© Lonely Planet Publications 382 Index A Thimlich Ohinga 181 Bin Laden, Osama 259 Aberdare National Park 204-6, 205 Ungwana 301 Bio Ken Snake Farm & Laboratory 291 Aberdares 201-8 Wasini Island 279 birds 58, 84-7, 84-7, see also accommodation 317-20, see also Archer’s Post 233-4 individual birds individual locations architecture 114, 262-3, 305, 306, bird-watching 89 activities 320-4, see also individual 308, 313 books 89 activities art galleries, see also museums Central Highlands 225 Adamson, Joy 155 Baraka Gallery 310 Nairobi 109 African fish eagle 85, 84 Gallery of Contemporary East north coast 292, 293-4 African Heritage House 114 African Art 103 northern Kenya 239, 249, 251 air travel 341-3, 347-8 Nairobi 103, 108-9, 114 Rift Valley 164, 165, 166 airfares 342 old law courts 261 south coast 270, 279 airlines 342, 347-8 arts 46-50, 335, see also individual arts southern Kenya 138, 143 airports 341-2 internet resources 16, 43, 46, 49 walks 166 to/from Kenya 341-3 Athi River 121 western Kenya 177, 180, 181, 187, within Kenya 347-8 ATMs 332, see also money 188, 193, 195 Akamba people 38-9 Bissel 137 altitude sickness 208 B black market 332-3 Amboseli National Park 137-9, 138 baboons 77, 138, 162, 195, 204, 249, 77 Blixen, Karen 16, 110, 113 American Embassy Memorial Garden Baden-Powell Museum 202 boat travel, see also boat trips, dhow 108 ballooning 158, 173, 320 trips Animal Orphanage 112 Bamburi Beach 282-5 to/from Kenya 347 INDEX animals 58-9, 70, 73-83, see also bandas 318 within Kenya 348, 353 individual animals banditry 228, 327 boat trips, see also dhow trips antelope bao 301, 310 north coast 298 Central Highlands 204 Baragoi 245 Rift Vally 165-6 northern Kenya 232, 249 bargaining 334-5 south coast 279 south coast 270 baskets, see kiondos western Kenya 176-7 southern Kenya 144-5 bateleurs 85, 85 boda-bodas 353-4 western Kenya 181, 197 bathrooms 337 Bomas of Kenya 114 aquariums 176, 286 Battuta, Ibn 255 books 15, 48-9 Arabuko Sokoke Forest Reserve 293-4 beaches biographies 45, 48 archaeological sites Bamburi Beach 282-5 bird-watching 89 Gede ruins 294-6, 295 Diani Beach 273-4, 272 health 358-9 history 23-4 Kikambala 286 history 23, 27, 28, 29, 30 Hyrax Hill Prehistoric Site 161-2 Kilifi 287 photography 15 Jumba la Mtwana 286 Kiwayu Island 316 travel 16, 58 Kariandusi Prehistoric Site 158 Manda 314 trekking 195, 208 Mnarani 287 Nyali Beach 281-2 wildlife 58, 69 Mwana 301 Shanzu Beach 285 Borana people 39 Nabahani ruins 315 Shela 311 border crossings 228, 327, 344-5 Olorgasailie Prehistoric Site 115 Shelly Beach 270 bribery 349 Shaka 301 Tiwi Beach 271-3, 272 Bubisa 240 Shanga 315 Vipingo 286 Buffalo Springs National Reserve Sibiloi National Park 247 Watamu 290-2, 291 234-7, 236 Takwa ruins 314 beer 54 buffaloes 79 begging 339 Central Highlands 202, 204, 210, 000 Map pages bicycle travel, see cycling 222, 225 000 Photograph pages Big Five 18, 58, see also individual Nairobi 109 animals northern Kenya 237, 239, 249 Index (B-F) 383 Rift Valley 158, 162, 164 colonialism 27-8, 254, 257 education 35 southern Kenya 138, 140 conservation 62-3, 97-8 El Molo people 39 western Kenya 171, 195 projects 158, 237, 278, 282, 291, elands 140, 154, 158, 222, 284 Bukusu