THURSDAY MORNING, DEC. 3 6:00 6:30 7:00 7:30 8:00 8:30 9:00 9:30 10:00 10:30 11:00 11:30 VER COM 4:30 KATU News This Morning (N) Good Morning America (N) (cc) 63203 AM Northwest Be a Millionaire The View Queen Latifah; Mike Live With Regis and Kelly Meg 2/KATU 2 2 (cc) (Cont’d) 803845 (cc) 66203 97661 Huckabee. (N) (cc) (TV14) 82338 Ryan; the Jacksons. (N) 62574 KOIN Local 6 News 78661 The Early Show (N) (cc) 14951 Let’s Make a Deal (N) (cc) (TVPG) The Price Is Right Contestants bid The Young and the Restless (N) (cc) 6/KOIN 6 6 Early at 6 92338 99406 for prizes. (N) (TVG) 33086 (TV14) 13222 Newschannel 8 at Sunrise at 6:00 Today Holiday fashion; kid-friendly junk food. (N) (cc) 486116 Rachael Ray (cc) (TVG) 66690 8/KGW 8 8 AM (N) (cc) 62609 Sit and Be Fit Between the Lions Curious George Sid the Science Super Why! Dinosaur Train Sesame Street Bears Tries to Clifford the Big Dragon Tales WordWorld (TVY) Martha Speaks 10/KOPB 10 10 (TVG) 36796 (TVY) 43999 (TVY) 69425 Kid (TVY) 48932 (TVY) 53390 (TVY) 52661 Hibernate. (TVY) 12116 Red Dog 27951 (TVY) 72425 11715 (TVY) 89116 Good Day Oregon-6 (N) 97319 Good Day Oregon (N) 50777 The 700 Club (cc) (TVPG) 30512 Paid 29319 Paid 67593 The Martha Stewart Show (N) (cc) 12/KPTV 12 12 (TVG) 59048 Paid 43628 Paid 28845 Paid 84999 Paid 63406 Through the Bible Life Today Paid 67135 Zola Levitt Pres- Paid 42425 Paid 63319 Paid 72154 22/KPXG 5 5 77512 76883 ents 96135 Changing Your John Hagee Rod Parsley This Is Your Day Kenneth Cope- It’s the Life Life Change Cafe John Bishop TV Behind the Against All Odds James Robison Marilyn Hickey 24/KNMT 20 20 World 38796 Today 46241 (TVG) 79067 58574 land 62680 61951 52203 81203 Scenes 37593 81715 99135 (cc) 90864 Paid 761680 Paid 31357 Degrassi: TNG Paid 34932 That ’70s Show The King of My Name Is Earl My Name Is Earl Are You Smarter? Are You Smarter? The Steve Wilkos Show (cc) (TV14) 32/KRCW 3 3 55425 (TV14) 57796 Queens 56067 47319 78777 22609 36203 43680 Gospel Truth Eye for an Eye Animal Atlas Recipe TV Deal or No Deal Deal or No Deal Judge Jeanine Pirro (cc) (TVPG) Judge Hatchett Cheaters (cc) Divorce Court (N) Street Court 49/KPDX 13 13 54116 (TVPG) 62661 (TVG) 28715 (TVPG) 35262 (N) (TVG) 48208 (TVG) 98749 63864 (TVPG) 86241 (TV14) 16883 (cc) 24203 (TVPG) 25932 Paid 840280 Paid 273241 Crossing Jordan Bombs Away. (cc) The Sopranos Cold Stones. (cc) American Justice The Green Beret CSI: Miami Darkroom. (cc) (TV14) Cold Case Files Murder baffles. A&E 52 181 (TV14) 424048 (TVMA) 425777 Murder Mystery. (cc) 484448 914086 (cc) (TV14) 994222 5:30 Our Little Girl ★★ (‘35) Shir- Chicago ★★★ (‘02) Catherine Zeta-Jones, Renée Zellweger. Rival entertainers vie Pretty in Pink ★★★ (‘86) Molly Ringwald, Jon Cryer. A poor eclectic Sabrina ★★ (‘95) AMC 71 231 ley Temple. ‘PG’ (Cont’d) 618512 for the spotlight from behind bars. ‘PG-13’ (cc) (1:53) 644222 teen is romanced by a wealthy classmate. ‘PG-13’ (cc) (1:36) 108999 618680 SuperFetch SuperFetch Dogs 101 (cc) (TVPG) 301222 Growing Up. Panda. Jing Jing Animal Cops Philadelphia Officers Animal Cops Philadelphia Urban Big Cat Diary Big Cat Diary AP 