ÆS FEDERAL REGISTER '9 3 4 ^ VOLUME 6 NUMBER 227 * î/A/itEO ^ Washington, Saturday, November 22, 1941 CONTENTS The President ment or agency of the Government is hereby authorized to requisition and dis­ THE PRESIDENT pose of property in accordance with the EXECUTIVE ORDER provisions of the Acts and to make Executive Orders: Pag available to the Office of Production Agencies designated for carrying Providing for the Administration of the Management such personnel, including out provisions of Emer­ Requisitioning of P roperty R equired officers of the armed services, as may be gency Relief Appropriation for National Defense necessary to enable that Office to carry Act, amendment of Execu­ out its functions under this Order. The tive Order No. 8495---------- 5910 By virtue of the authority vested in United States Marshals also are hereby Requisitioning of property re­ me by the Constitution and the statutes authorized and directed, when requested quired for national de­ of the United States, and particularly by by, and in accordance with directions of fense__________________ 5909 the Act of October 10, 1940, entitled “An the Office of Production Management or Act to Authorize the President to requi­ the head of any department or agency RULES, REGULATIONS, sition certain articles and materials for of the Government authorized to requisi­ ORDERS the use of the United States, and for tion property pursuant to this Order, to other purposes,” and the Act of October requisition and dispose of property. T itle 8—Aliens and Nationality: 16, 1941, entitled “An Act to authorize 4. The Secretary of the Treasury, the Immigration and Naturaliza­ the President of the United States to Secretary of War, the Secretary of the tion Service: requisition property required for the de­ Navy, the Secretary of Agriculture, the Control of persons entering fense of the United States” (hereinafter Chairman of the United States Maritime and leaving the United referred to as the Acts), and in order to States (2 documents)----- 5911, Commission, the Executive Director of 5914 provide for the effective administration the Economic Defense Board, or the head of the requisitioning of property re­ of such other agency as the President T itle 10—Army: W ar Department: quired for the defense of the United may from time to time designate, may Motion Picture Service, accep­ States, it is hereby ordered: initiate action for the requisitioning of tance of commercially spon­ 1. The Office of Production Manage­ property by submitting proposals for the sored films------------------- 5918 ment, in addition to the responsibilities requisitioning and disposal of such prop­ Transport, sleeping-car accom­ and duties described in Executive Order erty to the Office of Production Manage­ modations, etc--------------- 5918 No. 8629 of January 7,1941,1 and Execu­ ment, whenever he determines that: T itle 16—Commercial P ractices: Federal Trade Commission: tive Order No. 8875 of August 28, 1941,8 a. such property is of the type which Cease and desist orders: shall, except as may otherwise be pro­ may be requisitioned under either of the vided hereinafter, exercise the powers Krasne, A., Inc---------------- 5919 and authorities conferred upon the Pres­ Acts; Mineral Wells Crystal Pro­ ident by the Acts. b. with respect to proposals for requisi­ ducers, Inc_________ 5919 2. Whenever the Office of Production tioning property under the Act of Octo­ T itle 17—Commodity and Secu­ Management determines, in accordance ber 16, 1941: rities E xchanges: with the provisions of the Acts, the ne­ Securities and Exchange Com­ (1) the use of such property is needed mission: cessity for requisitioning property, that for the defense of the United States, Office may: Total assets, definition (2) such need is immediate and im­ amended____________ — 5920 a. requisition and dispose of such pending and such as will not admit of T itle 18—C onservation of property on its own account; or delay or resort to any other source of P ower: b. provide for the requisitioning and supply, Federal Power Commission: disposition of such property through the (3) all other means of obtaining the Electric utilities, licensees, Department of War, the Department of use of such property for the defense of etc., filing of power system the Navy, or any other department or the United States upon fair and reason­ statements (2 docu­ agency of the Government authorized to able terms have been exhausted, ments)----------------- 5920,5921 engage in the procurement of property of (4) if the property to be requisitioned T itle 21—F ood and D rugs: the type subject to requisition under the Food and Drug Administra­ Acts. is machinery or equipment, such ma­ chinery or equipment is not in actual tion: 3. Whenever requested by the Office of use in connection with any operating Federal Food, Drug, and Cos­ Production Management, any depart- factory or business or is not necessary to metic Act, amendments the operation of such factory or busi­ of enforcing regulations. 