Two chapters occupy first new homes built in recent years by II~ House Corporations 1 dear Pi Beta Phi Legacy EDITOR, Introduction Form EDITOR'S NOTE: This is your page-made ar'ai/able to anyone wishing to comment on articles, the magaZine, or any tOPic of interest This form is provided as a convenience for Pi Phi to our readers. Letters must be signed ll'ith full 'lame address, and alumnae to introduce legacies to collegiate • chapter If.. reser/'e the rIght to edit as needed to space reqUirements chapters_ Please complete the following to ensure and content msf that the chapter is aware of your legacy_A complete • list of chapters, their membership chairmen and ad­ dresses appear on pages 31 -37- Please remember Hooray! that this introduction does not take the place It has taken me more than a year, but IBM has given approval for its of a Rush Information Form. matching grants program to contribute to our Friendship Fund. That is, they will match the amount, two for one, of the half that is tax deduct­ ible. I know there must be other companies out there that will help us Date: ____________ support our Arrowmont School. Two suggestions . .. one is to put this letter in the summer ARROW To _______________ Chapter and the other is to compile a list of companies that will match funds, as we hear of them. ___________ College/University Judy Friend Strohm Iowa Gamma, (Iowa State) Westchester Alumnae Club sister Chappagua, N.V. This is to inform you that my daughter grandaughter + Pi Phi would be most happy to hear about other companies who have made matching funds available for contributions to our philan­ thropy. name from _____________will belis a city, state student on your campus as a freshman, so ph- ARROW Power omore, junior, senior (circle one) beginning I want to bring you further news of the six couples from Illinois Zeta who were pictured in the Spring 1988 ARROW, page 10 ... [It'sJ called ________~(date). the power of The ARROW. The University of Illinois picked up on the story and ran it in their Her school address (if kbown) will be/is Alumni News for March, 1988, under the title " Deja Vu - Illinois Style." It was seen by a man who had graduated from Illinois and worked for the Chicago Sun-Times. He phoned to ask if he could interview each couple, one by one, and the story ran on the front page (and four more columns inside) of the April 17 [editionJ. He focused on the marriages, the husband's successful careers and the fact that all of the children had received college degrees. Signed: ___~---~~------- Any front page story can be expected to be syndicated throughout First, Maiden, Last the country. Resulting stories appeared in [at least four papersJ in the Chicago area, and inquiries and comments are still being received from friends and publications across the country. The Phi Delt Scroll gave Street Address it a full page, identifying all but the Hindsleys, since Huck is a Phi Gam - though one of his sons became a Phi Delt at Illinois. The Boca Raton Globe called to ask if they could conduct interviews City State Zip Telephone by telephone and each Pi Phi was contacted ...The Minnesota Star Tribune printed the story and the University of Minnesota Alumni Chapter of Initiation ___________ Association ... ran a full page ad for the Greek system in their October issue of " Minnesota," carrying the pictures and story, without identify­ Year of Initiation _________ ing them as Pi Phis, of course. I think you will be interested to know that the group is planning a 40th year reunion at an Illinois game in October. Jane Edwards McPherson Send completed form to Chapter Membership orth Shore (IL) Alumnae Club Chairman concerned. A complete list is found Glenview, IL on pages 31 -37 of this issue of the ARROW 2 THE ARROW OF PI BETA PHI r .. ARROW Editor FOUNDERS OF THE FRATERNITY Marilyn Simpson Ford Emma Brownlee Kilgore (1848-1924) (Mrs. William W., Jr.), Margaret Campbell (1846-1936) 268 Underwood Dr., N.W., Libbie Brook Gaddis (1850-1933) Atlanta, GA 30328 Ada Bruen Grier (1848·1924) From Pi Phi Pens Clara Brownlee Hutchinson (Book Reviews) (1850-1931) Clare Harding Sanford Fannie Whitenack Libbey (1848-1941) (Mrs. Frank W.), Little Rosa Moore (1848-1924) Professor Book Center, Jennie Nicol, M. D. (1845-1881) Hilltown Village Center, Inez Smith Soule (1846-1941) Chesterfield, MO 63017 Fannie Thomson (1848-1868) Jennie Horne Turnbull (1846-1932) Arrow File and In Memoriam Nancy Black Wallace (1846-1918) Pi Beta Phi Central Office, 7730 Carondelet, Suite 333, St. Louis, MO 63105 Founded 1867 ~~E:~ » - COlLECt 'IIIAll .. NITY EDfTORSAS$OCIATlQf\I The ARROW of Pi Beta Phi (USPS 032-540) is published quarterly by Pi Beta Phi Fraternity, 