NOVEMBER 19, 2009 * A PIONEER PRESS PUBLICATION * WWW.PIONEERLOCAL.COM * $200 THIS WEEK DIVERSIONS AUEN ENCOUNTER The animated family comedy "Planet 51" is featured in this week's Film Clips. SEE PAGE BZ FOOD FLIPPING OUT L Tarte Tatin gives Thanksgiving a French flair. SEE PAGE 28 Tom Davidson, of VFW Post 7712, waits for the start of ceremonies with fellow color-guard team member Larry Pike, as the village honored its HOLD 'EM HIGH veterans Nov. 8 with a parade to the veterans memorial outside the library. PAGE 9 (Allen Kaleta/for SING) Start here withahealth care career. Attend a free Health Care Information Session. Pharmacy Technician and Aseptic Pharmaceutical Preparations T TT000oo 9ociTLog lI SE1IN Wednesday, December 1, at 6p.m., Des Plaines Campus, Room 1625 .1.5N0-L>1''0 0969 .LStO AI8II OIlSfld SE1IN For morc information, call 847.635.1629 - y LAL'%.L.JiL 60O-3J.O1:T000000 6000 8Tgg0:ç 1600 Et Gd1fRóâd,OasP1ai6w.oakton.cdu ( communitycoliege 2 Managing Editor www.pioneerlocat.com NI THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 19, 2009 COHTACT Matt Schmitz, Assistant e i p: 708.524,4433 e:[email protected] NEWS BRIEF LAWSUIT District 64 salutes ty's children and families," School BOard members Superintendent Sally Pryor MEDIUM I MEDIUM CURLY FRIES i MEDIUM I MEDIUM CURLY FRIES1 stated. Park Ridge-Niles School She added: "We urge all FOUNTAIN DRINK (S\ ORPOTATOCAKESWITH PURCHASE FOUNTAIN DRINK I (_sS\ ORPOTATOCAKESWITHPURCHASE I I Court dateset inex-trustee's District 64 isjeined ether members of the community OFCHICKEN CORDON BLEU I : WITHPURCHASEOrREUBEN WITH PURCHASE 0V orCHICKEN BACONSWISS districts across Illinois to er eny other Market Freche Sandwich or any other Crispy or Roost Chicken nranyotherCrispyorRoast I to recognize and thank I PECAN CHICKEN SALAD I h?P observe School Board Mcm' A rhg alfuliprice Arhg Sandwichatfuiiprtce J Arbf II ¡Jyi Chicken Sandwich at tuii price these seven dedicated indi- I __, r any other Market Freshn Sandwich I bers Day on Sunday. I at toil price viductls for their commit- I felonies As the community's elect- Valid thru11127109at participating Artys® resiaurants.Valid thru11/27/09at participating Arby's® restaurants. I attempt to expunge ment and contributions to I Valid thru11/27/09at participating Arbys® restaurants.I ValidHint 11/27/09at participating Axby'siTh restaurants. ed representatives, District ict valid with anvnther otter. i cpen_er pesoner vIsit.Not valid with any otheptte cnupon per persan per visit.Not valid with any other etter. i visitNstvaIii1tvithanyetherotter.1coun perpersan per vis I fly TONY BERTIJCA name cleared up." ly completed probation. 64 School Board members our public schools' The current District 64 [email protected] It was revealed in Febru. Despite newsofthe felony provide leadership and over- ary that Alpogianis had aconvictions and doubts as to sight for about 4,300 stu- Board of Education includes: 9 AcourtdateofApril4hascriminal record with sixwhether he could legally dents in grades kinder- John Heyde, president; Ge- serve, Alpogianis was elect- nie Taddeo, vice-president; $1 A been set in the civil suit offelony convictions for aggra- garten through eighth grade, secretary and, ed to the Board of Trustees and more than 600 staff Eric Uhli former Nues Trustee Georgevated battery dating back to . members Pat Fioretto, Rus- NEW SPECIALTY in April with the backing of members. Alpogianis against Cook his late teenyears in the mid- sell J. Gentile, Sharon Law- MINT CHOCOLATE m SANDWICH CHOICE lOBOs. Illinois law states that Mayor Robert Caliere and "They are the voice of the I County State's Attorney son and Ted Smart. Arh SWIRL SHAKE A Arb YOUR CHOICE OF ROAST BEEF convicted felonscannothold other candidates on his elate. community, ensuring that PATTY MELT. ROAST CHICKEN RANCH Anita Alvarez. decisions about local public Board members may be OR ROAST BEEF GYRO elected municipal office. But Alpogianis was late,' Alpogianis and his attor- schools are made by Llìode contacted via a special link Trd7g.aYoztidpa"' ney, Mike Lavelle, are seek- The felony convictions in forced to resign from office on the District 64 Web site, when Alvarez's office de- who are most familiar with ing a deciaratoryiudgmentquestion stem from a melee the needs of the communi- www.d64.org steting that Alpegianis is not in which Alpogianis claims dared he indeed had a felony a convicted felon and is cli-he was defending a girl who record and would have to gible to hold elected office. had been assaulted at astep down or face legal re- C Alpogianis says he's notparty. Alpogianis, who was moval, Message toreaders Alvarez's office has dc- looking for money. 