music wee For Everyone in the Business of Music 11 MARCH 1995 £2.95 THISWEEK music week successfor4 Grammy ; Nesbitt in : EltonJohn K3Celebrate« jsEXP: a UKmusîc ipioneetmultimédia 8 Pluggers fîring line withgetintune régions Retailers are facinf Lewis believes MVC at Chrvsalis i îïvC,0which is planning to double its unchallenged, they bave another thi ^gesays.Hevows tores retailing, says MVC aims to add 18 MVC's strategy and the mid-price ci s of which be d. Hore ects on Chait Show following VPL seîtiement y }■ uirt fr« ,rU<r r/„ a/1 /.r^aft ftnfurc hUc, /iJ /ra, T. ParaJix t > ALL THE NEWS FROM THE MUSIC WEEK AWARDS - p3 ► ► ► ► m wm. .HP . MJJC£J p5jrJ5 OH mica pans début single for cooltempo is a remarkable interprétation of the U2 song 'one | É mixes:perfecto, ethnie boyz&mikepeden. 27.3.95. cd. 12 tr MUSIC WEEK AWARDS1995 NEWSFILE CapitalSpeakers Radio's lined Richard up Park, for Virgin radio Radio's debate Suzie PolyGram takes Mayzel and Heart 106,2FM's Keith Pringle have been battlcconfirmed on London's as the main airwaves, panellisls at the for Music a debate Radio on the ConférenceMedia Monilorand on April Music 6. The IVec/t-sponsorcdsession, which opens event, the will beHigham. chaired The by day-long the BBC's event média at London'scorrespondent Bafta, Nickwill be 10 MW awards chairmanchaired by Chris Paul WrightGambaccini will deliver and Chrysalis the keynote Group speech. MusicPolyGram Week dominated Awards lastwith Thursdays its lf' rific. Last year was Phc Network faces copymg claims a"^aLt; Kbest hluT"! wrald bèSde^îghtedPto RI airsTOTP Strattriumph ust17 EXPannounces G©! earnsA&R pnze expansion plans may be ready to go by the end of up at Poiydor ^ ^ > DOOLEY AT THE MUSIC WEEK AWARDS-p37,38 and 39 ► ► ► ► ► MUSIC WEEK 11 MARCH 1995 NEWS ~ ——— COMMENT ThisThe week dilemme we print of two the charts chart I hoped we'd never have albumsphnt. chartsThey are which the correctappeared versions incorrectly of the last singles week. and Grammy fillipto errorThe Computing and the Nlillward staff at WoolworthsBrown staff whoresponsihle failed lo forthe pick up Suchon ilshould mistakes be arein nodoubtthatlhey're intolérable. But last in week's the dog-house. charts Whatalso raise about a chartnumber eligibility, of other forquestions. instance? It may be good dobusiness they really for Woolworths belong in the to chart? clear oldAnd singles if Woolies at 49p, runs but a hmst Eiton LPs promotion offering two Warners CDs for a tenner, does it Elton John's Grammy : success of Elton' spokeswoman John will give saysthe com- the really make sense for other retailers to display a c ed to Lionboost King two relen pany's marketing department a valu- which effectively advertises their competitor. o album, Made In Madeable fillip In England when it due cornes on March to promoting 20. It is the old conflict between the chart as market research Alom side The olling Stones, John e of Berlioz' Messe Virgin Records managing director facedlool and CIN the when chart il ashad promotional to décidé whether tool, a dilemma to print thelhat ! UICs Paul Conroy says it will continue to pro- st" chart or stick with the original. winningWednesday two night'sawards -37th best Gramnues,male_yocal Mallett'smance, while work Britishon the U2director concert David film overmote the the next Rolling few Stones' months, Voodoo leading Lounge up to youIf you clearly view thedo havechart lo as include a piece Woolworths of market research, promotions then Lovepop performance Tonight and for a share Can Youin the Feel award The DreamchaserLive From SydneyProductions - produced- scooped theby happythe band's about live the UK success dates. of"We the are Stones," really and you do have to correct it if ifs wrong. Market thefor bestDisney musical soundtrack album The for Lionchildren King, for be Reflectingadds. on the dominance of the aresearch marketing is an tool end and in aitself. piece If of you showbiz simply whichsee the is chart a meam as The Rolling Stones took the award for and the Pet Shop Boys (nominated old guard among the UK award win- end, then it isprobably betterto stick to your guns. wonbest rockthe bestalbumTor short Voodoo form mùsicLounge video and twice)The wereawards' overlooked. biggest winners were theners, fact he that says, we "It's have a simple got to promotereflection our of One solution could well be to have a separate Davidaward Fincher.for Love Otheris Strong British directed winners by Bruce Springsteen who won four UK acts abroad. The fact that acts like bepromotional a modified chart version for publicof the industry's consumption, officiai which market would included Pink Floyd, who won the the Sherylawards Crow for Streets who won Of Philadelphia,three awards. and good,Blur andbut thereOasis is are a lot coming left to throughdo." is pointresearch in creating statistics. such Needless a chart unlessto say there it had would unanimous be no resolved,support from the retailersconflict between and the média. the demands However of market it is HMVtakeson .. 