.<• y;>.& -•-•A^?W? <?.r.! •!->'.' V '-' M -TV**" RARITAN MOST PROGRESSIVE TOWNSHIP WITH THE SUBURBAN NEWSPAPER LARGEST IN GUARANTEED THIS AREA CIRCULATION "The Voice of the Raritan Bay District" VOL. IV.—NO. 40 FORDS, X. J., FRIDAY, DECEMBER 8, 1939 PRICE THREE CENT? Want Your GiftTo Arrive On Time? HELEGAARD NAMED <iE BARS Heed Postmaster Seyler's Warning JOHNSON'S IN ANNUAL VOTING W00DBR1DGE-CARTERET Annual List Of Do's And Donts For Christmas Mailers BY FIREMEN'S UNIT ANDERSON Released; No Deliveries To Be Made December 25 BAR PLEA Fords, Hopelawn, Keasbey FORDS—The full cooperation of the public to as- Group Also Elects Dam- GRID TILT '39 OFF sure the successful handling" of Christmas mail was asked bach And Parsler AS ICOP today by Postmaster Edward Seyler. HITSSNAG Tentative Plans Call For Plan To Appoint Fords Man "It is necessary," Mr. Seyler said, "to have all pack- Big Highway Restaurant FIRE MARSHAL GUEST Wide Response Made To Campaign Game. Between Old Ri- Collapses In Face Of ages securely wrapped and fastened and that they be Plan To Sell Liquor FORDS—William Helegaard, of vals Next Year mailed early enough to assure delivery before Christmas. this place, was elected president of Of Fords Clubwomen For Library Illegality Claim There will be no deliveries on Opposed By B. & L. the United Exempt Firemen's As- SATURDAY GAME SEEN Christmas Day, other than Special sociation or Fords, Keasbey and Harry Hansen Post, American Legion, To Conduct Tag OLD 'PROMISE' CITED Delivery mail." OFFICIALS IN RARITAN SITUATION!^ STUDIED Hopelawn at the annual election DENTING COURT DEBU if Mr. Seyler listed the last dates ENROLL FOR COURSES of officers held here. The new prc- Sale Tomorrow As Means Of Boosting Drive Fund Third Ward Group Insists on which parcels should be mailed Company Offers To Buy Li- ident succeeds Joseph LaZizza, of Both Schools To Open Bas- to reach the various states before Treasurer And Tax Colec- Hopelawn. FORDS—A most gratifying response was made dur- ketball Season Earlier Nomination Should Go Christmas as follows: cense Of Salvia To Over- Other officers named were: ing the past week to the plea of the Fords Woman's Club To Carmen Zullo December 16: Arizona, Califor- tor Matriculate In New- come Legal Obstacle William Dambach, of Keasbey, for public subscriptions to the fund it is raising to finance Than In Past nia, Nevada, Oregon and Washing- first vice president; Steven Sutch, ark School WOODBRIDGE—The efforts of Hopelawn, second vice presi- the equipment and maintenance of a library. The cam- WOODBRIDGE — Woodbridge WOODBRIDGE—The appoint- ton. and Carteret High Schools will ment of Harry Anderson, of Fords, December 17: Colorado, Idaho, of the Gibralter Corporation of dent; Joseph Dambach, Jr., of RARITAN TOWNSHIP — For Fords, Secretary; Howard Sharp, paign will continue until sufficient money to underwrite meet on the gridiron—not in a to the police force, a virtual cer- Montana, New Mexoca, North Da- the purpose of giving the taxpay- Route 29 and Loree Avenue, op- tainty over the week-end, failed to erators of the Howard Johnson of Fords, treasurer, and Leonard the project has been collected. post season game, but on Novem- kota, South Dakota, Texas, Utah, ers of Raritan Township the best Fischer of Fords, sergeant-at-arms. Am- ber 16, 1940. materialize at Township meeting Wyoming. type of public service, Township Restaurant, to secure a- liquor li- The Harry Hansen Post, Monday night. A recess that con- cense, have hit another snag. Michael J. Parsler, of Keasbey, erican Legion will conduct a tag The football date was tempor- December 18: Arkansas, Flori- Treasurer Clifford Gillis and Tax arily agreed upon this week, as tinued for an" hour and twenty da, Kansas, Louisiana, Minnesota, Collector James Kirkpatrick have The Township Committee re- was elected representative to the day tomorrow for the benefit of minutes and was devoted to the Relief Association of the New Jer- the drive and all the proceeds of BIG CROWD TO SEE the result of this newspaper's pro- Mississippi, Nebraska, Oklahoma, enrolled in a finance course at the cently denied the corporation a posal to re-establish relationship Anderson matter, was fruitless in Boys' Vocational School in Newark, sey State Firemen's Association this effort will be turned over to Wisconsin. liquor license due to the fact that for a term of three years. between the two institutions. settling the question as to whether The course is conducted by the the club. In addition to solicita- ANNUAL MINSTREL the plan would be legal. December IS): Alabama, Geor- the maximum number of permits Fire Marshal Peter Campbell, tions in Fords, the tag sale will be Arrangements for a post sea- gia, Indiana, Illinois, Iowa, Ken- Municipal Finance Officers' As- available under the Township or- son contest, which was to have sociation