2 Radio Doings September 2' AM RAD ZYMPNONIC J'ERIEf DYNAMIC RADIO MODEL) What a rich and glorious tone you will hear in these Amrad Models of the Sym- phonic Series. Full volume, thrilling beauty -with pure and undistorted melody. Each receiver has finest type of built -in Dynamic power Speaker. And each one is the latest type of purely electrical radio with NO batteries, NO extra devices, NO trouble. You simply at- tach your radio to any con- venient lamp - socket and listen ! THE NOCTURNE Beautiful walnut console, single dial control, including power tubes and Dynamic Speaker. Price X310 (not including tubes). IFritr us Jar name o/ merest Amrad Dealer. Ile will bt pled to arraeyt demonstration. Exehr.+íre iron hernia 11' 'óetrrrz gRVLáravÉNS[RO qAD10 eQUIOMa 1630-32 ' 121-131 S. Los Angeles St.. Ninth Street LOS ANGELES SAN FRANCISCO Sep!ember 29 Radio Doings .p , :1. = Beau t i the p e ra SLOWLY the cumin rises to the strains of the majestic overture -for it is the night of the opera. Before us is a gripping theme, depicting all the joy and sadness of a life to be lived. Soft and sweet- consoling-a song steals o'er us -in chains of silent admiration we hear the plea of golden voiced sopranos. Then stronger, harsher, in notes that reverberate in the very heavens-a chant from the lips of a world -famed tenor. Beauty and pathos pass in quick succession- much too soon we hear the deafening tones of the grand finale. A Temple speaker takes you to the very stage where the beauty of the opera may be enjoyed in all its splendor, where every note, every syllable, every word comes to you with clarity, no straining of the senses -you enjoy it in soothing relaxed con. Moder 15 tenement. Every tone is as clear and true as crystal Column Speaker $29 Temple Air and every word as if it were spoken before you. Temple speakers arc available in two sneak], Model is As the relined and improved air column speaker --the a u type .a palter upon which Temple macaw warp founded- but now better than ever -price 5=9.00. Moir! :0 Temple Air Chrome rrprnenta a aens,tumal new development in loud apakm The open radiator consists of rwo acnoro instead of one. dnven by the powerful Temple Double Action Umt, thus aulnunnally ntueaamg the valore and pain nngrprtce 129.00 TEMPLE, INC. Leaden in Speaker Drsirrs 1925 S. Western Ave. Chicago, U. S. A. ,._ Model 20 Temple Air Chrome Speaker TEMPLE SPEAKERS .South.,is Ltr(i /ornitr,D,..lript:fori Herbert H. Horn Co. National Radio & Supply Co. C. C. Lawton Co. Yale Radio Electric Co. n U n h u u n Owners of Royale Receivers are reporting marvelous per- nu formance. Distant stations II with volume and clarity. Highly selective -per f e c t reproduction -amazing pow- er. A quality A. C. receiver at an astonishingly low price. ROYALE -MODEL 82 Price, complete with tubes, $169.50 In beanti/ul United cabinet with sliding doors. II A soundly engineered all -elec- tric receiver employing seven u A. C. tubes, including rectifier . Utah power speaker .. beautiful United Cabinets. See and hear the Royale. Then MODEL 81 you will realize that it is the This popular model is priced greatest value in radio. as $139.50 C. W. Smith CO. 407 E. Pico St. Suite 506 Tel WE. 9466 Los Angeles September 29 Radio Doings 5 The New Allocation Plan The Federal Radio Commission has announced its startling plan for the reallocation of wave lengths. The members of the Commission have been working steadily for two years on a program to relieve the congestion of the air. Their prime object was to fix the posi- tions, time and frequency of stations in such a way that the American public would receive the greatest benefit from the magnificent programs that are being broadcast. Individually and as a body the Commissioners have been both criticised and beset for favors on every side by persons and factions motivated for the most part by selfish interest. Every politician wanted to be sure that his constituents received their share of stations or more. Nearly every industrial, religious and political group requested advantageous channels for their stations nr the station in which they were interested. Listeners -in everywhere were clamoring for relief, but no matter which way the Commission moved it was inevitably assailed. Finally it decided to use the inherent power given it under the 1926 Radio Law. The plan, which is to go into effect on November 11tíí, was finally formulated and is now presented. It is a drastic move. Several high -powered stations and a number of lower- powered broadcasters have been eliminated entirely. Many stations are forced to share time on the same wave length and in some instances as many as three stations must split time. This great National change being so extreme, the Commission decided not to con- sider it effective immediately hut to allow a period of 60 days for hearings. This will give the stations and interested groups an opportunity to present any objections they may