© Kamla-Raj 2005 Int J Hum Genet, 5(4): 259-265 (2005) Cytogenetic Damage in Mobile Phone Users: Preliminary Data Gursatej Gandhi* and Prabhjot Singh Department of Human Genetics, Guru Nanak Dev University, Amritsar 143 005, Punjab, India KEYWORDS Microwaves; cell phones; micronuclei; chromosomal aberrations ABSTRACT Mobile telephones, sometimes called cellular (cell) phones or handies, are now an integral part of modern life. The mobile phone handsets are low-powered radiofrequency transmitters, emitting maximum powers in the range of 0.2 to 0.6 watts. Scientific concerns have increased sufficiently over the possible hazard to health from using cell phones. The reported adverse health effects include physiological, behavioural and cognitive changes as well as tumour formation and genetic damage. However findings are controversial and no consensus exists. Genotoxicity has been observed either in lower organisms or in vitro studies. The aim of the present study hence was to detect any cytogenetic damage in mobile phone users by analysing short term peripheral lymphocytes cultures for chromosomal aberrations and the buccal mucosal cells for micronuclei (aneugenicity and clastogenicity). The results revealed increased number of micronucleated buccal cells and cytological abnormalities in cultured lymphocytes indicating the genotoxic response from mobile phone use. INTRODUCTION non-ionizing with biological effects resulting mostly from heating while other mechanisms are The natural terrestrial electromagnetic envi- not well understood since effects produced by ronment does not significantly comprise radio- them occur only at very high exposure levels. frequency (30 kHz-300MHz) or microwave fields The recommended exposure standards presently (300-3000 MHz) but the artificial radiofrequency are only associated with excessive tissue heating. (RF)/ microwave fields emanating from wireless The FCC (Federal Communications Commission, communication technology now have average USA ) limits peak exposure to 1.6 W/kg of tissue intensities around 1 ìW/cm2(4V/m) in general averaged over any single gram of tissue (or 1.6 suburban environments (Adey 2003). In fact mW/g) though the European limits are less mobile phones radiate an average power of 0.2- restrictive, specifying 1.6 W/kg averaged over 0.6 W, 40 per cent of which is absorbed in the 10 grams. Most modern phones’ output is hand and the head (Kuster et al. 1997) and so a adaptively controlled by the base station and mobile phone may be regarded as a quite the handset constantly adjusts its power to powerful radio transmitter. Its emission at the provide the minimum signal needed to communi- head surface is typically 10, 000 times stronger cate reliably with the base station (Foster 2000). than that reaching the head of a user standing The ever-growing incidence of mobile phone within 30m of the base of a mobile phone relay users globally (2 billion, www. more mobile.co.uk/ transponder mounted on a tower 30m above mobilephonenews) and nationally (40.6 million, ground. Digital modulation in mobile phone www.ciol.com/content/news/2004), has been systems include the North American Digital accompanied by an upsurge in public and media Cellular (NADC) standard used in North America concern about the possible hazards of this and Japan employing Time Division Multiple technology and necessitates a comprehensive Access (TDMA) modulation with speech evaluation of mobile phone users. Mobile encoding at 50 pulses/sec and the Global System telephone handsets operate at low power levels for Mobile Communication (GSM) system (but the antenna, radiating ~ 600 mW for an employed throughout Europe and in most of the analog mobile phone and 125 mW for a digital rest of the world encoding at 217 pulses/sec. unit) is placed very close to the head, which can RF energy at cell phone frequency range is push exposure levels close to the regulatory limits. A complicating factor is that the exposure *Correponding author: Dr. G. Gandhi, Reader, depends greatly on the exact position of the Department of Human Genetics, Guru Nanak Dev handset with respect to the head and on the exact University, Amritsar 143 005, Punjab, India Telephone: +91-183-2258802-09 Extn.3444 shape and electrical characteristics of the head Fax (Univ.): +91-183-2258820 which are all variable quantities (Foster 2000). E-mail: [email protected] Though not clear what parameters of the field 260 GURSATEJ GANDHI AND PRABHJOT SINGH gives biological effect yet an-often used measure The short term peripheral blood lymphocyte is the absorbed radiated energy into body tissues cultures were set up as per the protocol given by known as specific absorption rate (SAR), express- Rooney and Czepulkowski (1986). Blood (5 ml) ed as watts per kilogram (W/kg) or milliwatts