13TH CONGRESS OF THE INTERNATIONAL SOCIETY FOR THE STUDY OF FATTY ACIDS AND LIPIDS SPECIAL EVENT HIGHLIGHTS SUNDAY, MAY 27 Satellite Symposia—Two, Half-Day Sponsored Programs SUNDAY, MAY 27 Opening Welcome Reception at the Havana Room MONDAY, MAY 28 Young Investigator Social at The Mob Museum TUESDAY, MAY 29 Special Interest Group Meetings WEDNESDAY, MAY 30 Free day for delegates to explore Las Vegas and the surrounding areas THURSDAY, MAY 31 Gala Dinner at the Hofbräuhaus MAY 27–31, 2018 | LAS VEGAS, NEVADA, USA | MGM GRAND HOTEL 1313THTH CONGRESSCONGRESS OFOF THETHE INTERNATIONALINTERNATIONAL SOCIETYSOCIETY FORFOR THETHE STUDYSTUDY OFOF FATTYFATTY ACIDSACIDS ANDAND LIPIDSLIPIDS ISSFALISSFAL EXECUTIVE EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE COMMITTEE PRESIDENTPRESIDENT TABLETABLE OFOF CONTENTSCONTENTS RichardRichard Bazinet, Bazinet, Ph.D. Ph.D. UniversityUniversity of of Toronto, Toronto, Canada Canada ThankThank You You ........................................................................ ........................................................................4 IMMEDIATEIMMEDIATE PAST PAST PRESIDENT PRESIDENT TomTom Brenna, Brenna, Ph.D. Ph.D. HEHE Nutritional Nutritional Science, Science, University University of of Texas Texas WelcomeWelcome ........................................................................ ........................................................................5 atat Austin, Austin, United United States States of of America America VICE-PRESIDENTVICE-PRESIDENT & & PRESIDENT-ELECT PRESIDENT-ELECT NewNew InvestigatorInvestigator && Travel Travel AwardsAwards ....................................................................6 MariaMaria Makrides, Makrides, Ph.D. Ph.D. SouthSouth Australian Australian Health Health and and Medical Medical ResearchResearch Institute, Institute, Australia Australia DelegateDelegate && SpeakerSpeaker InformationInformation ........................................................................7 TREASURERTREASURER BevBev Muhlhausler, Muhlhausler, Ph.D. Ph.D. ExhibitExhibit && PosterPoster Hall/MeetingHall/Meeting RoomRoom FloorFloor PlanPlan ..........................8 TheThe University University of of Adelaide, Adelaide, Australia Australia HONORARYHONORARY SECRETARY SECRETARY ExhibitorsExhibitors && SponsorsSponsors .................................................. ..................................................10 PeterPeter Clough, Clough, BSc, BSc, MSc MSc CobdenCobden Research, Research, United United Kingdom Kingdom Program-at-a-GlanceProgram-at-a-Glance ..................................................... .....................................................15 ISSFALISSFAL BOARD BOARD OF OF DIRECTORS DIRECTORS RobertRobert Block, Block, M.D., M.D., Ph.D. Ph.D. SatelliteSatellite SymposiaSymposia ........................................................ ........................................................16 UniversityUniversity of of Rochester, Rochester, United United States States of of America America GrahamGraham Burdge, Burdge, Ph.D. Ph.D. FinalFinal ProgramProgram ................................................................ ................................................................18 UniversityUniversity of of Southampton, Southampton, United United Kingdom Kingdom RenateRenate H.M. H.M. de de Groot, Groot, Ph.D. Ph.D. PlenaryPlenary SpeakerSpeaker BiographiesBiographies ........................................ ........................................27 OpenOpen University University of of the the Netherlands, Netherlands, The The Netherlands Netherlands SimonSimon Dyall, Dyall, Ph.D. Ph.D. BournemouthBournemouth University, University, United United Kingdom Kingdom KeynoteKeynote SpeakerSpeaker BiographiesBiographies ....................................... .......................................30 BarbaraBarbara Meyer, Meyer, BSc BSc (Hons), (Hons), Ph.D., Ph.D., RNutr RNutr UniversityUniversity of of Wollongong, Wollongong, Australia Australia EarlyEarly CareerCareer AwardAward ....................................................... .......................................................32 AdinaAdina Michael-Titus, Michael-Titus, Ph.D. Ph.D. UniversityUniversity of of London, London, United United Kingdom Kingdom AlexanderAlexander LeafLeaf AwardAward ................................................... ...................................................32 TrevorTrevor Mori, Mori, Ph.D. Ph.D. UniversityUniversity of of Western Western Australia, Australia, Australia Australia ToruToru Moriguchi, Moriguchi, Ph. Ph. D. D. AzabuAzabu University, University, Japan Japan AnnaAnna Nicolaou, Nicolaou, Ph.D. Ph.D. UniversityUniversity of of Manchester, Manchester, United United Kingdom Kingdom AshleyAshley Patterson, Patterson, Ph.D. Ph.D. ISSFALISSFAL