86 Workover & Well Servicing Swabbing, Chemical Treatment, Hot Oil, Steam, etc. ACTION HOT OIL SERVICES, INC.; . 435 722-2190 BRAND “X” PERFORATORS, INC.; . 580 254-1164 105 N 4250 E; PO Box 1706; Roosevelt, UT 84066 127 North 48th St; PO Box 742; Woodward, OK 73802 (Fax: 435 722-2907) (Fax: 979 885-6603) Leon Richens; Byron Tomlinson (Complete listing in Completion Service) ALLEN WIRELINE SERVICE INC.; . 325 672-5331 BRAZEAU WELL SERVICING LTD.; . 780 621-0654 2082 S Treadway; Abilene, TX 79602 (Fax: 325 672-5542) PO Box 6028; Drayton Valley, AB T7A 1R6, CANADA Roy V. Allen, Pres (Fax: 780 621-0658) ALLENCO; . 562 989-6100 BRINE SERVICE CO., INC.; . 361 241-2010 2109 Gundry Ave; Signal Hill, CA 90755 4201 Callicoatte; Corpus Christi, TX 78410 (Fax: 562 989-6104) (Email: [email protected]) (Complete listing in Completion Service) C. E. Peter Allen, Pres; Tim Parker, VP; Mick Beyer, Opers BRINE-ADD FLUIDS; . 403 279-8545 Mgr; Ceanne Seymour, Off Mgr (Custom Manufacturing Oilfield Chemicals); A-PLUS WELL SERVICE, INC.; . 505 325-2627 4333 46 Ave SE; Calgary, AB T2B 3BJ, CANADA (Plug & Abandonment); PO Box 1979; Farmington, NM 87499 (Fax: 403 236-7316) (www.brine-add.com) (Fax: 505 325-1211) (Complete listing in Drilling Mud) William Clark, Owner BROST WELL SERVICING; . 403 314-0434 AQUA LASER ALBERTA LTD.; . 780 440-4762 Box 25012; Red Deer, AB T4R 2M2, CANADA 1208 77th Ave; Edmonton, AB T6P 1M2, CANADA (Fax: 403 314-0470) (Email: [email protected]) (Fax: 780 440-1908) (www.aqualaser.com) Wayne Brost, Pres & Toolpush Steve Chabot, Pres B & S WELL SERVICE, INC.; . 620 221-2030 BAKER ATLAS; . 713 625-4200 608 W 8th; PO Box 837; Winfield, KS 67156 Global Hdqts; 2001 Rankin Rd; Houston, TX 77073-5100; (Fax: 620 221-2379) (Email: [email protected]) Mailing address: PO Box 1407; Houston, TX 77251-1407 Owners: F. Dale Smith, Dianna Smith (Fax: 713 625-4525) (www.bakeratlas.com) (Complete listing in Logging Service) BUROVAYA KOMPANIYA EURASIA/ . 7 495 9610252 BASIC ENERGY;. 325 235-5201 BKE DRILLING COMPANY; 15A, Leninsky prospekt; 2306 E Broadway; Sweetwater, TX 79556 (Fax: 325 235-3442) 119071 Moscow, RUSSIA (Fax: 7 495 9610255) (Email: [email protected]) (www.bke.ru) BASiC ENERGY SERVICES; . 307 266-9280 (Complete listing in Drilling Contractors) 907 N Poplar, Ste 210; Casper, WY 82601 (Fax: 307 237-5843) CABLE SERVICE CO.; . 575 393-1588 Rick Wolla, Reg VP, Northern Rky Mtn Reg; Travis St. John, (ESP Cable Repair & Service); 1800 S Grimes; PO Box 664; Reg Controller, Northern Rky Mtn Reg Hobbs, NM 88240 (Fax: 575 393-8042) BASIC ENERGY SERVICES, INC.; . 325 672-1960 (Email: [email protected]) PO Box 6123; Abilene, TX 79608 (Fax: 325 672-1973) Judy Long, Pres & CEO; Henry Rey, VP & Opers Mgr (Yd Phone: 325 672-1960) CAJUN WELL SERVICE, INC.; . 337 332-5844 Dale A. Doby, Dist Mgr 1088 Bergeron Rigs Rd; Breaux Bridge, LA 70517 BASYE WELL SERVICE, INC.; . 620 234-5235 (Fax: 337 332-5854) (Toll Free No.: 800 882-1448) 517 South Main; PO Box 149; Stafford, KS 67578 Carroll Thibodeaux, Pres; Milton dAugereau, VP; Peggy (Fax: 620 234-5113) Thibodeaux, Sec-Treas; Sales: Eric Duhon, Johnny Thibodeaux, Richard Thibodeaux; Keith Thibodeaux, Opers BEARD, F. L., SERVICE CORP.; . 