per was drawn intravenously by venous puncture in kilogram (mW/kg). It is probably not a true a heparinized syringe, brought to the laboratory measure of the biological hazard from the phone in an ice-box with minimum shaking and was kept but may be used as an indication of the energy in a refrigerator at 4oC for the plasma to separate. being absorbed into the body. In a sterilized culture vial, 8 ml of RPMI-1640 Various studies on microwaves have been medium was taken to which were added 0.2 ml of reported to cause chromosome aberrations (Maes PHA-M and 2ml of the supernatant plasma et al. 1993, 1997, 2000; Lai and Singh 1995, 1997; containing the lymphocytes from the buffy coat Fritze et al. 1997; Malyapa et al. 1997; Svedenstal along with a few drops of RBCs. The culture was et al. 1999; Garaj-Vrhovac 1999; Yaguchi et kept at 37 oC ±1 for 72 hours and was gently shaken al.1999; Zotti-Martelli et al. 2000; D’Ambrosio et once daily. The culture was harvested and 2- al. 2002; Cho and Chung 2003; Mashevich et al. 3slides/sample made. Well-spread G-banded 2003). However, no direct cytogenetic investi- metaphases of coded preparations were scored gations on mobile phone users have come to (120/sample) at 100x (oil immersion) for light. Therefore the present study was conducted chromosomal aberrations. in this direction to undertake cytogenetic analysis The procedure of Nair et al. (1991) for buccal in different tissues of mobile phone users: to MN test was followed. The first scrapings were score any chromosomal aberrations in peripheral discarded, subsequent buccal samples were blood lymphocyte (PBL) cultures and micronuclei prepared on glass slides (2 each for the left and (MN) in buccal smear cells. Lymphocytes are right cheeks), transported to the laboratory on distributed all over the body and move in all the ice, fixed in 3 methanol: 1 acetic acid (15‘), tissues and so can be used to monitor exposures hydrolyzed in 1N HCl (60°C, 8‘), stained in Aceto- to any body part and the buccal mucosal cells orcein ( 20‘ at 40°C) and counter-stained with appear to be the cells of choice in mobile phone 0.1% Fast Green solution(10‘). The smear users since they are in the direct route of expo- preparations were coded and scored blind. sure. The micronucleus test (MNT) in these cells has been used for biomonitoring of exposed Micronucleated (MNd) cells were confirmed populations as the cells can be easily and rapidly under oil immersion (100x) and also randomly by collected by brushing the buccal mucosa and another observer. The criteria of Tolbert et al. because they are epithelial cell types in which (1992) were adhered to for scanning cells for MN 92% of human cancers arise (Salama et al. 1999). and identifying MN in buccal mucosal cells. MATERIALS AND METHODS RESULTS Interviews were conducted of mobile phone The general details of the mobile phone users users and each individual was explained the rea- are given in Table 1. The age-range of these males son for the present study and sample collection was 17-51 years; eight of them were from upper was carried out only after voluntary agreement class whereas others belonged to middle class and written consent. For assessing damage to (n=17). The sample group in varied occupations the genetic material, chromosomal analyses of comprised pure vegetarians (n=4), non- short term peripheral blood lymphocyte cultures vegetarians (n=21), alcohol drinkers (n=14) and (n=15) and of MN in buccal smear preparations non-alcoholics (n=11), smokers (n=2) and non- (n=25; of these, 15 same for PBL cultures) were smokers (n=23). Healthy male volunteers (Table carried out. The cultured peripheral blood 2) comprised the control group matched for age, lymphocytes were screened for numerical and sex, socio-economic-status and habits like structural chromosomal aberrations while the MN alcohol, smoking, dietary patterns and who had test scores for both aneugenic and clastogenic never used mobile phones at any time; they did effects. Samples from normal healthy controls not exercise nor had any occupational exposures. (n=25) were similarly analyzed for background At the time of sampling, neither had they taken frequencies. any medication nor had had any infections. GENOTOXICITY FROMMOBILEPHONEUSE Table1: Cytogenetic damage in mobile phone users Subject Brand & SAR Dura- Daily freq. Duration of Daily Kept on “On” Phone Micro- Aberrant Code Model No. (W/kg) tion of of calls calls (min.) Exposure (hr.) mode (hr) attendance nucleated metaphases a use (yr.) (No.) IN OUT IN OUT (ear) cells (%) (%) MM 1 Ericssion S-828 0.77 4.5 20 23 22 14 12.70 13 B 1.10 35.83 MM 2 Panasonic 9210 1.75 4.5 19 15 23 13 10.53 18 L 1.05 30.83 MM 3 Siemens C-35 1.33 5.0 13 17 12 23 9.11 18 R
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