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L I ' 1' Rhode Island Jew1sn More Remarkable _ .. _____I HERALD Jews PAGE 8, 9 The Only English-Jewish Weekly in Rhode Island and Southeastern Massachusetts VOLUME LXVI, NUMBER 2 , KISLEV 7, 5756 / THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 30, 1995 35¢ PER COPY Story on Ac cused Rabbi Changes From Day to Day Hecht On Vacation Ye hos hua H echt, said hi s quoted totally out of context." by Cynthia Mann father's character was being as­ Nonetheless, he said, "l wish NEW YORK (JT A) - The sassinated and he had become to publicly apologize to my com­ Brooklyn rabbi who said Jewish a n easy target fo r all the "anger, munity for causing any unin­ law permitted the assassination chagrin and pain" of the Rabin tentional aggravation and pain of Prime Minister Yitzhak Rabin assass ination. that I may have caused them." has been publicly isolated by "My father is not a Khomeini," Ambassador Colette Avita!, his congregation for his remarks. he said, referring to one of the Israeli consul general in New But, contrary to previous epithets that have been directed York, welcomed the apology at news reports here and in Israel, at the senior Hecht. "He is a the time that it was issued, but Rabbi Abraham Hecht has not prince of a man. He has always in thewakeof the assassination, been fired from Shaare Zion had the interest of the Jewish she has accused Hecht and oth­ Congregation. people and the State of Israel ers who used violent rhetoric of There are conflicting reports foremost in his mind." creating a climate of intolerance over whether the congregation HechtmadeheadlinesinJune and hatred that made the killing is looking for a way to force when he said at a news confer­ possible. Hecht to retire. ence that by conceding land for The New York Board of Rab­ The controversy continued as peace, Israeli leaders fa ll into the bis, with 800 mostly non-Ortho­ reports surfaced in Israel that category of "moser," or people dox members, issued a similar rabbis there had issued similar who betray Jews to gentiles. condemnation o f the harsh edicts against Rabin. According to Maimonides, rhetoric. Leaders of the Brooklyn syna­ Hechtsaid,such people not only One of the other rabbis at gogue have presented a letter to deserve the death penalty, but . Hecht's synagogue, who asked the Israeli Consulate in New should be killed before they ca n not to ·be jdentified, said there York, saying that the statements perform the deed. had been several closed-door uttered by Hecht were "his own In late October, Hecht, the meetings of the congregati on's personal views a nd not those of president of the Rabbinical Alli­ executive committee since IN LOVING MEMORY - Sena H. Yamuder stands with the Congregation Shaare Zion." ance of America, penned a Jetter Rabin's assassination. "shin" she sculpted in memory of Steven Andrew Shatz. The ButMorrisFranco, the congre­ to Rabin expressing regret for his Although he was not invited sculpture was unveiled following a special ceremony at Temple gation's president, dismissed earlier statements. The alliance is to attend themeetings, hesaid it Am David in Warwick on Nov. 26. HeraldphotobyNeilNachbar widespread reports that Hecht a group of a few hundred fer­ was clear that the congregation had been ousted . "I deny every­ vently Orthodox rabbis. had been concerned about the thing regarding Rabbi· Hecht's According to an open letter "public relations aspect" of the dismissal from the synagogue at from Hecht to his congregation matter. Sculpture Unveiled in the present time," he said. after the assassination, Rabin Manyinthecommunitywere At the same time he refused had read the letter and "ex­ "very upset about the com­ to discuss what course the syna­ pressed his satisfaction and ac­ ments" after they were made in Memory of Steven Shatz gogue might next pursue with ceptance and my apology to June and "did not identify at all Hecht. those present." with the sentiments of Rabbi by Neil Nachbar Sena Yamuder, a longtime Hecht, who is in Florida, In the letter, Hecht said, "My Hecht," said the rabbi. friend of the Shatzes and fellow Herald Associate Editor could not be reached for com­ remarks have been twisted and Other sources belonging to When Steven Andrew Shatz congregant at the Warwick ment. But his son, Rabbi misconstrued and I have been (Continued on Page 16) was tragically killed in an auto­ temple, worked on the sc'ulp­ mobile accident on March 3, ture since early 1994. lt was dis­ 1992, at the age of 27, his family played for the first time in the Reconstructionist and friends were shocked and temple's foyer, following a devastated. touching ceremony in which Movement To this day, the many peo­ loved ones