171776 Monday, July 29, 2019 Volume 53, Issue 15 www.tridentnewspaper.com The golf course by the sea Atlantic Region Golf Championships took place at Hartlen Point Golf Club from July 8 to 10, 2019. Teams from Gag- etown, 14 Wing Greenwood, CFB Halifax, 9 Wing Gander and 12 Wing Shearwater participated in the tournament. CPL JESSICA FOX, 12 WING IMAGING SERVICES Sailor of the Quarter HMCS Halifax departs for 12 Wing Change of CAF team tackles Pg. 3 Op REASSURANCE Pg. 6 Command Pg. 10 ocean race Pg. 20 We have all your shopping needs. VISIT WINDSOR PARK Now Open SUNDAYS 1200 - 1700 CANEX.ca 171771 2 TRIDENT NEWS JULY 29, 2019 Outgoing CCFL credits team for adapting to change By Ryan Melanson, Trident Staff The first of the Royal Canadian Navy’s future fleet of Canadian Surface Combatant ships won’t be set to for acceptance until the mid-2020s, and while that may seem like a far off date, Cmdre Craig Skjerpen doesn’t see it that way. “In reality it will be just the blink of an eye,” he said, highlighting the importance of the many changes that have taken place in the Atlantic Fleet in recent years as the RCN begins looking ahead to the CSC. “We’re on a path to change the cul- ture of the Navy, and to continue to be adaptive in a world that is changing.” Cmdre Skjerpen gave his final ad- dress as Commander of Canadian Fleet Atlantic on the newly opened Jetty NJ at HMC Dockyard on July 11, before officially handing over command to incoming CCFL Cmdre Richard Feltham. While joking that his exit marked the unfortunate end of the position being held by “Craigs from Saskatch- ewan” – referring to himself and his predecessor RAdm Craig Baines – he said he was happy to hand over the job to his longtime colleague, and expressed confidence in the strong leadership that now exists across the Cmdre Craig Skjerpen inspects members Formation, including other command of CANFLTLANT on parade for the last teams like Fifth Maritime Operations time as Fleet Commander on July 11. Group, FMF Cape Scott and in the CPL DAVID VELDMAN, FIS Base Commander’s office at Stad- acona. working skills, along with the ability Cmdre Skjerpen got technical in to command multiple ships at sea in describing some of the many changes austere environments, he said. and new initiatives undertaken by “Craig has done this multiple times the Fleet during his time in com- with incredible success, as par- mand, mentioning changes to watch ticularly evidenced during his time rotations, leadership and mentorship commanding numerous ships during structures, crew flexibility, attack- TRIDENT JUNCTURE 18 last year.” team size reduction, the introduc- RAdm Baines noted that Cmdre tion of Asterix, and more. He also Feltham will soon have a similar op- talked about new technologies like portunity as he steps into the CCFL land-attack missiles, low-frequency role, set to command a multinational active sonars and UAVs that are being task group at sea during CUTLASS adopted. FURY 19 off of Halifax this Septem- “I’m heartened by the fact there are ber. A new Fleet Commander will terms and ideas that are new to me, also mean new perspectives and fresh but that will soon be in the everyday ideas among the senior leadership of vernacular of every sailor here,” he the formation, he said. said. “I absolutely look forward to having From left, outgoing CCFL Cmdre Skjerpen, RAdm Craig Baines, Commander MAR- “The level of engenuity, flexibility, his counsel and advice as part of the LANT and JTFA, with incoming CCFL Cmdre Richard Feltham at the Change of change initiative and change man- team.” Command ceremony on July 11. agement has been nothing short of Cmdre Feltham is a former Com- CPL DAVID VELDMAN, FIS fantastic. The Fleet and readiness mander of MOG 5, and is being wel- team has astonished me with how comed back to the east coast after a role,” he said, adding the special con- delivery of the first Harry DeWolf- much they’ve been able to accom- stint in Ottawa, serving most recently nection he feels to the city where he Class ship, and continuing with plish.” as Director General Naval Force met his wife Michelle and started his further changes aimed at preparing RAdm Craig Baines, Commander Development. This is the third time in family. for the future while maintaining the MARLANT and JTFA, presided over his career that he and Cmdre Skjer- “No matter how far away I’ve been reliability that east coast ships and the ceremony, and credited Cmdre pen have exchanged command respon- from Halifax, my heart has always crews have become known for. Skjerpen for excelling in a demanding sibilities, and he said he was humbled remained here.” “There’s