-Weather * Final * V a r iQ b le Clouds ^ditioi Tbe Maglc' Valley N ew tpq>^ D e d l^ ^ .to S e r^ g and Fromotlag the'Growth , of t^ e .Irrl^ted Idaho 'C6mtle« V0L.47>NO. 309 TWIN FA U S,. IDAHO, THURSDAY. FEBRUARY 17, 1966 TEN-CENTS Reapportionment Sen. Morse Says - Plan Is Outlined iByJdahaG irange U.S. People Soon BOISE.I (Al(AP) — Reappol------ ------------t that would------------------- divide Idaho________to into 30iegisIatW'* e dfsfricta with one s e n a to r and two repr'esrepresentatives________ each. was outlined to legislators to* Will Renounce War day by Ihe Idaho Grange. The plan — which would sub­ -WASHINGTON (AP) — Sen. Wayne Morse forecast loday that Ihe American district counties and require legislators to be residents people soon wlH. repudiate the w ar In South Viet Nam—and prcsidcnilal adviser of their districts, was presented as public hearings be­ Maxwell D. Taylor retorted that woyld be good news to the Communists In Hanoi. gan on a variety of rc&pportionment proposals. Reap* Morse, the Oregon- Democrat, shot back a charge of smear, militarism atid gut­ Doriionnient is the primary reason for the Idaho Legis­ ter debate.-HF«aTd"Taylor and PrcsldenfJohnson are misguided about the war in~- lature’s special session now Southeast Asia. The heated in its' fourth day. exchange . between Morse Ttie senate approved without 80 Viet Cpiig and the former ambassa­ opposTtlon th e ( l^ t measure to Banquet Honor Due reach the final reodins calen­ dor to Saigon came as Tay­ d a r in the speclal'iession w{ilch Are Killed i n. lor outlined administration pol­ began Monday. It ratifies a pro- icy before the Senate Foreign poscdT m endm ent lo the fed- ‘TO teW ing” Relations Commiitee. For Ralph Faulkner ■' "One of' (he‘ ffve honorees’ to be honored at the. annual' SAIGON. S o u th '-V iet- Nam Southem..IdahoJ5tQckmen*s Hall of Famc-Banquet is > successloff, how goes to the (AP) — U.S. and South Korean Kalph G. Faulkner, Gooding stockman - tind rancher. House. Iroops pushing on w ith Opera­ The banquet will be held at 7:30 p.m. Monday at the Hugh P a rk s of Juliaetle. leg- tion White Wing 300 miles north ----------Islatlvc'* representative- of - the of-Salgon.su-uck-Uie-Viet.Cong -Twin.Falis !ElksJ.odge.-EauIkner,.bom .Jn.i9b8at.BoIsc,J_____ ^ e In Soulh Viet Nam. Idaho State Grange, said *'We in four separate sectors today worked in' the logging business as a youngster near ’ favor the setting up of districts and claimed 60 killed. It . brought Ihis exchange: Idaho City. In I93I he went into the sheep buslncss'wlth - which allow both rural and ur­ The Communists had their Morse: We’re engaged in a historic debate in this counUy. 25 ewes. The band built u d and^soon he had about 200 ban interests to elect men who inning in Saigon. Two Claymore mines set by It-isn 't going to be too long . .. ^ ... ^ h " e e p , and started running arc familiar with and sympa­ fore the American people as a' a community Wnd. Later thetic toward their problenis.” leriorlsts shortly after noon near the headquarters of the people win repudiate Uils war. heran his sheep, about5M, ’ Unlike the Idaho Farm Bur­ Vietnamese Joint general staf CAMPING DIRECTOR for Ihe Snake River Area Couacll, Boy Seouts of America, Dr. Taylor: That's going to be eau federation reapportionmeni ffflh • Clarence Paul for. a killed 12 V ietnam ese am Paul Heuston, right, and John Bertie, council viee president, look over the unusual award pre- good news lo Hanoi. few y e a rs . wounded 60. Six of the dead and seated to Dr. Heuston Wednesday night duHng a council executive meeting. Ihe award rep- Morse: That's Uie kind of In 1943 he bought out Riley of the wounded were military reMDts the council’s fourth place achievement for I»es In the national icout eampiog pro* smear militarists always en- Smith and then had enough to maJor cities. Bad weather returned to ;age In. I don't Intend to get gram, (llmes^ews photo) - sheep lo make up his own band. "We decided not to try to wall NorUi Viet Nam but U.S. Air Jow n in the' gutter with you He h a d two bands until 1046, cities off," Parks said. "We’re Force and Navy pilots flew 27 and engage in th at kind of de* _____ lrying.tojdeoLwlth.cIUes.jubuC: missions— ^Wednesday— against when he bought out Jay Farm- - - ban areas .and rural areas to- bridges around Vlnh and Don] -Prayer- If the people decide that this ccther." Hoi and storage a re a s south'^ Scouts Oiitline New WASHINGTON (AP) - war should be stopped are y c- parts o f seven oulflls. Subdlstricting of counties has Dien Bien Phu. Spokesm en said President Johnson