»#«»*»i—» •••***0++o00*0*»0O0o»owwiiniimwwiwimtwtwmmi+0o*mmmm*om0—*»mm»0*mmmm*mmmmmmmmmmmm The BROWNSVILLE HERALD SPORTS SECTION mmiUMlw-------MTrrijjjj_i_Ufrrrrrrrrrff jrwiffrrrnr- SHARKEY AND CARNERA ON EDGE FOR THURSDAY SCRAP — 1 ■ — ~ — 11 1 ■ — _ __ 9-3 when they visited the Gist’s 1 Pharmacy club at San Benito Wed- BETTING ODDS HEFNER BEATS EXPORTERS IN nesday night. PLAT GROUND BASEBALL DOBIE OSBORN Harlingen FORCED EVEN DOUBLE WIN Legion 10, Martin Linen ft. Klwanls 9, Legion 8. TEXAS LEAGUE Thursday, Rotary vs. Klwanls. Fischer and Roche Draw; Team— W. L. San Benito Critics Discount Champion Pet. League Leading Buffs Are Houston . 51 29 .639 Deakin’s 22, North Shore T. Lehman Comes Back Lovett-Klrk 24, Klwanls T. Because Of His Galveston . 44 36 .555 Bumped Twice By To San Antonio. 42 38 .525 Valley A tenth of the commercial auto- 4 Beaumont . 40 37 .519 Beaumont Age Formers \nIIn The. Indians mobiles In France art 1 Tulsa . '37 39 .487 registered And m\TiE is regaining used as buses. Sox, Dutch Hefner, the beefy college Dallas . 38 40 .487 UlS 6LD fc>PM who Port Worth . 33 46 .418 HUGH S. FULLERTON, Jr. BftfTfNG WlJft IRE product has been going strong (By The Associated Press) By in SoX HM' the eastern arenas, proved a bit Oklahoma City.31 51 .378 NEW YORK, June 29. (#)—Jack BosbN RED Jack Sharkey or Primo Camera too much for Dobie Osborn here Wednesday’s Results Sharkey, the temperamental ex- Wednesday night in the main event probably won’t hit the bumps any ^ i ^ Beaumont 7-8 Houston 1-0. sailor from Boston, will defend his /'T'TX of the card held at the V. P. W. harder in their Thursday night SHcvME \ arena. Port Worth 6, Oklahoma City 4. heavyweight championship of the championship battle than the lea- SomeThikG/ The two huskies went at it ham- San Antonio 2, Galveston 0. “man moun- ) ‘’.*£m§ gue Houston Buffaloes OUR ALLEY world against Italy’s mer and tongs, apparently thinking Dallas 6, Tulsa 1. leading K siiu// went down in a tain,” Primo Camera, in a 15- the chief object of the game was to Thursday’s Games Wednesday night kick the out of the Each doubleheader against the Beau- round bout at Madison Square Gar- other ring. Beaumont at San Antonio. was knocked out into the front row mont Exporters. den’s big battle bowl on Long Is- Port Worth at Tulsa. in at the several times before Osborn took Houston was knocked down for Dropped Galveston at Houston. land tonight. JbWN IS A the first fall. He accomplished this a 7 to 1 count in the first game. Fashion, CANfaERcOsS Dallas at Oklahoma Under the stimulus of hot by butting Hefner into submission city. Groggy but still game, the Buf- UHTER BECAUSE Just the other weather and the impetus given the and then crawling aboard with a faloes charged the Exporters in day, OF WiS OttER CofeF NATIONAL LEAGUE the and again fell, 8 to fistic revival by the successful Max pin. nightcap FoR MU PITCHERS Osborn seemed destined to win Team— W. L. Pet. 0. Joe Sullivan and his weaving While Sam Perl was Baer-Max Schmeling scrap three New York 40 23 .635 AND N1S' SUPREME the second fall in the same manner . curve ball was pure misery to the of some weeks ago, a crowd 60,000 Confidence until Hefner ducked under one of St. Louis. 37 29 .561 Buffaloes as it broke around the opening letters is to cram the bowl and the butts and sent Dobie sprawling Pittsburgh . 36 31 .537 corners of the expected IN plate just enough ^ ^ A a pour more than $250,000 into the on his head. Dutch clamped on Chicago . 35 34 507 to limit Houston to three hits. From the manufactur- "TlCiNT SPOT-— was coffers of the Garden and of the split that apparently applied Boston . 33 35 .485 Not to be out-starred Dy his milk which shares in the with too much vigor. He was bare- 34 .469 Dick Schulz fund, Brooklyn . 30 pitching mate, Judge ers of those good clothes, ; able to climb to the receipts. ly ring’s edge Cincinnati . 