HEADQUARTERSHEADQUARTERS MeadMead Johnson Johnson Nutrition, Nutrition, United United States States of of America America GrahamGraham S. S. Hauck Hauck ChrisChris Ramsden, Ramsden, Ph.D. Ph.D. AdministratorAdministrator NIH,NIH, United United States States of of America America MollyMolly Shevlin Shevlin & & Jennifer Jennifer Wood Wood AbstractsAbstracts forfor all NormanNorman Salem, Salem, Jr. Jr. Ph. Ph. D. D. MembershipMembership & & Meeting Meeting Coordinator Coordinator DSMDSM Nutritional Nutritional Products Products LLC, LLC, United United States States of of America America 10001000 Potomac Potomac Street, Street, NW NW presentationspresentations andand postersposters are AndrewAndrew Sinclair, Sinclair, Ph.D. Ph.D. SuiteSuite 108 108 availableavailable onlineonline atat DeakinDeakin University, University, Australia Australia Washington,Washington, DC DC 20007 20007 USA USA www.issfalcongress.comwww.issfalcongress.com MariusMarius Smuts, Smuts, Ph.D. Ph.D. +1+1 (202) (202) 521-6725 521-6725 North-WestNorth-West University, University, South South Africa Africa FaxFax +1 +1 (202) (202) 833-3636 833-3636 Kuan-PinKuan-Pin Su, Su, Ph.D. Ph.D. [email protected]@issfal.org ChinaChina Medical Medical University, University, Taiwan Taiwan www.issfal.orgwww.issfal.org SPONSORS & EXHIBITORS THANK YOU! TheThe supportsupport thatthat thethe ISSFALISSFAL 2018 2018 Congress Congress has has received received from from sponsors, sponsors, exhibitors exhibitors and and other other supporters supporters is is critically critically importantimportant inin keepingkeeping thethe costcost ofof registrationregistration atat a a reasonable reasonable level, level, and and also also to to enable enable the the award award of of 50 50 free free registrations registrations (wor (worthth over over $20,000 USD) toto NewNew InvestigatorInvestigator AwardAward winners,winners, thus thus encouragin encouragingg good good investigators investigators into, into, and and to to remain remain in, in, the the field field of offatty fatty acid acid research. TheThe meetingmeeting organisersorganisers andand thethe SocietySociety appreciate appreciate this this support, support, and and urge urge delegates delegates to to take take every every opportunity opportunity to to expre expressss this this appreciation toto thethe representativesrepresentatives ofof sponsors,sponsors, exhibitors exhibitors and and other other supporters supporters that that they they come come into into contact contact with with during during the the me meetingeting and afterwards. PLATINUMPLATINUM SILVERSILVER SPECIALSPECIAL SPONSORSHIPSSPONSORSHIPS TravelTravel AwardAward SponsorshipSponsorship EducationalEducational Grant Grant ClinicalClinical Trials Trials Workshop Workshop WorkshopWorkshop GeneralGeneral Sponsor Sponsor NewNew Investigator Investigator Awards Awards LanyardLanyard SponsorSponsor SatelliteSatellite Symposium Symposium 2 2 SatelliteSatellite Symposium Symposium 1 1 ClinicalClinical Trials Trials Workshop Workshop WorkshopWorkshop CoffeeCoffee Breaks Breaks EXHIBITORSEXHIBITORS 4 ISSFALISSFAL 20182018 || MAYMAY 27–3127–31 || LASLAS VEGAS, VEGAS, USAUSA Welcome to Las Vegas, host city for the 13th ISSFAL Biennial Congress. It has been WELCOME 10 years since the Congress has been held in the United States. Our Congress will provide a unique occasion for the exchange of scientific results in the lipid area among seasoned and new members, and invited guests. The program covers three major topics: Biochemistry and Metabolism SCIENTIFIC ORGANIZING of Fatty Acids; Lipids in Health and Disease; and Lipids in Nutrition. These COMMITTEE major themes and others encompass all aspects of lipids, from fatty acids, Hee-Yong Kim, Chair to cholesterol, to lipidomics and metabolomics, all important keys to National Institutes of Health, understanding human physiology and pathophysiology. United States of America Presentations from basic research to translational research to clinical studies Kei Hamazaki will be of interest to a diverse audience of basic researchers, physicians, and University of Toyama, Japan nutritionists. Evidence about the impact of lipids in different clinical diseases is Maria Makrides increasing rapidly as is our understanding of the role that dietary lipids can play University of Adelaide, Australia at all ages in preventing diseases related to lifestyle. Norman Salem Jr. As is typical of our biennial ISSFAL Congresses, we encourage you to take DSM, United States of America advantage of the many opportunities to strengthen cooperation among international researchers and clinicians. In addition to the plenary lectures Clemens von Schacky and oral presentations chosen from over 300 abstract submissions, poster University of Munich,
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