said going to take Uie position thi Faulker started ta Ihe cattle bcconie a strong controversy un- the weather prevented assess• today that he has found is weakness ta a democracy? Industry with 100 heifer calves derlying the spccial session. mento^damage. courage in private prayer T aylor: I would wke Uie posi­ In 1945. • Legislators wiil not be — Camping Proj these troubled times, tion that the people are badly Faulkner and his sons own on reasons fo r Uie conG-------- front, Utwps of Uie U.S. is t Cav“ sustaining, strength In misguided. about 21,000 acres, lease about but some soy privately large- New plans for the summer camping program of the the prayers of others. airy. Airmobile, Division con­ Snake River Area Council, Boy Scouts of America, were Morse: You and Ihe Presi­ 9,700 a cres and have a forest county representatives oppose tinued their cleanup o f the An Johnson attended the dent have been misguided for a grozlng permit of about 133,000 subdistrlctlnff because m any Lao Valiev and w ere attacked outlined Wednesday night at a council executive board I4th annual PresidenUal lond lime in this w or.. acres. -now live in an*area which would about 7 miles southwest of Bong meeling in the Scout 'Service Center here. Two new Pmyer Breakfast that That charge brought a burst T he Faulkners iilso farm be em braced in a single dls- Son, Just before breoking their programs were mentioned—saddle scouting and conser­ of applause from spectators.. about 1 ,^ ocres at Goodtai ■ '•-tric t-.'- --------- ---------- - ivcmlghr bivouac. vation ■scoiiting—as "being added to diversify the pro­ Earlier Taylor warned of and Bilsi ■ ThusVif five representatives, The Viet Cong left 37 dead b ^ brought out Representa- worldwide repercussions unless for example, live in one dlsu-lct, gram offered at the council’s Camp Bradley in the ..' Faulkner has,done much com­ lind after a half hour flnflght. tivcs“of oiriciaf and pri­ tho United States shows In Viet munity work. He Is chairman of ■ _alt but one would lose his seat U.S. casualties w ere said to be Cape Horn area northwest of Stanley. Ld^t^year the vate life—leaders of the N am th a t .Communist w a rt of in the legislature In the next Ilght;^ - ■ council was ranked fourth nation, diplomats and a See SENATE. Page 2. Col 4 rau-a: ■ fc£5i election. cbm'i.tlees of the Gooding M a- in the nation in the per­ large delegation from fonlc. L«lgt,.clnlni»n ol hilU- Fear that subdlstricting would centage of scouts partici­ Dominican Congress, ' perm it the m inor ty party In pating in long term camp­ A 'separate women’s - any county to pick up one or Flights of breakfast was heU In teffo.ipHr.'if ing activities. two districts also s cited as a Labor Heads nearby- ballrooms--an*:^ lehsoit-for the opposition. U. Si Bombers ' In re c o g n itio n 'o f this', D r. Johnson spoke, there •too, 'Under the present «t-Iarge Paul Heuston. council camping - • election ta counties, the maJorl- director, was' presentrf during ToEnd-Steike each Place. ■ Qffered-to India y1lt~httve~»ll B e n o u n ^ ^ 'featuring a large num b e r ^ ani ~NEW DELHI,'ltiidia~(AP)-~.Vlc'e :prMlciffl Hufert -GENEVA-(AP)—-The-Sovlet —The-pnT>^-fedemI constitu­ IKrheW ofTsh'd^l, rcprdCilt’*' HTTlumphrey oifered'lhdla a JlOO-milllpiJ lpari. today, Union today dent>unced flights tional amendment provides ma­ ITg camping. an official U.S. source reported. The loan Is for import- ^ re mftrrled^-nninJtsghrlng — chinery for the president, or oth- of American nuclear bombers lie's’ labor leaders agreed udayl Soviet Plane In presenUng the trophy. Rol> lo end a damaging general ing urgently needed raw matferials-to get India’s.Indus- Day Jn-JMfssBhhave-three “ — «ritrtA-4l«clar»4h».A((k4-of-ores> yiototton.of.tbe^.'WXi^rtlal sons, John Faulkner, Jim Faulk* See LEGISLATURE. P. 2, Co!. S . ban trea ty . T he United srt Et](ins, pounclt pr&sfdent^ ---------------------PresM after F r e s ^ ef-* n f *Hector 'strike try, now running nt ao i»r cent capacity In many see- Slates reJected the charge ai said he saw no'reason why Uie Garcla-Godoy prom ised to send Crashes on tors, speeded-up, the-source seta, -ine oner docs not trophy could not be used again two top .m ilita ry officers Uke part ta uio’-operatlons of "false and mere propaganda." constitute a resumption of American development aid, the>ra6chas. , nexl year, .Just replacing the abroad. The two' nuclear powers which was halted during India’s w ar with neighboring Carey Scliool chuhed in the 17>natIon disarm ­ num ber 4 with a num ber I.
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