ly, JUM 4/ Ifii DENVER ARCHDIOCeSAN EDITION i& t ADF Donations ismST Ims, buttoi witiM Awurnn S o r t n j « T op $1 M illion te llent srythlm,*^ Contributions to the Archdiocesan Annunciation, Leadville — $5,721.50 for 4 Development Fund campaign (ADF) hit ($3,384). SJ840 c ■ $1,024,374 this week—approaching a point St. Joseph’s, Leadville ~ $2,034.50 a quarter o f a million dollars beyond the ($1,955). $753,500 goal. St. Joseph’s Colorado Springs — $1,099 The total, of which $486,581 already ($1,019). has been realized in cash, exceeded the St. Catherine’s, Burlington — $2,095.38 total 1967 ADF pledge by about $75,000. ($519). Father Robert Syrianey, ADF. director St. Patrick’s, Holyoke — $2,335 ($1,053). and pastor, of Our Lady of Fatima parish, Sacred Heart, Peetz — $721 ($639). Lakewood, said officials, including Arch­ "n oJder h n bishop James V. Casey, were gratified by O ' Box i l l the response — particularly insofar as it constituted an endorsement of the arch­ diocesan war on poverty. IIOOM f^RD_ ARCHBISHOP Casey announced the 10 for L $1 million, three-year program to aid the ivate hoS disadvantaged of the archdiocese just a 0 care. 5? week before the annual ADF door-to-door campaign was conducted April 21. Al­ though the program involved no change in the already adopted ADF budget, $200,000 contained in that budget was diverted by the announcement from a badly needed central administration office to the anti-poverty campaign. Father Syrianey said seven parishes already have filled their quotas for the 1968 campaign, and realized excess amounts for parish use. Parishes were for schooiiil guaranteed they could retain any amount fiHa. 244-U}l Climax to the Year of Faith collected in excess of their quotas, al­ n e a r 64tiT a ii though the Archbishop — in announcing Fr. M. T. McNicholas 421-3170. More than 1,200 candidatas for the archdiocesan observance of the ita, Kans.; Hubert M. Newell of Chey­ the poverty program — expressed the ’’fenced ~ Year of Faith proclaimed by Pope if, saiescleri >nfirniation and their sponsors as- enne, Wyo.; and Victor Reed of Okla­ hope many would contribute all or part of 623 6765. [embled in the Denver Auditorium Paul VI. Archbishop James V. Casey homa City — in administering the these amounts to the program. St. Dom inic irena June 2 fo r the Pentecost A dult was joined by three other Ordinaries sacrament. Bishop Newell delivered He also reported $486,581 of the $1,- ECUS kinTn^ation cerem ony that clim axed — Bishops David M. Maloney of Wich­ the homily. 024,374 total already had been received Passi^ in cash. |o , Swefl. Pastor Dies f s to redu. Parishes which already have exceeded furnishing, 1,250 C onfirm ed their quotas are (quotas in parentheses): Requiem high Mass was offered at 9 h e fo rm t bank drift! Church of the Risen Christ, Denver, $4,- a.m. June 5 in St. Dominic’s church for St. ^/likitir Father Michael T. McNicholas. O.P., pas­ UlriksberJ 997.50 ($4,061). v e d e n . tor of the north Denver parish for the IkNTE^ past four and a half years. 'Stand Before the World^ Father McNicholas, 52, died in St. — etementiJ L CATHOLia, Joseph hospital at 3:12 p.m. June 1 after The Archdiocese of Denver capped its The number of candidates who, with ARCHBISHOP CASEY was assisted Prayers Asked M C E , 334 w ] a short illness, five days before the 25th ilk h a r t , I ectacular observance of the Year of their sponsors, crowded the floor of the in conferring the sacrament by Bishops Catholics of the archdiocese were anniversary of his ordination. faith proclaimed by Pope Paul VI with arena was more than double the number Victor J. Reed o f Oklahoma City; David* requested to pray for Senator Robert His brother. Father Timothy Mc­ pe conferring of the Sacrament of Confir- expected to participate when plans for the M. Maloney o f Wichita, Kans., former F. Kennedy and his family. ution on 1,260 men and women on Pen- public ceremony Hrst were announced. Auxiliary Bishop o f DenVer; and Bishop Nicholas, pastor o f Immaculate Heart of )st - the birthday of the Churclk ceremony constituted the second Hubert M. Newell of Cheyenne, Wyo., The Senator was wounded critically Mary parish in Cincinnati, O.. was prin­ Archbishop James V. Cesey and th »r eiabcnraie . ^ I ^ y o f lo^ ty^ by Catholics also a former priest of the archdiocese, by a would-be assassin with a 22-cal­ cipal concelebrant o f the funeral Mass. • Ordinaries conferred the sacramen of the archdioCiBBe dtuing the Tear of who delivered the homily. iber pistol in a Los Angeles hotel ear­ Eight Dominican priests also were ooncele- ly. j colorful cerenwniea in the Denver Faith, which ends