19 at the time ofthe incident, George Alpogianis As part of improvementsyour paper will temporari- dined to comment on the "This isn't about money,"admitted he pleaded guilty April 4 at the Daley Center to serve our readers, includ-ly be delivered to you with- m he said. "I don't want anyto the battery charges but lawsuit. ing providing more color, out any staples. ANY MEDIUM FRY ANY MEDIUM FRY The preliminary hearing in Chicago. CHOOSE FROM CURLY FRIES OR money. All I want is my name claims his record was ex- cleaner print and easier We expect the paper to re- Arh Arh CHOOSE FROM CURLY FRIES OR is scheduled for 10:30 am. Corn,nent:pi005crleCal.Coflt POTATOCAKES POTATO CAKES cleared up and my family'spunged after he successful- numbering of pages, we turn to its original stapled have moved our production format by the middle of Jan- . to new presses. Pf!çthuiipthef)tfeTl As part of the transition, uary. I ANY MEDIUM ANY MEDIUM Arbfs FOUNTAIN DRINK Arb' FOUNTAIN DRINK I tostaur&Ti4I TVatidthn)11/27lO9 tipnitictpaIJrtpAthy roataurants. Offers go9d atparticipatung CUicagolandandNWIndiana Arby S® restaurants REGULAR I REGULAR CROAST BEEF1 SANDWICH CROASTBEEF1SANDWICH I m t,! REGULAR I REGULAR Arb BEEF 'N CHEDDAR Arb BEEF 'N CHEDDAR SANDWICH SANDWICH,. JOtOikIWlth any ohçotteç I doupon pepetson per EVERYTHING ½ OFF! SAVE AT LEAST 50% OFF original list prices. Crudit Cnrds, Cliedus and CenIt Accepted. C C . 'BRIENF . U & RS SONS :m REGULAR ROAST limit 5 per cnupnn. Limit 5 per ceupon. I I REGULAR ROAST 180 South EighthScrect (Rc. 31) Arhf BEEF SANDWICH Arh BEEF SANDWICH West Dundee, IL 60108 Unit 5 per CnepGfl. Linit5parcnupan. , .847,428,-49OQ ; Dr ofResurîectidn : H;uey In!' E'(iERYTHIÑG MUST BES&DÌ ' la t1r.' for a safeplace to hide tromtheOeeOf Heärts,irIte opeing cenes 'C Gr'eetinücaTdSAIIce (AbaigeaI'O'DdnneItYIO0I ... .î\acs 'u,.ClI i'urESLCflslcd SALE UoOrs.' Nov. 1. (AlIen Kaletalfor SIM) " . High Schools productihit óf 'Aitcein Wonderland" 4 tnews A PIONEER PRESS PUBLICATION newst 5 www.pioneerlocal.com Nl . THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 19, 2009 NI www.pioneerlocal.com LAST WEEK NORTH MAINE FIRE DEPARTMENT WEAREYOUR Nf LES NILES1-JERALI)- CRIMINAL CASE TOP FIVE STORiES SPEC'l'ATOR m 1. Westchester man SERVING READERS SINCE 1951 charged in murder INSIDE THIS WEEK Firefighters Pension BoardWill Blase finally of Wies man in CALENDAR 19 herald-spectator CROSSWORD Stone Park B36 A Westchester man has been FIXER 34 get sentence? charynd with murdering a tilles OPINION 12 fights $37,000 fine bystate have said the charges man who was shot dead Nov. 4 in By TONY BERTUCA against Blase stem from a west suburban Stone Park. Snapa photo. TeI a story. Send it in. POLICE BLOTTER li [email protected] By JENNIFER JOHNSON pension report was missing The Pension Board con- Cary Cotlins, attorney scheme to use to his mOu- Nicholas Caininn, 30, of Westcti- SCHOOLS 26 [email protected] ester was charged with murder in Be a part of the story - and the storytelling? There are photos and storieswe want ta pubtish In our new section, a signature page, and that tends that the signature representing the Pension A new date han been set once as mayor to steet St-IOWTIMES B3 the death sí Daniel llowalewskl Your Nifes Herlad-Spoetator. But we need your help. E-mail Assistant Managing Editor Matt Schmitz the document was not re- page was notarized and Board, declined to comment for the criminal sentenc-local businesses toward according ta police. The charge at mschmitz®pioneeriocal.com. YOURPAGE 30 The North Maine Fire De- ceived in its entirety until mailed Aug. 22, 2008, not on the lawsuit itself, but so,id ing offormer Nitos Mayor Wheeling insurance was appmvnd at 11.15 p cm tiny. 4. partment?s Firefighters Pen- 368 days after it was due. Aug. 3, 2009, as the Depart- the Pension Board should (OITOOIAL Nicholas Blanc, who plead- agency Ralph Weiner As- sion Board is disputing a As a result tise North ment of Insurance claims. have been granted a contin- L Oops? (ncorrect Azsjatint A4aneqlnq Edltor-tiew edguiltytofederal sociales. Mall Schmitz una, 524-4433 $313,800fineimposedMaine Pension Board was Court documents state that uance ofthe Aug. 4 hearing charges oftaxevasion and The agency paid Blase model of gov't E-mail. mschrnitz@pinneerlocal corn lax. ioiii 406-1495 against the board by a state fined $100 for each day the the secretary ofthe pension because the board was not mail fraud more than a $420,000 in kickbacks in assumed for half- TURKEY TALK MinagIne Edltoi-spoets agency. report was allegedly late,fund was not even made represented by an attorney. year ago. exchange for the arrange- A 4-year-old's ideal Thanksgiving nich Marlin in4ni 406-7401 According to documents plun a total of$224.25 in ad- aware that the signatureHe indicated he believes, century in NUes E-mail rrnarlin@ploneerlscal corn Blase is scheduled to be ment, which prosecutors The entire system of government recipe: I turkey. 6 cups of salt, serve Fac 10471303-3610 filed in Cook County Circuit ditional costs.
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