PROCEEDINGS OF THE Society of Hntiquaries of Scotlanb SESSION MCMXLIV.-MCMXLV. VOL. LXXIX. SEVENTH SERIES.—VOL. VII. NATIONAL MUSEUM OF ANTIQUITIES OF SCOTLAND, QUEEN STREET, EDINBURGH. PRINTED FOR THE SOCIETY BY NEILL AND COMPANY, LTD. MCMXLVI. TABL F CONTENTEO S PAGE Anniversary Meeting, 1944, ...........1 . Annual Repor 1943-1944r fo t , ........'...3 . Old Windmill n Scotlandi s , with Special Referenc e Windmilth o t e l Towe t Dunbarneya r , Perthshire THOMAy B . S M'L^REN, P.S.A.Scot., .;.....6 . Hatton House, Midlothian. By W. DOUGLAS SIMPSON, M.A., D.Litt., F.S.A., P.S.A.Scot., . 15 Communion Token e Freth f es o Churc f Scotland ho . KERB R y B , .M.A. , P.S.A.Scot., Curator of Coins, . L,OCKIEJd R . an , F.S.A.Scot., ........6 2 . The Stone Industries Associated wit e Raisehth d Beac t . BallautraeLACAILLEha D . A y B ,. P.S.A., P.S.A.Scot., ............. 81 Canoes, Coffin Cooking-Troughsd an s . ITR . SAYCEy B . , ......6 10 . The Robes of the Feudal Baronage of Scotland. By Sir THOMAS INNES OP LEABNEY AND KINNAIRDY, K.C.V.O., F.S.A.Scot., Lord Lyon King of Arms, ..... Ill Openin Exhibitioe th f go n Nationae '4e "Fro5th th "n o i Ston e t me th l MuseumeAg . Addres. s by The Right Hon. LORD NORMAND, P.O., K.C., 21st March 1945, ..... 163 Notes:— 1. Prehistoric Cereals from Scotland. By Professor V. G. CHILDE, Director, . 167 Unusuan 2A . l Cinerary XJrn from Droughdool, near Dunragit, Wigtownshire Professoy B . r V. G. CHILDB, Director, ......... 168 Report on the Incinerated Bones. By Professor ALEXANDER Low, .... 170 3. A New Sector of Roman Road east of Lyne. By I. A. RICHMOND, M.A., LL.D., V.-P.S.A., P.S.A.Scot., and A. GRAHAM, M.A., F.S.A., P.S.A.Scot., . 170 4. Roman Fragments from Castle Dykes near Cockburnspat d fro t an hAbb'mS s Head. HOGG. A . ,H BF.S.A.Scot.. yA , .........2 17 . 5. An Early British Bronze Finger Ring from Porfar. By the late A. J. H. EDWARDS, P.S.A.Scot., Director of the Museum, ......... 173 6. Burials near Blackness Castle, ..........4 17 . e ReporInhumatioth n o t n Burial; e ReporCrematioth n o t n Burial y ProfessoB . r ALEXANDER Low, ...........4 17 . Donations to the Museum, 1944—1945, .......... 175 Donation Purchased Librarye an th o r st sfo , 1944-1945, ......1 18 . Meetings of the Society, ............. 183 Index, ............... 185 LIS ILLUSTRATIONF TO S Inscriptions over easwesd an t t doorwayf so Birthbrief of Sir Henry Innes of that Ilk, windmill tower, Dunbarney. , younger. PIIX . Dunbarney windmill tower2, .and 1 PI I, . Example baroniaf so l robes. PI: X . facing page r JohSi n Colquhou Lussf uo . Windmill tower t Dysarta . 3 PI , I . Lord Provos Aberdeenf o t . Vie Dunkeldf wo facing. PIpage, II . r DuncaSi n Campbel f Lochowo l . Arch at Dysart. PI. II. The Scottish Parliament: Picture of pro- Windmill, Duubarney (sectional plan), cession and sitting, PI. XI. ——— ——— (sketch), ..... 11 ——— ——— Enlargemen f paro t t portraying Hatton House, Midlothian: Ground floor Lyon and heralds. PI. XII. plan, 18 Lyou (Sir Alexander Erskine of Cambo) in • Plan of upper floors, . 19 robes. PI. XIII. y blocKe • k plan, 23 Feudal Baron of Innes in robes. PI. • View from S.B., 1913. PI. Ill, XIII. facing page 24 e HigTh hSennachi- f o Scotlande . PI. • Vie f towewo r from N.W. PI. XIV. IV, 1, facing. page 25 From the Stone Age to the '45: Photo of case • View of east gate from B. PI. illustrating New Stone Age. PI. XV., IV, 2. facing pags 166 Token Fref so e Churc Scotlandf ho . , 78-80 ——— ——— Phot f caso f Jacobito e e relics. Early post-glacial raised- beach south of PI. XVI, .... facing page 167 Ballantrae. PI. V, . facing page 81 Cinerar n frour ym Droughdool (recon- Ma f Norto p h Channe d post-glaciaan l l struction), ...... 168 settlements, ....2 8 . Cinerar n frour ym Droughdool. PI. Analysi f Edgao s r Collection, Ballantrae XVII, 1, . facing page 168 (tabular), ...... 85 Bronze finger ring. PI. XVII, 2. Mesolithic (Early Larnian) flints from Roman road eas f Lyneo t : Sectio f O.Sno . Ballantrae, . .91 map, ....... 171 Neolithic flints from 93 . 7 Ballantrae9 , . , Beaker from Kirkbuddo. PI. XVIII, 1, Bronze Age flints, and various microlithic facing page 176 forms, ...... 