.V In \~ b mm at tkrxts. two dollars fi;r year. TIIK WORLD W GOVERNED !\n» MtTIf ONf. POLLAR AWD FIFTY COTl l!« All VAN C*. NEW SERIES. VOL. 17. NO. !. MAINE. PARIS, FRIDAY, MARCH *23. 18W. OLD SERIES, VOLUME 83, NO. 19. THE OXFOKD DEMOCRAT, I'l IM IV. — Rmtt I *«>!"«•. l*>iJmeis. ftmiy MISCELLANEOUS. Aub'Durt or I Hi. A I'aiW- Serf. I K«* tkr SrH <*i»4 irtH A. »»p»ri. D. Wfctta, Hwifr-M; Mr*. A. H. i*t tnmular kia woe m4 w do/ tbnfdy WM. A. riDOIN & farmers' Hrpartmrnt. ■rnl rtmf | Pari* Co., rref ofpottbiM, Hiav*-r, ; Mr». John M. ul Lto«, aafcrd lU grrfttawt «alu« (I Ur lm( Joah on "imp Sufeox r. — r mnr mi rr»« s. tbb rut." Billing* 8kmt:»f. Mr Wow *"* «Ml, M Mot It-M littn half U KTt. 6 UO F.mmtm*. old mrr rvm ■ • • herd mu<ch about " AM iW I* "J Fur tWc l«< Ihtmttmi* M mm/'mrturrm. Having aej life, («| roadartrtl rtprrtxni in ?katicg- sir; tad kow obi in ImI>H '<• Sixty jrea?"* rlarl« nil ■ and Um> •" JOHN 3. P r. N N I r. 4 11 • V. mhi—nN r— rmi»i«£ ibf of c*rro«», J. II. U>ff or. Mr* P*rk«. (7>U iwnwi at health wkI — Urfnt Ln»h A« old tW «Hr4 *>lS Itlltnlt. crop AlUny; w cmboa," «ii Um •i tW !•••( «v| m not t«M Iku II. I ■writ lk»» »o« tew liw pton, Norway; Mr*. J. C. iMpvting pmrnt M A IOM. um fcxtftk of w IriUSfbM TFH 1* «>•» at irn. 2 00 l» Fiflf «>•«• |» Pkra {tnrrukvn it » alite iJtiim tmm ladcod, • ■■ a are of tba mum with *«>, It<w# Tm OvIUfi if m •• >aTW*y«b i(« («}■»•* Oxford I I ti<-ket County Agricultural Society. Brtmd. bought iim] went aitkia the (mm. Ailoui Dit;*.or. Ill r.cuitnr*! tad F.»* T ,yi « !»*«*•«.» TW» T»< nU'Fnrtk Aumt KaktkiUo* -Af Cper*tu—. J. C. MmW. r»i. Mr*. W. L. >«*/»- 1 found the in !• I co«<!i*bun. Cum txn alippery 1 wt« to Um vkco • •• I I Li > »■»«» IM >»• V «H Mrf I* I.—PutwiM I>k»«imw SIm u. "C'ertaislj; garden i K wilt li« Wl<i uM lfc» frt tii.il* of >kr lou, Oil>nl; Mr*. A. T. tkovt 5 ikrn of N < So>iH». lloll, covering irtrfitWII vtlcr. !»' K-.«t a, S»cl 1. For tbr bret Nonraj. iWr were." tgtM*. <>« rpreiwM-n a4 plow- Srr*1le W;rk mmd J«»K fKI> ri.N<i •!»««• Tiirwlaj, WrOnrtiUj uJ Tkur»J*i, which «w owned hi I atocfc and *• «lw»ini>w mmmllj ing witH mmy ia»«ni •»! itw. lb* MUltmfry. eovpanr. I ban alvtu Ward that tberr >U a OrtoUr 10 «k^«4< 9. 4*4 11, ltitf. farrow eat Itm tbu A. L I*arl>»4ik. r*n» -Mr*. J. 8. frote tew onier. tvin| right i»- third prrawo ia tW garden auk tt«o.* ff rt«t Ilolnw. Oxfuni ; Mr*. II G. om lidt of Rr.VISP.|» Iftl/.F LIST. S (W Cole, Nor* Cpon the wu erekted " pood pliod the doctor with great cooloaaa. bat O. D. illfc« KK do., J MU ■•J littlo where |To*ry boildina. the wimaia 1 acm kM« D-.vit.on I—Lire Stock. Tbird do I btfm toot it wu "J aot on !>eo<-bea jmi." J•/rintttunl Jmpitmmt-a. while the frllera " t 11 im 2 For br»t evbibiti >n of (ki»*erwd onn«rllor Mod It' rnrt at l.a» 1 —llnrtni drawing. by J u%m nt *, M Joo*. with hitched the ft. !'»iarbea ia girth and WiliMm, n*rk, blu*bea) at{kk iron tew in i hi in t». unr. Sari. 1. For Ik* k« u StaBio* ia tkii l'»r» la a »»n krp* r«r*^dmf that nar, S <W ; Vs. Hall, their feet. Brktanjr, 1* ( lit Xonny. ilJKfl' Hark I •» »ar»ly Kkuxt, for all »>rk ; Mi cwstoa certain HawriM, *wl Uf »!• A f" Bwnait 4».( a prevails Oa fete 2 M) \fi*crtl>im*r-UM It wa/ oao«t *crne ; the >m waa day* MM l«>. W M rlwIltMMT, sad (MWiJ- 3 For JrftW/*. n»iting 4ki '• 4»l Mm* ducilll; pf«li.rr« Uwt rdibili'xi of bt the ladies Ml red • k r««*« X. in the »kf»—and the wind wa* in »W*J ipfNtr mdcrp«tti- r<w»«( 4 at rr*M frtJ. I own lr»» than 6 ft. T. True, II. K»iwin llan* tho air— ■Ui 10 in. in ? 