The Daily Register VOL. 97 N0.191 SHREWSBURY, N. J. TUESDAY, MARCH 18, 1975 15 CENTS State will fight any rail cutback, Sagner says TRENTON (AP) - The warned that the state would posal unveiled last.Feb. 26 by concerns with specific rail The plan it announced last for the state to reduce motor state is opposed to giving up take legal action to stop the the U.S. Railway Association abandonment proposals, while month called for eliminating vehicle traffic by 37 per cent a single mile of the 153 miles plan from being presented to for rail reorganization in the the final session Thursday 153 miles of freight lines in in Northeastern New Jersey. of New Jersey railroad track Congress next July 26 if more Northeast and Midwest. will deal with the effects of New Jersey. It also urged fur- "Where rail service exists, that would be abandoned un- consideration is not given to Other testimony yesterday the recommended plan on ther study and possible aban- it should not be dis- der a federal plan. information and studies pre- came primarily from repre- commuter and other passen- donment of another 57.8 miles continued," he said. Alan Sagner, the state pared by the New Jersey De- sentatives of U.S. Sen. Harri- ger services. of New Jersey railroad track Sagner said New Jersey transportation commissioner, partment of Transportation. son A. Williams and four New The association was desig- and retention of 122.5 miles of supported the concept of bol- testified yesterday in opposi- He testified before Judge Jersey members of the House nated by federal law to study rail lines under a new system stering the proposed ConRail tion to the proposal, saying he Edward M. Frosburg of the of Representatives. and recommend a plan to to be called ConRail that system with additional ser- was against abandoning any Interstate Commerce Com- Today and tomorrow the reorganize bankrupt rail- would preserve only the vice from financially solvent track in New Jersey. mission at the opening of four hearings are to focus mainly roads in the Northeast and strongest aspects of the bank- railroads that do not operate The commissioner also days of hearings on the pro- on testimony involving local Midwest. rupt lines. in the state now such as the The study did not cover the Norfolk and Western and the Erie Lackawanna Railroad Chessie System. which operates 93.5 miles of He noted the association track in New Jersey although has no power except that of it identified them as "poten- persuasion to induce solvent Court rules offshore tially excess." railroads to move into areas Sagner said, "It will always abandoned by. bankrupt lines be easier to discontinue ser- under its proposal. vice in the future then to re- The commissioner con- vive it." tested many of the finds of He called for establishment the USRA study. areas owned by U.S. of a federally funded "land- He noted the association bar" to acquire railroad said its plan would mean the By WILLIAM L. CHAZE off their coasts. ("It appears as though legis- spokesman said the Atlantic rights of way so that if track loss of 1,809 jobs in New Jer- (In Monmouth County, N.J., lation should be enacted by ruling freed the department is abandoned, routes will be sey. WASHINGTON (AP) - Ad- Freeholder Ernest Kavalek, Congress to repair the dam- to ask oil companies to rec- preserved if it is decided in Sagner disputed the associ- ministration plans to open the one of two Republicans on the age that might come about as ommend areas for leasing, a the future to restore service. ation's findings on several Atlantic to oil drilling cleared board, commented: "I per- a result of this ruling") preliminary step in the leas- specific lines slated for elimi- Sagner said the proposal to AP wlrtpHolo a major stumbling block yes- sonally feel it's a very, very The court ruled separately ing process. abandon rail lines in New Jer- nation. terday when the Supreme unfair decision. against efforts by Louisiana "I don't think we'll rush out sey by one federally sup- For example, he said the OPPOSED TO RAIL CUTBACK - New Jersey Court upheld federal own- ("In my opinion this has a and Florida to claim offshore tomorrow to do that, but we ported organization - the as- USRA plan proposed aban- Transportation Commissioner Alan Sagner testi- ership of the offshore re- very damaging effect on the areas beyond a boundary should be able to do it soon," sociation — conflicted with an donment of a segment of the fies before an ICC hearing on rail reorganization said the spokesman. in Trenton yesterday. Sagner said the state is op- sources. interest of the state as well as drawn by a special Supreme order from another federal New York and Long