7- ■ " -, | Forresearch as the andchart promotion compilers has discovered to be resolved. last week in the fierce dehate between those who thought the chart Dillons outlets should be re-published and those who thought it should DillonsThe HMV and Group Hatchards is to takebook over chains management after they of were the theydoanddamnedifnot, until the debate is theyresolved, don't. they willSteve be damned Redmond if bought in a £36m deal by parent Company Thom EMI onHMV Wednesday. Group chairman and ehief executive Stuart WEBBO MacAHistcrthe deal, but déclinés it is understood to comment that on the the logistics implications of how of absorbedthe book companiesinto the music and their group 2,500 arc employées currcntly will being be WhyCalling is there time so much on stigmacovers about snobbery cover versions? The média often castigate new records on the basis that the forThorn some EMItime, has and been one keeninsider to broadensays HMV its and retail Dillons base performer.song was originally Why? Ifs totallywritten illogical. by someone Granted other some than acts,the addsarc an that idéal HMV fit with will manyhave toarcas décidé of potential whether synergy.to incorpo- He particularly those whose careers are struggling and ters in Marlow or site it at the Birmingham offices of A keyboard manuscripl by Purcell, which fetched a world record who usually wrile their own material, resort lo cover Dillons and Hatchards. basisprice forof a a new piece Virgin of English Classics music release at auction periormed last year, by harpsichordist forms the albums for a spot of régénération and those are the aroundThom 11% EMI of theacquired estimatcd Dillons, £1.3 billion which UK commands book mar- Davitt Moroney. EMI Records UK and Thorn EMI togelher Butalbums the Beatlesthat are andoften the a bitStones of a yawn.have early albums filled ket, and Hatchards after owner Pentos was forced to conlnbuted £50,000 towards a campaign to save the manuscripl from with covers and they didn't do too badly. No, the •cail HMWs in receivers marketing KPMG manager last Monday Alan McDonald (February is 27). Icaving going^abroad when it went up for auction in May last year. The snobbery about covers is ridiculous and made ail the the UK company after six years to take up the post of six unique keyboard versions of theatre pièces, will be relensed on more infantile when you consider that if the média HMVvice président in the US. rcsponsibleThe company for is marketingalso creating and two PE posi- for the Virgin Veritas label on April 15. The Paris-based Moroney ftcover informed they probablylhat the record wouldn't they be had any just wiser. received UB40 periormed the lost Purcell works last Tuesday - the (irst opportunity (whom I work with) made two Labours Of Love, yet 90% who^m mpor'tTo McDonald's s^cce^ôr^h^ïyft to anorak.of the Iracks And howwere many unknown would to have ail but realised the most that hardened the excellentgreat imeipietation Annie Lennox of single a relatively was a unknowncover? Ifs song. just an Virgin taps info collège Internet Covers of classic songs are slightly différent. Then we d The Verve 'What get the sacrilege argument- "you can't cover that" etc RAFT, on March 16, in a deal whi want to say?' It will have a sense of Uie portRCA tohelped the project,develop studentsRAFT as frompart hit canhed be tones.exciting But in a lhat sparkling it re-introduces new version a song of an to olda tion allowed access to the high-spe. sionculture of what of the they artists have andput onbe record."an exten- -'tcement and State 51. a youngeraudience. university network, SuporJanet. Silver8 adds Virgin has been granted Ît specialists, also lent Compare this with the current obsession with youth that ImpérialThe service, Collège, a collaboration the Royal Collège betwei °""" s to SuperJanet - linked to 80 UK Radio One is planning its own edia has, They seem to think lhat because an artist itatedwi ireeiternet hours project from for 7pm, March listeners 26 when, will forbe recordswrong anymore. side ofTell 30 that then to they Tony can't Bennctt make when wonderful he's . 'î access Pteviously unreleased clutching his Grammy for best album. Jereray saysthere Silver. is a large student orient usicIhe frombroadeast top bands will via be the hostcd Internet. by There have been thousands of hits with mémorable Silver says, "We are doing things di By creating information Featurene'suu'Steve Lamacqsur anders ^such ^ as_ thosesongs songsover the shouldn't last 40 yearsbe hits and again.
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