Li4j'lsl!=I 2 Leeds Student Ma Aj Rnutidoo ®~1 the Bulk of Landlords .Trc \.\Ith News Ump,.'11

Li4j'lsl!=I 2 Leeds Student Ma Aj Rnutidoo ®~1 the Bulk of Landlords .Trc \.\Ith News Ump,.'11

THE REVOLT T F TH HT --FULL STORY PAGE NINE -----li4J'lSl!=I 2 Leeds Student ma aJ rnutIDoo ®~1 the bulk of landlords .trc \.\ith News Ump,.'11. 20 per ce n1 uren ·1 and LIBERAL Democnil MP in the ..crabbl c 10 find holbm,1: S0%of Simon llu~ht-s has helped in LS6. .., ,uden~ forgc1 11t.11 kick-start a new student the) have nghl\." students have hou."iing crlCMJdc. Jame:; Blake, pre,;idenJ ot taken drugs lhc ·m1111 campaign . Ll'l I\ Lib Dem pan), said but they want wluch I\ be ing c;pearheadc<l h) ·-rm so plc:t5cd thut Simon the:" J~ll:, LT111vcr-.U) L1h rkm Hughe!. could launt:h th 1.:. stricter laws part). •~ .ummg In _maJ..i: c:1mpa1~.n· i1 ,hows YrC an• pt.-<1ple more aware. ol 1he1r ',C.."OOU!, nglu .. :L, IC/M Ii t.. Hu~hC!-i. \\ ho was narmwl} pages TennnL!- can dl!m.Jnd 1h i 11 w, hct11cn by Charles Kenned)- in like ',llltllu: de1cc1or... gu~ a le..ader.; lup contest. ~ id: {ee:-. for appl i,mcc\ and '"StuJcn1 .-. olten fc.el 1hat Uni of Leeds found wanting by aik-qualc 101.;b. filling,. becau~ they mm,e around 11 \ government watchdogs Greg Mulholland. a t.-01111 not '-"Onh \. Otmg. We wam 10 tell lhem lh:it ii I\, nnd lhat pages 6 · 7 cillur for l.ttJs ~fonh \\'1....,1 who i.. .il!.O baekm!! the wc · n: n:lc\'an1 ...chcme. ,,;md: ··1t\ the ... mall "If ~IUdent.,;. , ote in biy Sport thin!!:-. thm ina i...c." the differ number... change can happen. encc. A n..x'C:nl Mori poll JounU "We found Lhal hou:-.111~ mo,t lk-Jn )'car Snowboarders win Scottish trophy ofd .., "'nu Id page21 ,me for Ilk: Uh Dem, Extra: Index Kevin Widdop speaks to Kilroy pages16 1ha1 1hc (;unou" super i.,leu1h wa,:; .i.b o a We examine learned cn J.. c-llt:nd. H1.... rower,; ol dcdui.:tmn the smoking rnme in \!,{ll!cia ll) ban by going on hund) when 11 C'JJlle lo "vrkin!! out ho,, mu<;h a bar crawl he °'"'ed for 111 ,; ne>.t hit of po\\cr-llour llw 1mubk· 1s. lon) page17 Blair i.. 1101 a fan uf Cun,111- tll,)IC. II be " a."' ,U'C'am. Quick Guide lh~n he 'c.l rl"JIJ\C' 1hm h CC il U !H! tlrut?· ,~ not the g1ncrnmen1 Columnists page 11 c," preserve of .i clinrnml d 11 cb hcheH· Letters page10 people "Whv fo\\. bu1 !he lifoM) le 1hm sui.:h ;m W h.. \.c chppc{I choice ol a la\\ ·3h1dinc iipproach c.111 Competitions page 18& 19 lheir tnc, mto I.he tanl..J ffiOJOOI) rhi5, wcei ,I C(lllll/) TV, Reviews and Juice li~mgl) murk) pool of "',1, a triumph tor ..,. o r k Ustings drup Whclhcr lh a rhelnril',tl hhL\tcr. -01c Prohib1t1on 1. about a., llm -nw.ll' "h'""'' ,:;nmtc<l Qw..