ZOOSYSTEMATICA ROSSICA, 19(2): 205–245 30 DECEMBER 2010 Taxonomy of Podoscirtinae (Orthoptera: Gryllidae). Part 8: American taxa of the tribe Podoscirtini Таксономия подсемейства Podoscirtinae (Orthoptera: Gryllidae). Часть 8: американские таксоны трибы Podoscirtini A.V. GOROCHOV А.В. ГОРОХОВ A.V. Gorochov, Zoological Institute, Russian Academy of Sciences, 1 Universitetskaya Emb., St. Petersburg, 199034, Russia. E-mail: [email protected] Tribal position of some American representatives of Podoscirtinae and differences between this subfamily and Eneopterinae are discussed. Two former tribes are reduced to the subtribes Aph- onomorphina and Neometrypina (both in Podoscirtini). Two new genera, four new subgenera, 30 new species and two new subspecies are described. The former genus Euaphonus Hebard, 1928 is reduced to a subgenus of the genus Aphonomorphus Rehn, 1903. New replacement name Eneopteroides chopardi nom. nov. is proposed for Eneopteroides flavifrons Chopard, 1956 which is a junior secondary homonym of Eneopteroides flavifrons (Saussure, 1897). Systematic position and distribution of some other American taxa of Podoscirtini are clarified. В работе обсуждаются таксономичское положение некоторых американских представи- телей Podoscirtinae и различия между этим подсемейством и Eneopterinae. Ранг двух триб понижен до подтрибы: Aphonomorphina и Neometrypina (обе в Podoscirtini). Опи- саны два новых рода, четыре новых подрода, 30 новых видов и два новых подвида. Бывший род Euaphonus Hebard, 1928 включен в род Aphonomorphus Rehn, 1903 в качестве подрода. Предложено новое замещающее название Eneopteroides chopardi nom. nov. для Eneopteroides flavifrons Chopard, 1956, который стал младшим вторичным омонимом названия Eneopteroides flavifrons (Saussure, 1897). Уточнено систематическое положение и распространение некоторых других американских таксонов трибы Podoscirtini. Key words: America, Orthoptera, Gryllidae, Podoscirtinae, Podoscirtini, taxonomy, new taxa Ключевые слова: Америка, Orthoptera, Gryllidae, Podoscirtinae, Podoscirtini, таксономия, новые таксоны INTRODUCTION communications (the forth and the sev- enth), some preliminary hypotheses about This paper is the eighth communication historical geography of these tribes in the in the series of publications on taxonomy Old World were proposed. of Podoscirtinae. The first to fifth parts The material examined (including the (Gorochov, 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006) type series of all new species) is deposited at contain data on the tribe Podoscirtini in the Zoological Institute, Russian Academy the Old World (Asia, New Guinea, Ocea- of Sciences, St. Petersburg (ZIN). Major- nia, Australia, Madagascar, Africa, some ity of the specimens studied was collected other islands). The sixth and seventh parts by me together with my field colleagues in (Gorochov, 2007, 2008) concern the tribe tropical forests. Many of them flew at light. Aphonoidini in the Indo-Malayan and Some specimens sat on leaves of trees and Australo-Oceanian regions. In two of these bushes at night. © 2010 Zoological Institute, Russian Academy of Scienсes 206 A.V. GOROCHOV. TAXONOMY OF PODOSCIRTINAE. PART 8 TAXONOMIC PART scirtinae and independently from this group (more or less parallel adaptive evolution is The Podoscirtinae is a group of obliga- characteristic also for Trigonidiinae from tory inhabitants of plant, living mainly on the same family and for Arachnocephalini leaves of trees and bushes in tropical for- from the family Mogoplistidae). ests. Oviposition in this subfamily has place The tribal division of Podoscirtinae is on plants also; its representatives dip their not stable also. Gorochov (1986) divided eggs into plant tissues (into wood of young this subfamily into Podoscirtini, Aphonoi- branches or bark) with help of drilling ovi- dini, Paroecanthini, Hapithini and Phalorii- positor. All the taxa of Podoscirtinae (ex- ni (later he considered the latter tribe a sep- cepting a few specialised representatives) arate subfamily; Gorochov, 1995). Desutter have the apical part of ovipositor with the (1987, 1988) suggested the family rank for short teeth and hooks which are used for Podoscirtinae and the subfamily rank for cutting of plant tissues. For well attach- Podoscirtini and Hapithini, described the ment to the smooth surface of leaves, these subfamily Tafaliscinae (inside her Eneop- insects have the significantly expanded ven- teridae) and the tribes Aphonomorphini tral part of second tarsal segment and dis- (inside her Podoscirtinae), Neomorphini tinctly shortened basitarsi of all legs. More- (inside her Hapithinae), Diatrypini and over such structure of tarsi is accompanied Neometrypini (inside her Tafaliscinae); she by the development of long and strong hind also included Paroecanthini in her