SERVING THE STORRS COMMUNITY We?thor Established 1896 Tue <dsy fair and Circulation somewhat warmer.. 6,000 (Emtttttttnit (Eammta Storrs, Connecticut, Monday, April 21, 1952 No, 72 Vol. XXXVIII Sprcoding The Welcome Mat Return On Milk Bottles To Cut N.C Food Prices By Robert K.ipuat* Plans For Junior A University Creamery decision to extend credit to the North Campus Dining Hall for milk bottles returned from the incinerator Weekend In Final will "definitely" reduce the pi ice of food to the students, according to Albert Bollen, director of dining halls. Stages Says Levine Interest in the dining hall Badger To Talk At problem came as a result of sev- eral articles in The Campus aft- Plans for the Junior Weekend er losses incurred from non-re- are in their final stages, announc- Insurance Lecture turned bottles and other facilities ed Benjamin Levine, co-chairman were quoted at $2515 since Sep- of this year's traditional event. Sherwin C. Badger, financial tember. Featuring Woody Herman and his vice-president of the New Eng- Labor Expensive orchestra, the annual Junior land Mutual Life Insurance Com- Up to the present time, the prom will introduce the weekend pany, will speak on the topic dining hall has not been given on Friday, May 16. "Investment Trends In Life In- credit for missing bottles, because An innovation in decoration surance" at 7 p.m. Wednesday in the labor cost in cleaning the schemes will be a "storm of col- Home Economics 123. bottles returned from the incin- ors" produced by the lighting ef- This will be the third lecture erator was too expensive. Bottles fect of tiny spotlights of colors in a series on insurance sponsor- are ordinarily cleaned by means Bene-eK—rhoio Po-1 which resemble stars. The idea ed by the New York Life Insur- of an $8,000 automatic bottle Delegates to the Women's Student Government Association's an- is being introduced by a decor- ance Company under the auspices washer at a cost of one tenth nual Regional Conference this weekend are greeted above in Sprague ating firm from New Haven of the School of Business Admin- of a cent per bottle but those re- hall by Connecticut participants. Sealed, from left to right, are which has furnished decorations istration. turned from the incinerator were Letty Arpaia. Irene Steindl, WSGC president-elect, and Mildred P. for dances at Dartmouth, Rhode in such poor condition that 50% French, assistant director of student personnel in charge af wom- Island, Boston University and first had to be washed in the en's affairs. several other colleges. sink by hand, according to Leon- The Sigma Chi Derby has been ard Dowd, associate professor in incorporated as part of the Sat- charge of the Creamery. urday program in the early aft- Dowd stated, however, that the ernoon. Tentative plans are be- current batches brought in Delegate Rates Uconn ing formulated for an off cam- "seemed to be getting better" pus picnic at a resort where there and that he had planned to con- are facilities for boating, swim- tact Albert Bollen, director of WSG As Conservative ming, a hot dog roast, and a dining halls to arrange for a par- dinner dance in the later eve- tial credit agreement. "We'll By Dorothy Wnlpple ning. probably give them half credit," Highlighting the program Sun- Dowd added. "Women's student government at Connecticut is rather conserv- day, is an outdoor "Pops" con- ative," commented one of the delegates to the Women's Student cert to be presented by the Uni- Recent figures have shown that Government Association regional conference held here last week- versity Band under the direction bottle losses amount to $1,986.90 end. of Andrew McMullan at the rear since last September, and the The Campus, interviewing delegates from six of the eight schools of Hawley Armory. Umbrella greater part of the loss was a re- attending the conference in an attempt to discover how women's tables are being furnished and re- sult of bottles lost when stu- student government at Connecticut compares with student govern- freshments will be served. dents threw them in refuse bar- Sherwin C. Badger rels. ment at other schools, found that Uconn ranks with the more con- (Continued on Page 3) servative univeisities and colleges. Badger joined the New Eng- Partial Credit Helps At Connecticut, The University land Mutual Life Insurance Com- Albert Bollen, director of din- of Vermont, and Bates, women's' ^N ■• • r SkiKofunia To Be pany in 1940 as a financial ing halls said that any partial student government has only the VUeS+IOnnaireS h0lf ^KITSOTUn,<1 ' " UC analyst. In 1951, he was named credit would "certainly help a power to recommend legislation. financial vice-president. lot" since the