-cn \ "i (X.>cch reud cOccti,c "' a li.,.hnct ,1 hliu.anl of ..:o~c ufl li~c the mmhlmg~ of :1 rnndom l nne:tsingl)· Editorial team: 0113 3801450 1hc ihigh of a J>l't· lall ~\!d up crack deutcr intolerant uppm:.11.:hc.., Leeds Student, Leeds University lc!?,ged pl"l'°'r.'it1tu1e. or ;1 as "he parrolcd hu,c lx.""C n mcl ''"ith a hrot.llL-r '" ht)')C hm mg Apparcntl> ,r '-"C \ lead) increment, 111 Union, PO Box 157, Leeds LS11UH. C)'c trouhlc ,titer locus on .. h111h risk' u,a~c::unJ.a\.aifah1 l11) is a kilo of ,mad. ul>Cr.. ,md Hu!.h llc.1lc~ (IlffOll'Kaf1Mansfield higher than c·n~r belore. into hi~ retma. re" haH: ou1 of the mnrJ.. l't lht:n ~ MANAG£R Pt;>ter Evans Inc more one t11111h ADVERTISING MSISTAHT Sarah Powell 111a1U1fi!tl to c\atk the nut \\orld will DI! :1 ahuu 1 ii. lhi! mmc !he ID\IER'TISIHO DBaaH Lucy Stephens ten1aclc, nf -.afer Dn1g u.. er.,; one i, uhlc In ",1,,"C the DEPUTV £OOOA Tom Philh~ narcotics. abu.-.c. more inclin~d to brcal.. real reawn belund the UCE EDITOR Stcpl"len Atx>ott 'o '<lei.ti ,tmtu j, the J:1,, uu be thrown ..:nminal,~tion ol drug HEWS 1\11 Beach. Jes Satter. Sen SchOfield sale Imm 1h11i pcn::11m;1J m the ,,; lammer. umJ u .. cr. FEm.ll£S Chns Gourlay menace. Apparen t!) cnme rate., are 'iUre 10 rhc C)C·J'KlJ1plllg POIJ1lCS Narabha and Gareth Huntley Hur1ev Qu~cn Vit'l\1rm plummet. Scn..,ihle poli <.·r.t,\lleS-'> ur th i, Ill'\\ PHOTOGRAPHY Annie Moss. Rufus Hall. Karen Lederer and ,uccumtx.xl 10 allure Louise Dunn snu Louise Bartlett 1hc cie, for a lmppu:r pulic) r:;. ,uch lhat 0111) SPORT Al 1,.'11 COOper clld J0&1na Les.ter or h;i,;;hbh when ,he Bn1mn. Or IUl)!.ld ,h1le a,ed-~1u1 d1cm­ Nmltw..'ffi1S8aMS '"'''"' ha\ 111g period lrom II Jc,pcr-Jte ie.1l muncher ooultl he IIOOkS Kirsty Bennett. H~ Broad and Katie Jenkins pam .... Th1\ b h:1rdl) gmemment rc,pon\1blc- lor U\ ewes Ntc Bairo ana Nick Jones \Urpri,int: "hen Pile I he prt·!.ptech oom:t.!ptum lht:' cn1 1re Ml.ISM: Tom GoocUlc:J)d and Bob Henderson l 'Oll',idcl', th.II ,he WU\ cahinct mcd 111 g mm,1 cuhind 1111b.t he- high on SOUHOINO OUT Malcolm Webb the ,amc 1>i.::n.011 \\. h1l h;.t\'C tx...:n lik.c th..: m;ld n:m:01i~ Sua,, , Hcxin. ~ Jonn Hotmes Zofia NtP.mtus and thou phi 11 ,, ouJd he a hauc~ tea part)' Hov.­ ffain and the rc ... t .in: ,o Kell~ DalWOOd rn.·al itlt:a tn ,uhJUfah." cl-.c c.:an om: npl:.un till" lo l'Ofllrol 1hc l.DWDOWPW Net! Fnzzelt dc..,pcmtc hall the \\ nrld warped IOJ?K nf ·1011) ·s ,uppl) and t.lemanJ ol .......,.,, .,, TU DENT MEETINGS Cannabis and cn-,undcd drug:-. ,n1~d1.