Entered as second class mailing matter, October 17. 1916. at tha Post Office, Houston, under the act of March 3, 1879. VOLUME THIRTY-NINE — NUTumtifiM BER ONE HOUSTON, TEXAS FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 21, 1951 Dr. Houston An Open Letter Lovett Appointed TO ALL RICE STUDENTS: A Houston girl attending one of the State's larger Univer- To Rice Board sities was well pleased over the fact that her high grade on a Three appointments were made to Rice's governing bodies, History final gave her a 93 average for the semester. A week the Board of Trustees and the Board of Governors, over the later, she was disappointed to find that her 93 netted her only summer. Messrs. Malcolm Lovett, John S. Ivy, and Francis T. a B— in the course. The simple answer was that the other Fendley are the appointees. students in the class, aided by cheat sheets and a policy of Mr. Lovett, Rice '21, son of the Institute's first president, "cooperate and graduate," had set a class average of 95 on the has been elected a member of test. the Rice board of governors. pendent oil man who was elected to ... , . ,, , ,. „ the board of governors last year, "An admirable selection," was the , ... , , That doesn't happen here. , , , ,. was made a life member oi the board comment accorded from longtime I hope that each Freshman and each new student at Rice of trustees. has received by thite time the letter sent to him or her telling Institute faculty members. "Not only does it honor the deeds of the Mr. Ivy, who received his degree about our Honor System and explaining its aims, operations, father, it recognizes the qualifica- in geology from the University of and results. tions of the son." Chicago, is also a member of the But as a further word on this subject, let me review these Mr. Lovett, a partner in the Hous- board of trustees at Beloit College. matters for the benefit of both Freshmen and upperclassmen. ton law firm of Baker, Botts, An- A director of Houston's City Na- drews and Parish, graduated from tional Bank, he served ten years as Presupposing that Rice students are honorable people and a director of Kinkaid School in have the character and self-respect to want honest conduct of Harvard law school in '24, following President Houston his BA from Rice. Born in Prince- Houston. their examinations, we sincerely believe that our Honor System ton, New Jersey, he was educated Francis T. Findley, Rice '17, was Chosen Director is the logical method to conduct those examinations. in public and private schools in re-elected to a four year term on It assumes that each of us is an adult, not a child to be Houston. He has long been active the board. Of Oak Ridge watched over or threatened. It assumes that we are honest, in Houston civic and cultural af- Mr. Fendley, an architecture grad- fairs, and is chairman of the board' "ate> >s head of the purchasing de- Rice President William V. Hous- and not petty thieves who would deliverately take from a of Faith Home. After the old members of the ton has been appointed by a unani- neighbor the written results of his thought and study. It John S. Ivy, geologist and inde' (Continued on Page 3) mous vote to the governing board hardly seems necessary to point out that this amounts to of the Oak Ridge Institute of Nu- theft of another's property just as surely as does the theft clear Studies at Oak Ridge, Ten- of money or goods. The moral issue is clear. nessee. It assumes that we are proud to be in the only school in Doctor Houston will serve a three the state that so demonstrates in trust and confidence in its year term along with the other eight directors. Rice's Dr. Tom W. Bonner, students, and where students can feel that they are living in professor of physics, is a member an atmosphere of mutual respect for individual abilities and of the council of the Institute. accomplishments. The Oak Ridge Institute is made What about the "weak sisters," the rare-but-occasionally- up of 26 southern universities, or- present fellow who will' try to get by any way he can ? Can ganized to promote nuclear studies we say,* "Well, I won't cheat but I won't tell on the fellow who among college faculty. Through the facilities of the Institute, profes- did"? sors from the member universities Emphatically, NO! may research in the Oak Ridge lab- An Honor System is related to each student as (excuse oratories. the trite simile) a chain is to each link. The person who expects This summer one Rice professor, you to-tolerate his cheating shows very small respect for you. Dr. Jurg Waser of the chemistry LEE DUGGAN department, is researching there. In O. T. KNIGHT the past Rice physicists, biologists ' Chairman. The Honor Council and chemists have done work there. Special Scholarship Sallyport Stage Campanile Offers RAYMOND C. JORDAN Engineering ROTC T# Knight, Jordan fo StmlJtZLe Open '&•»« Prize To Boost To Instruct ROTC's Unit Opens nAl lSi, scholarshiknp announcementLmnm s and foreign "student informatio' n wil l With "Blithe Spirit" "Sallyport" Section In Naval Science On Rice Campus be posted on the two bulletin boards Sallyport Stage will open its sec- ond dramatic season with Noel Cow- Work is already underway on the Captain L. S. Mewhinney, Rice New on Rice's campus are the nearest door in the Lounge. These Professor of Naval Science, has an- ard's "Blithe Spirit." The play will 1952 yearbook, according to Editor Army Engineers, offering training boards are the property of the Of- nounced the appointment of two fice of the President and have been be presented around the second week for its future officers. in October. Bill Collins. A staff meeting Wed- new members to the Department of The army ROTC is a four year placed in the Lounge to inform the nesday started the ball rolling on Naval Science. students of scholarship opportuni- The wires, frame, and curtains course open to students in their the new book, to be put under the Lieutenant Commander 0. T. ties. which last year formed Rice's first freshman through junior years. The Knight, USN, will instruct in the "Any student interested in any intimate theatre will go back in direction- of Collins and Business program also includes one six weeks field of Naval History and Orienta- form of scholarship either domestic place to change the great panelled Manager Ben Gantt. summer camp between the third and tion while Lieutenant Raymond C. or foreign study, should see me at faculty chamber into a modern func- 1 fourth year at the principal army tional theatre. Sallyport, the section devoted to Jordan will instruct Jn Naval Weap- once," stated Dr. Masterson. Stu- engineering school in Port Belvoir, snapshots of campus activities, will ons. Both hold the rank of Assistant dents interested in scholarships for "This year, more than ever before, Virginia. receive added emphasis in the 1951 Professor. next year must begin to make ap- our aim is to provide entertainment The personnel of the unit include "Campanile." Sallyport is composed Lieutenant Commander Knight, a plication now as the deadlines for for the students, faculty and friends Lt. Colonel Dillon, commanding of- primarily of contributions from the Navy flyer, is a graduate of Arizona applicants are all dated between Oc- of Rice Institute," said Dean Hill, ficer, Maj. Fitzsimmons, command- student body. In the past, however, State College, receiving a bachelor tober-and March 15. Dramatic Club president. "In order continued on Page 4) that more students may enjoy and many students have been unaware (Continued on Page 2) Fullbright scholarship blanks may enter into the Rice Player produc- that they were entitled to enter their be obtained from the President's tions, ticket prices for this year are own photographs in this section Placement Office secretary now. Deadline on these is as follows: 60c per ticket for each merely by dropping them in the Draft Board Forms October 15. Information and dead- Has Jobs Listed student with a blanket tax and that Sallyport box, which is now located lines for Rhodes scholar applicants Awaited by Men student's date; $1.20 per ticket for in the student lounge, directly op- For Students will be available in the next few all persons without blanket taxes. weeks. posite the Student Association of- Previously Listed All students needing part-time The Dramatic Club has planned fice. To boost interest in this sec- jobs are urged to go to the Student All men students are advised by to present three three-act plays and tion, the "Campanile" will offer a Placement Office in the Alumni Of- the office of the Registrar to vv^it Thresher Meeting a musical comedy or variety show. monthly prize this year of a case of fice in Lovett Hall. for the Texas draft board communi- Students interested in acting or pro- beer for the best photo — with ac- Miss Carol Owen, director of the Of New Candidates ducing should contact Dean Hill. cation, Form 109, which will be sent *" Service, has listed jobs for students companying caption — submitted to all men whose names were pre- - A meeting for all students in- each month. and alumni of Rice both on and off terested in becoming candidates viously listed with the draft board the campus. A Placement Service for the "Thresher" staff will be Thanksgiving Appointments for class pictures bv the school.
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