February 25, 2003 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks E283 service in these organizations, Mayor Pastrick cated her life to enabling children to attain Department of Veterans Affairs. With the as- has worked to improve the lives of the resi- quality education and providing opportunities sistance of member of the Sons of the Con- dents of East Chicago, as well as the lives of that help students realize their abilities and federate Veterans and others, these markers all Northwest Indiana residents. achieve their highest goals. were then placed in the cemetery. Mr. Speaker, at this time I ask that you and She began her commendable teaching ca- Mr. Walston served our country as a mem- my other distinguished colleagues join me in reer in 1953 and has worked diligently to level ber of the United States Navy and a veterans congratulating Mr. Donald S. Powers and the educational playing field for at-risk youth in of the Vietnam War. He is a professor as Hop- Mayor Robert Pastrick as they receive the Pil- low-income neighborhoods throughout the city kinsville Community College and a member of lar of the Community Award for their work on of St. Louis. Darden has encouraged hun- the Sons of Confederate Veterans, Military behalf of St. Catherine Hospital. Through their dreds of children by setting high expectations Order of the Stars and Bars, Sons of Union dedication and hard work, the citizens of and implementing programs for students to Veterans of the Civil War, the Veterans of For- Northwest Indiana have access to the best gain leadership and communications skills eign Wars and many other community service medical facilities and services possible. I am necessary to succeed in life. She has been organizations. He is assisting in making appli- proud to represent them in Congress. committed to reaching both the students and cation for military monuments to be certified f their parents with her educational outreach. under the Kentucky Military Heritage Act. Darden impressively took the initiative to cre- Mr. Speaker, I am proud to represent Larry RECOGNIZING KIMBERLY MARLIN ate ‘‘Home, School and Community,’’ a pro- Walston in my district. I extend my thanks to gram which introduced students to local and him for all efforts on behalf of so many de- HON. SAM GRAVES national newsmakers and celebrities. This in- serving veterans, and I am proud to bring his OF MISSOURI novative program allows famous guest speak- accomplishments to the attention of this IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES ers to encourage students to achieve aca- House. Tuesday, February 25, 2003 demic excellence, while their parents attended f informative workshops and seminars. Mr. GRAVES. Mr. Speaker, I proudly pause Darden solidly believes that all children de- TRIBUTE TO THE CP FEDERAL to recognize Kimberly Marlin, a very special serve a high quality education regardless of CREDIT UNION OF JACKSON, young woman who has exemplified the finest their socioeconomic status. As a tutor, early in MICHIGAN qualities of citizenship and leadership by tak- her career, she took note of the way wealthy ing an active part in the Girl Scouts of Amer- parents trained their children and introduced HON. NICK SMITH ica, and in earning the most prestigious honor those same learning techniques to inner city OF MICHIGAN of the Gold Award. students. Darden found that her efforts helped IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES The Girl Scout Gold Award is the highest raise both the productivity level and esteem of Tuesday, February 25, 2003 achievement attainable in girl scouting. To children who would otherwise might have earn the Gold Award, a scout must complete been cast off by society. Mr. SMITH of Michigan. Mr. Speaker, I rise five requirements, all of which promote com- In addition to her unwavering commitment to today to recognize Michigan’s Federal Credit munity service, personal and spiritual growth, teaching, Darden has selflessly allotted time Unions for their efforts to improve financial positive values, and leadership skills. The re- for community service. She had dedicated nu- services for their members. I would like to es- quirements include: (1) earning four interest merous hours to working with the Colored pecially commend CP Federal Credit Union for project patches, each of which requires seven Women’s Association, National Association of their efforts to improve literacy among young activities that center on skill building, tech- University Women, Tot’s N’ Teens, various people in Jackson, MI. nology, service projects, and career explo- city-wide committees and Leadership for Today they will receive the 2002 National ration, (2) earning the career exploration pin, Teachers. Desjardins Youth Financial Education Award which involves researching careers, writing re- Mr. Speaker, it is with great privilege that I for their good work. The award is named for sumes, and planning a career fair or trip, (3) recognize Doris