··1 81:.ur\ ill1c11 C"li1'-'- A.. ( though! an: ~ unhb.el) aide, 11111st he a, they arc on .,JI Arts: Mon 5.30 Photos: Mon 6 hedfrllows. rut a tx,g nf thcm\cl\'l'" altt: r the) mm mer or mtu'\u.:-1 mi,; l News: Mon 5 & Fri 4.30 Books: Mon 5.15 wt..-cd m the h,md, uf !cl Blurtkcu m,1ke the Iha! the) wanl 10 Sport: Mon 1.15 Clubs: Mon 5.30 the "urld'.., m ll\l bre\\. When 1he P\.1 pre\ i:nl the rest (ll 11-. Mustc: Mon 6 Features: Mon 5 pl\\erhtl "11m;m Jnd a!;l,._ed for ,UJ?ar, he from u:,urpins their Comment: Mon 4 Style: Wed 5 lh )Cholo1 1c.:al mt:11 prubuhl) FOi more thun tJlklli.1 Global: Tues 3.30 TV: Mon 4 .30 do\\11 i, ;.tl\\a)" u l)\"K.,1 he ha'l!.1,ncd lnr ·fon /"\o \\Olldcr ( 'Ol1k Politics: Mon 4.15 Fashion: Wed 5pm hih1, min\ltc, later and he had to get uut Pl\.-:,rnu ALL MEETINGS WILL CONVENE IN OUR FIRST FLOOR She ,, ~ 001 aJonc Lh(lught he: had th\.· cure on p1lh."! Whal a gud 0 LUU OFFICE UNTIL FURTHER NOTICE Shi;:rluck Hulme., lll :11! ul i,;ncid\' , ilh a" 1ul pm,pc~I llml [email protected] ahc1t1nmJu.., "ill ~nuw asb. .:m, d1x::tur iuw.J ht"ll \\UUld be . Landlords set to feel the heat DODGY landlords will need IQ clean up lheir act nncr a mm housing rncasures were gi\'tn the ~1!111 of l\pproHtl on l'uestlay. The Housing Act pmvidcs oe" po,,ers to counter the uctiou~ of bltd landlords and 1hc. prolilcmlion of s.hodd} EXCLUSIVE s1Uden1 re.s.i<lcnces By JESSICA SALTER Although 1hc \cgis lation should ensure higher health and safely THE KING of tea time tcle1•ision, standard&. some claim Richard Whit.elev. bas been fronting tl1e the act d(.)eS not eo fur !Ultion •s fuvourite glll11eshow for 22 years cnouih - this montll and was 'thrilled' to reaive Richard Taylor, of an OBE las1 week. HMO in Leeds-bum Vordt-mum re~1\'ed a ro~al M u I I I p I e ble.ssmg in 2000. picking up a.n MBE. and like Occupancy) says the m1gtny Wtmcley. the fo1s1) malhs w12 h.1S 1ha1 only a fif1h of <;tuck w11h C'ountdown for tho duratitm. 1owe've hQUSCS will be bel:n marriet.l t,n TV for 22 )'e2ts now. We're like covere.(I with the Mlthacl Dclu~la.,; and G1l11~rine Zeta Junes addiliUMI appl i~ of U.'Cds." Wltl!Clcy quipped ca1ions lO the Stud;ving English nuiy haYe prumptt.'tl his go,·er11mt=nt lo\'C 11r 'nOrrl\. but Whiteley, whn gnuiuat~d required for those frum Cnmbcidgd \\ ith a. thi:rd. said: "Tbe prob­ not COVd;fCd. lem was 1 didn'1 real!) like reading. the rt1aln L,eds thmg about g<Jili.g to umvcr.;.il~ 1'"- being tbcrenml HMO arc cur· 0 enjoymg 1L ' rcntly lobbying While ht: wa,,;; i;tuJ)'tn~ ht.: edited lht. unhcr­ Leed!\ Cit, Council.' newspaper. Varsti-y. which <,tun.eel hk lntt:{tS-1 and have ~rgt:d Llfll tn the medit1 world.

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