fcmnally June 29 — Bishop Newell commented on the ly Ju n e Sf just after wiakfag a victory .brants. The Rosary was recited the even­ Auditorium arena, then welcomed the feast o f the martyrdom o f Sts. Peter and "AmaziDg freshness** the Church had dem- address in the wake of the CaUfomia ing of June 4 at St. Dominic’s. Inew apostles’* to Christism adulthood and Paul and the opening date of the special (Turn to Page 2) primary elections. them to "stand before the world as period in 1967. BURIAL W AS scheduled at St. Jo­ i witness to the life and Resurrection of The first was the Year of Faith rally seph’s Dominican priory at Somerset, O. |esus Christ and symbols of the living attended by 30,000 in Bears Stadium last Father McNicholas was’ born April 8, Oct. 29 — despite freezing cold and snow. 1916, in Chester, Pa., and attended Lay Directors Named schools in Chester and in. Columbus. O. He matriculated at Providence college. Providence, R.I.. and studied for the priesthood at St. Rose’s priory in Spring- In Plan To Revamp field, Ky., where he professed his Domini­ can vows Aug. 15, 1936. He continued his studies at the Do­ minican House of Studies in River Forest, Religious Education 111., and was ordained June 6, 1943. Father McNicholas* first assignment M Four laymen were appointed this week Uebelher, Dennis Dwyer, and Vincent was at Fenwick high school. Oak Park,’ to serve as religious Question coordina­ Leo Smith — who will help extend the 111., but he entered the Army Air Forces tors for the archdiocese in the Denver program throughout the archdiocese. as a chaplain soon after ordination. He metropolitan area. Central to inauguration of the pro­ served four years as a chaplain, at Nellis They will direct a restructured pro­ gram, Father St. Peter said, will be a field, Las Vegas. Nev., and Craig field, gram of religious education and teacher­ Pastoral Studies Institute scheduled at Tex.; and for two years in Saudi Arabia. training, as yet not developed fully, that Regis college June 17-July 26. The insti­ will go into operation during the 19^-69 tute constitutes a concentrated three-hour HE WAS prior at St. Anthony of Pad­ school year. I combined course of theology, catechetics, ua parish in New Orleans, La., and as­ Fr. Donald F. Dunn Fr. Michael A. Walah Fr. Warren Heidgen, O.S.B. Father Lawrence St. Peter, associate f^ychology, and sociology to be attended sistant pastor of St. Vincent Ferrer par­ superintendent o f education for the arch­ by the lay coordinators, Sisters, and diocese, described both the appointment of ish, River Forest, before being appointed priests involved. pastor of St. Dominic’s, Sept. 2, 1963. laymen as religious education coordina­ Father St. Peter added, however, the ’astors. Charities tors and the new program as ''firsts for Survivors, in addition to his brother, institute goes beyond a training course in include his mother, Mrs. Anne Mc­ the archdiocese." that one of its purposes is the actual Its implementation, he added, would be Nicholas, Chester; a sister. Anne Mc­ E 30%- development of the program the partici- lly dovetailed with the results of the so- Nicholas, Chester; and another brother, (Tum to Page 2) a n d s official Appointed called Neuwein study of archdiocesan John, Wayne, Pa. m in u m education (See story on Page 3). REN The new lay coordinators are George or, 10 yrs. I Archbishop James V. Casey announced Mercy hospital, was appointed pastor of I P a rish ■Jne appointment this week of a new pas- Immaculate Conception parish, L.afayette, R. Hendricks, W. J. Schmitz, Steven Hall, I or and three associate pastors, and the first pustoral assignment for the and Michael Welsh. All have been mem­ ■named Father Donald F. Dunn associate Irish-born priest. bers of the St. Francis de Sales* school (ATES- faculty except Hendricks, until the ap­ I “^tor of Catholic Charities.. ' Servite Fathers Martin M. Jenco, pointment a self-employed manufactur­ father Michael Walsh, chaplain of O.S.M., and Paul M. Brunello, O.S.M., DOWS were appointed associate pastors of As­ er’s representative with a background of sumption church, Denver, and Father four years in CCD religious education. r$, windowii| d o o rs , Nicholas M- Norusis. O.S.M., was appoint­ I. insurance| Official Appointments | ed associate pastor of Mt. Carmel parish. FATHER ST. Peter said each would be given prime responsibility for one of a te s . |Rev. Michael Walsh, to be pastor of The Archbishop also announced the , 429 2906 four "quadrants" into which the metropol­ Immaculate Conception Church, La­ appointments of Father Edwarf J.
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