3C 39 .435 followed it up with another three- the and fall. The The disparity in the sizes of the ; for third deciding Philadelphia 26 42 .3S2 hit game. Schulz out-pitched Ed The Perl boys sell. contestants, Camera’s undoubtedly crowd yelled for the referee to ace of the Houston staff. Results Greer, since the Bos- stop the match, but Dobie insisted Wednesday’s great improvement Galveston, in second place failed And every single letter, ton gob handed him an artistic on continuing. He was greeted by Pittsburgh 5-4, New York 2-7. to take advantage of Houston’s and lacing at Ebbets Field two years a loud punt in the stomach Chicago 9-8, Philadelphia 5-3 double defeat. The Buccaneers which NOW was quickly victimized with a slam. Cincinnati 1-6. Told how the price of ago, Sharkey’s temperament, _ 8-5, Brooklyn could not solve the fine mound mis- Chas. Fischer had relative- has betrayed him into costly with The things Boston 4-3, St. Louis 3-0. work of Hal Wiltse, veteran .!t takes in bouts, gave the ly easy in drawing with Dorve this and that, previous LEAGUE'S BATTING---- Thursday's Games southpaw, who gave the Missions meeting a'flock of “angles” which Roche in 45 minutes. The little $ WiS Pittsburgh at a 2 to 0 win by holding Galveston I still had the faithful hittering ELffe AND zrt fellow, who claims two champion- Philadelphia. Had gone up and up- f‘ Cincinnati at Boston. to 7 hits. around in search of a favorite to- NEW ENVIRONMENT MIHTfe RBdRGANIXED ships, buzzed around Roche with at The Dallas Steers concluded per, day. So* HIM THE ease, seldom having to get up a full Chicago Brooklyn. REP Should HELP ATTAIN. HIGH their home with a 6 to head of steam. St. Louis at New York. long stay AVERAGE he EnJoVeD iN 1930 WHEN HE 1 over the Tulsa Oilers. A we on to Even Money Hans Shulz and Roy Reynolds victory tip pass you, • ♦!»*••• 35*4’m»»* Tom Jenkins, Dallas Baited roughed it up for 20 minutes in AMERICAN LEAGUE “King-Kong” started out with an an That know Sharkey edge drawing. Team— W. L. Pet, leftfielder, played important you may in the but the confidence • * • in the he clouted betting, Washington. 43 24 .642 part victory when of Camera’s backers pounded the one over the wall in the first in- that Jack Clancy, who has been in New York . 42 25 .627 things, odds down until the fans were Christi, is to handle the ning with two runners on. faced with the unusual situation of Indians Climb to 4th Corpus Philadelphia . 33 31 .516 FAST CARD IS Brownsville arena for All-Sports, Playing a daytime game, the Are going to cost you a rated at no Chicago . 34 34 .500 having champion future. Fort Worth Cats, now being class- Inc., in the Cleveland . 34 35 .493 better even the • • • than money against ed by the experts as a real ball more, challenger. Detroit . 32 36 .471 Under Walter Johnson Chas. Lehman, the old “Crybaby” club that may go somewhere be- Camera, the biggest man ever to Boston . 27 41 .397 [j ^ UP SATURDAY himself, may be seen in Browns- fore the pennant race is history, i flight for the world’s title, was ex- St. Louis. 25 44 .362 Pretty quick. ville before long. Lehman is a defeated Oklahoma City, 6 to 4. 1 pected to the scales at 269, just BY ORLO ROBERTSON even break in a doubleheader Results tip with headliner in the east, but returned Wednesday’s 65 pounds more than the f champion, (Associated Press Sports Writer) the Pittsburgh Pirates and gain a to Christi to from Chicago 9, Philadelphia 8. official at the Corpus recuperate > at the weighing-in If Cleveland baseball ex- Cleveland Ball fans on the St. Contest Prizes Are to Be ! an He will likely wrestle in Washington 15, 2. Playground : offices of the New York State Ath- game Louis Cardinals, injury. pected an immediate about face on the before east. New York 10, Detroit) 7. There was a wild ball game at the letic commission at 1 p. m. (E. S. who dropped two to the Boston Valley returning the part of the Indians when Awarded At Vet Boston at St. Louis, rain. “36” diamond here Wednesday night T.) today. Despite his great bulk Braves. The Pirates the Walter Johnson took over the won first Other new boys coming in in- Thursday’s Games when the Federals “nosed out” the and his six feet, 7 inches of height, reins from game 5 to 2 behind the effective Roger Peckinpaugh, Arena clude Fred Peterson and Johnny Washington at Detroit. Independents 24-23. The game wras I the “vast Venetian” is fast and a have of Steve they been badly disappointed. hurling Swetonic and Plummer. Boston at Chicago. a hilarious bee from be- clever boxer, lacking only a real to slugging Since the “Big Train" toes over appeared have the nightcap well at St. knockout punch. He has a quick Philadelphia Louis. ginning to end. the club, June 11, the Indians have in hand until Hughie Critz tied the A four bout wrestling card, fea- and accurate left jab and moves New York at Cleveland. The Brownsville Eagles went down advanced from fifth to fourth score with a home run in the ninth.
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