5921 16 F.R. 191. (Continued on next page) *6 F.R. 4483. ness, and 5909 5910 FEDERAL REGISTER, S atu rday, Novem ber 22, 1941 CONTENTS—Continued / w \ may be necessary or proper to carry Federal Trade Commission: Page out the provisions of this Order. F E D E R A L ^ ' REGISTER Complaints and notices: 7. The head of any department or 193« Bissell Carpet Sweeper Co__ 5938 agency of the Government authorized to ‘ 'M T tO Cranberry Canners, Inc_____ 5941 requisition property pursuant to this Securities and Exchange Commis­ Order may, subject to regulations pro­ sion: mulgated by the Supply Priorities and Published daily, except Sundays, Mondays, Applications granted: Allocations Board, require and compel and days following legal holidays by the a disclosure of information under sec­ Division of the Federal Register, The National Crescent Public Service Co., Archives, pursuant to the authority con­ et al________________ 5944 tion 4 of the Act of October 16, 1941. tained in the Federal Register Act, approved United Light and Power Co., 8. The Office of Production Manage­ July 26, 1935 (49 Stat. 500), under regula­ et al_______ 5944 ment shall from time to time, but not tions prescribed by the Administrative Com­ less frequently than once every three mittee, approved by the President. Central Maine Power Co., fil­ The Administrative Committee consists of ing notice__________ 5943 months, transmit to the President a re­ the Archivist or Acting Archivist, an officer Federal Light & Traction Co., et port of operations under this Order. of the Department of Justice designated by 9. All Executive Orders or regulations, the Attorney General, and the Public Printer al., supplemental order___ 5945 or Acting Public Printer. Hearing, postponements, etc.: or any parts thereof, heretofore issued The daily issue of the F ederal Register Brooklyn National Corp_____ 5942 under the Act of October 10, 1940, are will be furnished by mail to subscribers, free Central Illinois Public Serv­ hereby rescinded insofar as they are in­ of postage, for $1.25 per month or $12.50 per consistent with the provisions of this year; single copies 10 cents each; payable in ice Co_______________ 5943 Order. advance. Remit money order payable to the Consolidated Investment Superintendent of Documents directly to the Trust_______________ _ 5942 10. This Order shall not affect the au­ Government Printing Office, Washington, D. C. Kentucky Utilities Co., et al_ 5942 thority of the United States Maritime War Department: Commission with respect to the requisi­ Contract summaries: tioning and disposal of vessels under the CONTENTS—Continued Klein, J. B„ Iron & Foundry terms of section 902 of the Merchant Ma­ Co---------------------------- 5936 rine Act, 1936, as amended, or by virtue T itle 21—F ood and Drugs—Con. Midland Structural Steel Co_ 5937 of Executive Order No. 8771 of June 6, Food and Drug Administra­ Scullin Steel Co___________ 5937 1941,* and Executive Order No. 8881 of tion—Continued. Page Vilter Mfg. Co_____________ 5936 September 2, 1941,* issued pursuant to Label statements concerning Public Law 101, 77th Congress, approved dietary properties of June 6, 1941. foods for special dietary (5) the property to be requisitioned is F ranklin D Roosevelt uses_________ :_______ 5921 not a firearm possessed by an individual T he W hite H ouse, T itle 22—F oreign R elations: November 19, 1941. Department of State: for his personal protection or sport, the possession of which is not prohibited by [No. 8942] Control of persons entering existing law; and leaving the United (F. R. Doc. 41-8686; Filed, November 21,1941; States (2 documents)___ 5927, c. with respect to proposals to requi­ 10:58 a. m.] 5929 sition property under the Act of October T itle 24—H ousing Credit: 10, 1940, there exists a necessity for Home Owners’ Loan Corpora­ requisitioning the property in accord­ tion: ance with the provisions of section 1 EXECUTIVE ORDER Appraisal for reconditioning, of the Act. advance cases_________ 5934 Amending E xecutive Order No. 8495 of T itle 32—National D efense: The head of any department or agency J uly 26, 1940, Designating Agencies Office of Price Administration: acting pursuant to the provisions of this for the P urpose of Carrying Out the Southern Pine Lumber, cor­ paragraph shall be authorized to requi­ P rovisions of Section 40 of the rection of price schedule. 5935 sition and dispose of such property, pro­ E mergency R elief Appropriation Act, Office of Production Manage­ vided that the Office of Production . F iscal Year 1941 ment: Management determines that the pro­ By virtue of and pursuant to the au­ Titanium pigments, general posed requisitioning' and disposal of such property is consistent with the thority vested in me by section 40 of the preference order______ 5934 Emergency Relief Appropriation Act, Fis­ T itle 47—T elecommunication: priorities and allocations program and cal Year 1941, approved June 26, 1940 Federal Communications Com­ the general production and supply plan (Public Resolution No.
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