\ • • q - ia II ~- / -s c' .. A 3- .~ ~ , • Over 1,000 radio programs change to daylight saving time this week. For a complete list of all changes, buy this issue! , JERRV COLO NNA, the gfn t whose mvg it nproduud on the cover, photoef'phed in nlturll tOlor by J,ck Albin. st.uted hi, urnr IS ill trombont·pl,yer. His clownlne-­ plus Iiourishine musu,hio and bushy eyebrows-put him Into comedy spols on Fred Allen·s. other shows. Currently Mr. Colonn, is I big moment 01 th e Bob Hope l'U9h1ts!. T HE Yoice thtlt shouted Hi-yo News of tne de"th of Gr"ser camo liS Silver! AWlly!' is silenced forever. " thunderbolt to its producers. Tiny e"rs which h"ve been glued to the Alrelldy " successor hlls been se· loudspe"kers in e"ger lInticip"tion of lected, His oeme is Br"ce Beemer. He the g"Uoping horse's hoofs, the bre"th­ pl"yed the p"rt for" short while lifter less commend to " f"ithful horse, m"y the progr"m's origin some years ego. neyer know the difference. But the We express our hope th"t children, lone R"nger is de"d. rronic"lIy, this lInyw"y, m"y never detect the slight f"mous rlldio horsem"n met de.!!th in differences which m"y occur. There is en "utomobile "cci­ no tr"gedy to equ,,1 dent ne"r F"rming­ th", of youth upon ton, Mich. Also, ironi­ the deeth of lin idol. c"lIy, this m"n whose In this c"se, through voice is better known the magic of r"dio, th"n the President's youth m"y be sp"red received his first th"t knowledge. widespre"d news­ Neither will it be "QUINTS" GET FIRST CANDY p"per stories on the " matter of deceit, , occllsion of his de"th. For youth, the Lone Except for his voice, Ranger still lives, He Elirle W. Gr"ser was is "live in the toys II nonentity. Modest, end h"ts end portIo retiring. he lived II phern"li" that line quiet life with his toy counters; he is f"mily lind not even "live in the films which his next-door neigh­ bear his nllme end bors knew that he WliS thrill SaturdllY m"t­ the f"r-famed Lone inee crowds. But Rlinger. They put " TH E LONE RANGER rides on mostly he lives on mask on his face, - another yoice cries, "Away!" the "ir-end in the m"de him a men of heorts of "II children, m7stery, end children from six to sixty. o "n "ges end all countries idolized But the lone R"nger is more th"n 0 him for his heroic qu"lities, his Robin r"dio char"der, He is a symbol of the Hood characteristics. cour"ge end the h"rdihood end the Children may never know thllt the justice which is" p"rt of Americ". And lone Ranger met en untimely death, os such 1I symbol he will never die. They may not know it because the He will live through the fine qu"lities Lone Ranger will ride on. The show of "rtistry E"rle Gr"ser breathed into W"s soon to get II new sponsor on a him "nd beclluse of the work of pro· Baby RM/b, rich in Du/rtJse­ large network, Before th"t it h"d been ducers who m"de him" living. idolized as well as other nll/r;l;olls in­ sponsored locally in some sections. piece of Americen",-The Editors. gredients-helps overcome be- Iwun.meal hllnger andfatigue. CONTENTS Moyies Short Wayes (a department) ... 35 Hollywood', News Picture Moyle-Radio Guide Attend,: of the Week ..... ..... ....... l Baby Snook,' Birthday Party.36 An American Favorite Candid-Photo Album: Moyle Radio', News Picture Party on the High Seas. 2 of the Week .............. " .37 Movie-Radio Gui c.: e Proudly Movie-Radio Guide VI,lt': Naturally. Baby Ruth was selected as the firS( candy for the Present': A New Star- The Songbird of the South, Joan Leslie! ........... ,... 4 Kate Smith ...... ........... 38 carefully nurtured Dionne Quintuplets! Foe Baby Ruth is pure, Recommended-"Pot 0 ' Gold" .. 6 Three Weeks with Jack Benny Movie-Radio Guide's Report On: wholesome candy made of fine, natural foods. {No.1) ..................... 40 The St.r,' Mixed-Up Loves .. 8 On the Bandwagon Today In Hollywood {new,) ... 9 {a department) ......... , ... .41 You'll love its smooth o pera cream center; its thick layer of Moyle - R.dlo Guide Critics' Re­ "Oh, How I Hate to Get Up in tender, chewy caramel; its abundance of plump, fresh-toasted portj Reviews (department,) .12 the Mor nlng" ... Faclng Page 44 peanuts; its luscious, mel10w coating. Radio Thll Week In Radio Programs There's deep, delicious candy satisfaction In every bite of {a department) ..... , .. ..... 13 Week of April 26- Today in Radio {news) ........ 22 May 2 ......... 