7730 Carondelet, Suite 333, St. Louis, MO 63105-3328. Second class postage paid at St. Louis, MO and at additional mailing office. POSTMASTER: Send address changes to The ARROW of Pi Beta Phi, 7730 Carondelet, Suite 333, St. Louis, Mo 63105-3328. Correspondence of an editorial nature is to be addressed to the editor (see name listed above). Cor· respondence of a business nature should be sent to Pi Beta Phi Central Office, 7730 Carondelet, Suite 333, St. Louis, MO 63105. PI BETA PHI FRATERNITY cial Organ of Pi Beta Phi 7730 Carondelet, Suite 333 St. Louis, Mo. 63105 l off the ARROW hooli It's always fun to hear from old friends, especially request an application from Ms. Jane Reimenschneider, when the notes are full of special news. Such was the 671 Bronx River Rd ., Apt 5H, Yonkers, NY. 10704, case when Jeanie Hester Hillis, a former national and should return the completed form by August 1, Director, writes about her daughter, Cindy Hillis 1989. Johnson, California Theta. Cindy lives in Lafayette, Calif. , and is Bank of America vice president and manager in corporate human relations. She has been Early in 1968 I received a telephone call from then appointed to the Business Advisory Council of The Grand President Dorothy Weaver Morgan asking if I National Alliance of Busines (NAB). This council, would consider becoming editor of The ARROW The consisting of 33 human resource executives of For­ call came as a great surprise but, after conferring with tune 500 companies, helps shape NAB 's position on my husband and four youngsters, and at their urging, major workforce policy questions. I agreed to fill the vacancy. Since that time I have Pi Phi shares Jeannie's pride in the accomplishments worked with five Grand PreSidents, one Grand Presi­ of her daughter. dent Emeritus, two Grand Treasurers Emeritus, na­ Another California resident has been honored tional and province officers by the score, and friends recently and congratulations go to Barbara Balbach by the hundreds. The ARROW celebrated 100 years of Saelid, Arizona Alpha, who has been named Arcadia, publication during my tenure. Calif. , Citizen of the Year by the Chamber of Com­ Those years since 1968 have been busy ones­ merce. According to a clipping sent by Muriel Swen­ editing a magaZine that has grown in size of page as son McKellar, Barbara has served on many boards, well as in number of pages, as the Fraternity has committees and commissions in her home town, in­ grown. With new technologies, The ARROW has ad­ cluding eight years on the Sister City Commission and vanced from black and white print, with a second the Tournament of Roses board. In the past year, she color sometimes on the cover, to four-color sections. coordinated the Sister City International art project Working with other Greek editors, both men and and arranged host families for students visiting Ar­ women, in the College Fraternity Editors Association cadia from Newcastle, Australia, and the 120 member and National Panhellenic Editors Conference has been troupe of Up With People. a special pleasure and I shall miss those talented In making the selections, the chamber looked for people. individuals who contributed to the welfare and better­ But it's time to pass this task on to a new editor, ment of Arcadia, as well as those who gave evidence whoever she may be. I will miss having stacks of mail of lasting contributions and leadership. at deadline time. I will miss those frantic phone calls Muriel says Barbara is a terrific gal with loads of asking for a deadline extension because the energy, dedicated to many causes and a wonderful photographer lost the pictures. I will miss scheduling mother, wife and Pi Phi. Barbara's mother is also a Pi my life around ARROW deadlines and proofs times. Phi - Hoige Williams Balbach, Oregon Beta. But the friendships I cherish and the love for Pi Beta Phi will continue as I sign my name for the last time to this page. Betty Lofton, Director of Membership, reports en­ couraging legacy rush statistics. Based on 110 chapters May I share a favorite little bit of poetry with you? reporting as late as mid-February, 34.75% of Pi Phi The author is unknown. legaCies in rush pledged Pi Phi and 15 .4% of all Pi Phi is a chain of gold pledge are Pi Phi legacies. What good news! Shaped in God's all perfect mold; Each link a smile, a laugh, a tear, A grip of the hand, a word of cheer. New York City Panhellenic will award two S750 No matter how far or heavy the load, Fellowships to sorority women doing full time grad Sweet is the journey on Pi Phi's friendship work at a college or university in the New York City road! Metro area during 1989-90.
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