Friday, April 23,1976 YOUNGSTOWN STATE UNIVERSITY Vol. 53-No. 43 caping to be May 15 is the target date for cement." is well-planned and the completion of YSU's Primary work now concerns well-designed." Primary landscape $800,000 central core the flood and drainage system work is centered around the landscaping improvement. being inserted along Lincoln Kilcawley-Engjneering Building On the following day, YSU's Avenue. area of campus. Many trees and b i centennial festival and The driveway at the Ward plantings are to be included in the University Open House "will take Beecher Hall and work around work. place between noon and 6 p.m. the Engineering Building's Bricklayers are busy setting in Recent warm weather has driveway will be finished soon. designs around the area that was greatly aided the progress of the Work by O'Horo will be halted once basketball courts bordered campus "face lift" which is being between Christmas and the end of by the Kilcawley cafeteria and done by the A.?. O'Horo Co. of JFebruary- because of bad the dormitory. Benches ahve been Youngstown and the Duncan weather. bu91t arund what will soon be a Landscaping Co. of Vienna "I have a lot of satisfaction fountain at that location. (Ohio). working on a first-class job such The improvement, along with The construction work is as this. It's very gratifying," states recent additions such as the Maag comprised mainly-on the section the Duncan Company's foreman, Library and the T&CC, should of the Universi ty bordered by Ed Jacobs, who notes that "work help create a better image of Kilcawley Center, Arlington has gone smooth and the project YSU. Street, Bryson Street and the new office construction site across from Beeghly Ceater. All walkways and concrete work is being done by the O'Horo Co. Supervisor, Sob Pautot, head of O'Horo's crew of 19 workers, A car pool program that would So far -only two campus notes that bad weather has been begin fall quarter is being surveys have been conducted by the only problem that "very little formulated by Director of Minnis to determine if the car theft or vandalism has occured." Auxiliary Services, Donald' M. pool program would be a vital Pautot, adds that "in general all Minnis. The S-3 parking lot on service to the UniversitOne survey the kids (students) have been photo by scott morrison Wick Avenue would be utilized of the administration and the good around the work area and for those individuals desiring to faculty showed that a majority of UPLIFTING—Harry Dripps and Chris Parise practice a have accepted tie inconvenience participate in the program. faculty were willing to participate balancing manuever at yesterday's cheerleading tryouts. Hie from our work" ... but smilingly The tentative plan allows for a ~ in a car pool program if pair seek to become part of the squad to help instill Penguin remarked that 'everybody likes maximum of four people per car conflicting schedules could be to put their name in wet fan enthusiasm. to be permitted free parking with worked out. Many administrators the presentation of a YSU however felt it would be. an student I.D. card.. If three inconvenience for them. gives favorable ratingindividual s ride together a fee of Another survey, made at the 50 cents would be charged. parking deck about three weeks Minnis feels the free parking ago, found the deck to be- 3 would serve as an incentive for completely filled by 9 am. Cars Though in his two years as time and teaching half the time, kids on a weekend, and we don't students to participate in a car were clocked coming in and out I n t ramural Director at YSU whereas most schools our size pool. get; a single basketball picture. (Cont. on page 12) William Katerberg's department have a full-time staff, so I'm Somehow, that rubs .me wrong. When asked if a large amount „ has become well known to many really swamped. In that respect as Other schools are bugged for of student participation in the students, he could perhaps be well as in women's and coed "games of the'week," or all-star program would lead to a decrease Greek Sing better known to the YSU competition, we're down a little teams, we even Lave to write our in parking fees, thus affecting the communtiy. bit. Overall, I'd say we compare own articles for The Jambar." . budget, Minnis replied he would, YSU's 24th Annual Greek Katerberg took his present pretty favorably. We have some (Contonpage 13) "Never forsee the time that • post after serving as Assistant strong backing from Student people would pool that much." Sing will be presented at S Intramural Director at Western Council in particular, and from all pjn. Friday, April 23, in Michigan University where he our student