9448 THE LONDON GAZETTE, 18TH OCTOBER 1974 RESTAURATEUR. Court—BIRKENHEAD. No. of OBT in the metropolitan county of the West Midlands, Matter—29 of 1974. Date of Order—29th Aug., 1974. lately carrying on business under the style of " Chris Date of Filing Petition—21st May, 1974. Dillon Tailors" at 474, Dudley Road, Winson Green, Birmingham, B18 4HF in the aforesaid county as a WOOTTON, Victor Norman, of 124, Hoylake Road, RETAILER of MEN'S CLOTHING. Court—BIR- Bidston, Birkenhead, Merseyside, trading and formerly MINGHAM. No. of Matter—134 of 1974. Date of residing at 15, Mallaby Street, Claughton, Birkenhead, Order—llth Oct., 1974. Date of Filing Petition—llth Merseyside, GROCER and GENERAL STORE PRO- Oct., 1974. PRIETOR. Court—BIRKENHEAD. No. of Matter— 34 of 1974. Date of Order—24th June, 1974. Date of EVANS, Enid Gweneth (married woman), residing at 49, Filing Petition—24th June, 1974. Grayswood Road, Longbridge, Birmingham, B31 4QR in the county of Warwick, and EVANS, George Colin, ARROWSMITH, Dennis Alfred, Car Body Repairer, resid- Baker's Roundsman, residing at 4, Huntly Road, Wood- ing at 67, Meadway, South Yardley, Birmingham B33 8LY ston, Peterborough in the county of Northants, lately in the county of Warwick, lately carrying on business residing and carrying on business in co-partnership at under the style of Adderley Park Service Station, at 45-52, 49, Grayswood Road, Longbridge, Birmingham, B31 4QR • Garrison Lane, Small Heath, Birmingham B9 4BS in the aforesaid under the style of Evans Stores as RETAIL aforesaid county, as a GARAGE PROPRIETOR. Court GROCERS, both formerly residing at 8, Jaques Close, -^BIRMINGHAM. No. of Matter—92 of 1974. Dale - off Vicarage Lane, Water Orton in 'the county of Warwick. of Order—12th July, 1974. Date of Filing Petition—12th Court—BIRMINGHAM. No. of Matter—97. Date of July, 1974. Order—19th July, 1974. Date of Filing Petition—19th July, 1974. BARKER, Frank Joseph, residing at 21, Church Lane, Tamworth in the county of Stafford, WAREHOUSE- FARNDON, Sidney, lately residing at 39, Hazel wood Road, MAN. Court—BIRMINGHAM. No. of Matter—86 of Acocks Green, Birmingham, B27 7XL in the county of 1974. Date of Order—1st July, 1974. Date of Filing Warwick, formerly COMPANY DIRECTOR. Court— Petition—1st July, 1974. BIRMINGHAM. No. of Matter—33 of 1974. Date of Order—10th July, 1974. Date of Filing Petition—22nd BUCHANAN-SPENCE, Ian, residing at Astwood Court, Feb., 1974. Astwood Bank, near Redditch in the county of Worcester, lately residing at 5, West Street, Banbury in the county FIDOE, Leonard Lewis, Maintenance Electrician, residing of Oxford, BUSINESS CONSULTANT. Court— at 6, Mitford Drive, Solihull in the metropolitan county BIRMINGHAM. No. of Matter—81 of 1974. Date of of the West Midlands, carrying on business under the Order—24th June, 1974. Date of Filing Petition—24th style of " Decora" at 47, Pool Way, Kents Moat, Bir- June/1974. mingham, B33 8NF in the aforesaid county as a RETAILER of WALLPAPER and -PAINTS. Court— CODNER, Sydney Ernest Roy, unemployed, residing at and BIRMINGHAM. No. of Matter—114 of 1974. Date lately carrying on business from 174-2, Redditch Road, of Order—29th Aug., 1974. Date of Filing Petition— Kings Norton, Birmingham in the county of West Mid- 29th Aug., 1974 lands, under the style " Wreck Recovery", as a CAR SALVAGE OPERATOR, formerly residing at and carry- ing on business from 1422, Pershore Road, Stirchley, FISHER, James George, Bar Steward, residing at 139, Birmingham aforesaid, under the style of " Taxis of Albert Road, Handsworlh, Birmingham in the county of Stirchley", as a TAXI OPERATOR. Court— Warwick, previously residing at 30, Beachburn Way, BIRMINGHAM. No. of Matter—126 of 1974. Date of Handsworth Wood, Birmingham aforesaid, lately carrying Order—25th Sept., 1974. Date of Filing Petition—25th on business as a GREENGROCER at Handsworth Market, Sept., 1974. 