Branch posed to abandoning a single mile of railroad track A unanimous court rejected the municipalities, such as Court master. Both contended The department had asked department — the Environ- Railroad between Belmar and in New Jersey. the claim of coastal states those in Monmouth County, the boundary ignored their for the recommendations last mental Protection Agency — Point Pleasant. that colonial charters granted which border the ocean. I historical control over off- month, but Secretary Rogers by the English and Dutch personally feel they have tak- shore areas awarded the gov- C.B. Morton rescinded the in- gave them domain over a 100- en away the rights of the ernment. ' vitation when reminded of an mile-wide belt of the Atlantic state and local people ... An Interior Department earlier promise to make no such move before the court's ruling. Byrne argues his own Morton said he was pleased by the ruling and assured coastal governors "we will continue our policy of early and frequent discussion with them as we proceed toward school funding case the development of this pre- tax after it barely passed the cious resource." TRENTON (AP) - In lieved to be unprecedented in that the present system of funding public education in Assembly. Maine Gov. James B. Long- hopes of developing new pres- New Jersey. sure for enactment of an in- The Democratic governor New Jersey was uncon- In January, the Supreme ley said he was disappointed stitutional because it denied Court rejected Byrne's plan by the ruling and hoped the come tax, Gov. Brendan T. already submitted a legal Byrne argues his own case brief that contends the legis- students in poorer areas "a to redistribute $585 million in court based its decision on though and efficient educa- existing state school aid in "more valid information" today on public school financ- lature should only have until ing before the State Supreme July 1 to develop a new tion." The existing financial the next fiscal year to benefit than the Ford administration arrangement is based largely the poorer cities and rural presented in its arguments. Court. means of financing public schools. The court, overruling on local property taxes which towns at the expense of weal- At issue in the case were Byrne planned to present its own original deadline of vary according to the wealth thier suburbs. administration plans to accel- legal arguments urging the last Dec. 31, said in a decision of the community. Byrne resubmitted an in- erate offshore leasing as a court to speed up the time- in January that it would not Byrne has been stymied in come tax plan this year to the key part of its program to re- table for legislative action on step back into the case until his drive to change the sys- legislature and has said he duce the nation's dependency revamping the system for October in the event the legis- tem. expects approval before the upon foreign oil. funding public schools. The appearance by a governor be- lature remains deadlocked. Last year, the Senate current fiscal year ends on The administration intends blocked his proposed income June 30. to lease 5 million to 8 million fore the high court is be- The court said in April 1973 acres during the next year, including 1.5 million acres off the Atlantic Coast. f Geologists estimate there are 20 billion barrels of oil un- Save the Fort'signatures der the Middle Atlantic, an area that has been closed to oil exploration. The ownership suit was pour in at new mall booth filed by the Justice Depart- AP wlrntfiolo ment in 1969 after Maine be- By SHERRY FIGDORE POLICE PATTERN — New York City policemen presented this pattern gan preparing to lease 3.3 when viewed from above while marching In the annual St. Patrick's Day million acres of mineral EATONTOWN - A brand- parade yesterday In New York. Thousands of people lined Fifth Ave. to rights more than three miles new focal point of the week- watch the parade. offshore. old "Save the Fort" cam- paign, a booth set up in the Monmouth Shopping Center Mall to gather signatures on petitions urging government New offshore policy urged officials to block any attempt to relocate Ft. Monmouth al- By MIKE WATKKS Dutch colonial charters gave committees for Gov. Brendan missioner of natural re- readv has proved its worth. them the right to lease land T. Byrne, said a "major revi- sources, said states hit by Mayor J. Joseph Frankel, WASHINGTON (AP) - 100 miles off their shores. sion" is needed of the entire OCS impact "will never be who opened the booth at 7 Congress needs to restructure The federal government in- apparatus governing conti- the same" and must have p.m.
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