101Food vessel, Kirkbuddo. PI. XVIII, 2. Hollowed log from Manchester Ship Canal. Cinerary urn from Ardochy. PI. XIX, 1. PI. VI, .... facing page 107 Phosphorus bottle. PI. XIX, 2. Also plan and section, 107 Court dres f o Nints h Ear f o Rothesl . ——— ——— from River Esk, Cumberland, 107 PI. XX, 1. Wooden trough, Neerb0, Norway, 110 The Prince Charlie targe. PI. XX, 2. r DuncaSi n Campbel f Lochowo l robn i , f eo Sword with inlaid basket hilt. PI. XXI. feudal baron. PI facing. VII . ,page 160 Backsword with chased silver basket hilt. Examples of circular baronial robe. PI. VIII. PI. XXII. James Grant of Grant, Baron of Smooth bore fowling piece. PI. XXIII. Freuchie. Silver spoon belonging to Prince Charles Feudal baron in Parliamentary Edward. PI. XXIV. procession. Flat axes from Caithness. PI. XXV. LAWS OF THE SOCIETY OF ANTIQUARIES OF SCOTLAND. INSTITUTED NOVEMBER 1780 AND INCORPORATEY DB ROYAL CHARTER 6™ MAY 1783. (Revised and adopted November 30, 1901.) purpose 1Societe Th . th f eo y promotio e shalth e lb n of ARCHEOLOGY, especiall s connecteya d wit e investigatiohth e ANTIQUITIEth f no S AND HISTOR SCOTLANDF YO . Societe 2Th . y shall consis Fellowsf to , Honorary Fellows, Correspond- ing Members, and Lady Associates. 3. Candidates for admission as Fellows must sign the Form of Applica- tion prescribed by the Council, and must be proposed by a Fellow and seconde membero tw Councile y th d b f so . Admission ballot y shalb e b l . Secretariee 4Th . s shall caus name e Candidatee eth th f stheio f o d r san Proposer insertee b billee o th st n tdi callin Meetine gth t whicga h they are to be balloted for. The Ballot may be taken for all the Candidates named in the billet at once; but if three or more black balls appear, the Chairman of the Meeting shall cause the Candidates to be balloted for singly Candidaty An . e receiving less than two-third votee th f sso given admittede b shal t lno . 5.-Honorary Fellows shall consis personf o t s eminen Archaeologyn i t , who must be recommended by the Council, and balloted for in the same Fellowss a y thed wa feey an y;admissioliablf e an o sb shal r t efo lno r no annual subscriptions. The number of Honorary Fellows shall not exceed twenty-five. 6. Corresponding Members must be recommended by the Council and balloted for in the same way as Fellows, and they shall not be liable for feey admissiof an o s annuar no l subscriptions. 7. Ladie havo sewh done valuable fiele wor Archaeologf th do n ki y yma be admitte Lads da y Associates numbee Th . Ladf o r y Associates shall t exceeno d twenty-five. They shal proposee b le Counci th d y b dan l viii LAWS OF THE SOCIETY. balloted for in the same way as Fellows, and shall not be liable for any fee admissipf o s annuar no l subscriptions. 8. Befor persoy name ean th f eaddes o nLise i Fellowsf th o t o dt , such person shall pay to the funds of the Society Two Guineas as an entrance Guinee currene th On r d afefo tean year's subscription compouny ma r o , d for the entrance fee and all annual subscriptions by the payment of Twenty Guinea time th et sa of-admission . Fellow compouny sma r dfo future annual subscriptions by a single payment of Fifteen Guineas after having paid five annual subscriptions; or of Ten Guineas after having pai annuan dte l subscriptions. 9. The subscription of One Guinea shall become due on the 30th Nov- embe eacn ri yeahe yeath r therfo n commencing Felloy an o f wi wh d an ; has not compounded shall fail to pay the subscription for three successive years, due application- having been made for payment, the Treasurer shall report the same to the Council, by whose authority the name of the defaulter may'be erased from the List of Fellows. 10. Every Fellow not being in arrears of the annual subscription shall e entitleb receivo dt e printeeth d Proceeding e Societth f o s y froe mth dat electionf eo . 11. None but Fellows shall vote or hold any office in the Society. - 12. Subject to the Laws and to the control of the Society in General Meetings, the affairs of the Society shall be managed by a Council elected appointed an d as hereinafte t forthse r . Five Member e Councith f o s l shalquoruma e lb . 13. The Office-Bearers of the Society shall consist of a President, three Vice-Presidents, two Secretaries for general purposes, two Secretaries for Foreign Correspondence, a Treasurer, two Curators of the Museum, a Curator of Coins, and a Librarian. .The President shall be elected for a perio fivf do e.Vice-Presidente yearsth d an , perioa r sfo thref do e years. One of the Vice-Presidents shall retire annually by rotation and shall t againo eligible same nb th r e efo offic e until .yearaftee lapse on th rf .eo All the other Office-Bearers shall be elected for one year and shall be eligible for re-election.
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