people 189 292, 339-40 Eldoret 190-2, 191 bus travel consulates 328-9 elections 34, 38, 97, 122-3, 186 to/from Kenya 343-4, 345-6 costs 13-14, 65-6 electricity 318 within Kenya 348-9, 354 courses 280, 326 elephant shrews 293 bush pigs 204 Cowie, Mervyn 110 elephants 81, 6, 81, 88 bushbucks 195 Crater Lake Game Sanctuary 154 Central Highlands 204, 210, 220, Busia 192 credit cards 333 222, 225 business hours 324 Crescent Island Wildlife Sanctuary Mwaluganje Elephant Sanctuary butterflies 147, 187, 284, 294, 295-6 154-6 271, 81 buzzards 85 crime 327, 339, see also safe travel Nairobi 112 crocodiles north coast 294 C north coast 301 northern Kenya 232, 233, 234, camels 89-90, 242, 243, 5 northern Kenya 246, 251 237, 238, 239, 242, 249 camping 71-2, 318-19, see also south coast 279, 281 south coast 270 individual locations southern Kenya 141, 144 southern Kenya 138, 140, 144 canoeing 292, 301, 302, see also western Kenya 177, 193 western Kenya 171, 195 kayaking culture 35-50 Eleyo people 40 car travel 92-4, 344, 349-53 Swahili 43, 253, 257, 305, 306, 313 Eliye Springs 251 guides 352 customs regulations 326 Elsamere Conservation Centre 155 hire 270, 350-2 cycling 91-2, 156, 284, 320, 348 embassies 328-9 insurance 344, 352 Embu 224-5, 224 northern Kenya 230 Embu people 40 D INDEX road conditions 352 da Gama, Vasco 255, 263, 296, 298, 300 endangered species 58-9, 145 road distance chart 350 dance 49-50, 114, 294 environmental issues 14, 61-4, 322-3 road rules 353 dangers, see safe travel conservation 62-3, 97-8 safety 353 David Sheldrick Wildlife Trust 112-13 conservation projects 158, 237, to/from Kenya 344 deforestation 63-4 278, 282, 291, 292, 339-40 tours 171 Delamere, Lord 126 culling 145 caracals 75, 164, 75 dhow trips 347, 348, see also boat trips deforestation 63-4 cash, see money Mombasa 263 endangered species 58-9, 145 caves 143, 152, 195, 215 north coast 307, 314, 316 internet resources 344 cell phones 336 south coast 274, 279, 280, 285-6 poaching 58, 62, 141, 144, 145 Central Highlands 199-226, 200 Diani Beach 273-8, 272 siltation 165 Central Island National Park 251 Diani Rules 275 tourism 64 Chale Island 278-9 dikdiks 79, 144, 249 equator 217, 219 chameleons 246 Dinesen, Isak, see Blixen, Karen Ethiopia 240-1, 344-5 chang’a 54 disabilities, travellers with 337 events 329, see also festivals cheese 190 diving 320, 321 Diani Rules 275 cheetahs 75, 109, 171, 222, 232, 74 north coast 291, 298, 311 East African Safari Rally 329 Cherangani Hills 198, 249 south coast 274, 280 Kenya Fashion Week 116 children, travel with 56, 324-5, 370 dolphins 279, 280 Maralal International Camel chimpanzees 219 donkeys 306 Derby 243 Chogoria 224 drinks 53-4 Mombasa Triathlon 264 churches 261, 298 driving licences 344, 350 Rhino Charge 329 Chyulu Hills National Park 140 driving, see car travel Safaricom Marathon 233 cinema, see film dudus 59 Tusker Safari Sevens 116 circumcision, male 189 duikers 195 exchange rates, see inside front cover climate 13, 325-6 coast, see Mombasa, north coast, E F south coast East African Community 37 fashion 116 coffee 53, 224 East African Safari Rally 329 Faza 315-16 Colobus Trust 274 economy 34, 35, 36-7, 122-3 female genital mutilation 45 384 Index (F-K) Ferguson’s Gulf 251 Giriama people 292 northern Kenya 242 festivals 329, see also events gliding 321 southern Kenya 138 Kenya Music Festival 116 Green Belt Movement 62 Hyrax Hill Prehistoric Site 161-2 Lamu Cultural Festival 308 guineafowls 87 hyraxes 81, 162, 210 Maulid Festival 308 Gusii people 40 Mombasa Carnival 263-4 I film 15, 50 H Il Ngwesi 233 Finch Hatton, Denys 114 hamerkops 87 immigration 38, 39, 341 Fischer’s Tower 156, 157 hartebeests 79, 181, 202 impalas 158, 177, 242 fishing 90-1, 320-1 health 357-65 Indian community 39 Central Highlands 215, 220 altitude sickness 208 insects 59 north coast 291 books 358-9 insurance 330-1, 352 south coast 278, 280, 286 HIV/AIDS 36, 330, 360-1 car 344, 352 flamingos 87, 158, 162, 164, 86 insurance 330-1, 357-8 health 330-1, 357-8 flying 91, 321 internet resources 357, 358 internet access 44, 331 food 51-3, 54-7, 329 language 368 internet resources 16 cheese 190 malaria 259, 361-2 air tickets 342-3 cooking courses 280 services 359 arts 16, 43, 46, 49, 50 customs 55 traditional medicine 365 conservation 62 internet resources 52 vaccinations 358 ecotourism 63, 91 language 56-7 yellow fever 363 environmental issues 344 restaurants 52, 54 Hell’s Gate National Park 156-8, 157 fair trade 90 vegetarian 55 Hindu temples 217, 261 food 52 football 37 hippopotamus 81, 81 health 357, 358 Fort Jesus 259-60 Central Highlands 206, 225 politics 34 fossils 23-4, see also archaeological sites north coast 301 safaris 69-70, 91 Funzi Island 279 Rift Valley 162, 165 sports 38 INDEX southern Kenya 138, 141, 144 Isiolo 230-2, 231 G western Kenya 176-7 itineraries 17-22, 17-22 Gabbra people 39-40, 248 history 23-34 deserts 20, 20 gay travellers 305, 329-30 ancient 23-5 Nairobi 98 gazelles 79 Arab 25-6, 253, 257, 260, 302 north coast 19, 19 Central Highlands 202, 222 books 23, 27, 28, 29, 30 northern Kenya 20, 20 Nairobi 109 colonialism 27-8, 254, 257 safaris 17, 18, 68-9, 17, 18 Rift Valley 154, 158, 162, 164 early migration 24-5 south coast 19, 19 southern Kenya 138 Mau Mau uprising 29, 200 trekking 22, 22 Gazi 278-9 Moi era 30-1 western Kenya 21, 21 Gede ruins 294-6, 295 Portuguese 26, 253, 255, 257, ito 310 genets 83, 83 300, 316 geography 58, 151, 228 slave trade 253-4, 279 J geology 58 white settlement 28 jackals 83, 138 gerenuks 79, 138, 234, 79 hitching 230, 232, 239, 353 Jain temples 261 Giraffe Centre 113 HIV/AIDS 36, 330, 360-1 Jamia Mosque 108, 7 Giraffe Manor 121 hogs 195 jewellery 131, 335 giraffes 81, 6, 80 holidays 330 Jumba la Mtwana 286 Central Highlands 202, 220 Homa Bay 180-1 Nairobi 109, 113 horse racing 114 K northern Kenya 233, 234 horse riding 171, 215, 220, 233 Kabarnet 192-3 Rift Valley 154, 158 hot springs 115 KADU 30 southern Kenya 138, 140 hotels 319, see also individual Kakamega 186-7 western Kenya 181 locations Kakamega Forest 187-90, 188, 8 hunting dogs 83, 82 Kalacha 248 000 Map pages hyenas 83, 82 Kalama Community Wildlife 000 Photograph pages Central Highlands 202, 204, 210 Conservancy 233 Nairobi 110 Kalenjin people 40 Index (K-M) 385 kangas 268, 335 Lake Nakuru National Park 7, 162-4, Lokichar 250 KANU 30 163 Longonot National Park 151-2 Karen
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