~- - ~----- Power of Voting Rock 'n' Roll Benefits Charity Page 6 Page 9 THURSDAY, ocrOBER I, 1992 BR YANT COLLEGE BOX 7 SMITHFIELD, R.I. 02917 VOLUME 60 NUMBER 18 Hatch Race Set to Run Sunday Weekend To Bubble Julia Arouclron and Cindy Galt ArchWuySlaffWrirers With Activities The Third Annual Kristen Hatch Lisa Lucchesi Comedian KJlwy Buckley of the Memorial Road Race will be held Archway StaffWn'lu Tonighl Show will be in the South Lbis Sunday. OcLOber4lh, The race Dining Room rrom 8:00-9:00 p,m. is sponsored by the Smithfield Li· Concerned students and staff arc And immediately foUowing in the on! Club in cooperation with Bry­ promoting a1cohol awareness with South DinIOg Room, there will be a am College. The event is expected 11 S.U.D.S. (Students Understand­ Pre-Race Carbo-Loading from 9:30 to draw aimOSI a thousand runners ing Drinking Sensibly) Weekend. until midnighL There will be free and walkers to the Bryant campus I This weekend will k.i ck off with a food in the dining room SO runner!> for the race which wiJl benefit the speech by Joan Hatch. concerned can pump up for the race. EVI!I'y(l1l(' Knsten Hatch Memorial Scholar­ fJ mother of Kristen Hatch who was is welcome. ship Fund. k.il led by a drunk dnver in theSpring TheS,U.D.S. weekend wasspon­ The race day is actually com­ of 1990. Since the timeofKristen's sated 10 compJimcm t.hc third an­ prised of three main eventS: a two­ dea th, the Hatch's have becomeac­ nual Kristen Hatch Memorial Road mile alcohol awareness walk, aone-. tive in promoting alcohol aware­ Race which will begin Sunday's mile fun run, and a TAC-certified ness among the community and schedule of event... Immediately and New England Athletics Con­ among studentS. following the race there will be a gresssanclioned live mileroadrace. • After Mrs. Hatch's speech on fri­ Car Wash outside the MAC from The honorary race chalOnan this day, there will be a SuperSportsPre­ 9:00 a.m, to 2:00 p.m . year is Mike Sands, dL-;c jockey al Reg in lhe Uni."tructure and Bryant All alcohol will be taken out or 933 WSNE in Providence. Sands (Bicycle Calibrated by Ray Nelson) Center. and at8:00p.m. there will be the Comfort on Sunday for a Hard got involved in lheevem because he 010 COUl5e R.ecor~ M.ile· Paul Oug1Iall2S 00 FemroJe t.~ Heao 29:00 aComedy Nightat lhcCountry Com­ Mock Care from 7:00-11 :00 p.m. "feels strongly about drinking and fort. Friday will also be Dress Down Mock-tails will be served. Back.-Ie­ It I day ror any staff members ....oo wish Back will perform, and 11 Karaoke driving in society. is something The 5 mile route for TIle Third Annual LO donate 52 towards the Kri!>1en machine will be on hand for those can auach myself to, and do some· Kristen Hatch Memorial Road Race. thing good for thecommunilY in the Hatch Scholanhip Fund.. who want 10 s.howC3.'it: their mus;i­ process." Sands slaled he was "eJt­ Theone mile fun run will begm route 7 .ud end at the Enlr)' Coolrul On SalW'day th erewlU beaoothcr cal talentS. All road race WOrkers cited and honored" to be nlUTled al I Uam lit the tenms COutb. lb~ .)UlI.k>R. Super Sports PrO-Reg to Ihe Will have free aumJltance, and :111 honorary chair and said It give him eour;c will cover the bact athlctic Special pnlCS Will go !lut to lhr: UnlsUllcture and Brydnt Comer. proceed" willgl> IOthc Kr~.. tcn H3k.h the opportunity to "make :1 ltuJe field. imramural footooll fielcb.lhe firsl lrualc and IcnuJc SmllhfJC.td f"rom noon unlil ll:OO p.m. there ScholatShlp Fund, difference." track and softball fields. Thisis the residents who complete the t'DCe, will be 3 Super Spons dsy in the S.U.D.S. buttoos will be given Bryant professor Pat Keeley will first mile of the cross country Men's and ladits "CI!Ucn Qu:utt" MAC filled With miOl·toumaments out this weekend to denote anyone be the emcee for the days events. course. watches weredonated by EmpbrJim of goJ(. basketball, volleyball,lUg­ who knOws someone. or has per­ The IWO mile A1cohol Aware­ The five mileroad race will begin OoumalO 1ewelers. Doumato is a of-war, frisbee, and more. S.U.D.S. s(lDally been affec.led by drinking ness Walk will begin at 9am on at Ilam and will be the reverse o( Bryant AJumnus. Other first place Bubbles will begiven OU ltOpar1k:i· and drivmg. or any other alcohol Jacobs Drive by the Entry ConlIOl last year's course 10 eliminate the prizes donated Include two all-tec­ pant! in Super Spons '92. related tragedy. Station. Thewalk will followrou!CS difficult hill on Bmyton Road the rain bicycles from Now Courier, 7 and 116 up IOJoon Mowry Road runners of the pastlWo years have Inc. and Duxbtll)' and Ray Insur­ where they wil1 re-enter campus by dreaded. The runners wlU start on ance. Two 13-inch coklr television theCountryComfort.. ThewaIkwiU route 7. then lUm onlO Rogier Farm SCts were danaled by Richard R. Bryant Still A"Best" progress through thcdormitory vil­ Road, up Brayton Road. across Zelano Insurance Agency and lage. past the UnislruclUfe and routeS 104&5 and Farnum Pike, Gold'sGym in Smithfield, Thereis Pam Barry best overall business school, Bry­ MAC. and end al the tennis cowu. down route 11 6,and then back onto conHrtued, IIood Roc_, pofJfI J and NiJ:1:i Btllive(lJ4 ant was ranked as lhe number one Archway Staff Writers buy in business schools. The U.s. Newsand World R~port Recently. Btyant College wa.