251, Soho Road, Handsworth, Birmingham aforesaid, and formerly trading as a GROCER under the style of COOPER, Anthony John, residing at 47, Hawksworth, "Careta's" at 389-91, Soho Road, Handsworth, Birming- Glascote, Tamworth in the county of Stafford, Carpenter ham aforesaid, and previously carrying on business as a and formerly carrying on business in partnership with PET SHOP PROPRIETOR at 391, Soho Road, Hands- another under the style of " C. P. Builders", at 47, worth, Birmingham aforesaid. Court—BIRMINGHAM Hawksworth, Glascote, Tamworth aforesaid as (by transfer from High Court of Justice). No. of Matter BUILDERS. Court—BIRMINGHAM. No. of Matter— —75A of 1974. Date of Order—17th June, 1974. Date 78 of 1974. Date of Order—18th June, 1974. Date of of Filing Petition—25th March, 1974. Filing Petition—18th June, 1974. FOX, Arthur William, Labourer, residing and lately carry- COOPER, Brian Anthony, unemployed, residing at 157, ing on business at 204, Pype Hayes Road, Erdington, Millhouse Road, South Yardley, Birmingham in the Birmingham, B24 OLR in the county of Warwick, as a county of Warwick, previously carrying on business in BUILDER and CONTRACTOR. Court—BIRMING- co-partnership with another under the style of " T. & C. HAM. No. of Matter—122 of 1973. Date of Order— Autos", from 157, Millhouse Road, South Yardley, Bir- 10th July, 1974. Date of Filing Petition—10th Dec., mingham aforesaid as MOTOR REPAIRERS. Court— 1973. BIRMINGHAM. No. of Matter—39 of 1974. Date of Order—13th Aug., 1974. Date of Filing Petition—18th GRANGER, Allan Roy, unemployed, residing at 3, Chester- March, 1974. ton Way, Leyfields, Tamworth in the county of Stafford, lately carrying on business in co-partnership with another CHRISTOPHER, Eugene, otherwise Eugene Christophoru, at the Square, Polesworth in the county of Warwick and of 28, Wallace Road, Selly Park, Birmingham, 29, occu- also at The Old Post Office, Watling Street, Twogates, pation unknown. Court—BIRMINGHAM (by transfer Tamworth aforesaid ; and formerly carrying on business from High Court of Justice). No. of Matter—87A of in co-partnership with another at 3, Chesterton Way, 1974. Date of Order—24th July, 1974. Date of Filing Leyfields, Tamworth aforesaid all under the style of Petition—11th April, 1974. " Double G Cars " as TAXI and PRIVATE CAR HIRE OPERATORS. Court—BIRMINGHAM. No. of Matter CROOKES, Garry Neville, unemployed, of no fixed address, —101 of 1974. Date of Order—25th July, 1974. Date of lately residing at 18, Osboume Road, Handsworth, Bir- Filing Petition—25th July, 1974. mingham, 21 in the county of Warwick, formerly residing at 89, Ravenshill Road, Yardley Wood, Birmingham, 14 GRIFFIN, J. M. (male), unemployed, formerly of 523, aforesaid, latterly residing and carrying on business as a Queslett Road, Great Barr, Birmingham. Court— MEDICAL PRACTITIONER at 26, William Road, West BIRMINGHAM. No. of Matter—43 of 1974. Date of Bridgford, Nottingham. Court—BIRMINGHAM (by Order—8th Aug., 1974. Date of Filing Petition—1st transfer from High Court of Justice). No. of Matter— April, 1974. 113A of 1974. Date of Order—10th Sept., 1974. Date of 'Filing Petition—8th April, 1974. ' JONES, Gerald Maurice (described in the Receiving Order as Gerald Jones), Lorry Driver, residing at 50, Gilliver DILLON, Aidan Patrick (Junior), Van Driver, residing at Road, Shirley, Solihull in the metropolitan county of 184X, Icknield Port Road, Ladywood," Birmingham, B16 West Midlands, lately residing and carrying on business.
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