Pf! • fip.w pi'" I I-IIU ■.IJPJBMI.I,,./IJ.,^MI|!'IJ| J w m F i THE PLYM OUTH M AIL VOL. XXXVIII, N(j. 45 PLYMOUTH, MICHIGAN, FRIDAY, OCTOBER 1, 1926 $1.50 PER YEAR Fall Decorators Are On the Job E WILL OPEH PUBLIC GOLF COURSE IS The Amrhein Farm of 190 Acres Has Been Village President Harry C. Robinson Presseil Purchased and an 18-Hole Golf the Button Tuesday Afternoon at Four i Course iHas Been Laid Out. O’clock that Placed the New j Equipment in Operation. ! Tb<* -Vmrhein farm. loeate<| six miles FIRE PKFIVENTION WEEK west of PlymotitU on the Ndrtb Terri­ to rial road, wbk-b was: purc*base<l by a "Fire Prevention \\\rk" has been set The Local Exchange of the Michigan Bell ftrouii of Plymouth aud Wuyue men fo r (*cloh«‘r H-!i. Thn luilion's lire los.s some time ago. has been I converted lo t 15'L'o « :is -s.'iUi’.T.'il.-liiG ace..tiling t«* Telephone Co., one of the Most Modern into a golf course, which is td be known tiguriis ju st uiatli* avjiihiM c hy iln- .N'a- as the Plymouth Country Club. The tiniuil Hoanl of Fire riiih’i'iM-iicrs. liic and Best Equipped in the State. property conai.sts of 100 avrep, and tbe coiijury's aiithnriiy oti ilie maucr. topography of the land Is bdiuirahly T h is is a hoi-rililc price |n pa.v. most adapted for a golf course. of whii-li is fnr carclcssiic.>.'. Nut I In ilie iireseiiee of hiuii ofHeials ami .Mie|;i-an Bell Telcjihojie Co,, fo r tb e W ilford R«^d. golf course esiiert only does danger iiirk in ilic cigavciic liiim.-ig'-r- of varioii.-i exeliaiiges of the splendid new lelephono building an d ] an d a professional golf pI«.Vcr o f the «»!• cigiir llm tw ij i-ari-lc'.si.v atv a t. ih.- ■ Mii-liigaii Bell r.'b'iihoiie Co., and ill- the w.iiiderfiil new equipment, we voice ^ Detroit Country Club, who supervised liox i»f m atches hTt wh«Tc th e i-hiUlrctt |*viti-«l giie-i-. \'illug«' ITe-iiieiil lla iiy the o'liiimeiii of the ujiole <-oimimuity. the laying out of the lS-h<4e course, can Uml them . ihi‘ iuiclcam-<l cliimm'.v. i C. Ruhin-oii pr.".>e.l th e button iit ex- pronounces th e new «-ourse ias ouc of the cliiltci-cil a ilie. i>ii( l>iiililiiig I'ou- ' aeily I'liiir -■■e!u.-k Tiie-iday afleriiooii. tbe must beautiful iu this rU-inity and slructioii is also i<. Mniiic for much uf lhal ipho'ud ih<- iiew leleiihone eiplili- W IU. KESl ME THl RSD.AV NIGHT ill fact in the whole state. tills gigaijiic Cull which has iiicn-ascd lueiil. whi'l. lia- bri'ii iu eiiiirse of iii- SHOWS. The land i.s rolling and is fleal for a over fo u r Itiiiidi'ccl m iliion ilolhirs .since golf course. A very'pleasing feature lit:.’;!, jind which la<t y ea r aloui- snufl'cd Iia>l .\ear. iiilo uiieraiion. TI,o-u wlm of the coiii'sc is u oiiiall Ia}vc within out twenty fhoiisaud lives, i:. U. l.imh. iiiaiiager of ihe Ih'uiii- wi-re pi'i'>eiil |o \\itm -.> ilie eereliioiiy its b'luiidarics. which will hejan nddiMl lii'm-.-iiii-w ix p iT ts. tin- iiepartm ent iiiaii .Mil'll ilieaire. aum<mi<i-s tliat th e Wi-ie a--eiiibled in ilie <wi|elil>oard attraciioii to playeds ami visitors at iitlii-ials ami ................. t.-n ihat 7.'> Tt i;r-il:'y uiglif -!:o\\s will bu resumed, I'ooiii ..|| th e ........ iloof III' 1|„- Uew tb e new golf liiik.s. T he course will In- 1 t'« r iciii of this eiiormons loss uf life b.-giiihihg l lim-sdiiy nighi. o<-iober 7th. Till- ........... WIK .Iit.-ti.i.nl by Fb-y.l b u ild ii Mil e r Roy K. t>iK'!i to tl«‘ pnhlic for [daying iu ahotit and tn-a'uri- iv pr.'ii-iital'h-. luiring Till- ailnn lioii will be. "Fascinating. WEUUINGS IT-nctnr. lirnibcr nf tliu bride. .\ love, SUPPER-DIINDE :h.- b- •il th e vailti-r- two "F ire I’l'c-'eiil ion W eek” -i-i- th a t yiui Y .,u:l,.'' Di-n'i i''--'get ihe T h u rsd ay ly wedding supper was .•curved l<i >ixty- g I........ a lid in i ■w remark-; in- The i-ssnr,v cHiiipnieur Tor maiu- ihi .VMiir part in hel|iin'j i.. ri-imwe the nighi -liuw-;. w a l k e k -c l i n e live guests folluwing tlie i'ereiuoiiy. odm-i-d .Mayor KoMii.