43 130 (TVG) 31406 (TVG) 96609 the panda. (cc) (TVG) 302951 find a dead horse. (TVPG) 89406 Puppy Mill. (cc) (TVPG) 20154 (TVG) 64425 (TVG) 65154 BET Inspiration 927086 The Wendy Williams Show (cc) The Mo’Nique Show (cc) (TV14) The Jamie Foxx The Jamie Foxx The Game (TV14) The Game (TV14) BET 56 270 (TVPG) 768135 684574 Show 806609 Show 428845 369593 360222 Newsroom (N) 866796 Newsroom (N) 825628 Newsroom (N) 478609 CNN 44 100 Paid 1220319 Paid 6620796 Paid 8274195 Paid 9729280 Just Shoot Me Just Shoot Me Daily Show The Colbert Cheech & Chong’s The Corsican Brothers ★★ (‘84) Cheech Marin. Twins COM 60 190 (TV14) 5602970 (TV14) 5601241 5692593 Report 9363390 have funny feelings during French Revolution. ‘PG’ 9383154 Paid 691864 Paid 808067 CFL Football Grey Cup: Montreal Alouettes vs. Saskatchewan Roughriders. 303512 Softy 590951 CSN 37 77 Paid 145852 Paid 255845 Paid 911999 Paid 990406 Joyce Meyer Paid 103883 Cash Cab (cc) Cash Cab (cc) Cash Cab (cc) Cash Cab (cc) Overhaulin’ Uncle Sam’s Nephew. DISC 7 120 104512 (TVG) 194135 (TVG) 832883 (TVG) 279425 (TVG) 190319 (cc) (TVG) 909154 Phineas and Ferb Imagination Mov- Handy Manny Mickey Mouse Special Agent Mickey Mouse Handy Manny Imagination Mov- Jungle Junction Little Einsteins Tigger & Pooh Charlie & Lola DISN 41 250 755668 ers 264609 (TVY) 980135 5675222 Oso 180048 1044116 (TVY) 2856067 ers 834357 (TVY) 248661 (TVY) 192883 1987311 (TVY) 1605086 Paid 237680 Paid 169715 The Great Outdoors ★★ (‘88) Dan Aykroyd. Man and family camp The E! True Hollywood Story The Hilton Sisters. Nicky and Paris Hil- The E! True Hollywood Story The E! 70 196 with obnoxious brother-in-law and family. ‘PG’ (1:31) 881425 ton. (cc) (TVPG) 137116 Kardashians. (cc) (TV14) 880796 SportsCenter (Live) (cc) 244357 SportsCenter (Live) (cc) 895512 SportsCenter (Live) (cc) 896241 SportsCenter (Live) (cc) 710222 SportsCenter (Live) (cc) 350864 SportsCenter (Live) (cc) 370628 ESPN 35 70 3:00 Mike and Mike in the Morning ESPN First Take (Live) (cc) 4247593 ESPN First Take (cc) 6465593 Mike and Mike 1st and 10 (N) ESPN2 36 74 (Live) (cc) (Cont’d) 6366390 4027086 (cc) 4028715 Joyce Meyer Paid 459609 Sister, Sister Sister, Sister Sabrina-Witch Sabrina-Witch Step by Step 700 Club Interac- The 700 Club (cc) (TVPG) 183154 Gilmore Girls Say Something. (cc) FAM 39 199 259796 (TVG) 175135 (TVPG) 187970 384796 383067 (TVG) 374319 tive 898767 (TVPG) 163390 America’s Newsroom (N) 2295970 Happening Now (N) 9848048 The Live Desk (N) 5275970 FNC 48 118 Paid 1222777 Paid 6622154 Paid 6474113 Paid 3424898 Paid 5611628 Paid 5610999 Paid 5694951 Food Detectives Emeril Live Chef Masaharu Entertaining Quick Fix Meals FOOD 66 164 9372048 Morimoto joins Emeril. 1529262 3761357 3762086 The Final Score Paid 94241 The Final Score The Final Score The Final Score Paid 18845 Paid 32425 Paid 63883 Paid 85593 Paid 38609 College Basketball Washington FSN 34 76 78390 27067 91334 19574 State at Gonzaga. 