;v THURSDAY, JUNE « . IMS X X- FACE TWENTTf-FOim iKanrti^at^r lEttrains V m lb Average Daily Net Prcaa Run The Weather Forecaat af mRi'Waatlwr : Jl.'l Far Um Weak Ended thons Laboratory In Murray Hill, King David ^iddga of Odd fal­ Mias Ruth A. Adaniy, 174 Park* V illage \ ^ JUM 7tk, 1SS8: ar St, and Edward D. Phillips, 278 Shainin Lecturer 4.J. ■ ■ Tour of Mild tonight, , a h o w e r 8 M|i' lows and Sunset lirtakah Lodge thuaderahowere. L ew In eSik About Town will hold a Joint m em a ^ service HackmaUck St., will he married Saturday at 2 p.m. In the Second In Space Courge Taken by PupiU 12,720 Warm,, hrnnld Saturday, »hew*is- tomorrow a^■d p.m» in OddiFellows THOMPSON DAY K t I P t t t and thiinderehowera in afternoaa. Hall. Members of other lodjfM in Congregational Church, With a re­ Tba ZlpMr Club win hold • set- Holligter Pupilg V: Mimkar af tka Audit High 8*-86. bftck party for mambam and thair District No. 24 are expected. Tb* ception---- following In the church Dorian Bhalnln • of 36 B. Lake- Two fifth grades of the Unooln A FUN-PACKED PROGRAM FOR TOYS Buraan af OlrcnkiUaa Rev. Carlton Daley of the United' .parlors. Matiche$ter-^A City of Village Charm - X i:1 (rianda Saturday at t p.m. wood Circle, director of aUtiatical Vigit Stiirbridge School took a tour of Sturhridge MONDAY Thcpugh FRIDAY, f to 4 F.M. Methodist Church, Bolton, will Village Friday and vialtcd Its riiany conduct the service. A program Thd'vDadiea’ Auxiliary of the engineering for Rath and Strong, Mambars of tha Ladles Aid 8 o- Culminating a year’s work *in points of Interest, including tfte old STARTING JUNE 24 (CIgtained Adrerttatng on Pnge 18) PRICE FIVE CENTS and social tiiha. with refreshments Andersm*Shea Post of the VFW industrial consultants of Boston, VOL. LXXVII, NO. Jl« (TWENTY PAGES) MANCHESTER, CONN., FRIDAY, JUNE 13 1H58 daty, Concordia Lutheran Church, will follow! will hold Its -cMular card party at "meeting house", which the Quak­ Cookonts \. are reminded of the program. will lecture ht the first “Insti­ social studies, the fourth grade at Trips Swimming the jxist homV-4pmorrow at 8:30 tute" in the nation In rocket, miS' Hollister 9t. School, took a trip to ers attended and the old tavern, Rifle Range “ Luncheon la Sahred," Saturday at T. Sgt and Mrs. Bernard Baro- Crafts X 12:80. It will be of special Interest p.m. Old Sturbridga Village recenGy, frequented by the tnen to read pa­ Explprijig Pony Rides nousky and daughter are home on sile and apace j^blama. pers and play gamea. In l^he black- Hikes X to homemakers. Recipe folders will a 30-day leave visiting his parents, The stuay course,will be held accompanied by their teacher, Mrs Indian Lore Dramatics be available, plus, a movie. Those ' District Deputy PresldteH^rs. .smith shop they saw how a nail Movies Bessie Spurs Mr. and Mrs. Bernard BaronoUsky, Marjorie Conlon will make h«^.pf- In September at the University of Marj^-Doyle, and several of the was made and watched the water who can do so. are asked to bring Connecticut. motnonu They were particula'rly in- SU .00 WEEKLY a homebaked Item for the food sale Bolton. Sgt. Baronousky has com­ flclal visit to her home lodge, SuJ^ wheel at the flour milling shop. pleted his 12th year with the U.S,’ set Rebekah, No. 38, of this town ''.T h e 10 -day program will be tsiW sd In the'Gun Shop, Black­ They were interested In seeing how TUTORING AVAILAILr ^ Dolly’s Rescue table. A few tickets will be sold at Air Force and recently enlisted for he'lk^d by Dr. Charles E. WariniL smith Shop and making of bay thedoor. Monday. The program wiJ open pottery was fashioned and the TRANSPORTATION PROVIDED a 6-year period. He has been as­ with a'potluck at 6:30. Members army^'and navy consultant ,,en berry candles and pottery. making of candlea. They visited signed to duty with the Provost rocket fufeta and head of UCohn’s In Old Quairy^ are asked 1,0 bring a dish of their On Tuesday the class took i the cabinet, gun and printing shop SUMNER THOMPSON. DjroelW Manchesler Barracks, No. 788. Marshal , Division, Headquarters chemistry dbpvtment. guided tour of the Children'a Mu­ and saw the press which-la 127 choice for the "meal, or If they Shalnln la amoqg thf- iop mis­ PHONE RUHor V J M U Veterans of World War I, and its Second Air Force, Barksdale Air prefir, they may purchase tickets seum, Hartford. Before leaving for years old. Glastonbury, June 1.3 </P)— Auxiliary, will hold their monthly Force Base, La: sile and rocket auOK^tles Ih the Hartford, they viewed fllnul of life Mra. Julia Duhrin and Mra. Jayne 400 ElUngtoa Rd„ Herman Oleen. MI •-0688, East H ai^w i from Mrs. Alice' Wetherell. Mrs. country who will ,-^W''.,Uachlng Pastoral calm returned to the meeting Sunday at 2:30 p.m. at Leroy A sp ln w a 'H ^ and • Mrs. in the Congo and life In Old, Mex­ Shea and four parents accompanied the VFW Home. This will be the Mra. Augustine Swan, formerly courses to contractors, nKket test ico. the children. 