00 villi «kiu or r—»«. u«J 4o. C»t girts. and tho coats. «tllow bordwi around 2 ^ixmJ do., 1 on »xnl. Pari*; Mr*. T II Bmtn, l*aria; bird* wero in tU Sowth-and the 3 Kuf lU bc«< 3 »*l ibca. TW »—Lit ml lbn« <W*oWi Um In-flirj Mart. 4 lur iba W«t « ikitxtiOB of (>» Mr«'L II. anow waa or. the the ire Kivocn JR. SrtvnJ da Wri*kjr. Norway. groand—and Jar POSTER. 1 0(1 a Hittkr \J «<tn portion ike faibrr M to to boj oU. Book with a bad cold—and williaf fin 3 For tW Wat lVft» uif* ? <*• It-pnU, /.'<*/A<r mi t'mntUure. rhirerrng ang'-lia (ot and Cah. ■laafklrr Lark white Haxl («i«^ll»r \Uornrt at Law. f '»«l two irirt ( both me r»presenting ck) nil. 1 Ul> Ci*m II — S. S. gender*) Aiktiiatrd pa»r pro and !>%ikt PkiM (1». Ilall, ; K. A. Voun*. betokens a bun«Irrd I vr tU tx at u*c Norway con. liKtr, francs of rent; ■ KTHEi V«nC. year okl('»lt. (UA ! and fro, here a little and there a S*t|, I. For tbr heat t> Wert Pari*; B. T. Altec. Mil to*. or aprcmn of K»f and rack vellow means 4 l W«t 4 u»n ol«l ('oil, .» ft» band gold, and rr«o—. (Lark a* Tmdiiif attlrli ik4 Itm good deal. r*«, | f IW Jot !*»l S rW«<«. tlttn .10 Ibl.. l>*M la «a4 «■ IWt>»4 Tr\>tti«g irartoU t oil. 3 l" rtaad* lor a Aoaaaal a Tbas. a H»ro«i> 4a 1 0U Docbije It na a n»o«t I vmH year. 3 For beat Work M<i KiaiN llofw, 3 W Mim»o> FttMru. Om p?«t cashing rm«; Tkr4 " y naaf farwarr wbo Mfi a fare that C tW tio.. iO trw boiler or down plraaaa GKOROK A. For Lr*l trotting kurw (kit Itti pnaciple of aocceaa ii ia Bully,** by anl ntr WILSOJJ. 2 I'vr ihr Uc»< of Juac Irtrtiuf tuaa, has to at tbe Wen r«.«e<l M»J a .i»d«I »itb- iprtiawn IwUcr, OWT only fiance inaawp d«i) n<«t Itm iban 3>i • tr»J« vtU an.I to it. It i ia IU., 2 atickiag require* oi toe to teara ra an instant what onaM-llor and at tW Iiauil llflln S" lu 00 Hot i and petticoat \tfornrt law. irlj, S*« o*»«l «fa ,. (*> a t»o»e to know kept in. aired with tbr l«e«t Uvll bor*e owe 1 lu*j> everything connected flory. OriKI For in| «1 arrailfl Itltlllt Tkrl do 3W • i?b ltehk »»< on a nobel! Until, ia iW Stale. 30 00 «urrc»»ful buaineae. An acjiaiatance, piklrrrd mrnny 3 For tbr Um of HOITM N<> «n ipccia^n Fall a brom. r%RI». M»: old. broken <1 korw will U a«i- IwUtr, it«d d«»ler. Natfd tUt for llw tint not Itm iku 10 1 ^ five Um. PamaorMi at llimaiM \ Jf yi a—I lh <1lffcla4 u aiUni la fur tlw tUi>« pc—li, *< At the (rmtit an rilhnia| 24 »«aj*ta prtaiuai. Si rood do *n. Im coul«l m: tKrrtiia Uat be axle jrlit pat over ik poad. 73 I Wrt Iw |on •gain. aaid Mr*. P.. in aide aide witk tike • Tbifi do AO Hut be ■»« by male ang> II*. it «u WJC. WIRT VIRGIN >bvt!iiB|. lr«rnui(, lUf.re tbe as a Member stood far fWe most legislature, up Ci tu II -SutStwi. ten jr*i • be tii < five powerful mne I rwr Mood be leanag tboaaaad ioU ike fahU irase to on tbe imi CiaQsellor A Ci »»» kirn!. speak <!■*** at Law III.—Hiup. isrv •* Attorney Sect- 1. For ik* bast oka of a. rk- per year. Another vu ii w«U ia laoa. berr HORN j Sr<-t. »r >mg 1 ke (naa like a soda loan- If. MB. 1. I brM ln«f of vk«U 30 The red fmm •ac (H«, 3 Oft kiwi, Hut be vu long tape tkeir neck a iwnw I or twat k«) of briwn manafartaring ropee unviable Jam. an<l just as iaid as water, Now, l««t biuJ, M in thf an do., 3 W in miwl, an>i bit heeexe. l tke IntSen in tke «»•>l«l\f r»" although friend* a>!vi*ed mind are lUrk P»m Itoanl » A l*r• • Isaac. ksaa. and if can't be- 3 Far tU U«t Town I im ■>( •• f. ittere ywa • aorkmp Una to to Jockey* l in tke and o'ber »l W fm bang the be «u not Kr»»», cwaao a a«, JitaivJ al f»n ■ iMi oun, ol aot 1cm iktn tea 10 •»» Division IV—Manufactures ropea." of ike koima af keasi yok*. (tew mutck to speaker npei MN. »«- ricb fa«t bat be tkinp mrMinn) Mattered in 8en>ad 4a.
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