r - ,' 1102 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD-HOUSE. FEBRUARY 2, Harry F. Hawkins, to be postmaster at Beaver Falls, in the ments must receive their first consideration in Committee of the county of Beaver and· State of Pennsylvania, in the place of Whole on the state of the Union. The bill in its present form William H. Grim, whose commission expires February 28, 1893. iS--a bill raising revenue. Joseph G. Fietsam, to be postmasterat Weimar, in the county Mr. DALZELL. Ostensibly. of Colorado and State of Texas, the appointment of a postmas­ Mr. McMILLIN. The reading of the amendments will show ter for the said office having, by law, become vested in the whether they do not provide for the imposition of taxes. President on and after January 1, 1893. The SPEAKER. The House has the right to hear the amend­ Nicholas T. Lawrence, to be postmaster at New Lisbon, in the ments in order that this question may be determined. The county of Juneau and State of Wisconsin, the appointment of a Clerk will read them. postmaster for the said office having, by law, become vested in The amendments of the Senate were read. the President on and after January 1, 1893. Mr. BOATNER. Mr. Speaker, Imakethepointof order that the amendments of the Senate to this bill require consideration PROMOTION IN THE ARMY. in the Committee of the Whole House-- A.djutant-General's Depa'rtment. Mr. HATCH. On that point of order I desire to be heard. Capt. John B. Babcock, FifthCavalry,tobeassistantadjutant­ Mr. BOATNER. And under the provisions of Rule XXIV, general with the rank of major, February 2,1893, vice Sheridan, the House can not consider the matter at this time. Rule XX promoted. provides that- Any amendment of the Senate to any House bill shall be subject to the point of order that it shall first be considered 1n the Committee of the Whole House on the state of the Union it, originating 1n the House, it would be HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES. subject to that point. Then in the first paragraph of Rule XXIV it is provided that­ · TnURSDA.Y, Feb'rrtta1"Y 2, 1893. After the .Journal is r ead and approved each day, the Speaker shall lay before the House, for reference, messages from the President, reports and The House met at 12o'clock m. Prayer by the Chaplain, Rev. communication& from the heads of Departments, and other communications W. H. MILBURN, D. D. addressed to the House, and also such bills, resolutions, and other messages The Journal of yesterday's proceedings was read and approved. from the Senate as may have been received on :previous days, but no such message, reporli, communication, bill, or resolutwn shall be printed except EXPENSES OF ON'ITED STATES COURTS. by order of the Speaker or the House; and House bills with Senate amend­ The SPEAKER laid before the House a letter from the Secre­ ments which do not require consideration 1n Committee of the Whole may tary of the Treasury, transmittingacommunicationfrom theAt­ be at once disposed of as the House may determine. torney-General submitting a statement of additional deficiencies Now, the point is, Mr. Speaker, that this is not a House bill in appropriations on account of certain expenses in United States with Senate amendments which may be disposed of without be­ courts; which was referred to the Committee on Appropriations, ing considered in Committee of the Whole. We make the point and ordered to be printed. that this bill must be considered in Committee of the Whole be­ The SPEAKER also laid before the House a letter from the cause it includes subjects and objects of taxation not included Secretary of the Treasury, transmitting a communication from in the original bill, and provide3 for expenses and disburse­ the Attorney-General relating to the need of an appropriation for ments not provided for in the original bill. transportation of jurors and witnesses summoned to attend court Mr. HATCH. Mr. Speaker, my reply to the point of order in United States cases; which was referred to the Committee on made by the gentleman from Louisiana is, in the first place-­ Appropriations, and ordered to be printed. Mr. BOATNER. Mr. Speaker, I had not yielded the floor. The SPEAKER. The Chair thought the gentleman had con­ DAILY HOUR OF MEETING. cluded. If he desires to say something further, of course the Mr. McMILLIN. I am instructed by the Committee on Rules Chair will hear him with pleasure. to report back with an amendment the resolution which I send Mr. BOATNER. Before concluding my remarks, I wish to to the desk, introduced by the gentleman frOm Indiana [Mr. call the attention