value of the bottle All such recommendations must Critique This Week | Held This Tuesday He is a member of the Joint losses was approximately 80% of the entire cost of missing dining be approved by the administra-: Committee on Valuation of As- tive head of women's affairs. Questionnaires for the Course In a tour of dormitories last sets of the American Life Con- hall facilities since September. The suggestion of using paper Bates students are at present Critique are expected to be week John Vlandis, chairman of vention and the Life Insurance eontainers instead of bottles was attempting to institute a faculty handed out this week, revealed Skitsofunia, urged students to at- Association of America, and of advisory committee of which the I Artiaco, chairman of the I tend the second annual skit corn- the Life Insurance Association made, but Dowd stated that even Lou though losses in the past year dean of women will be a mem-' student Senate Committee. petition tomorrow night. ' The Investment research Committee. ber. "We feel," stated one Bates : six thousand questionnaires show was very successful last He is also a trustee of the have been high, the substitution Bond Investment Trust of Ameri- of paper containers would cost delegate, "that such a committee WJU be issued to students as they , year and we hope to make it a popular tradition," he stated. ca and a director of the Gas In- the University four times as (Continued on Page 5) (Continued on Page 5) Several of the fraternity and dustries Fund, Inc. much. "The reason is that con- sorority meetings scheduled foi In addition to being author of tainers cost two and a half cents Tuesday night will be postponed a regular newspaper financial a piece and could only be used Co-ed Weekend To Turn so members can attend the af- column, Badger has written for one trip where bottles nor- fair. many articles for various finan- mally have twenty times the f trippage," he explained. "Extra acts are planned to run cial publications. between the skit competitions,'' Tables On Date Tradition said Vlandis. A surprise number featuring faculty members was Students Hunt For Bugs; The "boy meets girl" tradition! couples will also vote for a stressed by Vlandis, who guar- will be completely reversed this Campus King, Campus Jester, anteed it "well worth seeing, win De compile y , ramn„s smoothie and CamDUS Finalists who will appear to- Friday night when the girlsto- [SlS^SL^iSSS morrow night are Hokombh.lL Hit On Something Bigger nish everything from punch to ^ ^ women,s dormitory Kappa Alpha Theta, Delta Zeta, corsages at the annual Coed For- ] and screened by a co.ed commit- Alpha Epsilon Phi, Lambda Chi University students Elmer F. Carlson snatched the bugs as mal the first event of Co-ed| Pictures of two candidates Alpha and Phi Tau Eta. tee Carlson and Edward Recor will i they hit against the windshield Weekend. ' for each office will be on display Judges for the show which be- i now probably agree that there is of the car. an easier way to catch bugs than All was going according to snagging them off the windshield plan till Carlson spotted "one make corsages of "anything but will be a Saturday afternoon at JOT ancand Walter R. Ihrke of the !• of a moving car. But it requir- big" insect on the windshield of flowers" to present to their dates the Fenton River, a brunch from faculty. ed an unfortunate accident to. the car and reached out to grab Friday night. The best creation • 10 a.m. until noon on Sunday convince them of the fact. it, State Police said. will be chosen by the patrons, I and a co-ed swim from 2 to 5 Senate Banquet Last Thursday Carlson and Re- The car swerved off the road and the winner will be announc-1 p.m. Sunday in Guyer gym- cor decided to make easy work | and crashed into a tree. The stu- ed at the dance, she revealed. nasium. Costs of the weekend The Alumni banquet for out- ! of a classroom assignment to': dents were taken to the infirm- "The girls are expected to in- are $3.80 for the dance and $1 going senators will be held to- catch insects. The two students ary and examined by Dr. Good- vite the boys, pay for the tickets, for the picnic, night at the Hartford City acquired a car and began their child. Recor remained in the in- and pick up their dates Friday Late permission for women is Club in Hartford at 6:30 p.m. "bring 'em back, dead or alive" firmary overnight for observa- night as well as check their 2 a.m. Friday night, although Buses will leave from Hawley project down North Eagleville tion, but according to Goodchild, coats'at the door and get them they must be in the dormitories Armory at 5:30 p.m.
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