from a Reporter's THE CONCORDIAN Notebook VOLUME XXXII. CONCORDIA COLLEGE, MOORHEAD, MINNESOTA, THURSDAY, MAY 8, 1941 NUMBER 25. By JEAN OSTBY Seniors, Sophomores To Take BONERS COLLECTED Cobber Parents Will Be Guests FREEDOM OF LOVE National Testing Exams Monday THERE'S NO BANG Concordia seniors and sophomores similar test two years ago, will be Student Forum For many years Prof. R. E, Fugle- will discover their knowledge of gen- charted before they graduate for the Of College Sunday stad has jotted down the boners pull- eral culture, English and contempor- sake of comparison. Sophomore ed by his students in biology exams. ary affairs when they participate in scores will not be charted until next Nominees Named His latest crop includes thse gems: a national testing program Monday. fall. In the last test Concordia rank- Program In Auditorium, Tea In Fjelstad "Vaso-motor nerves in the neck are Sponsored by the cooperative lest ser- ed average and above in the general For Tuesday Vote used to transport food and mes- vice of the American Council on Edu- culture and English tests, but low in To Honor Visitors; Larson Will Welcome cation, this is the tenth annual pro- contemporary affairs. President and representatives to sages." In explaining the life cycle serve on the next year's Student of the trichina, one student wrote, gram of this nature, but is taken by Members of the personnel commit- Special guests of the college Sunday will be Cobber parents, Concordia students only every two tee, which is in charge of the tests, Forum will be voted on by the stu- "It was discovered that some sheep who will be honored at a program in the college auditorium at 3 dent body Tuesday. Candidates died because they ate some pigs that years. are Dean Norman Nordstrand, chair- man, Dean Theresa Holt, Prof. Peter p. m. and at a tea in the North lounge of Fjelstad hall at 4 p. m.were selected by a nominating com- were full of trichina." This minimum testing program is divided Into three parts, a Anderson, Martha Brennun, Edith The program in the auditorium will open with an organ pre- mittee and presented to the student * • * cooperative general culture test, Skauge and Rev. C. B. Ytvisaker. lude by Soren Hauge after which Olav Torvik will lead in devo- body today. For definition of on acquired an English test and a contem- Dean Holt will direct the adminis- tions. In the absence of other student body officers, Doris Lar- Alan Hopeman, Allan Johnson and characteristic Prof. Fuglestad porary affairs test. Lasting over tration of the tests. son, secretary, will deliver the student welcome to the parents. Robert H. Johnson are candidates for was told, "If a person for in- six hours, the examination will Kathleen Gunhus will sing a solo, president of the student body. No- stanoe for some reason hates continue from 7:45 a. in. until and a quartet composed of Donald minated for vice president were Wal- creeping animals he may become chapel, from 10 a. m. until 11:45 Bentley, Orvin Bilstad, Erling Aar- lace Norell and Orville Hiepler and so convinced that it Is an acquir- a. m. and from 1:45 p. m. until Push Along, Cowboy thun and Soren Hauge will sing. A for secretary-treasurer, Loleta So- ed characteristic'* 5 p. in. reading will be given by Audrey Zube lem and Rose Sanderson. • * * According to the National Council and Ernest Harris will play a piano Also nominated for representatives Vivian Aas ought to start a collec- on Education, the testing program is Western Day Set For Tomorrow solo. on the Forum were Alvin Isachsen tion, too. While practice teaching, "designed to provide valid measures After a greeting by Mrs. A. I. and Ernest Nelson, religious; she asked her class to name four of some of the more important typos Johnson, Fur go, a group consist- Gerald Brekke and Jean Ostby, lite- characteristics of the frontiersmen. of achievement and functioning in- ing of Mercedes Mlkkelson, Edna rary; Ray Morrau and Donald Bent- After three correct items, one stu-terest of students at the end of the Hanson, Ruth Aanestad, Alice ley, music; and Mildred Thorkelson dent instead of writing "love of free- sophomore year." Gllbertson, Marion Strong, Con- dom," concluded "with freedom of and Irene Johnson, social* Additions love." Profiles of seniors, who took a stance Kiel, Harold Haugen, Jarl may be made from the floor. Dyrud, Otto Berg and Henry. On the nominating committee nam- Flash! When they wanted to end Lovaos will sing madrigals. The ed at a student body meeting Tues- up the play Monday night with a program will conclude with the day were Martin Kranz, Sylvia Sta- bang Allister Bellerud and Bernhart Kron, Holvik To Get audience singing "Hymn to Con- vig, Milraine Mickolson, George Sor- Hansen threw a light bulb from cordia." ben and Virgfl Syverson. the third floor of the Main building. Arrangements for the program are The bulb