of the Chair to the Senate amendment which HOLMAN). includes flour as one of the objects upon the dealing in which The Clerk read as follows: taxes are to be imposed. Resolved, That on the 3d day of February, and until further oruer of the Mr. McMILLIN. If the gentleman will permit me to inter­ Rouse, the daily hour of meeting be 11 o'clock a.m. rupt him right there. I have looked at the bill and the amend­ Mr. McMILLIN. The committee has amended the resolution ments with a view to seeing what this original clause was, and by inserting "the 3d day of February," so that the order shall also what the amendment proposes. The original section, be­ begin to operate to-morrow. We still have six appropriation ginning at line 11 on page 2, reads as follows: bills on the Calendar undisposed of; and the committee were of Nor to any contract or agreement made with any farmer or planter to fur­ opinion that this order should begin to operate at once, to insure nish and deliver to such farmer or planter at a. future time, or within a des­ the early consideration of those measures. ignated period, any of said articles which are required as food, forage, seed, etc. "' * * The amendment reported by the Committee on Rules was SEC. 3. That the articles to which the foregoing sections relate are raw or a<Yreed to; and the resolution as amended was adopted. unmanufactured. cotton, hops, wheat, ~ om , oats, rye, barley, grass seed, o On motion of Mr. McMILLIN, a motion to reconsider the last flaxseed, pork, lard, bacon, and other ed1ble products or swine. vote was laid on the table. It will be seen that flour is not mentioned, only wheat. The CURRENCY. ame!!dment proposed on line 17 in that section is this: Mr. CATCHINGS. I am directed by the Committee on Rules After the word " corn," insert "flour." , . ro report the resolution which I send to the desk. It will be observed that flour was not included in the original The Clerk read as follows: • bill; the tax was not imposed on dealing in it. The reading of Resolved, That immediately upon the adoption of this resolution the House the amendments at the desks did not show what the tax covered proceed to consider the bill (H. R. 10143) to increase the eire ulation of na­ in the original bill, and I interrupted the gentleman from IJouis­ tional bank£, and for other purposes; and if said bill shall not be disposed of iana because I desired to show that the amendment of the Senate on said day, then the consideration thereof shall be continued on the nexli included an article which was not embraced in the House bill so legislative day. far a-s I have been able to see from a hasty inspection of it. Mr. CATCHINGS. I desire to give notice that on the 9th of Mr. HATCH. Mr. Speaker, my first reply to the point of or­ this month this report of the Committee on Rules will be called der made by the gentleman from .Louisiana is, that there is not up and the House will be asked to agree to it. a single amendment to this bill sent to the House by the Senate, ''ANTIOPTION" BILL. nor is there a word in a single Senate amendment, nor is there a The SPEAKER laid before the House, with Senate amend­ single suggestion in any amendment, that will bring it within ments and a request for a conference, the bill (H. R. 7845) defin­ the House rule which l'equires that a bill carrying an appro­ j ing" options" and" futures," imposing special taxes on dealers priation or making a charge upon the Government shall be con­ th~rein,and requiring such dealers andpersons engaged in sell­ sidered in Committee of the Whole. That provision of the rule ing certain products to obtain license, and for other purposes. alone is what would send these amendments to the Committee Mr. HATCH. I am instructed by the Committee on Agricul­ of the Whole for consideration. ttlre to move that the House nonconcur in the Senate amend­ It would matter not if the Senate had stricken out of this bill ments, and aO'ree t,o the conference asked for by the Senate; and every single section in it and attached after the enacting clause on that motion I demand the previous question. any bill that could be sent here, provided that bill did not carry Mr. BYNUM. I rise to a question of order. an appropriation or make a charge upon the Government. Un­ Mr. McMILLIN. I desire to have the amendments read in less it did that, the point of order could not be held good by the order that we may see whether theyare suchamendments as re­ Speaker. That has been decided time and time again by the quire to be considered in Committee of the Whole.
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