Dunlap Darden to today be- the founder of the North American credit union earning the Senior Girl Scout Leadership fore Congress. This extraordinary women movement, a man who promoted the idea of Award, which requires a minimum of 30 hours strongly believes that every child has the ca- educating youth and providing them with in- of work using leadership skills, (4) designing a pacity to learn and deserves a chance to ex- school savings accounts. self-development plan that requires assess- press that capacity through life goals. In 50 For the last 10 years the CP Federal Credit ment of ability to interact with others and years, Darden has influentially touched the Union, under the leadership of President and prioritize values, participation for a minimum of lives of thousands of young people in class- CEO John Crist, put Desjardins’ words into ac- 15 hours in a community service project, and rooms and throughout the St. Louis commu- tion and worked with schools throughout Jack- development of a plan to promote girl scout- nity. She has a stellar record of demonstrating son County to help our youth understand how ing, and (5) spending a minimum of 50 hours compassion in the classroom. I ask that my to spend, save, and budget money. Each planning and implementing a Girl Scout Gold colleagues join me in honoring a treasured week presenters travel to area schools to Award Project that has a positive lasting im- member of the St. Louis community, Doris teach students from Kindergarten to High pact on the community. Dunlap Darden. School about money. In addition to their in- formative and entertaining presentations they Fro her Gold Award Project, Kimberly orga- f nized a lending library at Colbern Road Baptist also connect schools with local business peo- Church. HONORING MR. LARRY WALSTON ple who talk to the students about finances. Mr. Speaker, I proudly ask you to join me in Their education did not stop there. The CP commending Kimberly Marlin for her accom- HON. ED WHITFIELD Federal Credit Union also operates 31 stu- plishments with the Girl Scouts of American OF KENTUCKY dent-run credit unions. Students have an op- and for her efforts put forth in achieving the IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES portunity to volunteer and learn to post trans- highest distinction of the Gold Award. actions and balance a cash drawer. Currently, Tuesday, February 25, 2003 f 320 student volunteers participate in the pro- Mr. WHITFIELD. Mr. Speaker, I rise today gram. In addition, the program employs five FOR THE LOVE OF TEACHING—A to honor Mr. Larry Walston of Hopkinsville, youth representatives who give presentations TRIBUTE TO REMARKABLE KY, for his hard work and dedication on behalf and meet with teachers and principals to dis- DORIS DUNLAP DARDEN of our Nation’s veterans. cuss youth financial literacy. Thanks to their Mr. Walston has worked tirelessly to docu- efforts 31 schools will include personal finance HON. WM. LACY CLAY ment the service of veterans who were in- as part of their curriculums next year. OF MISSOURI terred without proper ceremony or marker. In Finally, the CP Federal Credit Union offers IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES conjunction with officials from the Common- the ‘‘Great Expectations’’ savings account for wealth of Kentucky, he has obtained the mili- students. They encourage students to save for Tuesday, February 25, 2003 tary service records of nearly 300 civil war vet- college, their first car, or their first house. Stu- Mr. CLAY. Mr. Speaker, I rise today to pay erans buried in Riverside Cemetery in Hop- dents are required to make a deposit of at tribute to Doris Dunlap Darden, an educator kinsville. These soldiers were interred without least $10 per month into their savings account who has devoted 50 years of service to the St. stones. The documentation he helped collect to be eligible for savings incentives such as Louis Public School District. She has dedi- was used to order individual markers from the cash bonuses or loan discounts. Rather than VerDate Dec 13 2002 04:56 Feb 26, 2003 Jkt 019060 PO 00000 Frm 00009 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 9920 E:\CR\FM\A25FE8.029 E25PT1 E284 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks February 25, 2003 just educate students about saving money, the ear the Gold Award, a Scout must complete his tenure at WWCA, Tom developed a four CP Federal Credit Union takes it a step further five requirements, all of which promote com- station network to expand an existing live and provides students the means to do so. munity service, personal and spiritual growth, radio show named ‘‘Third Tuesday’’, which The impact of this program on the lives of positive values, and leadership skills. The re- aired with a live audience, orchestra, and no- young people in Jackson is immeasurable. quirements include: (1) Earning four interest table guests, for two years.
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