For over 25 c f e a t b modern in Store Design and Commercial Construction A. R. ABRAMS, INC. contractors and designers 362 JONES AVENUE, N. W. CYpress 1541 She Stlanla S y m p h o n y Cjuifcl, ~3nc. P r e Aen ti D L Sitfantci ^Sfymph onij (Orchestra ^Jdenry SopLin, (Conductor d in th e Sourth Subscription (Concert o f? th e 1952-1953 St c e a S o n Cfueit _s4rtiit & e J f W o l f f fJueidau, ^tjovemher 25th, 1952 8.-30 P- W. Iddunicipal ^sdudito PROGRAM Program Notes by Dr. Malcolm H. Dewey OVERTURE TO TANNHAUSER..................................................Richard Wagner (1813-1883) Had Richard Wagner capitalized upon the success of his first grand opera, Rienzi (1842), he might have gone on to be another Meyerbeer, but possibly little more. For here was opera which succeeded by the brilliance of the spectacle and the music rather than through intrinsic merit. It matters little that he failed to repeat the success in the Flying Dutchman, which followed within a year; a new Wagner was in evidence, certainly in more than embryonic state. Tempted though he was to return to historic subject matter so as to repeat the success of Rienzi, and he was actually at work on material dealing with Manfred, he turned to German legendary past, the Germany of epic and story, the world of the Minnesingers, and Tann- hauser, presented in 1845, was the outcome. As Wagner related the story, Tannhauser, who once loved the chaste Elizabeth, had found his way to the grotto of Venus. This was not the goddess of love of classic mythology, but a Calypsolike figure such as once detained the wandering Ulysses in her embraces. Sated after a year of voluptuous experience, moved also by a sense of inner guilt, he seeks and obtains release. He meets his fellow minstrels who remind him of the unfaltering love of Elizabeth and persuade him to return and participate in the tournament of song, the subject of which was "lo ve." In the midst of the contest Tannhaeuser brazenly sings of the joys of Venusberg, and except for the intercession of Elizabeth this would have cost him his life at the hands of the Continued The Baldwin Piano is the official piano for the Atlanta Symphony Orchestra LANIER PIANO COMPANY EXCLUSIVE DEALERS • BALDWIN PIANOS • LESTER PIANOS KOHLER & CAMPBELL • IVERS & POND Atlanta's Oldest Locally Owned Piano Store 6 4 Pryor Street, E. • Telephone Walnut 6866-7 ATLANTA 3, GEORGIA 628 Lee St., S. W., at Gordon • Telephone FR 2168 BALLARD’S Dispensing Opticians Furniture of Distinction S ' 1 R ' 7VU6& M M ', *) k c . WALTER BALLARD FURNITURE SHOP OPTICAL COMPANY Three Stores 19 Fourteenth Street, N .W . 1 05 P e a c h t r e e S t r e e t , N . E. M e d ic a l A r t s B u il d in g Atlanta, Georgia W . W . O r r D o c t o r s B u il d in g infuriated minstrels. To do penance he is implored to join the Pilgrims on their way to Rome. However, such was the enormity of his guilt, the Pope denies him pardon and in utter despair he returns once more to seek the arms of Venus. In the end Elizabeth dies praying for Tannhauser. Through her redemptive love salvation comes to the dying minstrel. The opera concludes with the triumphant singing of the Pilgrims' song. What the opera presents in three long acts is essentially covered in the Overture, which is, in fact, a complete tone poem. It opens with the Pilgrims' Chorus played in its entirety, beginning softly with the woodwinds, increasing in volume and intensity as the strings enter and reaching a full climax as the brass plays the melody to the jubilant accompaniment of the other instruments. The strings gradually retire as the music quiets down leaving the woodwinds once more to intone the Pilgrims' song. Suddenly the music of Venusberg takes over, voluptuous and in­ sinuating, in the midst of which Tannhauser's rapturous song to Venus is heard twice with harp-like accompaniment. Between these two renditions with the orches­ tra reduced to a few softly playing solo instruments, Venus' song to Tannhauser is heard, the melody first assigned to the clarinet. As the music of this bacchanale rises to a frenzy the melody of the Pilgrims' song returns, ending in full triumph. SYMPHONY NO. 4 IN E FLAT MAJOR, OPUS 4 8 ...............................................................Alexander Glazounov (1865-1936) I. Andante II. Scherzo: allegro vivace III. Andante; allegro Glazounov was sixteen years of age when as a student of Rimsky-Korsakov he presented his First Symphony in St. Petersburg (Leningrad) under the direction of Continued CONGRATULATIONS, . Bridegroom We wish you all the hap­ piness in the world. And at the same time we’re ask­ ing for trouble — your troubles! For all those annoying little details that mean the difference