618 262-5193 Mgr; Peggy Thibodeaux, Off Adm; Shannon Pierce, Adm Asst 800 Stokes St; Mt. Carmel, IL 62863 (Fax: 618 262-5194) Rick Lincoln, Pres; Darrell Deisher, Gen Mgr & Payables Mgr; Anita dAugereau, Payroll & Receivable Mgr; Marta Olivier, Receptionist & Sec; Kim Chandler, Payables BECKMAN PRODUCTION SERVICES, . 231 258-9524 Coordinator; Mike Thibodeaux, Rig Supvr INC.; 3786 Beebe Rd; PO Box 670; Kalkaska, MI 49646 (Fax: 231 258-4521) CAL-COAST ACIDIZING SERVICE;. 805 934-2411 Dan Cagle, Gen Mgr & VP; Tom Cybulla, Oper Supt; Mark PO Box 2050; Orcutt, CA 93457-2050 (Fax: 805 937-3955) Bishop, Controller; Burley Carr, Supt; Brad Kniss, Mktg & (Complete listing in Completion Service) Crude Transp; Butch Peeples, Corp Safety Dir; Ron Brouwer, CAM SERVICES INC.; . 254 629-8561 Environmental Tech Joe Beaty Rd; PO Box 688; Eastland, TX 76448 Gaylord, MI 49735; M-32 East; . 989 732-9341 (Fax: 254 629-8506) PO Box 443 Clay Morris Gary Buskirk, Supt CANNON OIL & GAS WELL SERVICE, INC.;. 307 382-9465 Mesick, MI 49668; . 231 885-1665 PO Box 2086; Rock Springs, WY 82902 (Fax: 307 362-7220) 23862 13 Mile Rd Robert D. Cannon, Pres Gordon Scholl, Supt CANTON OIL WELL SERVICE INC.; . 330 494-1221 Harrison, MI 48625; . 989 539-7126 7793 Pittsburgh Ave; N Canton, OH 44720 4400 N Clare Ave (Fax: 330 494-1747) Chuck Taylor, Supt Kevin Hutcheson, Pres BOELENS’ WELL SERVICE, Limited . 307 864-3284 CASING JACKS, INC.;. 281 346-2866 Liability Co.; 1480 Arapahoe; PO Box 352; PO Box 703; Fulshear, TX 77441 Thermopolis, WY 82443 (Fax: 307 864-3204) John W. Bahr, Pres & CEO Floyd L. BoeLens, Owner; Pushers: Don Randall, Kenneth M. CATALYST SERVICES LTD.; . 519 862-5886 BoeLens, Russell Gayleam, Greg Bass, Tom Stockman, Steve PO Box 160; Corunna, ON N0N 1G0, CANADA Smith (Fax: 519 862-2511) Baggs, WY 82321; . 307 383-2164 (Email: [email protected]) PO Box 445 Kevin McSwain, Div Mgr Raymond Kunsman, Mgr; Operators: Jesse Hernandez, Ryan CEDA, INC.; . 701 663-0307 Russell, John Novotny, Loren Bilstad, Oscar Herrera 3519 Old Red Trail Mandan; PO Box 787; Mandan, ND 58554 BOLDON DRILLING, A Division of. 44 115 9611250 (Fax: 701 667-2090) British Drilling & Freezing Co. Ltd.; Roger Daugherty, Dist Mgr Private Rd 3; Colwick Industrial Estate; NG4 2BB Colwick, Blaine, MN 55434; . 763 434-4403 Nottingham, ENGLAND (Fax: 44 115 9617338) Minneapolis Service Center; PO Box 46069 (Email: [email protected]) (Fax: 763 434-5522) (Complete listing in Drilling Contractors) Andy Werkheiser, Div Mgr BOUCHARD WELL SERVICE . 403 362-4732 CANADA, Calgary, AB T2J 6A5; . 403 253-3233 LTD.; PO Box 1955; Brooks, AB T1R 1C7, CANADA CEDA-Reactor Ltd.; 500, 11012 MacLeod Trail South (Fax: 403 362-2012) (Fax: 403 525-6700) Dennis Bouchard, Pres Roger Hearn, Pres Workover & Well Servicing 87 CHALLENGER DEEPWELL SERVICING, INC.; . 601 736-2511 CURTIS WELL SERVICE, . 806 669-3235 912 Hwy 98 By Pass; PO Box 1002; Columbia, MS 39429 A Division of Curtis Companies Ltd.; (Fax: 601 731-1103) North Price Rd; PO Box 1901; Pampa, TX 79066-1901 Larry Sistrunk, Gen Mgr; Lavon Sistrunk, Supvr; Carolyn Riley, (Fax: 806 669-9605) Off Mgr Jack T. Curtis, Jr., Pres; Joe E. Curtis, VP; Clint Curtis, Officer; Laurel, MS 39440 . 