each Friday evening. It of Perth Amboy, was the guest extended into Keasbey, Hopelawn According to several members of tucky, Maine, Michigan, Missouri, dinance, had been exhausted and speaker of the evening. He spoke and a part of Raritan Township. been played tomorrow, wore halted the Township committtee, "Mr. New Hampshire, North Carolina, includes a series of seven lectures because the state law has estab- over the week-end. Basketball on all municipal finance work and on the subject, "Cooperation of The Fords National Bank led Anderson is pushing 40" and al- Ohio, South Carolina, Tennessee, lished a five year residence re- Members to the Association." coaches at both schools suddenly though the Township ordinance Virginia, West Virginia. is sponsored by the Princeton Uni- quirement. the list of subscribers during the Performance Will Be Giv- realized that a dilated campaign versity Survey Commission. The organization voted to do- week with a donation to the li- sets the age limit at 40, the state December 20: Connecticut, Del- The operators said that they ap- nate ?5 to the Fords Library fund en Tonight At 8 O'clock on the gridiron might prove dis- '"igislatuie recently passed a bill aware, Maryland, Massachusetts, Participation in the course was pealed to D. Frederick Burnett, brary fund of $50. Contributions astrous to their respective pro- placing the maximum age for pros- and $2 to the Red Cross. of $25 apiece were reported from New Jersey, New York, Pennsyl- voluntary on the part of the two Alcoholic Beverage Control Com- LaZizza thanked the members In School No. 3 gram. pective policemen at 35. Town- vania, Rhode Island, Vermont. township finance administrators. missioner, and received the opin- the Heyden Chemical Company, ship Attorney Leon E. McElroy, it for their splendid cooperation dur- Dr. Ralph Deutch and Dr. Gilbert Hurried consultations between ion that the five year requirement ing his term of office and asked PROCEEDS GO TO POOR football and basketball tutors, is understood, advised the commit- did not apply to them. O'Ncil and gifts of $5 were receiv- Saturday and Sunday, terminated tee the state law supersedes and them to give the same support to ed from the Ladies' Auxiliary to As its next step in securing a the new president. PISCATAWAYTOWN—A re- in the warping: of last week's pro- therefore Mr, Anderson's appoint- Robber Of Four Homes Here Still Harry Hansen Post, the Keasbey cord attendance is expected to posed project. ment would be illegal. license, the corporation made ar- The next meeting will be held Fire Company, the Hopelawn Fire rangements with Theresa Salvia, January 5 at Fords where all meet- witness the annual minstrel show It was pointed out that Wood- Alternative Refused Company and Beef's Bar Flies. to be presented by members of bridge opens its court season De- Manages\To Elude Police Dragnet of Rahway Avenue, to purchase ings will be held during 1940. Donations of $1 each were -sent in From reliable sources it was her license if the Township Com- Raritan Engine Company No. 1 cember ID and Carteret's schedule learned (hat those in favor of Mr. by Mrs. Hansine Petersen, Carl tonight at 8 o'clock in th'e audit- gets under way a few days later. mitee would approve the trans- Dettmer and Dr. M. Landau. Anderson's police appointment Captain Egan And Sergeant Balint, Detailed To Case, fer. A protest was received from orium of School No. '.I here Because of this early start, bas- suggested that the resolution, mak- Unable To Locate Any Clues Leading To Criminal •the Port Reading Building and LEGION SPONSORS Contributions of $18 were The stage production has a set- ketball-playing members of the two ing the appointment, should speci- Loan Association, mortgagee of previously acknowledged, bringing ting which revives pleasant days football squads were summoned to cally state that • Mr. Anderson S the total receipts to date to $1'67. of the "Gay Nineties" and is report for daily practice- sessions. would not be eligible for pension. WOODBRIDGE—With four unsolved house robber- the Salvia property, which de- TAG DAY' TO AID clared that there was $G00 in back Wide commendation has been packed with thrills and laughs. Another week of gridiron drills LBut even with this provision, Mr. ies on the police records, local authorities are keeping a voiced for the Woman's Club for Thomas Swales, Si\, is coaching would have undermined basketball [cElroy believes it would be il- taxes due on the premises. It re- close watch on the residential districts of the Township. quested that the transfer be held LIBRARYCAMPASGN undertaking a project of such the show with Paul Berrue serv- possibilities. until the taxes were paiii. portions. The organization for ing as general chairman. Football fans here and ,in Car- [r.
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