between an im­ pressive wedding and a last- minute rush, we offer our Bridegroom Service . a complete and authoritative service under the direction of our Bridegroom Apparel Consultant, Mr. C. M. McClain. The Style Center of the South Among the artists and celebrities whose music has been brought to Atlanta homes through television are: Arturo Toscanini • Jascha Heifetz • Bidu Sayao • Ferruccio Tagliavini • Howard Barlow • Artur Rubenstein • Gregor Piatigorsky • Eleanor Steber • Thomas L. Thomas • Rise Stevens • James Melton • Ezio Pinza • Christopher Lynch • Benno Moiseivitsch • Jussi Bjoerling • Fred Waring • Roberta Peters • Jerome Hines • Lois Hunt — and many others. Announcements of concerts, recitals, symphonic programs are provided a week in advance in TV DIGEST. DIGEST o t A T L A N T A TVTV DIGEST gives you, in handy ment on comedians and other pop­ form, complete advance TV pro­ ular stars who offer infinite variety grams of all three Atlanta stations in entertainment. The descriptive — from Saturday through Friday notes help you to be selective — each week. It's the only available aid you in planning your TV en­ source for comprehensive and de­ joyment— help you to choose the tailed program information for the best that television has to offer week ahead. In addition to fine your family circle. By the year, music, TV DIGEST of course lists TV DIGEST costs only about a also the lighter programs — with penny a day. Mail the convenient drama previews, sparkling com­ coupon. Ordering TV DI­ GEST at the year­ 175 LUCKIE ST. ly rate is really TV DIGEST of Atlanta ATLANTA, GEORGIA the equivalent of getting 25 issues Please enter my subscription for without extra charge. Use the the term checked below: coupon — don't Q 1 year (52 issues)__________________________ for only $4.00 miss a single issue. □ 2 years (104 issues) for only $7.00 Q Special 3-year rate (156 issues)-------------------- $9.00 (Please add Georgia 3% sales tax) Name (Please Print) Address . C ity ______ ... State _______ ______ Q] Remittance Enclosed □ Bill Me Later Balakirev, one of the famous "Five" who sought to nationalize Russian music. The work made an immediate impression and was soon eagerly heard beyond the Russian borders. On the strength of this success he composed a total of eight sym­ phonies along with other works. In 1900 he became a member of the faculty of the St. Petersburgh Conservatory. Later, when Rimsky-Korsakov was compelled to resign because of political reasons, he succeeded him as director, enjoying unlimited popu­ larity both with the students and the public in general. The fact that Glazounov's conception of the symphony differed widely from that of the classic tradition, to a large extent exemplified in Beethoven, is traceable to the influence of the German romantic school. His European tour in 1884 was a significant one for him. Not only did he visit romantic Spain, but he came vigorously under the influence of Liszt following a stay at Weimar, and although the experi­ ence at Bayreuth did not make him an immediate admirer of Richard W agner, in the end he threw himself wholeheartedly on his side. This all comes to a head in his musical style. Glazounov sought the effect which might be obtained by the flow of easily grasped melodies, made more appealing through orchestral color and telling harmonies. What if the the theme is heard over and over again so long as it was revitalized in this fashion. Therefore the composer seems to luxuriate in melodious phrases, loving their purely sensuous qualities, at times even nostalgic in feeling, alluring in the rise and fall of gentle rhythms. Such melodies he is loathe to leave. That there is not a decidedly virile main subject on which to build and against which contrasts of mood and style, becomes more and more clear on repeated hearings. In fact no one subject takes on the more definite, incisive tone frequently heard in the more classic era. Continued, PEACHTREE at PONCE DE LEON Fashions keyed to every mode of gracious living in the South ' J. P. Stevens Engraving Co. ESTABLISHED 1874 Society Stationers IIO PEACHTREE STREET ATLANTA, GEORGIA MOTORISTS HAVE CONFIDENCE IN A TRADE WITH MOTORS commercial color DDDGE^^ Plymouth portrait W / r / J illustrative Telephone VErnon 6661 creative art in p hotog rap hy 2529 Peachtree Road, N. E. NORTH AVENUE BETWEEN THE PEACHTREES CHerokee 5963 Atlanta 5, Georgia WESTVIEW Cemetery, Inc. 1680 Gordon St. AM. 6611 Monumental and Memorial Park Sections WESTVIEW ABBEY MAUSOLEUM OVERTURE-"A ROMAN CARNIVAL," Opus 9 . Hector Berlioz (1803-1869) A truly colossal figure In the history of nineteenth century music was Hector Berlioz.
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