40-acre farm of Mose Galli at of 28 Dudley St., is presently re­ •Ruth Beckwith are co-chairiUen of center represpniaUvea and ^mpd Washington, June IS (ff)— t A* th* Benat* ptuggad away In final meeting of the season. A the second day of debate, 44 new 1136 Hopewell Rd. today af­ potluck Miill be served by the Au.xil- cuperating at the Hialeah, Fla., tha committee. forces observers. Sen. John L. McClellan (D- amendmente, mostly Mfared by lie- ter a dramatic rescue there X lary after the meeting. Hospital after a major operation He will lecture on the field of Ark) told Senate colleagues The American Legion Auxiliary atatiatick, an important elenjent pubHcan*, r ut In thair appearance, Thursday of the family cow will hold iU final- meeting of thd In rocket design. Shalnln la vice today they might wreck the nghteen represented a package that had plunged into an old, season Monday at the home of the pNaident for Divisions and -Tech- \ Labor Control Bill if they of Risenhower admlniitratioir pro­ 78-foot deep feldspar quarry. president, Mra. Eugene Freemaif, hlc^ Committees of the American , load it with congrewiional posals. offered by Sen. H. Alex­ If it hadn't been for the un­ 08 Eastwood Dr. A picnic supper Society^r Quality Control. ander Smith (R-jCm I. Some covered fortunate cow’’* 14 - month - old amendments. 041 jor effort*, to rewrite the bill Also Urges will be served at 6:30 and nietn- A Feirow of the society affil­ Th4 chairman of tha Labor daughter, she might not today be bera are asked to bring their own iated with Hartford aectioh, LlXS HAVE A PARiy ^07. Pact! to put In more stringent provision*. around to. give her 14 quarts of silverware. In case of rain the lUekats InvaaU»aUng Oommtttoa Sen. John F. .Kennedy (D-Ma**), he haa hew Nb<y England region­ aaid to thoaa eeeklng avan tighter milk. meeting will be held at the Legion al director, chairiRpn of the Air­ fioor manage- for the bill, dc- Doily, a 7-y«*r-old guernsey, Home. Members are also reminded ^pontrois "w# can load ttola WIl ■aribed a aumhar of.thc adminis­ e to End craft Technical Comniittee and be­ down with thlnga I'favor aftff gUr- and her heifer. Bessie, had grased ROASTING CHICKENS to bring In couppns for the Child fore associating with'-.!^th • and fitCH^El^TMENT OFFERS S m M L PISPUYS FORiW tration propoMla and amendments their way to thr rim of an aban­ Welfare program. era favor —. aiif wall get no lag- of other GOP Senators a* trivial. Strong, was connected with Ham­ lalatioh at all.” doned quarry on the farm'* back ilton Standard Division of Upited But th* flood of proposed amend­ acreage oometime a'round noon. Parliament Man-sized chicken is a favorite with Father arid our Ha Mid the Senate Labor Com- Zion Lutheran Ladies Aid So­ Aircraft Corp. where he develdped mittaa had made 23 changea la its ment* made I. unlikely th* Senate They'd been there bMer* and ciety has set the date of Friday his famous Lot Plot plan for quaS "ACOMPLETE DINNER FOR DAD" FROM could flnieh the bill by tohight. cutaomers tell us that the men in their families always •X ', eriginal Mil In hne with euggea- nothing had happened. But Dolly, By JOSEPHV d YNAN June 20, for Its annual strawberry Ity control. , Dtmacratic Leadei L^-ndon B,- In reaching out for a particularly prefer Okott’s— plenty of meat, superior flavor, tender, tlona he made or favored and the supper. Other speakers on the program pending' meaaura ihould. be enacted Ji^tiMn, of Texa* *rlier had ex­ •ucculeijt clump of graaa, over- Paris, June 1 3 ^ ^ — Pre- will be Dr. Sol ISkoInik, director pressed the hope this could be dons. stretched. She slipped on a patch ntier Charles de GruI^ un- aatisfying.— of research at the U.S. Navgl pow­ to make mira “.we have made some Salvation Army Corps Cadets Hale’s Seif Serve and Meat Dept progreee." McClellan told th* S*n*t* he of moai growing on damp ^ cock I wrapped his ideas Jtbi^ a will meet this'evening at 6:30.
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