hit the sidewalk, bounced, Mu Phi Awards made by Clifford Gronneberg, Mar- but didn't break. We're still in the guerite Eichler and Sigfred Lysne. dark about that. (It was a Westing- Chosen to receive this year's Mu Ernest Nelson, Alvin Selid, Annie May 26 Is Set As Phi Epsilon awards are Delores Kron Christopherson and Lois Nelson will house bulb). and Karl Holvik. These awards will • * • be ushers. Cobber Release Date; be presented at graduation. Current and Choice: What did Fuvo Forum Photo Hosts and hostesses at the tea fol- Miss Kron, a piano student of The click of cowboy boots and the, Cobber cowboys will guide their the pencil say to the paper? I Clara Duea, who was selected as mounts around the campus. The lowing the program will be Miss All Copy Completed dot my eyes on you. flash of bright shirts and handker- Florence Kruger, Miss Josephine music valedictorian of the senior chiefs will remind Concordia students parade will terminate at an impro- In just 18 days, on May 26, the class, will be given a medal award vised corral south of the men's dor- Bjornson, Mrs. C. B. Ylvisaker and Fiftieth Anniversary edition of the for outstanding musical achievement. that tomorrow is Western day. Stu- mitory where Cobbers will have a Prof, and Mrs. Peter Anderson. Pouring will be Mrs. R. J. Ry^fe, Cobber will be released- . Karl Holvik, a sophomore piano dents from Montana and western chance to see a real rodeo, Western All copy for the lay-out of 190 Report Saturday student of Miss Duea and a member North Dakota will be in native cos- style. Doris Larson and Thelma Rue. A medley of musical numbers will pages has been sent to the publishers of the Concordia concert band will tume all day to induce Cobbers to To conclude the day's events for printing. receive a $25 scholarship. He washit the trail for the International all student* are invited to fol- be played during the tea by Velma Dyrstad. The athletic sections in charge selected on the basis of musical Luther League and Choral Union low the chuck wagon to Goose- of Richard Melby specialize in ac- standing and scholarship as an convention in Billings, Mont., June berry .Mound for a picnic at 6 tion shots of all the sports. This di- under-classman. 25-30. p. m. vision has been developed to one of A committee consisting of Paul J. Cobbers will be informed about Everyone attending the picnic must the best ever published announce the Christiansen, music head, Clara the convention in a chapel wear a bright handkerchief, and a A-AZP Will Issue editors. Advertising, which now to- Duea, Borghild Torvik and Martha Roundup when Dorothy Waag charge of 15 cents will be made for tals nearly $900, is presented in a Brennun selected the two music will speak on the religious lunch. phases of the convention and Classic Saturday feature style. students. In the picture from left to right Bits of history scattered through- George Howell will discuss the are Rev. C. E. Johnson, who was on the Saturday, the Cobber Classic of the amusements. campus recently organizing the move- Alpha Zeta Phi-Anthenian societies out the write-ups trace the develop- Then cinch up your latigoes and ment, Harold Erickson, Edward will be released. This ends tho ment of Concordia through the 50 Science Association prepare for the big parade which will Gullickson, James Brenden, Raymond publication of this year's classics. years of her existence. begin immediately after dinner. Rid- Grande, Carol Staflin and Elizabeth Clifford Gronneberg, editor-in-chief Students will receive the Cobber Admits^Burgess ing ponies have been procured and Kjorlaug. and Irene Quanbeck, associate editor only if the downpayment has been Recently announced was the ad- are in charge of the book which con- made. Tuesday is the last day to mission of Dr. T. O. Burgess, psycho- tains ten pages. make arrangements, stated Helen logy head, into the American Asso- Assistant editors include Audrey Broten, circulation manager. Inter- ciation for the Advancement of Sci- StagejFor Orators Will Revolve; Zube, Loleta Solem and Stewart ested students may contact her or her ence. Dr. Burgess met require- Dale. Erling Erickson is art editor assistants, Olive Johnson and Ken- Miss Doris Larson who returned ments for membership, earning ad- and Otto Berg is business manager. neth Rfatuben. April '8 from a national convention mittance into Kappa Delta PI and Attilio Baggiore To Arrive Wednesday Solvig Rue is staff typist. of Zeta Sigma Pi, national science Phi Delta Kappa, scholastic fratern- fraternity, at Southern Illinois Nor- While tableaux on a revolving ities, and publishing a research pro- stage depict the story of the "Hymn mal University, Carbondale, 111., will ject entitled "The Analysis of Abil- • News Notes • give a report to the Concordia chap- ities in High School Physics".
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