14_21 and 24 -34 Baby Ruth. It's rich in fl avor. freshness and good food va lue. Vol. 10, No, 29 April 26-May 2, 1941 Join the " Quints" - enjoy a big bar of Baby Ruth today. CURTISS CANDY COMPANY, CHICAGO, ILLINOIS • MOVIE-RADIO GUIDE II~ q~ t~ 'We.e.k4 ringing up the curtain on "The Sea Wolf" in the tors, a blue-tiled swimming-pool, nine bars, a O UT to sea went "The Sea Woll" for its world cialized in streamlining the old trade trick of lounge of a ship at sea. In fact, SO realistic was newsroom, special broadcast facilities,. and all premiere. AJong went a score of Hollywood first-showing ballyhoo and in making the trans­ the stunt that about one-third of the gucsts had kinds ot sports and music opportunities were celebrities and a hundred pressmen and camera­ planted premiere more than a publicizing, mer­ to give up and go to their staterooms because of provided. There was also plenty of Hollywood men to see, celebrate and record. This trip, chandising stunt---estabHshing it as a colorful the rough-water-rolling ot the boat! Neverthe­ glamour around the swimming-pool. The trip March 21, aboard the liner S. S. America, with filmland institution. Their pioneering junket to less, the overnight trip from Los Angeles to San fcatured as its climax a tour to the Valley of the the auxiliary aid of buses and planes, brought "Dodge City"; their splurge in "Virginia City"; Francisco was a success, for there was much Moon ranch, near San Francisco, home of Jack the world-premiere custom right up to the min­ their "Knute Rockne" celebration in South Bend, besides the screening of the new picture to make London, famous author of "The Sea Wolf." It ute and gave Warner Bros. claim to another Ind.; their "Fighting 69th" festivities in New the cruise momentous and pleasurable. The S. S. all added up to an appropriate and imagina­ first-the first premiere at sea-in the joust with York-these, with others, have dotted the COUD­ America, a 40,000-ton luxury liner, sports cleva- tive--if just short of colossal-world premiere. junkets. Fittingly so, Warner Bros. has spe- try. So now the Warner studio goes ultrarealistic, THE S. S. AMERICA, of the United States lines, normally plies between New York City and the Caribbean, has been kept AFTER DOCKING Saturday morning at San from transatlantic service by the war. Francisco, the guests were loaded into four big March 21 it carried a Hollywood party for buses and taken to the Jack london ranch near an ocean premiere of "The Sea W olr' Sonoma, forty-five miles from the Bay City. Here a luncheon of barbecued chicken, red beans, green salad and drylightwinewas served CHARLES RUGGlES, bewhiskered for a current sported a badge reading "Paul Muni." And Eddie EDWARD G. ROBINSON (left) and John Garfield orchestra and John did some impromptu solo work movie part, is threatened with an unscheduled plunge Robinson wore one that said "Shirley Temple," just (right) stand by while Captain Giles Stedman gives on the drums. And movie-goers needn't be disil­ at the hands of three movie mermaids--left to right, to kid autograph-see~ers. The ship and its swimming. cast-off order. Robinson and Garfield, stars of "The lusioned with the stuff that seagoing stars are made Marguerite Chapman, AiiC9 Talton and Alexis Smith. pool were an ideal background for the bathing beau­ Sea Wolf," were two of the liveliest of the junketing of. for Robinson and Garfield were two of those Ruggles, already a confusing picture with his beard, ties, who posed for passengers and news cameramen passengers. Eddie tool a turn at directing the ship's who kept sea-legs and stomachs under control PRISCilLA LANE and John Garfield go for a tour of the big boat to see its many luxurious accommodations - beauty par­ lors, barber shop, flower and clothing shops. Priscilla, though not in "The Sea HOBART BOSWORTH (right), ven· MEMENTOS of the colorful life of author THE GAY JUNKET wound up with a re.­ Wolf," is a Warner Bros. star. She was FOR "ATMOSPHERE," Warner Bros. took along this cilia lane, Maris Wrixon, Suzanne Carnahan and Joan erable star of the first filming of London intrigued the touring-party. Above, turn trip by bus or plane. Some were quite one who didn't appreciate the ship's rolling bevy of beauties. Front row, left to right: Aliie Tal­ Perry. During the trip Kay Aldridge was posing with "The Sea Wolf," Robinson (left) and left to right, Mrs.
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