have. Indications are that there will probably be many such cases, for, to give you an instance of how radical is the new schedule, only one Southern California station will remain on its present wave length! These complaint proceedings will bring about numerous changes between now and the first part of November. Information and logs given out before that time would, of course, be premature and may cause much confusion. Arrangements have been made whereby Radio Doings will receive the final changes from the office of the Federal Radio Commission. At that time, which will be just before November 11th, a complete cross indexed Call Book will he published. Not only American but prominent European, Canadian, Mexican, Japanese, Australian and New Zealand stations will be listed alpha- betically and by frequency. This up -to- the -minute Radio Doings Call Book will also contain radio and technical information of a readily understandable and interesting nature. In addition there will he a complete DIAL-LOG which will schematically represent the positions en your dials of the prominent Western stations both before and after November 11th. This will he invaluable to each of you who listen in, for the new positions of the stations can be easily and quickly calculated by comparing them with their former dial locations. Reserve YOUR Call Book now and it will arrive in your home just before the day on which all the stations change! Use this Coupon Tear Here Use this Coupon THE NEW RADIO DOINGS CALL BOOK 25e Radio Doings, 407 East Pico Street, Los Angeles, Calif. 25e Please find enclosed 25c in stamps, money order, or cash. Send me the 1928 -9 Call Book which contains the new listings and the DIAL -LOG. Have it reach me for ose on November 11th. Name.... Address State.. RADIO DOINGS, September 29. 1928. Issued weekly at Los Angeles. Calif. Volume 13, No. 14. Subscription $3.00 a year. Entered as second class matter, November 15, 1922, Los Angeles, Calif., Post Office, under Act of March 3, 1927. Radio Drintrs September 0 The Best Set Yet Is the One You Build Yourself Get the Dope on These You'll Be Surprised THE S -M 720 SCREEN GRID SIX S -M 720 Kit Complete, $72.50 THE 710 SARGENT -RAYMENT The Complete Kit. $130.00 -Fartory Wired. $150.00 THE REMLER "29" SHIELD GRID SUPERHETERODYNE 29 Kit Complete, $131.25 -Remler Amplifier, $112 51) THE SCOTT SHIELD GRID NINE Complete Kit, $138.10 Power Amplifier, $83.00 TELEVISION Daven- National -Raytheon- Baldor SHORT WAVE Aero -Silver -Marshall- Hammarlund- National Full Stock of Thordarson and Acme Equipment for 171, 210 and 250 Power Amplifiers and Transmitting Sets - What Do You- Require? RADIO SUPPLY CO. H. A. DEMAREST, President 912.914 S. Broadway VA. 60G3 l.o Angeles, Calif WHOLESALE Largest Rac/iD Parts Jobber West of Chicago The RADIO SUPPLY CO. "THE PARTS WAREHOUSE OF THE WEST" Watch This List of Parts for Changes Alco Loops Dubilier Condenser Corp. Phonovox Pickups Acme Apparatus Dudlo Mfg. Co. Wire Polymet Condensers Acme Wire Dunham Loops Preston DX Ground Advance Crystals Eby Binding Posts QRS Tubes Acre- Product Ekko Ground Clamps Racon Horns Aerovox Wireless Electrad Products Radial! Co. Amperites Products Elkon Chargers Radio Owls All- American Products E.senbee Ball Aerial Raytheon Tubes American Beauty Irons Flewelling Adaptors Readrite Meters Amertran Products Formica REL Apparatus Amperites Insulation Co. Remler Products Franco B Batteries Amsco Condensers Frost Products Samson Transformers Sangamo Condensers Baldwin Units General Radio Parts Scranton Hydrometers Baldor Motors Goodrich Rubber Panels Selectone Transformers Benjamin Elec. Mfg. Co. Gosilco Wire Sensory Insulators Benwood Linze Rectifiers Skindervicken Buttons Products HFL Transformers Birnbach Hammarlund Products Silver Marshall Products Bodine Loops Coila & Hedgehog Transformers Sovereign AC Tubes Brandes Phones H -K Sodderdipt Lugs Spaulding Bakelite Branston Honeycomb Steinite Eliminators Coils Hoosick Parts Infradyne Parts Sterling Meters and Bremer -Tully Products Testers Bretwood Leaks Jefferson Products Sunset Aerials and Browning -Drake Kits Jones Cables Grounds Bruno Coils Karas Products Thordarson Trans Camfield Coils Kelbrackets Tobe Condensers Carborundum Products Kellogg Parts Tom Mack Products Cardwell Condensers Knapp Power Units Tower Speakers Carter Products Kodel Products Trimm Cone Speakers CeCo Tubes Kurz-Kasch Dials Tyrman Parts Celeron Panel, Kuprox Chargers Universal Battery Clips C R L Var High Lynch Leaks Utah Units Resistance Magnaforrner Units Vesta Power Units Chicago Kester Solder Magnavox Dynamics Victoreen Parts Clarostat Marco Products Ward Leonard Prnducti Corning Pyrex Master Voltage Controls Wesholly Ground and Crescent Transformers Mueller Universal Clip.:, Aerial Daven Radio Parts Naald Parts Weston Products DeJur Rheostats National Soldering Irons Weber) Power Units Deluxe Products National Co.
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