Tafalisci- basitarsal spurs. These characters were evi- nae. Gorochov (1995) did not agree with dently presented in a general ancestor of Desutter; he included her Aphonomor- this subfamily. phini and Neometrypini in Podoscirtini as In this connection, the inclusion of some well as her Neomorphini in Hapithini, but or all groups of Podoscirtinae in Eneopteri- preserved Diatrypini as a fifth tribe of Po- nae (Desutter, 1987; Otte & Perez-Gelabert, doscirtinae and supposed that Desutter’s 2009; Eades et al., 2010) is incomprehen- Tafaliscinae and Chopard’s Stenogryllinae sible. Most related groups of Podoscirtinae may be additional tribes of this subfamily. are possibly the subfamilies Pentacentrinae, At present my opinion is intermediate be- Oecanthinae and Euscyrtinae (Gorochov, tween that from my paper of 1986 and that 1986, 1995, 2001); the Pentacentrinae may from my book of 1995. The name Stenog- be an ancestral group for the others, and ryllinae should be rejected (International the Oecanthinae and Euscyrtinae may be Comission on Zoological Nomenclature, descendants of Pentacentrinae as well as of 1999: paragraph 65.2.1), as Chopard (1912) primitive representatives of Podoscirtinae. based the description of this taxon on an For Eneopterinae, the quite different rela- erroneous determination: his description is tives are supposed in Gorochov’s publica- based on the genus Tafalisca Walker, 1869 tions (Hemigryllinae and Landrevinae); ad- only and contradicts to the characters of aptation of Eneopterinae to life on plants is Stenogryllus Saussure, 1878. Now these only partial (with preservation of primitive genera are included in different higher taxa oviposition in soil, of not drilling oviposi- (Tafalisca in Paroecanthini and Stenogryl- tor, of rather small second tarsal segment lus in Hapithini). Discussion on some other and spurs of hind basitarsus, and of almost questions of tribal and subtribal position of not shortened or weakly shortened basitar- American Podoscirtinae are placed below. si); mode of life in their larves or in all their stages is often connected with forest floor Tribe PODOSCIRTINI Saussure, 1878 more than with plants. It is supposed that the Eneopterinae began to develop their This tribe is most diverse among Po- adaptations to life in plant later than Podo- doscirtinae in external morphology and © 2010 Zoological Institute, Russian Academy of Scienсes, Zoosystematica Rossica 19(2): 205–245 A.V. GOROCHOV. TAXONOMY OF PODOSCIRTINAE. PART 8 207 structure of genitalia. However in Ameri- morphina Desutter, 1988, new status (from ca, the Podoscirtini is presented by only a Aphonomorphini originally described only few genera which have the male genitalia for American taxa; Desutter, 1988). The similar to those in one of generic groups of former genus Euaphonus is here included Podoscirtini from the Old World. Three of in Aphonomorphus as its subgenus. For the these American genera (Aphonomorphus poorly known American genus Neometrypus Rehn, 1903, Eneopteroides Chopard, 1956 Desutter, 1988 having the male genitalia and Spiraphonus gen. nov.) show certain somewhat similar to those of different gen- similarity in the structure of the tympanal era from the Old World (Furcitrella Goro- organs, tegmina and male genitalia to the chov, 2002, Noctitrella Gorochov, 1990, Indo-Malayan genus Idiotrella Gorochov, Varitrella Gorochov, 2003, Fryerius Uvarov, 2002. Inner tympanum of four these genera 1940, and some others), the monotypic sub- is distinctly immersed. Their wings are long tribe Neometrypina Desutter 1988, new (hind wings are longer than tegmina) and status (probably belonging to the tribe Po- with the characteristic, more or less irregu- doscirtini) may be proposed for Neometry- lar (cellular) cross-vein venation between pini of Desutter (1988). An additional enig- the oblique longitudinal branches of dorsal matic genus (Aenigmaphonus gen. nov.) of field in female and in male losing tegminal Podoscirtini is described below out of any stridulatory apparatus. Male genitalia of subtribe. these genera are characterised by the fol- lowing characters: epiphallus has a pair of Genus Eneopteroides Chopard, 1956 dorsoapical spines, tubercles or lobes di- rected upwards, upwards–backwards or Type species: Eneopteroides chopardi upwards–forwards; ectoparameres are ar- nom. nov. [= E. flavifrons Chopard, 1956, ticulated with the lateral parts of epiphallus junior secondary homonym of Eneopteroi- and lateral projections of endoparameres; des flavifrons (Saussure, 1897) (new com- guiding rod is large and strongly modified bination) originally described as Aphonus (very long and with the twisted and more or flavifrons Saussure, 1897 and then assigned less inflated distal part, or divided into 2–3 to
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