remembered Shatz. ple whom Shatz touched can't "As time has gone on, I've Changes Name believe that the young man wondered if people will still re­ by A. Engler Anderson has died . member Steven," said Frank Jewish Exponent On Nov. 26, a sculpture, in Shatz,Steven'sfather. "But I con­ PHILADELPHIA (JT A) the shape of the Hebrew letter tinually find that people have Leaders of Judaism's small est "shin," was unveiled at Temple put things on his gravestone. religious denomination have Am David in Shatz' memory. (Conti nued on Page 16) tossed out their group's wordy and unwieldy moniker, the Fed­ erationofReconstructionistCon­ Fink Wins Metcalf Award gregations and Havurot - ab­ Michael Fink, contributing reporter and regular columnist for breviated FRCH a nd called The Rhode Island Jewish Herald received a Michael P. Metcalf Award "Firch" by movement insiders on Nov. 28 from the local chapter of the National Conference. and picked a briefer title: theJew­ Each award ca rries with it a $500 stipend to be donated to the ishReconstructionistFederation. nonprofit organization of the recipient's choice. "We wanted to get Jewish in Fink, who won the award for a story on Aristides de Sousa the title and we wanted a shorter Mendes, a Portuguese consul who saved 10,000 Jews from con­ name," said the group's execu­ centration ca mps in the Holoca ust, tive director, Rabbi Mordechai stipulated that his award be divided Liebling. between the Society of Friends of For many Reconstructionists, The Man With The Golden Heart Touro Synagogue and the Touro Na­ though, the rationale for a name Richard Oster, on the right, accepts the Ameri can Heart tional Heritage Trust. change went deeper than the The award is in recognition of ef­ multiplicity of words and syl­ Association (RI affiliate) Annual Gold Heart Award from Lawrence G. Sadwin, AHA chairman of the board. Story on forts to fight bigotry and promote lables. The appeara nce in fun­ understanding between di­ damentalistcirclesof"Christian page 2. verse groups of people. (Continued on Page 16) ■ ------- 2 -THE RHODE ISLAND JEWISH HERALD, THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 30, 1995 INSIDE THE OCEAN STATE Oster Honored by AHA Compassionate More than 500 business and monic Orchestra; The Jewelry Be There or be Square community leaders attended a Institute; The Miriam Hospital; Friends Author Daniel Pearlman will ing of his newest thriller, The luncheon at the Westin Hotel on University of Rhode Island; and to Meet visit Books on the Square on Fires of Midnight: Nov. 21 in honor of Richard M. Volunteer Services for Animals. Dec. 1 at 7:30 p.m., to read from Kirkus Reports call ed Fires Oster. "Richard Oster exemplifies a The next meeting of The Com­ and sign copies of his new col­ " ... a triumph of suspense fic­ Oster was presented with the winning culture," said Mark passionate Friends (a self-help lection of futuristic short sto­ tion if ever there was one." American Heart Association, Weiner, chairperson of the Gold group for parents who have suf­ ries, The Final Dream & Other Gita Brown will also be at R.I. Affiliate's first Gold Heart Heart Luncheon. "Hereflectssuc­ fered the death of a child) will be Fictions (Permeable Press). Books on the Square Dec. 6 at Award by Larry Sad win, chair­ cess in all that he does ... from held on Dec. 11 at St. Brendan's The progr,am is free and open 7:30 p.m., to read from and sign man of the board of the AHA. leading a publicly held,$3 billion ChurchHaU,33Turner Ave.,East to the public. copies of her new novel, Be 1 Oster, group chief executive corporation to shaping the future Providence. Books on the Square is lo­ Whole. The book is regarded as a of Cookson Group pie, the in­ of Rhode Island by his many This will be a special candle­ cated at 471 Angell St. in Way­ celebration of the storyteller's ternational speciali st industrial trustee and board memberships. light memorial ceremony and land Square, Providence. art and of the value of oral tradi­ materials group, received the He believes, and is proof that, dinner meeting where members Call 331-9097 for more infor­ tions which preserve family lore. ◄ award at the luncheon which people have the power to grow, will be able to remember their mation. It also speaks to the difficulties raised more than $65,000 for the to refine and perfect their skills deceased children with those Jon Land, author of Kingdom of survival for people of color in research and education pro­ and expertise," Weiner added. who truly understand. Members of the Seven, will appear at Books 1950s America. grams of the American Heart LarrySadwin,chairmanofthe are asked to bring a candle, any on the Square on Dec.
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