, a new mineral. Zap. Ross. had access to air, but no direct contact with water. Along with Mineral. Obshch., 136(2), 17–24 (in Russian, English ab- paratacamite, belloite, and langbeinite, it occurs as a replacement stract). of primary euchlorine, and along with atacamite, as a constitu- ent of pseudomorphs after large crystals of melanothallite. The The new mineral attikaite occurs in the hypogene zone of mineral occurs as poorly formed, short-prismatic to thick tabular, polymetallic sulfide-quartz veins at the Christiana no. 132 mine at bright green crystals to 0.2 mm, with (001) and (100) as forms. Kamareza in the Laurion District, Attika, Greece. It is associated Perfect {001} cleavage, stepped fracture, pale green streak, vit- 3 with arsenocrandallite, arsenogoyazite, conichalcite, olivenite, reous luster, H = 3, brittle, Dmeas = 3.03(3), Dcalc = 3.066 g/cm . philipsbornite, azurite, malachite, carminite, beudantite, goethite, In thin section, the mineral is optically neutral, but biaxial, α = quartz, and allophane. The mineral forms bent, scaly crystals 1.669(2), β = 1.688(2), γ = 1.707(5), 2V = 90(2)°, no dispersion, flattened on [001] to 3 × 30 × 80 μm in size, which in turn form optical orientation Y = c, X = b (?); the optic plane lies in the plane spherical aggregates to 0.3 mm across on the walls of slit-like of perfect cleavage.
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