681970 Paid 2804154 Paid 9865715 Malcolm in the Malcolm in the Most Wanted ★★ (‘97) Keenen Ivory Wayans, Jon Voight. A com- The Italian Job ★★★ (‘03) Mark Wahlberg, Charlize Theron. A thief FX 53 53 Middle 7003116 Middle 7015951 mander recruits a condemned Marine for a mission. ‘R’ 9846680 and his crew plan to steal back their gold. ‘PG-13’ (1:51) 9896951 Paid 31488 Golf Nedbank Challenge, First Round. (Same-day Tape) 384319 Playing Lessons Paid 78203 Paid 21319 Tee It up With Golf Central Pre GOLF 33 304 56593 Tiger 62067 Game 63796 Paid 1957593 Paid 7939715 Paid 4894357 Paid 4873864 Paid 5686864 Paid 5685135 The Golden Girls The Golden Girls The Golden Girls The Golden Girls The Golden Girls The Golden Girls HALL 18 240 5609715 1449406 7920067 5605999 9336593 9337222 Paid 8139574 Threads 7312425 Cash in the Attic Smart Fix (N) Beyond Repair Good Buy, Bad Holmes on Homes Let’s Rejoist. Intervention Property Virgins House Hunters House Hunters HGTV 67 165 4636339 (TVG) 9486636 (N) 7529932 Buy? 7528203 Structural mess. (TVG) 8148222 7303777 (TVG) 7548067 (TVG) 4981680 (TVG) 4999609 Paid 1959951 Paid 7908845 The Most (cc) (TVG) 2977154 Making a Buck A review of counterfeiters spans 2,600 years. (cc) Shockwave (cc) (TVPG) 4871406 Shockwave (cc) (TVPG) 4884970 HIST 50 128 (TVG) 7929338 Paid 255970 Paid 455883 Joyce Meyer Paid 167116 Reba (cc) Reba (cc) Reba The Wall. Reba (cc) Frasier (cc) Frasier (cc) Will & Grace Will & Grace LIFE 69 140 188609 (TVPG) 380970 (TVPG) 389241 (TVPG) 370593 (TVPG) 498721 (TVPG) 446135 (TVPG) 376777 (TVPG) 930999 (TVPG) 931628 Morning Meeting (N) 2275116 MSNBC News Live (N) 7342116 Dr. Nancy (N) 2888116 Andrea Mitchell Reports 7019777 MSNBC News Live (N) 7022241 MSNBC 128 103 AMTV (TV14) 941680 Grounded for Life Grounded for Life Degrassi: TNG Degrassi: TNG 16 and Pregnant Farrah. (cc) MTV 63 210 365661 698749 431203 361845 (TV14) 161932 The Nanny The Fairly Odd- Back, Barnyard SpongeBob SpongeBob The Fresh Beat Dora the Explorer Dora the Explorer Go, Diego, Go! Go, Diego, Go! Max & Ruby (N) Max & Ruby NICK 40 252 (TVPG) 945834 Parents 286715 902241 998048 102154 Band 101425 192777 830425 (TVY) 277067 (TVY) 181661 (TVY) 242339 (TVY) 892898 Paid 404390 Paid 613951 Paid 360357 Paid 349864 Paid 562628 Paid 561999 CSI: NY Hush. (cc) (TV14) 420338 CSI: Crime Scene Investigation Big CSI: Crime Scene Investigation Lab SPIKE 57 54 Shots. (TV14) 345048 Rats. (TV14) 358512 Paid 6927048 Paid 6001512 Paid 1070574 Paid 1099609 Merlin ★★★ (‘98) Sam Neill, Miranda Richardson. A medieval sorcerer battles evil and seeks love. ‘TVPG’ 7791883 SYFY 59 180 Married. With Married. With Saved by the Bell Saved by the Bell Saved by the Bell Saved by the Bell Fresh Prince of Fresh Prince of Just Shoot Me Home Improve- Home Improve- Yes, Dear (cc) TBS 55 52 Children 622628 Children 891661 557715 536222 757628 756999 Bel-Air 730951 Bel-Air 485999 (TVPG) 815241 ment 736135 ment 651845 (TVPG) 652574 Jon & Kate Plus 8 Jon & Kate Plus 8 18 Kids-Count 18 Kids-Count Bringing Home Bringing Home A Baby Story A Baby Story Jon & Kate Plus 8 Beach Trip. Trip Say Yes to the Say Yes to the TLC 38 139 (TVG) 439086 (TVG) 615319 355425 334932 Baby 557796 Baby 556067 (TVPG) 547319 (TVPG) 278777 to the beach.
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