<;: ranks these school on the basis 01 Prolessor Is President-Elect rctnked in US. News and World the quality of the faculty, thc Rtporl' s" America's Best Colleges" school 's rcpur.ation, the lmount of Marguerite K. Phillips with ideas on various professional atlicle as thenumbcr t!tree busine.'-.,; money spent per student student Archway Sro/fWrjttr topics, and on lhc lypeS; of commit­ school in thenation. This iSlbelhird scores on high school ScholiL<;lir: lees that can be formed wit.hin the slraight year that Bryant has been Aputude Tests and class rank Accounting professor Kathleen .society. Thus far, ProfessorSimons within the top three in this reJX)n Siudent s:uisfaclion, faculty re· Simons has recently been inducted has recently gone to Orlando. In the rilnkings, Babson received sources, and student s:e IOCtivily arc into the Rhode Island Society of Floridatoaeoofcrence.Simoossays a score of 100. Beniley a 94,2 and somc of the top rcasous Bryant Cenilied Public Acco untants as the society helps her with profes­ Bryant an 87,9 foroverall bus.mess College is rocognrzed year aftcrycar President-Elect Ms. Simons has sional contaCtS, which can "funnel schools. Although Bryanl placed us one of the best business schoo l ~ been a member of the society since students to professional places:' or behind Babson and Bentley for the in the COWltry. 1983andhasheldano£nceposition enable her 10 give students usefuj forsix years; rmtas Treasurer, then accounting information. Best Business Schools Ranked as Secretary_ She bas also been on SimonsnewposlLionpreparesher the B03rd of Directors. forthePrcsidency which she will be 1, Babson 2. Bonlley 3. Bryant TheRhodeJslandSocietyofCcr- inducted intoneltl May. One of her tified Public Accountants consists plans is to "set up" a road race to 100.0 879, of 1,315 different classes of ac- raise money for scholarships, Overall Score 94.2 countanlS.suchasCPA's,academic What advice would Simons give Academle Fkiputation" , 2 5 accountants, and members not in to sophomores and juniors prepar­ Student Seleclivity , 2 3 publicpracticcllSweU. Thcorgani· ing for a career in accounting? Facolty Resources , 2 3 zaOOn "advances the professional Simons, who has a doctorate in ae- Anaocial Resources , 3 4 standardsofaccoontingand ... main- counung, and has worked as a tax al Bryanl, besides the twO offered St~ent ~tiStaclion 2 4 3 tainslhccOOeofprofessionalelhics and public accountant, has some now. for accountams." very useful hints. First.. she sug- LasUy, Simons suggests studen ts Business College "Best Buys" (Bas~ on tuitiQf\) J The society also offers CPE or gests students take more courses "take advantage of the course... of- 1, 8fyat1t Cotlege $11,653 ~ Continl1ingProfes.<;ionai Education. lh.3.n the 120 credits that are re- fered:' and "gello know the pro(es· 2/8enlfey College $12,000 t This is designed 10 help accoun· quired. Counes such as Taxes II, son: on the accounting staff' be- ~J tants maintain their license, and in Auditing II, a theory course, and an cause they are "gOOd sources" for These rctSUlls appear ~ the sbdh annual ~ltlon of order 10 stay with the program, one internship are suggestoo. In addi- advice and for future professional U_S. Ntlw. & World Report's needs 120 hoursofCPE every three lion, she would like 10 see more contacts. ~ America's Best CqUeges." I ___l~ "'___ .C_ o_n_fere__ m<__ s_· ~__ e_he _l _d _~_h_e~lp___ el_ ec_u_-v_e_M<__ o_ un_u_'n~g_~____ s_ o_U_ered__________________________ ~ ======'''==~~§~'''==~=O=I=I=~=~=i~==f=~==eg==h=tm==aod===S=bo==fryQ==~=W,=, ====~ --------- -2- THE--A-R-C-H-W-A-Y-----------0 P INION ----------;;;TH=U"'R"'SD""A.,-Y'"'.--;O"'cr=O:::S:::E::::R:-:-.7' ,9"'9"'2 Reminder: Students Take a Stand Run to Remember Responses to President's Veto of Family Leave Bill To the Edi tor: concerns many stUdents here, and we thank you again EveI)' college campus nas several major weekends throughout for your support ••," the year.
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