601 428-0534 Eddie Joe Roberts, Area Supt; John Carroll, Tool Pusher Terry Davis, Supvr CYPRESS WELLHEAD SERVICES, INC.; . 281 351-1563 CHASE TANK SERVICE; . 620 938-2401 PO Box 793; Cypress, TX 77429 (Tank Cleaning & Water Hauling); E Hwy 56; PO Box 407; (Fax: 281 351-4415) Chase, KS 67524 (Complete listing in Production Equipment) Owner Operators: Shannon McEachern, Kerry Savage DELTA SEABOARD WELL SERVICE, INC.; . 713 782-1468 CLARKE CORPORATION; . 620 886-5665 1212 W Sam Houston Pky N; Houston, TX 77043 PO Box 187; Medicine Lodge, KS 67104 (Fax: 713 782-8357) (Fax: 620 886-9855) Robert W. Derrick, Jr., Pres (Complete listing in Completion Service) Broussard, LA 70518; . 337 839-4545 COLLIN VACUUM & TANK TRUCKS; . 780 778-3800 PO Box 1170 (Fax: 337 839-5598) Box 1030; Whitecourt, AB T7S 1N9, CANADA Ron Burleigh, VP (Fax: 780 778-5169) (Email: [email protected]) DOUBLE-E, INC.; . 214 631-2290 Bill Collin 1261 Profit Dr; Dallas, TX 75247 (Fax: 214 630-4712) COMET WELL SERVICE INC.; . 936 756-6666 (Email: [email protected]) (Workover Rig, Vacuum/Winch Trucks & Swab Rigs); (Toll Free No.: 800 456-8284) PO Box 1552; Conroe, TX 77305 (Fax: 936 539-9662) (Complete listing in Production Equipment) (Email: [email protected]) DOWNHOLE FLUIDICS, INC.;. 432 686-7432 L. C. Smith 1508 W Montgomery; Midland, TX 79701 CORMIER WELL SERVICE; . 409 735-3571 (Fax: 432 686-0930) (Toll Free No.: 800 680-7432) (Workover Rigs); PO Box 226; Orangefield, TX 77639 David Facteau, Pres & Res & Dev Dir; Exec VP: Paul D. Ivy, (Fax: 409 735-8726) Andy Rowe Paul J. Cormier, Pres; Robert P. Cormier, VP; David Fusilier, DYKES OIL WELL SERVICING;. 318 929-2929 Opers Mgr 5329 Shreveport Blanchard Hwy; Shreveport, LA 71107-8689 CORNWELL WELL SERVICE INC.; . 601 684-4951 (Fax: 318 929-3498) (Email: [email protected]) PO Box 647; Summit, MS 39666 Donald R. Dykes (Fax: 601 684-7107) EASTERN TANK SERVICE INC.; . 479 646-7189 Marty Cornwell (Tanker Trucks); PO Box 6235; Fort Smith, AR 72906 CROSCO, INTEGRATED DRILLING &. 385 1 3652333 (Fax: 479 646-8455) WELL SERVICES CO. LTD., a Member of the INA Sam Ludington, Pres Group; Ulica grada Vukovara 18; 10 000 Zagreb, CROATIA EATMON WELL SERVICE COMPANY INC.; . 308 235-2810 (Fax: 385 1 3096448) (Email: [email protected]) 201 North County Rd; PO Box 70; Kimball, NE 69145 (www.crosco.com) (Fax: 308 235-3300) (Email: [email protected]) (Complete listing in Drilling Contractors) Elizabeth E. Ferguson, Pres; Dave Schoenemann, VP C & S WELL SERVICE, INC.; . 361 576-1088 ECHOMETER FLUID LEVEL SERVICE; . 316 775-3333 PO Box 4316; Victoria, TX 77903 518 State St; Augusta, KS 67010 Randy Chamred, Mgr (Fax: 316 775-6509) CUDD ENERGY SERVICES, INC.; . 832 295-5555 Mark McCollom (Well Intervention Services); 15015 Vickery Dr; ELGILOY SPECIALTY METALS; . 847 695-1900 Houston, TX 77032 (Fax: 832 295-4555) (Nickel, Cobalt & Titanium Alloys for Corrosive (www.cudd.com) Environments, Slickline for Sale); 1565 Fleetwood Dr; Robstown, TX 78380-3834; . 361 387-8521 Elgin, IL 60123 (Fax: 847 695-0169) 1420 E Hwy 44 (Fax: 361 387-2355) (Email: [email protected]) (www.elgiloy.com) Fort Worth, TX 76177; .
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