-;uiiII and reipiu-r- taining the course has hccii piirchii.st‘d. lire Iiazanls aroinid \uiir ]irupcriy. ; 1o Ilie e t th. ' l ’( m o a n .Mi-< Flniviict' riiiic. daughrer of Mr. The yoimg emiplo left for ;m >-msIoi'ij 1 him Iu |,|-e-> Ilie bull i<li in-; an<l is exiM'cted to a rriv e here in u few .loin \vitli tiiis cuinmnuiiv in willing rium will nmli-rgo alieru- ,'iTid .Mr<. Freil (Tine, and \Vard W. iriji. Jiiid will be :ir liome after detober !giir:i!<-d Ilie new sy>|,-m. days. Plymouth lovers of -the •great out an i'vil that may hriiig iis death lier week, ami instead of HARVKA B. F IS H PA SSED AW.AY Walk.r. sun uf Robert Walker, both null, on .Mhidle Belt road. Mr. Rui>in>;ou then .spuki- wurds of simrt have long fell the need of a golf timl de-'otal iotl when We lea-'l eNpeel 'amiful danee fh>or and !.\ST SATURDAY. wi-ll known yuiiiig jM-opIc •■f P iyiuouth. ajip reciaiioii uii buliatf of ihi- village. course n ea r tl« ‘ vilhige. au d ;itsiK*ciall.v it. -oiiiiiitMlii kiieheii. tsiual to any in "••I-,, iiuiied ill iiiarriage. S epteinber 27. ll:u liiodi-ni and up-lo-dale equip- . H puhlh- ccuirse. which will give an I " '- - ........ will have the lileasiire of Ila B. Fish jiassed away at the at the First Baptist chur'Ii in Toledo. PETSCH G.VRt HOW 1. whioii Im.l I..V1I iii-ialle<l l-y tlie oi>portnnity lj)r a larger mimlier of peo­ I looking at a few tiiore business iilaces l'ii[v crsiiy !io-:jiit:il. Ann -\rlKir. S atu r- K.XECITIVE lO.M.MlTTEE AND Iiy Riw. .\lbiTt King Morris. The hrifh- A Very pretty home woddi.ng I'.ell <'olii).;in iis Plymoiilh ple tf) enjoy the sixirt. A splendid I in i Im- slijijK' of stores. Sorry indeeil ilay. Sejilemher L’ofh. Bi2(», 'M r. Fish TEA.M (.VPTAINS HELD FINAL w:i~ beaniflTil in a w h ite .saiili and lilaeo Sal iirdiiy. Sopteinher 2.’)tli. :i the I pali-uii- till- 1 possihle. He road leads to the new club, and it will iil'e the |>eo]ile «if I’l.vmnuili |o h-arii of liail iimlurgi>ne a serious operation on .m e e t i m ;. u n ’iiu ih> 1-1)1111' dress, daintily trimmed hm iie o f .Mr. am i .Mrs. \V il!ia m G a r- ' i-ailcd alleiili III ih ai I'lym- he only a few mluutes run by motor. Ilie iiii'-^iiig of this bejiutifiil and won­ Ila- ilay jircvioiis to Ids doatli. Ho liatl will) I'ljh k satin and jet buttons. They diow. when ilndr daughter. Mae, was , ouih wa- [lie ! to ji in .Mirhigan T he oftierrs* atid meml>ers o f th e Plym - derful Vi'ereaiion building. The reud- lieeii a resident of i'lymoiiili for the A itUftiiig of tl m m iuiiy returned to ITyinouth. and left Tucs- nniii'd ill marriage to Carl Petseh-uf aud Ilie ihin! in ilu- cd State-;, that onth C ountry Club a re a s foUovv.s: ei'< <if lids jiaper and all the residents I pa>r 'seven \e a rs . am i w as well k%own lm ti‘1 exormivo com iluy for a week's motor trip through Livonia. Miss Leona Garcliow. sister now lia-i lilt- mo.lern pllli'llt iu opiT- I’resident and .Manager—^I*r. R. H. of Plymouth licrehy extemi heartfelt and liked liv a largt <-jr<-le of friends C-Jl|ltuill'< WHS belli ■ he the tiorilieru part of tftc state. On of the bride. ae|ii] as bridesmaiil. and I atioin which, hy ih ly. is th e last Cham pt*. thanks to Mrs. Kate E. Allen, the and aequaintaiiees hv<-iiuse of h is jo v ial h cu (l< |u u ru ‘rs oilU-o h ist Fi'iilu; their return rliey will take up house­ James Ollett of Detroit, eousiii of the ' word ill .................. .. , veiiioui. Mr, Vice Preshient—Julius Kaiser. <iwiier. for the use of this huihling and ojitiiiiisiie nature and his cousianC .Nearly every lueiuhcr was pn keeping iu a furuishetl home on Farmer groom, us la'st man. ' Rohiii>uii also i>|Hiki Ihe wi-nderfiil Secretary-—Irwin Pien-e. •luring the past several y«'ars. In endeavor to la-lp olher*i. it was a very t-ii a n d hai >ireei fur the winter. Tliey have the Tho bride wa< dressisl in while order, therefore, that we may he- .
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