change coming, and we job while being an agent of positive to be taking over from a good friend. Cmdre Feltham added he was look- have to put all our energy and at- change for the Fleet and the Forma- “It’s hard for me to express how I ing forward to the next two years, tention on making sure we give our tion. The CCFL role requires strategic feel and how honoured I am today beginning with the excitement of sailors the tools to succeed. That’s my communication, planning and net- to be coming back to the fleet in this CUTLASS FURY 19, then heading into number one priority.” JULY 29, 2019 TRIDENT NEWS 3 Sailor of the Quarter proved herself during Exercise FORMIDABLE SHIELD By Ryan Melanson, Trident Staff AB Jasmine Abdi may not tech- nically be a member of the ship’s company of HMCS St. John’s, but that didn’t stop her from becoming a key member of the crew during a recent overseas exercise. She is a member of HMCS Char- lottetown, but volunteered for an attach posting to St. John’s as the ship sailed to Ex FORMIDABLE SHIELD 2019 this past spring near Scotland. Her performance during that deploy- ment, which saw her excel mentoring junior sailors and excelling at tasks above her rank level, has earned AB Abdi the title of Canadian Fleet Atlantic’s Sailor of the Quarter for Q2 2019. FORMIDABLE SHIELD was an air missile defence exercise involv- ing more than 3,000 personnel from a dozen different countries, with 13 warships and 10 aircraft at sea, and included a number of successful live- fire and simulated engagements. The exercise also saw the RCN’s first suc- AB Jasmine Abdi was presented the Atlantic Fleet’s Sailor of the Quarter award on cessful engagement of a supersonic July 6 by Cmdre Craig Skjerpen and Fleet Chief CPO1 Tom Lizotte, along with her target with an Evolved Sea Sparrow command team and supervisors aboard HMCS St. John’s. Ab Jasmine Abdi Missile. PTE SARINA MCNEILL, FIS PTE SARINA MCNEILL, FIS For AB Abdi, this meant making herself useful and taking on any task setup, allowing her to troubleshoot her on board St. John’s to present the unteer work and fundraising for Feed that was presented to her during the UHF data and contact another NATO Sailor of the Quarter certificate. Nova Scotia. two-week exercise. She was credited unit that was out of UHF range, Criteria for the award involves Cmdre Skjerpen described AB Abdi for performing MSO duties, for her while teaching others at the same performing duties above and beyond an excellent example of what a strong, expertise with cryptographic mate- time. what’s expected, and that doesn’t just smart, and organized Naval Commu- rial and devices, for her professional- She was previously awarded a Bravo include operations. It was noted that nicator can achieve in the in the RCN ism on the bridge, and for providing Zulu from Canadian Fleet Atlantic AB Abdi has participated in a num- and the CAF, while her supervisors advice and mentorship to her Ordi- for her work during FORMIDABLE ber of valuable outreach and public noted she acts as a strong example to nary and Able Seaman colleagues. SHIELD, and on July 6, Cmdre Craig relations events with HMCS Char- her crewmates, and her versatile na- High praise was also given for her Skjerpen, then Fleet Commander, and lottetown, and that she’s also become ture allows her to be employed in any knowledge of high-frequency circuit Fleet Chief CPO1 Tom Lizotte, visited involved in her community with vol- position as a naval communicator. UNI RES Trident Ad May 2019.pdf 1 2019-05-22 11:10 AM 171778 C M Y CM MY CY CMY K 171919 4 TRIDENT NEWS JULY 29, 2019 www.tridentnewspaper.com Community Calendar Publication Reunion and event notices must be submitted by email. Schedule [email protected] include the sender’s name and phone number. for 2019 A notice will not be published if the event is to happen more that one year from publication date. Submissions may be edited. January 14 — MFRC & Money Matters January 28 February 11 — MFRC CFB Halifax Walk National Band of the Naval New Canadian Nonfiction February 25 Time: 10:30 a.m. Reserve at CFB Halifax Showcase March 11 — MFRC March 25 — Posting Season Date: Wednesday, July 31 Time: Noon - 1:30 p.m. Time: 6:30 - 8:30 p.m. April 8 — MFRC & Spring Automotive Location: CFB Halifax Stadacona Date: Thursday, August 8 Date: Wednesday, August 14 April 22 — Battle of the Atlantic May 6 — MFRC The CFB Halifax Walks are now Location: Stadacona Admiralty Location: Halifax Central May 21 — Spring Home and Garden taking place on the last Wednesday of Garden Library June 3 — MFRC & Family Days June 17 each month.
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