THE LIFE-BOAT The Journal of the Royal National Life-boat Institution VOL. XXXV SEPTEMBER, 1958 No. 385 Notes of the Quarter THE 37-feet life-boat, which is described A BUSY EARLY SUMMER in detail on page 91, adds one more development to an impressive list of The weather during the first half of major improvements in the design and the summer of 1958 was exceptionally construction of life-boats and life-saving bad : many areas experienced their equipment in the past six or seven years. wettest June for more than fifty years During this period commercial engines and during the Whitsun holiday in May giving greater power and range to life- the weather was cold, wet and blustery. boats began to be installed, the first Not surprisingly, these conditions gave life-boat to be fitted with engines of rise to a very large number of calls on this type being the 42-feet Coverack life-boats. There were no fewer than life-boat in 1954. The development of 68 launches on service in May, the the 42-feet life-boat was followed by highest figure for the month of May in that of the 47-feet boat, the first of which the whole history of the Institution. went to Thurso. Among the novel The figure for June was 61, only five features of the 47-feet boat were the fewer than the record figure for June, covered steering position and the which was reached in 1957. An analysis double bottom protecting the engine of the types of service rendered by life- room ; this type of life-boat was also boats during the first six months of fitted with commercial engines, in this the year shows a marked increase in the case twin engines of 60 h.p. each. number of launches to fishing-boats In 1953 a much more powerful and motor vessels in comparison with tractor, an adaptation of the 95 b.h.p. 1957 and a decrease in the number of Challenger III diesel crawler tractor, services to yachts. was introduced, and this has since been followed by a new type of metal LIFE-BOATS NAMED BY THE transporting carriage which greatly ROYAL FAMILY facilitates the launching and rehousing of the smaller boats. In the field of When H.R.H. Princess Alexandra communications the fitting of direction- named the new Torbay life-boat Princess finding equipment into the Aberdeen Alexandra of Kent, she became the fifth no. 1 life-boat in 1951 and of very high member of the Royal family to name frequency radio-telephones, the first of one of the Institution's life-boats since which was installed in the Cromer no. 1 the end of the last war. H.R.H. the life-boat in 1956, have been among the Duchess of Kent, as President of the outstanding developments. There have Institution, has named no fewer than too been a number of improvements sixteen life-boats during this period. in the provision of first aid equipment, These were the life-boats at Bridlington, including a new type of survival suit, Tynemouth, New Brighton, Margate, which was first introduced in 1954. Plymouth, Padstow, Fraserburgh, All these changes occurred during the Walton and Frinton, Southend-on-Sea, period in which Commander T. G. Stornoway, Tenby, Douglas, Port St. Michelmore was the Institution's Chief Mary, Berwick-upon-Tweed, Arbroath Inspector of Life-Boats, and of all the and Mallaig. H.M. Queen Elizabeth innovations which were made during his the Queen Mother named the new period of office it is possible that none Thurso life-boat in 1956 ; H.R.H. the will be of more lasting importance than Princess Royal named the Redcar life- the design of the new 37-feet life-boat. boat in 1952 ; and H.R.H. the Duchess 90 THE LIFE-BOAT [SEPTEMBER, 1958 of Gloucester named the Ramsgate life- duction of any kind of uniform, for it boat in 1954 and the Cromarty life-boat is of the essence of the Service that it is in 1956. The consistent help given to a voluntary organization in which any- the Life-Boat Service and the continued one can to some extent participate, but interest shown in it by the Royal the Committee of Management has now family ever since George IV, when decided to meet the demand for a Prince of Wales, first gave active blazer badge, since this demand clearly encouragement to Lionel Lukin in his arises from a widespread pride in early experiments, have been more than association with the Service. ever apparent in recent years. Full Two types of badge are now avail- accounts of the naming ceremonies at able ; one is a silk embroidered badge Torbay and Mallaig will appear in the which can be supplied for 3/6d., the December number of the Life-Boat. other a better quality gold wire badge supplied for 25/-. The badges show the INSTITUTION'S BADGES Institution's flag in miniature and can The wish to have some visible sign of be bought by regular members of life- permanent association with the Life- boat crews and helpers as certified by Boat Service in the form of a badge to honorary secretaries of station branches; be sewn on to a blazer or coat has been by officers and committee members of frequently voiced in recent years in all branches ; and by members of the different parts of the country. The Committee of Management and of the Institution has always resisted the intro- Institution's staff. Portrait on the Cover THE portrait on the cover is of Cox- steamer Barnhill in March 1940, when swain Thomas Allchorn of Eastbourne, he and another member of the crew who was appointed coxswain in 1951 went aboard the burning steamer. He after service as a member of the crew. received a second-service clasp to his Since his appointment as coxswain bronze medal when the Eastbourne life- Eastbourne life-boats have been boat rescued sixteen men from the launched on service 47 times and have wreck of the S.S. Germania and four rescued 72 lives. Coxswain Allchorn men from two salvage boats on the 6th was awarded the bronze medal for of May, 1955. The photograph is repro- gallantry for a service to the London duced by courtesy of the Evening News. Award of Ministry of Transport Shield THE Minister of Transport and Civil brought ashore twice, the second time Aviation, Mr. Harold Watkinson, has by breeches buoy after they had re- awarded the shield for the best wreck turned to their ship without the service in 1957 to the Sandown arid knowledge of the coastguard. A strong Ventnor life-saving apparatus companies south-westerly gale was blowing, rain of H.M. Coastguard for the rescue of fell heavily during most of the operation the crew of the S.S. lano of Genoa, and the work of rescue was complicated which went aground in Sandown Bay by language difficulties. on the 4th of November, 1957. The Bembridge, Isle of Wight, Jife- The rescue continued, with short boat, which put out early on the morning breaks, for thirty-six hours, from 1.20 of the 4th of November, was unable to early on the morning of the 4th of come alongside the lano but stood by November until one o'clock on the while the crew were taken off. An afternoon of the 5th of November. The account of this service appeared in the Sandown company was called out three March 1958 number of the Life-boat times and the crew of the stranded ship on page 13. SEPTEMBER, 1958] THE LIFE-BOAT 91 A New Type of Life-boat A NEW type of life-boat, known as the model of the new design could not be Oakley type, came into the service of capsized, although in these conditions the Institution in the summer of 1958. the model of the Liverpool boat could She is 37 feet in length and has a beach be capsized. The model of the new weight of 9.12 tons. She is, therefore, design was capsized once by simulating light enough to be transported over a a wave height of 15 feet, and the tests beach on a carriage and launched by clearly showed that greater stability had tractor. been achieved by the increased beam The new boat was designed by Mr. and water ballast. R. A. Oakley, the Institution's Surveyor of Life-boats, whose aim was to incor- Tests in Confused Seas porate the best features of the self- The two models were also subjected righting and non-self-righting boats. to tests in confused seas, with one sea Tests of the new boat, in which she was striking the model astern and another capsized twenty-five times at Little- abeam. These tests showed that the hampton, where she was built by model of the new design was less Messrs. Wm. Osborne, showed that susceptible to swamping and to rolling from bottom up she could right herself and moving off course. Further tests in six seconds and that after capsizing showed that it would right itself quickly both cockpits were completely drained after capsizing. of water in about twelve seconds. Other The self-righting quality in the new tests indicated that the new boat would design is caused by the speedy transfer have considerably greater initial stability of most of the 1| tons of water ballast than the 35-feet 6-inches Liverpool into a righting tank on the port side. type of life-boat, which is not a self- The water passes through two trunks righter.
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