officials and 0IG funds still available Stambaugh Auditorium. received his bachelor's and workers." Presented' by YSU's master's degree in Physical Q: How is the Program Panhellenic and Education. He is presently progressing? for 76-77 academic year Interfraternity Councils, the working on advanced studies in A: "We're growing. We've grown program's committee includes Physical Education at Akron and co-chairmen John Georgiadis faster in one year than what I John Wales, Director Assistance Office of the Ohio Kent State Universities. and Sharman Simon, Marilyn projected for three years when I of Financial Aids, has stated that Board of .Regents, 30 East Broad Q: How would you compare the Iivosky, Mary Kay Jacobs, began." funds are still available under the Street, Columbus, 4321S. YSU Intramural Program to those Alisa Basaxa and Wayne Q: How do you feel about the Ohio Instruction^ Grant Program of other universities? Brodnan. This year's press coverage the Intramural for the 76-77 academic year and Grants range from Si60 to A: "I've just returned from the program, dedicated to Dr. Program has received, from The encourages s t udents seeking $600 for students attending YSU; National Intramurals Sports Jambar in particular? firuincial assistance to apply no ; Howard W. Jones, president Convention in San Diego and I full-time. The Student Assistance A: "I think it's been better later than August 13. emiritus of YSU, features talked to a lot of people. Office of the Ohio Board of than last year but still poor. ' musical selections performed Program-wise, we're above a lot Applications may be picked up Regents announced that of Varsity Athletics get a full page in the financial aids office of the April -1, 1976, 1,220 YSU by sororities and fraternities. of other universities this size. I'm Tickets are $2 in advance and • running this program half the with , perhaps fifteen kids Kilcawley Student Center or by students have applied, for OIG participating. We get over 1000 writing directly to the Student grants totalling $450,170. $2.50 at the door. .. Tim Mvfibm^m 2 Vietnam veterans who Applications.; are, available have not yet applied for then- from the .Ohio. Vietnam Vietnam ..Era bonus are urged Veterans' Bonus Commission, to do so before the December 79 Easf "State Street, 31, 1977 deadline. Columbus, Ohio, 43215. As the deadline approaches for of from May 31,1976 to May 31, level would be permitted to do sq„ termination of present veteran 1978 whichever is later. Passage of within the eligibility time period. President elgibility benefits, new hope is the bill would permit those Under the existing veterans GLA 10 S aroused that congress will pass veterans who have not used their program of 36 months training two bills that are presently before existing benefits more time to do was permitted only at the it by or prior to May 31,, It so without a time penalty. undergraduate level. appears that the proposed bills The second bill before Vice President have a 50 percent chance of being congress, would enhance the DISALVO passed by congress. training capability of all eligible Failure of congress to., According to Rich Burger, veterans. The proposed bill would successfully pass either of the two A TEAM OF ACTION - not reaction veteran administration, "two increase the 36 month education proposed bills could result in proprosed b;lls extending the period to 45 months which is an many veterans not having the eligibility dates and periods for additional nine months; The new opportunity for pursuing a higher veterans having military service bill also would remove, all education. It is believed that CLASSIFIEDS PHI DELTA THETA dates prior to June 1,1966 have a restrictions on what level of some veterans have not good chance for passage. The first training one may train. Veterans considered the seriousness of the EARN $250 - $500. POSSIBLE ( TO . THE BEST THERE IS-PHI FROM STUFFING 1000 DELTA THETA We love ya*S all bill would exi.end the present 10 desiring to pursue educational pending proposed bills and their ENVELOPES' WORK AT HOME; 1 and want to wish you the best of year eligibility period to 12 years goals above the undergraduate sffect upon their future benefits^ OWN HOURS. MANYl LUCK at Greek Sing Friday night! COMPANIES NEED YOUR ' "No. 1 always". Love Your Little SERVICE. Details: Rush $1.00, i Sisters. Self-addressed and Stamped ; Envelope to: W. Johnson-YSU, 258 ] up Atwood Street, Pittsburgh, PA. j 15213. ; BROTHERS OF PHI DELTA THETA: Good luck, to the "best" fraternity on campus, Friday night quarter at Greek Sing. Let's be "No.l" YOGA STUDENTS desiring to again.
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